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private Another Cultural Exchange (1x1 with Skylight Scintillate)

Illiad Easle

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(OOC Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/198041-another-cultural-exchange/page/3/)


@Skylight Scintillate

It was cold, dark, and quiet in the Shimmerwood forest, which suited the thestrals that called it home just fine. Most of them, that was.

Nova had always thought that the forest was a little too cold, too dark, and too quiet, and had made it his mission in life to correct at least one of those things, as was in his power. At the present, he was sat at the edge of the clearing where the road through the forest entered the area where the clan had built their houses in the trees above. This was the road where the mail was delivered by the carrier, to then be distributed to those in the clan who had business receiving mail, and today Nova hoped to be one of those ponies, as he had hoped every day since he first sent in his application to the cultural exchange. This was something everyone in the clan was well aware of, given Nova's propensity to tell anyone who came close enough for him to engage in conversation, leading many to simply avoid the colt, lest they risk being chosen as his new conversation partner.

At the moment, he was simply talking to himself, thinking of all the possible creatures he could be paired with, and all the possible places they could be from, compiling an exhaustive list of them and ranking them as he went in an effort to figure out which possibility he was MOST excited for.

Unfortunately, he wasn't very methodical about it, so often had the same combination come up for evaluation, and would frequently lose track of where he was, thus needing to start over.

When he stopped, those who had grown used to the chatter turned to see who, or what, they ought to thank for their relief from the noise. They found their relief momentary as Nova cheered: "He's here! The mail is here!"

The mailpony was well used to Nova's antics, and was happy to see Nova this time, "Well look who it is, how are you doing Nova?"

"Do you have a letter for me?"

The mailpony raised an eyebrow, "That doesn't answer my question."

Nova shook his head, "Of course it does, if you have a letter for me then I'm doing great! Otherwise... I'm okay I guess."

The mailpony chuckled, "Well, today you're in luck, because I do have a letter for you!"

Nova bounced in place as he waited for the mailpony to retrieve his letter, snatching it from his hoof as soon as it was clear of the bag, his smile somehow growing wider as he saw who it was from, "YES! IT CAME! Thank you mister mailpony!"

He then took off back towards his home without waiting for the mailpony to respond, who simply chuckled to themselves as they went about putting the rest of the clan's mail into the proper recepticles.


Nova wasted no time showing the letter to his mother, indicating that he had been accepted to the cultural exchange program and paired with a bat pony in Canterlot, a combination he had not considered in his earlier list. He had heard of bat ponies living in Canterlot from his father who worked there, but he never thought they would be interested in something like this given how disinterested everyone here had been. Still, with his mother's help, he set out to write his introductory letter:


Dear Scotia,

Hiya! I'm Nova Fastar, I live in the Fastar clan's primary settlement in the heart of the Shimmerwood forest west of Las Pegasus, north of Archback, and south of Griffonstone. I'm a thestral pony, which is like a bat pony, but more bat-like I guess? I don't have my mark yet, but most of the other thestrals my age don't either, so I'm not worried. I hope it will be for something cool, like adventuring, even if my teachers say I should focus on more useful skills like woodworking.

Anyway, I'm excited to get to know you and learn what it's like living in Canterlot! I've heard so much about it from my dad, he's the head of the Canterlot City Night Guard, maybe you've met him already?

Excitedly, Nova


Given his speed and excitement, he was able to get the written letter back to the mailpony before they left the clearing, ensuring that he would get a response at the earliest possible opportunity.

Much to the chagrin of the other members of the clan, he seemed intent to wait by the mailbox again for said response to arrive.



Scotia would receive a notification from the Cultural Exchange program stating her acceptance and informing her that she had been paired with Nova Fastar, a young thestral colt from the Fastar Clan. It would instruct her to watch for a letter from him and to respond in kind when it arrives. She would receive receive Nova's letter the very next day.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

In an unassuming corner of Canterlot, there was a neighborhood bursting with nightlife. Named by locals as Thestral Market, it provided residence for most Canterlot's bat pony population. The neighborhood was most widely known for providing a different flavor of nightlife compared to the sophisticated elegance of the rest of Canterlot, with most of the commercial activity surrounding a central plaza. 

