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open Everfree Wanderer

Ice Princess Silky <3

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@Ocean Wavedream (( We can start here nwn )) *is so excited* >w<

Rustling of leaves should be heard as they brushed up against each other in the wind. "Meep!" Something touched her tail, Star Silk would swiftly pivot on the spot to look back. "Oh," she'd breathe a sigh of relief, "It's just the plants. Gosh," looking around, "Everything here looks so strange." Her nerves were always on end whenever she would wander through the Everfree Forest. 

She'd take some cautious steps forward and look around with blue curious eyes. "I've read about this plant. They should bloom under the lunar petals... " she'd mutter under her breath.

The little pink mare had the presentability of someone who was well groomed, cared about her appearance with a hint of fashion to the function of her traveling gear. But she had a face of determination, as though she wasn't afraid to go on adventures and get dirty every once in a while. 

Edited by Star Silk
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Peppermint was also wandering the Everfree Forest at the time. As a botanist, she was obsessed with plants, and the Everfree Forest was well known for having some of the strangest kinds of plants. Magic worked differently in the Everfree Forest, and it caused the plants there to have strange properties. For example, the infamous poison joke. She always wondered how that plant caused different symptoms to different ponies, but it was impossible to examine. However, that wasn't the only mysterious plant in the Everfree Forest. Currently, she was looking for a lunar flower.

She noticed that another pony nearby, also looking around intently. She heard that Zecora lives here and is usually seen gathering plants, but that pony definitely was not Zecora. She was pink, with a purple mane. It appeared that she was also searching for something, though it now looked like she had found it, whatever it could be.

"Well, it certainly is unusual to see somepony else out here..." She mumbled, "Hello?" She shouted at the other pony.

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4 minutes ago, Ocean Wavedream said:

Peppermint was also wandering the Everfree Forest at the time. As a botanist, she was obsessed with plants, and the Everfree Forest was well known for having some of the strangest kinds of plants. Magic worked differently in the Everfree Forest, and it caused the plants there to have strange properties. For example, the infamous poison joke. She always wondered how that plant caused different symptoms to different ponies, but it was impossible to examine. However, that wasn't the only mysterious plant in the Everfree Forest. Currently, she was looking for a lunar flower.

She noticed that another pony nearby, also looking around intently. She heard that Zecora lives here and is usually seen gathering plants, but that pony definitely was not Zecora. She was pink, with a purple mane. It appeared that she was also searching for something, though it now looked like she had found it, whatever it could be.

"Well, it certainly is unusual to see somepony else out here..." She mumbled, "Hello?" She shouted at the other pony.

Star Silk was a strange pony indeed, strapped in traveling gear, equipped with a plant snipper and a dagger to also help in cutting more stubborn or mysterious roots, but she was not looking too prepared to use it. She was looking tense, her teeth chattering with dread as suddenly she'd hear a shout, "Hello" and instantly her hair would briefly stand on edge like a scared cat. "AHHHHH!!!!" 

Her voice would echo throughout the forest, resonating against the trees and bouncing back. Ooof. "So much for being discreet," she'd mumble, then gently turn to the direction of which the voice had some from. "I..." she would lightly blush from embarrassment of the moment. "Who is there?" 

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Peppermint watched as the other pony panicked, apparently, she also wasn't expecting somepony else to be in the Everfree Forest. The other pony then turned around to face Peppermint. Then, she asked who Peppermint was.

From the other pony's perspective, she would see a mint colored young female earth pony, with a brown mane that had red and white streaks in it. She might also notice Peppermint's cutie mark, which was mint leaves on a peppermint swirl.

"Well, I was about to ask you the same question. My name's Peppermint, and I'm a botanist. The Everfree Forest is known for having some very unusual plants with mysterious properties, and I'm studying them. What is your excuse to be here?" Peppermint asked in a joking kind of way. She stuck her hoof out to shake it.


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Star Silk observed the mint colored pony and observed the cutie mark which seemed to validate her reason for being there. The pink pegasus would find herself relaxing, recovering from the shock and extending her hoof to shake Peppermint's out of courtesy. "I'm Star Silk," she'd manage a smile. She still seemed a little shaken.

"I'm here for the same reason but I am not used to seeing other ponies here, well, apart from a silly one who decided to play his guitar in the middle of nowhere. But, he was rather peculiar and smelled like citrus," with a soft giggle as she'd recount the encounter. "Maybe you can help me? I'm looking for the mysterious gem root!" 

She'd glance around, "It's a plant that has a gem at the center of the root. I use those for regeneration potions." With a sheepish smile, Star Silk would adjust the hood around her head, hoping not to be so easily identified. She wasn't used to people associating her with potions but rather beauty or health products. 

