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ooc Imagine a story where great ruin threated equestria

Queen Fluttershy

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All six ponies and spike where resting at sweet apple acres when suddenly!.... pinky pie trips over on a scroll that mysteriesly came from nowhere! twilight investigates while applejack cleans up after some snacks they where just finishing(random i know just keep reading).twilight uses magic to open the scroll.... it was from princess celestia! "How did it get here?" says twilight "it didn't come from me" cries spike while shruging his shoulders. It reads: Twilight if this message came to you then you still have your magic.... "still have my magic... why wouldn't I?" says twilight kind of worried "keep reading!" says rainbow dash anxious to find out what information the scroll beholds. twilight continues: I need your help, all of your help! please come to cantrelot castle we'll talk there this is urgent, all of equestria is in you and your friends hooves please come quickly!


Please help me finish the story i thought that since i knew alot of stuff about the show and characters that maybe I could get some ponies together and we could make something awesome (imagine rainbow dash's 'so cool' face right now k) ;)


Could anypony that reads this reply and tell me what you think? It could help me for future writing! :)

Edited by Queen Fluttershy
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