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open Rediscovering Equestria (G5)

Plum Blossom

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"Ah yes, pancakes! How couldn't I recognize this delicious smell? I guess I was too sleepy to think straight. But now I'm getting more awake. And hungry." When Reality left the bathroom, Dusty went there too. After washing himself, he proceeded to accompany Plum and eat breakfast. "I'm not surprised Sunny is still asleep, a lot happened to her yesterday, so she deserves some more time in bed. Just try to save some pancakes for her." He told Plum, while preparing for the meal.

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Plum Blossom went to the bathroom after the other two to freshen up herself. She did the usual of splashing some water on her face before wiping it off with a towel.

As the trio of young ponies made their way downstairs, they would notice Mirabelle Plum flipping pancakes on the stove while Pluot Plum was setting the table. Plum Blossom always found the kitchen kind of intriguing the way modern appliances were juxtaposed onto a rustic themed kitchen. In the middle was a table large enough to seat eight ponies. Pluot Plum just kept setting plates upon plates of pancakes on the table along with fresh cut berries, jams, jellies, marmalades, butter, maple syrup, and tea.

"Good Morning Plum Blossom, Reality, Dusty," Mirabelle Plum said, addressing each of them respectively as she finished serving the last batch of pancakes. "Dad should be here in a minute. Looks like Mango and Sunny are still asleep. Oh well, it's their loss once Pluot eats all the pancakes," she joked.

"Oh wow, pancakes," Plum Blossom's father said as he walked in with a jar of plum jam. He hugged Mirabelle Plum before sitting down with the rest of the Plum family. "Have some pancakes with us," he said to Reality Check and Dusty Scrolls, gesturing to an empty seat.

"Hey it's not my fault your pancakes are so good!" Pluot Plum joked back as she poured herself a cup of tea.

"So what brings you unicorns here?" Plum Blossom's father asked the two unicorns.

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After he washed his face, he adjusted his hat before heading down and instinctively followed the smell, thinking it would leading him to the kitchen. Once he and the others was downstairs, they saw Plum's family making breakfast for them. Reality noticed that they have some appliances that he rarely saw in Bridlewood, particularly since the place was located in a forest and not a lot of unicorns want to risk causing a forest fire.

Soon after the table was set and Mirabelle greeted them, they all sat around the table, grabbing pancakes and other condiments. Reality went with some berries and jam to go along with his pancakes, as well as a cup of tea. He could help but enjoy the taste as he quietly ate, hoping not to disturb any of them.

As soon as he heard Plum's father asking, he swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking. "I originally came here to look for Izzy, an old friend on mine. She left before magic was restored and when it did, I figured it'd be a good time to come look for her" Reality answered. "I did reunite with her when I got here, soon after I met Plum and the others. After that, I just wanted to stay for a while, see what it's like outside of Bridlewood."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The closer Dusty got to the kitchen, the more the alluring smell of pancakes overwhelmed him. He didn't really pay attention to the layout of the room, or the appliances there. The only thing he wanted to do was to eat the delicious meal. But the polite thing to do was to answer Plum's dad's question first, and not to do it while eating.

"It's kind of hard to explain why I decided to go here. I guess I just felt that a change was coming. I didn't know what it would be, but I hoped it would snap the unicorns out of the apathy we were experiencing for a long time. And it happened! I'm glad I decided to go, because not only I saw what I'm sure will be recorded as a historic event, but also I made new friends, including your daughter."

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"Huh, well I can't say I have heard much about your population before. However, it does seem like Canterlogic's assumptions about these other populations are incorrect. I wonder what effect this will have on Canterlogic. I assume that they won't be building their contraptions anymore. However, how would the pony races reuniting and magic returning change the structure of Maretime Bay? Do you think that Earth ponies now have magic? If so, what could it be?" Plum Blossomn's father poundered outloud as he ate some more pancakes with fruit and jam. 

"Say what do you think Earth Pony magic is like? Do you think it makes us like super strong? Oh or what about growing plants? Earth ponies do a lot of that, maybe it would make sense for their magic to be in growing plants. What do you think?" Plum Blossom asked the two unicorns. 

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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  • 2 weeks later...

"From what I can imagine, they're either going to reform it so it helps all pony races, or it'll get a lot of backlash for the propaganda it made in the past." Reality thought out loud, "Though that depends on what they do now that unicorns and pegasi are welcomed in Maretime Bay." He then took another bite of his pancakes before thinking about how ponies will adapt to having other pony races around, especially earth ponies as they've been living in Maretime Bay for as long as they can remember.

When Plum's family brought up the possibility that earth ponies might have magic, RC wondered about what could they have if that was the case. From what he can tell, earth ponies don't have magic, not even before magic disappeared. There was no record of their race being able to use any form of magic, let alone any indication of such. "Who knows? From what I can remember, earth ponies didn't have magic in the past. Guess we won't know until we see it for ourselves."