And then, in that moment, there seemed to be a growl. Her scream from earlier seemed to have provoked something to stir nearby in the mysterious forest.


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When Star Silk introduced herself, Peppermint couldn't help but to feel like it rang a bell somewhere.

Star Silk, I'm certain I have heard that before, but where? 

Peppermint had trouble connecting the dots due to the fact that Star Silk had covered most of herself. Peppermint figured that it probably wasn't important. Peppermint listened intently as Star Silk described what she was looking for.

"Ah yes, the radix crystal plant is well known for it's regenerative properties..." Peppermint started.

She was interrupted by a loud growling sound. Just because Peppermint was a botanist didn't mean she couldn't be an animals expert too. She recognized that growling noise immediately. 

"Timberwolves!" she whispered to Star Silk, "Run!"

Timberwolves were known for lurking in the Everfree Forest. They were made of sticks and could be smelled a kilometer away, and they were almost impossible to fight. Despite being quite fast, Peppermint argued that their best bet was to just run out of the Everfree Forest. They were pretty close to the edge anyways.

Edited by Ocean Wavedream


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Star Silk's eyes would widen with horror as she'd hear the urgency of Peppermint's tone. *Meep* 
She'd look around to ascertain where the source of the wolves were coming from, then run in the opposite direction to avoid them. "Don't worry," the pegasus would leap over a thick tree root and then duck under another, "Keep going!" She'd call out. She just needed a few moments, just a few moments now to just gather something from her satchel. But there didn't seem to be a moment's time as they continued the pace. Finally, she'd stop behind a tree and look back, digging her muzzle into her satchel to procure a white chalk.

With this white chalk, and her heart beginning to race, she would begin to trace what appeared to be primitive runes. She'd jolt back out of sight to make sure that the wolves couldn't see her.

The clanking of glass bottles could be heard as she'd procure a potion of neon green liquid. Its consistency was thick but fluid enough to scatter over the runes as they'd suddenly catch a green glow before disappearing.

"There!" Star Silk would say with a triumphant nod. "That ought to do it."



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Peppermint followed Star Silk closely, weaving her way through the thick forest. She hoped that the Timberwolves would have trouble following them through the branches due to their larger body size and mass. Peppermint watched as Star Silk dug through her satchel while avoiding any branches and roots. When Star Silk suddenly stopped behind a tree, Peppermint almost tripped over in surprise.

"What are you doing? we can see the edge of the forest over there!" Peppermint pointed out. She was kind of surprised that Star Silk had stopped, but she admitted to herself that she would have also needed a moment to catch her breath.

Peppermint watched as Star Silk drew some runes with a white piece of chalk, before pouring a neon green liquid on it. Peppermint stared at the runes, then at Star Silk, then back again.

"What is that supposed to do? Aren't we supposed to be fleeing?" Peppermint asked.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Star Silk would observe just how patient Peppermint was with observing and even waiting for her. What a noble thing to do! But Starry made no comment, Peppermint had a point, the edge was near. She'd quickly join her companion to the very end of the forest, the hood of her cloak bouncing over her head until a branch would snag it off behind her completely, revealing her full mane with golden streaks, a single swirl that even appeared to be a crescent moon from time to time -- fitting, considering her love of magic.

"Wait!" Making it to what appeared to a safe spot, she would ask that Peppermint conceal herself, "Let's see what happens..." And with that she waited patiently for the timber wolves to cross the invisible barrier. She wondered what would happen next. 


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Peppermint followed Star Silk to the edge of the forest. She gasped when the cloak snagged off of Star Silk.

No wonder why I thought she looked familiar. I still don't know where I have seen her before though... How would I ask her though? I can't just say "Where have I seen you before?"...

They stopped at a spot a safe distance away from the runes and watched.

Soon enough, Peppermint noticed the awful smell from the Timberwolves.

"They are here," Peppermint whispered to Star Silk as she ducked. She watched as the Timberwolves tried to run through the space in between the runes, only to collide with an invisible barrier, breaking up into the wooden pieces that made them up.

"Huh, I still have no idea how it worked, but it worked..." Peppermint whispered to herself as she got up. She dusted herself off and looked at Star Silk curiously.

Edited by Ocean Wavedream


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Despite the incredible view and success of the Timber wolves colliding, Star Silk would appear as a filly being shown her favorite toy. She'd delighted and trotted in place to celebrate. "I... I can't believe it. It worked!" She'd jump, "Woohoo!" The green necklace dangling from around her neck as she'd gracefully make it back to her feet.

