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More things than one make me think this introduction is a bad idea

I used to be a stranger

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Hello Blue, and welcome to MLP Forums! I always love seeing Canadian members join, but finally having a fellow Vancouverite here is just awesome.


I appreciate that you took the time to write up such a long, detailed introductory post chronicling your history with online communities and Friendship is Magic. Please accept my apology in advance for not replying with a wall of text myself, but rest assured I read through every last word you wrote. :)


Pleasant morrow, fellow creatures. First and foremost I'll have it known that I've been told my method of speaking (or rather, typing) is occasionally emotionless, so pray forgiveness at the prospect of any of my candor or bluntness if it ever rubs off as pretentious or cold.

That said, I'll give a discourse about myself, since it seems the defacto behavior in this subforum, although I doth protest to every user creating their own thread, compared to having a single large thread, but I'll defer seeing as I'm the greenhorn around here.

Everyone's writing style is different, and I think you'll find that we enjoy diversity around here. So don't worry too much about how you "sound" to us. As for letting all new members have their own intro threads, it helps ensure that every member gets their own little space on the site where they can ask basic questions and enjoy some personal attention. I've never liked the "introduce yourself in this mega thread" approach, and once had my intro completely ignored on a site that did it that way.


You must picture me alone in that room in [Vancouver], night after night, feeling, whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of [them] whom I so earnestly desired not to [adore]. That which I greatly feared had at last come upon me. In the [Winter season of 2011] I gave in, and admitted that [Ponies were kind of cool], and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all [Canada].

-Paraphrased from Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis.

I love the eloquent wording you/C.S. Lewis used. Trust me - being assimilated into the herd is only the beginning.



Anywho, Accursed Farms; one user, named AlphaBetaGamma, had this weird fascination with these cartoony horse-like creatures with exasperating cuteness and enormous eyes. At the time I prided myself in being quite immune to cuteness, although the powers that be seem to be ebbing away at that in more ways than I thought possible.

Being a reasonable fellow it didn't take me long to inform myself about the subject matter in order to gather a more balanced opinion, although I did so while avoiding watching the show itself for quite a nominal amount of time. In August the solace was broken to just see "what it was all about" and thus committed myself to watching all of Season 1 within the space of one week. To be perfectly honest the show I didn't consider to be spectacular. Having gone to school for digital animation, the show wasn't anything special whatsoever technically speaking, in the same way Spongebob Squarepants or The Simpsons aren't. But I admit even today that the artistic design is charismatic to the point of addicting, which brings us to today so to speak.

The casual annoyance turned into a casual piqued curiosity which now is a passive interest. It pales in comparison to my far greater focus on Apologetics and Biblical History but thusfar joining this forum is the biggest conflagration of my interest since last week when I thought to myself "Screw it all" and spent two days reading fan-fictions. (Of Which I heartily recommend Macintosh).

As far as the interest has carried though, I have the same regard (or more accurately, complete lack of) for Cupcakes as I do the Saw movies, and any sort of infringement on what could possibly be interpreted as Rule 34 I have the same loathing for as any sort of Porn. The recalcitrant nature of those sorts of interests in the balled-up generalization I had in my mind back in the Summer that I called "Bronies" came out one day as saying "I would rather die than be called a Brony". While it's an obtuse statement, I still stand by a certain adamantine resolve not to be called a Brony since I'd much rather be generally classified as a Christian or perhaps Aloof Bachelor.


So it was the whimsical art style, more so than the show itself, that won you over? Well, kudos for having the maturity to look at a show filled with cartoon ponies neutrally and being patient enough to research and try it out. Unfortunately, MLP:FiM receives an awful lot of undeserved hate from people who are quick to label anything that lacks blood as pointless and stupid. MLP:FiM isn't exactly the most intellectual show ever, but I personally love it partly because it reminds me of the Cartoon Network classics I watched when I was little - Tom & Jerry, Dexter's Lab, and the like. Ah, good times.


I don't like the term "brony" all that much, either, but it has become synonymous with "pony fan" so I'd suggest getting used to it early on - you're going to be hearing it a lot.


Most definitively though I do have a positive opinion of My Little Pony, and if I could, I would make fan-art at a much greater capacity than I currently do.

The overlap between my interests and the broader interests of Bronies at large seem smaller than I would like however. Doesn't stop me from trying from time to time either way.

What exactly is it that interests you as a fan? Bronies are one of the more diverse fandoms I've seen, and I'm sure you'll run into others who are interested in the same aspect of the fandom as you. If it's impossibly trivial debates over minute show details you're after, you'll find lots of that around here.


In regards to my favourite pony, I like all six mane characters equally much with the exception of Twilight I like slightly more, since believe it or not I seriously think part of her mentality is inspired by the NASA gusto of the 70s like Chris Kraft and Eugene Kranz (funny stories, ask me about them some time). Either her or Big Macintosh since I relate to him the most. Or resemble him.