Speckle Scotia dangled her forehooves over the balcony railing as she watched the plaza below. While typically, she would have been flying around practicing her stunts around this time, this evening, she was expecting some mail. However, she didn't mind pony watching occasionally. Most of the ponies in the plaza were bat ponies, but some other pony species could be seen in the crowd too. 

Speckle's heart leaped when she saw the mailmare walk up, and she dashed downstairs to meet it. The mail was already left on the table, and Speckle began digging through it eagerly. 

"Woah there Speckle, that's the mail for the family business! I believe the letter you're looking for is right here?" her mother, Nightsky, asked, holding up the envelope Speckle was looking for with a smile.

Speckle dropped the envelopes addressed to Scotia Credit Union and ran to hug her mother. "Thanks, you're the best!"

"Aww, I'm happy you appreciate it, but you know our mail comes in separately, right?"

"Oh... yeah!" Speckle remarked as she remembered what her mother told her. She would rip open the envelope right there and read the letter energetically. Then she would reread it. And then she would read it for a third time. Finally, she let out a squeal of excitement.

"Eeeee, I'm so excited!" Speckle shouted. She immediately went to grab a feather and inkwell to write a reply.


Dear Nova,

Eeeee, I'm also so excited! Hello, I'm Speckle Scotia! I think I might have put my name in wrong, but my first name is Speckle, and my last name is Scotia! I live in Canterlot, which is like the capital of the entire Equestria! Isn't that so cool? And I'm a bat pony, but it seems like you already know that. I don't have my mark either, but I want to be a Wonderbolt when I grow up! I think they are so cool! They are such amazing fliers, and they do such cool stunts. I want to be just like them! Do you like the Wonderbolts?

Canterlot is so cool! It's such a cool city with so many different things to do! Like our neighborhood has a ton of bat ponies living in it, but there are so many parties at night here! And the rest of Canterlot is super fancy with their museums, and magic, and everything that's super fancy! There's so much to do here, especially with the princesses! Like, Princess Luna is so cool! And she does so many cool things! As for the night guard, I think I have heard of him. Maybe you could introduce me to him when you visit? That would be cool! 

Also excitedly, Speckle


When she finished writing her letter, she would fly over to the neighborhood post office to have it immediately sent out with the next day's mail. She couldn't wait for Nova's reply and what they would do next. Her mind wandered with the possibilities.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
  • Brohoof 1


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@Skylight Scintillate

Nova did his best to be at least a little bit more subdued this time as he waited for the mail. This time only muttering to himself as he practiced his writing. He wanted to be able to write the letter himself this time, without his mother's help, as she was busy making dyes and would not be available to help until late, and he wanted to get the letter out ASAP!

So he was doing his best to focus on the lines, writing carefully so it would be legible, and he almost missed when the mailpony arrived.

The mailpony nearly made it to the slots unaccosted before Nova spotted him and dashed over to receive the letter, he sat right back down where he had brought his writing utensils and read the letter as fast as he could, the mailpony raising an eyebrow, "Are you just going to write the letter here?"

Nova nodded as he kept reading.

The mailpony shrugged as he went about sorting the rest of the mail.


Dear Scotia Speckle,

Sorry about your name, I think I might've gotten them flipped when I read the first letter. They start with the same letter after all and, well, I tend to get things mixed up when I go too fast, but I'm just so excited for this exchange! My mom says I need to slow down, so I don't make mistakes, and I'll try, but please understand if I mix something up while you're here or I'm over there that I don't mean it.

Anyway, I think the Wonderbolts are cool too! My dad has sent me pictures of them and told me about them, he says that one day when I'm older he'll take me to see one of their shows! Have you ever been to their shows? I don't know if they perform in Canterlot too often, but it would be cool if we could see them perform.