"That means their mechanisms are held together by magic," she was curious enough to want to go back, but the stench of the wolves had truly discouraged her. And she felt they might have had their fair share of adventures. "The elphenite," she whispered to herself before her eyes would be fully focused in the present. She'd then turn her gaze over to Peppermint. "So much for finding the plant that I needed," she giggled then looked the mare over to ensure there weren't any cuts, scratches or visible wounds. "Are you feeling okay?" Her big blue eyes were curiously checking for even the slightest sign of distress or discomfort.


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Peppermint was amused how excited Star Silk was about her runes working. Peppermint still didn't understand it, but she just decided to roll along with it. It wasn't exactly her area of expertise. Perhaps she could ask Star Silk about it some more when the opportunity arose.

She mulled over what Star Silk said about the Timberwolves being held together by magic. Magic in the Everfree Forest worked in mysterious ways, and Peppermint loved figuring out how exactly so, but Timberwolves were kind of hard to study. She wasn't a very big fan of them anyways.

When Star Silk asked if she was ok, Peppermint looked over herself. She didn't feel any pain, and from the looks of it, she was fine. "I'm feeling fine," she said and she dusted herself off some more. She looked at Star Silk in a way that suggested that Star Silk should decide what to do next.

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Star Silk was smiling warmly at Peppermint, nodding once with approval upon seeing that she was fine. "That's great. Thank goodness that the threat is finally over." She'd lightly walk over to the mint green mare before halting on the spot. Her aquamarine eyes widening in alarm as she froze in horror. "Oh no... d-did I speak too soon?!" There was a low buzzing sound permeating through the trees. Star Silk would leap to Peppermint's side, looking around for the strange, invading sound. Ready to protect her new friend, she reached for the glowing little amulet around her neck. "The elphenite," she'd muttered. "Don't worry, I'll keep us safe."

The low rumble of the machine emanating from Collapse's contraption would slowly grow louder. Until she would arrive before them. Another pony? Wait. A Unicorn? Flying?! How could s unicorn fly?! Star Silk was as bemused by this concept as people were about her not being a unicorn yet capable of manipulating magic in some way or form.

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Peppermint looked up as she heard a low rumble sound in the air. She couldn't see anything through the thick leaves of the forest though.

"What in Equestria?" She whispered to herself. She watched as this mysterious unicorn lowered herself through the trees. She appeared to be wearing some kind of armor that allowed her to fly.

"This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Next thing you know, a human is going to appear or something..." She mumbled. She kept a close eye on whoever this pony was.


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Star Silk would blink and gently shake her head before looking over to Peppermint. "A.... hoo mun?" She wondered if that was some sort of magical word. "What's that?!"

(( Btw, I totally heard your character say that in Rainbow Dash's voice XD !!! ))


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Star Silk's eyes were a mixture between confusion and endearment. The confusion only stacked on as she had looked from Peppermint but now this new pony arrived. "Uhh... Wh-who are you?" She'd lightly turn her head to the side inquisitively. This forest only gets weirder and weirder...

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Star Silk's expression would soften with further endearment. What a curious, innocent little pony. What gadget was she wearing? Where did she come from? Why did she seem so happy? She'd recover from this momentary enchantment and happy shake the little mare's hoof with her own. Her shake was as charismatic as it was confident. Clearly she was something of a sale's pony to feel comfortable in her interaction with strangers, "A pleasure to meet you, Collapse. I'm Star Silk," she'd smile.. And this is..." slowly looking over to the mint colored pony.

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"I'm Peppermint," she stated a-matter-a-factly. She continued to glare at Collapse with suspicion, but she went for a firm hoofshake because Star Silk did it too. In Peppermint's mind, there was nothing more suspicious than a unicorn using mysterious contraptions to fly. Plus, there was the fact that Collapse just so happened to stumble into two other ponies in the Everfree Forest, despite the thick foliage.  And then there was the fact that Collapse seemed unusually cheerful, almost suspiciously so. Finally, there was prune juice. Nothing good ever came from prune juice.


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Star Silk was a highly perceptive pony when it came to reading other people, considering it was in her nature to study plants and any shifts to their temperament she was able to pick up on Peppermint's discomfort despite the courtesy of her firm handshake. She looked from Peppermint to Collapse and then tried to keep a straight smile. "So, what brings you out here?" She tried to push polite conversation. She looked around to check and see if this is a safe spot to even discuss it.


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Peppermint thought about bringing up what they were actually searching for, but given that she didn't trust Collapse just yet, she decided to keep it vague. She wasn't sure how much she could trust this new pony.