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"I think they should make devices that prevent unintended use of magic," Dusty noticed between taking bites of a pancake, "I suppose some unicorns can cause problems with using magic in their sleep, so something that prevents it would be welcome. (I hope I didn't do anything like that when sleeping here.)"

"As for earth pony magic," he added, "the historical sources are unclear at best. Earth Ponies are strong and good at growing plants, but it's not really described as magic. But perhaps something new will appear now..."

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"Um, not to burst your bubble, but while I certainly feel different since the crystals reunited yesterday evening, I haven't gained any new magical abilities," Mirabelle Plum said. "Yeah," Plum Blossom's dad and older sister agreed.

"Ohh," Plum Blossom said, "Well that just means we have to try harder to find out what earth pony magic is!" she exclaimed. "Also, why wouldn't the unicorns and pegasi be accepted in Maretime Bay?" Plum Blossom asked naively.

"Huh? What's going on?" Sunny mumbled as she stumbled down the stairs, only half awake. She sat down at the chair that Mirabelle Plum gestured to and poured herself a cup of tea, waiting for the caffeine to kick in and wake her up.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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"I wouldn't be surprised if earth pony magic is dormant at the moment or something." Reality shook his head. "The fact that we don't know what that sort of magic could do could also be another reason why."

As soon as Plum brought up the question, he could already think of several reasons why that was the case. "Propaganda, fear, rumours, discrimination..." RC listed solemnly, trying to explain why in a way Plum could understand. "It's not that hard to fall for them back then since we didn't know much about each other and were too scared to interact or get close to each other."

As soon as Sunny came down and asked, he couldn't help but keep it short. "Just talking about what earth pony magic."

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"Yeah, since it was you who restored the magic, and you're originally an earth pony, maybe you know something about it... Do you think the earth ponies have any magical abilities now? Maybe they didn't realize what they are yet, and need to discover them by themselves?" Dusty asked Sunny expectantly.

"As for the relations between the races, I don't think all ponies suddenly started to believe in harmony, I suppose there will still be some problems with superstitions and prejudice..." He added to nopony in particular.

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"Of course earth ponies have magic. For example, Pinkie Pie... Oh wait, Pinkie Pie is a bad example. Actually, Applejack is a good example. She used her magic to grow apples, which were famous throughout Ponyville," Sunny explained. "Um, you know that funny feeling you got yesterday evening when magic was restored? Well try to concentrate that magic in your hooves." Sunny explained, and then cringing in reaction to the Plum family's confused looks. "You know what? Never mind.Anyways, we were going to rebuild a lighthouse today, right?"

"Oh yeah!" Plum Blossom said. she quickly finished eating her pancakes. "Mom, can I go help Sunny rebuild her lighthouse?"

"Sure you can, sweetheart," Mirabelle Plum replied.

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"Right, the lighthouse." RC thought out loud. He then proceeds to finish his pancakes with a few more bites. "We should go do that, though do we have anything like blueprints to help us with re-buliding it?"

(Couldn't think of much to type, sorry)

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Mango yawns herself awake, last of all the foals, and stretches her orange wings. She gazes blearily about herself, wondering why her room looked different, until she remembered where she was and - with a surge of joy - remembered that now she could fly again! 

Mango immediately races for the window and leaps out it, soaring up into the Maretime bay morning sky. She will greet any pegasi sharing the skies with her happily. 

Soon Mango's rumbling tummy (and sense of manners) tell her to return to Plum's house. Unfortunately, all the earth pony houses look similar to her, and she only fuzzily remembers where it was. It takes landing and asking a few earth ponies before she finds it again, and she comes sheepishly in through the front door just as the foals are finishing eating and Plum is talking about rebuilding the lighthouse. She takes her place at the table and will nom anything offered. If anypony shoots her a questioning glance she'll explain: "Sorry I was gone. Woke up and just had to fly! Oh my gosh it's so good to..." she blushes and trails off as she remembers that her fellow ponies were not fliers. "Anyway, I'm looking forward to helping with your lighthouse, Mrs Sunny. And then we can find out what happened to take away pony magic." she says, like a filly-scout (which is her interpretation of what a good Pipsqueak should be).  

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Yes, I'm so excited about rebuilding the lighthouse! I really want to use my magic to do good. And, as far as I remember, we do have blueprints, right? Also, I'm a little concerned about safety, magic and flight is still new to us so we need to be extra careful so no bad accidents happen, OK?"

Like the others, Dusty finished his pancakes and started preparing to leave and get to work.

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"Yeah I have the blueprints. Ok then, let's go!" Sunny exclaimed as she ate a few pancakes she lead the group out towards the lighthouse. Plum Blossom quickly finished her pancakes and followed right behind Sunny after she set her plate in the sink. 

"So these are the blueprints," Sunny said, unrolling the blueprints for the others to see on the walk over. "Huh, they look different in the light."

