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open A young filly finding a home


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Anypony can join please understand I tend to be a bit slow or couldn't  find my word this rp is a journey of a young filly orphan finding a home it's doesn't matter how bad you type or rp this is just a fun rp for any pony who love the mlp cartoon 

Canon characters are welcome along with your oc

No arguing or fighting 

No gms or power playing 

To jump in you gotta do the sunshine sunshine thing

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Silverspark:a small filly with her hood over her head hiding what might be a horn she was flying under the light of the full moon she enjoyed it so much the night air made her smile she  laughed having fun flying and punch a hole in one the clouds before landing on another and she bounced around before looking up and seeing shooting stars across the sky she closed her eyes making a wish "I wish I have somepony to fly at night with me and maybe a friend or maybe "she opened her eyes before lowering her hood revealing her horn she sigh the small filly fly down and land near a lake seeing her reflection before looking at her wings which was a mess she started preening them though there are always a spot she has trouble with  before giving up before cleaning her face then taking a drink of water

Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rainbow Dash was casually flying along at night when she noticed a young filly by the edge of a lake. However, something was off about that filly. She folded in her wings and dived towards the edge of the lake where the filly was located before opening her wings at the last second, sticking a landing next to the filly. "An alicorn filly? Ok well this day just got a whole lot more interesting," she said to herself.

"Wassup, young filly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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Silverspark:ears perked too a voice she looked up seeing the blue pegasus in front of her her violet blue eyes sparked silver knowing who that is she seen the wonderful shows a few times and knew the stories "your your R Raindow dash the fast flying pegasus that took on a lot of bad guys along with Twilight Fluttershy Rarity Pinkie and Applejack I save enough bits to watch the wonderbolts awesome flying "she fly around her super excited demonstrate some of the moves 

Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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"Yeah I fight bad guys, and I'm in the Wonderbolts. What can I say? I'm pretty awesome," Rainbow Dash replied, raising her eyebrows up and down as she swept her mane back dramatically. "You want to show me what you got?" Rainbow Dash was always excited when young pegasi were eager to fly. It reminded of her when she was a filly and she discovered her love for flying. 

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3 minutes ago, Rainbow Dash said:

"Yeah I fight bad guys, and I'm in the Wonderbolts. What can I say? I'm pretty awesome," Rainbow Dash replied, raising her eyebrows up and down as she swept her mane back dramatically. "You want to show me what you got?" Rainbow Dash was always excited when young pegasi were eager to fly. It reminded of her when she was a filly and she discovered her love for flying. 

@Skylight Scintillate


Silverspark;"well I am still working on a few of my flying moves when I am not busy with my pranks or doing my paintings or working on my magic but I do love doing a lot of  flying "she pulled the goggles she got hidden away in her hood for special occasions this is a special opportunity too show what she can do but first since it is night she looked up checking too the moon is still out  she never fly at night without the  moonlight it is her way of knowing that Princess Luna is watching out for other ponies seeing the full moon nice and bright and her silvery coat reflected off of the moon light she landed on the ground first looked at the water before leaping in the air flying over the water and the water move as she fly as fast she could did a few barrel rolls and made a small water tornado instead of going up it was following her like a big ribbon at her tail she used her magic to hold that water before flying super high and did a huge nose dive into and soon she was in the center of the water and and it turned into a huge water ball the small filly held her breath then separated the water into individual water  tornadoes smaller and she had them dancing with one more spell she smirked as all but one finished the little water spout playfully fell on Rainbow Dash making "what did you think ?"she asked 

Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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