"Oh you know, we were just wandering. That and seeing the things that the Everfree Forest has," she said. She didn't sense any danger, so a quick conversation probably would be fine, but given that it was the Everfree Forest, they should probably leave if they wanted to have a longer one. At least for Peppermint, she believed that this conversation had already gone on for long enough, but she wasn't sure what the others had in mind.

Edited by Ocean Wavedream
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Star Silk would gasp. "Oh! That's right, Peppermint!" She'd now brush over to the curb and begin scratching on the ground. 

There would be a red cheesecloth she would pull from her satchel. Red gems would fall out of it. She'd bury these. Upon burying these, she'd do a strange little dance, pull the hood over her head, turn around as if to leave the site, then glance over her shoulder to ensure that nobody from within the forest saw. 

"Alright, then. Mission half accomplished. I just have to make sure the offering is proper enough to entice them. Then I can finally obtain the final extract!" She'd nod once. 

She wasn't sure who these two ponies were. But she was glad they were no longer in danger and didn't want to interfere with whatever it is they were up to. However! She'd shoot Collapse a sudden suspicious look. Wait a second. What if they ruined or inteferred with the ritual? It's happened before! And those gems took 6 months for her to age in alchemy! She'd exhale an exasperated sigh, blowing her bangs from her eyes and choosing to just linger near the lump of dirt of which concealed the buried gems.

"Don't mind me. I may be here a while."


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1 minute ago, Starforce said:

@Star Silk @Ocean Wavedream

Collapse looks on to Star Silk's actions there. She was quite honestly confused and a bit bewildered by what she had just seen. "What offering? What are you talking about? It seems like you are out here doing something...ritualistic. I hope its not anything baaddddddd...." Collapse mused, all of the eyes on her leather armor suddenly turning to Star Silk. "We wouldn't want any bad rituals happening, would we?" she asked with a giggle. Collapse seemed to be highly suspicious of what they were doing, here. 

Star Silk would be stunned for a moment at Collapse's words. Her eyes glazing over as if she were reliving an old stigma that had hit her. She'd forgotten not to do this in mixed company. Ponies weren't always as understanding, even if they had intended to be.

"I--" she'd blush, keeping the hood further over her head. "There is no good in pursuing bad. You'll find even people who value and praise bad are rarely ever happy themselves." She'd lay down and descend her chin on her hooves, the hem of her hood draping over her eyes further.

Maybe if she closed her eyes, the world might disappear and they would go away.


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"What just happened?" Peppermint mumbled as she recalled what she just saw. She just saw Star Silk dug a hole in the ground, bury some red jems, did a strange dance, and pulled on her hood again. Then she said something about enticing something. It seemed like some kind of ritual.

Yeah I'm pretty sure I saw that alright. What is she up to?

"Gosh, everypony is acting more sus than a group of imposters in among us..." she mumbled to herself.

"What are you doing?" Peppermint asked.


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1 minute ago, Starforce said:

Collapse strolls on over to Star Silk and the eyes all blink once as she looks down at her. "Well, can't just mope about you know? Gotta tell me whats going on here, I am quite curious!" she puts her hooves to her cheeks and grins widely, innocently. She really wanted to know what Star Silk was up to her, her curiosity wouldn't be quenched until she knew what it was. Collapse pants a little bit, her curiosity was making her heart beat rise a bit. 

Curiosity? Star Silk would lift her head and meet the gaze of the sweet, innocent Collapse. Able to relate to her need to know more, she couldn't help but giggle in spite of herself. "Oh... you mean... you're not going to judge?" She'd blush with a happy smile. "Okay! Well," she'd take a stand and uncover some of the gem. "If you take a fire ruby that has been well aged, it'll attract certain creatures that leave gifts in exchange. You have to do a little dance to notify them. They're always hidden, you see." She'd nod once.

"However," with a soft frown. "I am really hoping they provide the proper gift. Solar petals. I need them for their extracts on a certain elixir I am making."

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4 minutes ago, Starforce said:

@Star Silk @Ocean Wavedream

Collapse mused at what was told. How could a pegasus do any of that? It didn't really make much sense to her at all. She didn't understand that. "Well, the obvious thing is, how does a pegasus such as you know all about that magic stuff? I mean, I'm a unicorn and I have no idea what any of that really means myself! Well I do, but I also don't, I'm not an alchemist. As you can probably tell." she did a stance with her fly ring as if showing it off.

These words would make Star Silk wince as if she were struck with something painful from her past. Her blue eyes glistening with unshed emotions. She adjusted the cloak around her back, really wishing the hood hadn't fallen back so as to show she did not have a horn. Downcasting her gaze, she'd slowly shake her head in defeat.

"It's," with a sigh "Not magic..." she'd look back, "It's science. But some of the items do hold something like a magical property. And that's what I extract." 


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