Plum Blossom looked over at it. Sure enough, in the sunlight, the blueprints looked different. It was still a lighthouse, but this one called for glass roof to let the rainbow beam shine through. There were several other differences too, which made Plum Blossom a bit confused. Then, she noticed the title.

"Post magic restoration lighthouse plans. Ok then... Well, we are here. We can the parts from the old lighthouse to rebuild this," Sunny noted, pointing to the rubble. 

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After everyone left for the lighthouse and Sunny brought out the blueprints, RC noted that they looked a bit different. For one, the blueprints showed the roof of the lighthouse being made of complete glass, yet there was already a roof made of mostly metal amongst the piles of rubble. Another is the rainbow beam coming out of the top, which Reality though is rather odd for a lighthouse to have.

That's when Sunny read the title that explains why that is. "We could, though we should also get some new parts as well. I don't think we can make the entire exterior with just the old part." Reality suggested.

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"It looks awesome!" Dusty noticed, astonished by the blueprints. "So somepony predicted that the magic would be restored and made plans for the new lighthouse? Who could it be?" He asked Sunny.

He also agreed with what Reality said. "First we need to check all the remains, to determine what we can use for rebuilding. Then we will know what new parts we need."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Yeah the plans call for significantly more glass than the original lighthouse had. Based on a rough estimate of what we can reuse from the old lighthouse, I think we'll need... this much of these materials," Sunny said as she jotted down a shopping list of building materials. "Now who here wants to get them?"

"No, we aren't going to make it orange," Sunny replied to Mango. "But I think that rebuilding this lighthouse would be the perfect way to demonstrate each pony's magical abilities," Sunny said.

"Oh I see, like unicorns can use their levitation and pegasi can fly around to get areal views of things. And earth ponies are probably super strong or something, I guess... Well then, let's get started clearing the rubble then," Plum Blossom chirped. She immediately got to work shifting around some of the rubble to prepare the area for rebuilding.

Sunny looked around to see anypony could get the materials from the list. Once she got a volunteer, she would wave the rest over to help clear the rubble.

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Mango scrunch-snouts at the failure of her orange scheme - it seems 'Mango-Towers' will remain a pipe dream.

Eager to redeem herself, Mango volunteers for the lighter materials in the shopping list. "I'll fly into town. Might need a hoof with the heavier stuff though." Mango says dubiously. "I'll let you know if I need a hoof retrieving anything." Mango gestures towards Plum Blossom who, as an earth pony, is supposed to have special super strength powers :P 

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RC can't help but smile mischievously at Mango's failed scheme, even though it was hardly surprising.

As Sunny gave a list on what to buy to rebuild the lighthouse, he thought about what he could do to contribute, as well as which would be easier for him to do. "I'll help out with the rubble. I think I can use my magic to levitate some rocks away." Reality said, deciding to help with moving the rubble

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Thank you all so much," Sunny replied. "I didn't make these plans. From the looks of it, they are actually pretty old, which is surprising."

Sunny and Plum Blossom quickly got to work with the others, with Sunny explaining the plans out loud to everyone, while Plum Blossom went around trying to help out where she could. She quickly discovered that she did  not, in fact, have super strength. She tried everything she could think of, but nothing worked. Because of this, she couldn't help but to look on in slight envy at the unicorns, who were able to move things around that she couldn't. In the end, she opted for digging smaller things out of the rubble that could have gotten crushed.

By midday, the rubble had all been cleared and the concrete foundation had been poured.

"Alright everypony! The concrete needs an hour to harden and dry, so we might as well break for lunch and take a look at the remnants we found," Sunny said, trying to maintain an optimistic look even though it was pretty clear she was still a bit saddened by her loss.

"Opaline's Castle? What's that?" Plum Blossom asked, unrolling a map.

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  • 3 weeks later...

RC tried lifting one of the large pieces of rubble with his magic, except this turned out to be harder than he thought. Despite not using his bare hooves, carrying the giant chunks of concrete with magic feels just as daunting. "Phew... these chunks are heavy." Reality mutter as they continued on with moving the pieces. By the end of it, all the pieces are cleared out and a new foundation was made.

"We can go for a lunch break, wonder what the food is like in Maretime Bay, 'cause Bridlewood just mostly has fruit pastries and tea" RC's stomach grumbled slightly after he said that

Looking over to Plum, she saw the map she unfolded and went to look through them. He soon saw some locations he didn't recognize. "No idea, but we should go get something to eat. We can talk about that as we go."

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a few hours of lifting heavy chunks of building materials with his magic, Dusty was pretty exhausted. "A lunch break? I'd love that!" He said and started preparing to go and eat the meal with the others, but then he saw the map Plum found, which really intrigued him.

"Opaline... Opaline... I think I've seen that name somewhere..." He wondered what he could make of it, but unfortunately he couldn't remember any details regarding that name. He looked at the map curiously, checking if there were any other interesting locations on it.



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