Woo, Twilight! +400 cupcakes for you. :D


Anyway, I never really introduced myself. I'm Feld0, one of MLP Forums's two founders and its owner. I sincerely hope you enjoy your first pony forum, and want you to know that Kurtiss and I are always open to feedback. If you ever run into any issues or have an idea to improve the site, feel free to start a topic in Administration Station or get in touch with us anytime!

  • Brohoof 1

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Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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First and foremost, let me apologize for not completely reading your introduction; it's simply too long for my mind to comprehend in such a sleep deprived stupor at the moment. I wanted to welcome you to the forums now, though, while it was on my mind, and so that you don't feel like everypony is utterly ignoring you in these wee hours.


So, with that out of the way: Welcome to MLP Forums, the greatest place for any fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to possibly discover on the internet, run by the absolute best administration I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, Feld0 (Twilight Sparkle) and Kurtiss. You will not be disappointed by the generosity shown by the admins or the members here, provided you show it in kind, of course. I am also sure that you will not be poked at for your way of speaking. I for one, from only reading the first paragraph, find it quite refreshing and an excellent example of proper grammar, which is never a bad thing.


I suppose writing up a wall of text without properly reading yours would be fairly rude, so I'll cut this off and away for now, but I shall return at a later time to read the remainder of your post after I have had some sleep. Should I decided to post more after that point, you may indeed be in for quite the wall of pink letters coming your way. Until then, I bid you adieu.


Edit: I also apologize for ripping "First and foremost" directly from your post; I hadn't even realized at first that you had also said that.

Edited by Fluttershy
  • Brohoof 2
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Heya Blue, Welcome to the forums!


First off I must say, that's one heck of a welcome post, in a good way of course!


As a matter of fact, I had big ol' wall of text detailing responses to your paralleling of C.S. Lewis's recollections on god, the correlation between a forums size and the associated feeling of community, the coining of the term "brony" and a whole array of other such twaddle deliberation. Alas, being the genius I am I managed to backspace out of the page, and my short essay was lost to the void.


Much rage was had, so I'm sorry but this slap up of a welcome will have to suffice, at least for the time being.


Oh and regarding your concerns of creating a pretentious display, and the associated TL;DR posters, I'm happy to inform you that such users are essentially non existent around these parts; you put the effort in to convey something, and we'll give you a thought out response.

Edit: *looks below* oh the irony, well I suppose I said virtually non existent :P.


Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time here!

Edited by Swoop


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Eh, too long for my taste c:


Welcome to the herd fellow brony :D


I hope your stay here is as long and enjoyable as mine has been!


If you have any questions, do not be afraid to ask me.


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I read from the beginning to the end. I must say, I understand your lack of respect for those that enjoy fics like "Cupcakes" (Which you may notice a connection to now) and the R34 (which's viewers we simply have to love and tolerate) which is the one that should be hidden deeper in the depths of the internet anyway, so the more "innocent" fans can remain happy.

So such, I shall grant you a 100% normal cupcake as a welcome gift. ^^

Meanwhile, it's nice to see a real christian in the internet that is NOT trolling. I would say it's a :D "Rarity" :D.

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Actually when I TL DR I never use the ; :P

Hello and welcome to the forums, thank you for taking the time to write a long introduction



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Lots of my interests aren't bad or uncouth, most of them are simply nuanced. Like infrastructure engineering, steam locomotives and aircraft.


Then you'll feel right at home here. :)


I have no inflection to sucking up to the Forum admin just for brownie points, but I must say, it is esteem-able to have a master forum administrator frequenting the new users in order to greet them, like the Captain of a well-run ship.


While I have the opportunity, I'd like to state my thusfar annoyance with my natural habit of linking and imaging in forums using typed BB code tags, and I've had to make several edits in the recent past in order to counter links ending up broken or with improper syntax because the code mixes up with the text editor within the formatting box. Is there a way around that?


The editor can be a little glitchy when switching between "rich" mode and "code" mode with multiple topics open (I saw that all the code in your post fell apart, so I restored an earlier version from the edit history).


There are several ways to add images to your post on this forum. I recommend using the attachment system (accessible when you click "More Reply Options") which avoids IMG tags completely and automatically thumbnails them. But if you do want to use an off-site image, I recommend adding it with the "Insert Image" button in the editor - a popup will prompt you for the URL, which you can simply paste, and the image will appear in the editor.


Manually-typed IMG codes work, too, regardless of the mode the editor is in. However, when adding the image URL between the tags, ensure it has not been inserted as a link (e.g.: it appears blue). If it has, move the cursor to the URL and remove the link with the "Unlink" button (found right beside "Insert Image").


Hope that helps.

Twilight SIG 8.png

Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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