Have you actually met Princess Luna?! I'm so jealous if you have. I've always wanted to meet her and have heard so many cool things about her, like, is it true that she can enter your dreams? And that she can turn into smoke? And that she secretly has fangs like we do?

Oh! I guess I should ask, do you have fangs? My mom was telling me that bat ponies are different because they don't have all the same things that thestrals do.

Anyway, I think it would be cool if we could meet my dad there, but he's always telling me in his letters about how busy he is, so I don't know if he'll have time to meet us, but maybe.

I should tell you about where I live, shouldn't I? Well, the colony isn't too big, and it's mostly just the houses built up in the trees with a few community buildings. We mostly trade for food and resources by growing and selling shimmerwood, which is this magical wood that glows! They say it only grows here in this forest, and it was pretty rare before we started growing it. Nearby though is Mohotma City, where a bunch of Zebra live, and Archback Mountain, where a bunch of ponies who claim they're descended from Princess Luna live. They've got some cool museums over there if you like that sort of thing, but I think they're pretty boring since you have to be quiet in them and can't touch any of the cool things.

I guess that's all I have for now, I hope to hear back from you soon!


That all written he happily hoofed the letter over to the mailpony, who was impressed that he could write so much so fast, even if the language was a bit... informal.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

It seemed that Speckle didn't have long to wait, because within two days, she already had a reply from Nova. She had just returned home from her early evening flight when she saw the letter waiting for her on the table. She wasted no time in ripping the envelope open and reading the letter over several times. The more she read it, the more excited she felt about meeting this pony face-to-face. Her mind was filled with possibilities, but first, she would have to write her reply. 


Dear Nova, 

I know, right? I know how you feel. My parents are always telling me to slow down too, but the Wonderbolts are super fast and I want to be just like them! They're so fast and cool and amazing with their super awesome stunts and tricks that they do in the air! I know, I've been to a few of their shows! They're always performing in Canterlot, but it's always during the day, which is when we are usually asleep. I guess that makes sense since I heard they can't see in the dark. Also, it feels like regular ponies are scared of us and avoid us when we're at their shows... 

I also have met Princess Luna, but if you visit, you could meet her too! She's always visiting us in Thestral Market, and everypony I know loves meeting her! She is such an inspiration for us all and at least 20 percent cooler than any other pony. It's true she usually visits us in our dreams. Whenever I have a scary dream, she always shows up to calm me down, and I love that about her! If I can't become a Wonderbolt, I want to join her in fighting nightmares and calming all ponies! Sometimes, she turns into smoke, but it's not that common. And the only time I see her with fangs is when she dresses up as Nightmare Moon for Nightmare Night. However, I think that even she is scared of Nightmare Moon...

My parents say I have fangs, but I don't want to have fangs! They're so scary and I don't want to be scary! I want to be cool! I hope they stay short and rounded and never become long and pointy! You know, I also wonder what differences there are between bat ponies and thestrals. I suppose you all are more like bats? And that we are more like ponies? But how so? What do you already know about bat ponies?

I get that we might not be able to meet your dad in Canterlot. They can be quite busy sometimes. As for the rest of your family, you live in tree houses like Twilight Sparkle? That's so cool! I always wondered what it is like to live in a tree! You have wood that glows? Huh, I wonder what this shimmerwood can be used for. Do you all grow it yourselves or does it grow naturally? Do other pony species live with you or is it just thestrals? 

Here in Canterlot, almost all of the bat ponies live in a neighborhood called Thestral Market. I suppose your species is where the name came from. However, very few of the other pony species live here, and very few of the bat ponies in Canterlot live outside of here. However, we do get quite a bit of other ponies visiting for this neighborhood's parties at night. Apparently, they think bat ponies know how to party at night! Like there are some famous bat pony DJs that play their music here! And while our neighborhood doesn't have museums, the rest of Canterlot does. However, whenever I visit those places, there's always a grumpy security pony glaring at me because they think I'm going to touch the things even though they would feel soo cool! I heard that's why some unicorns from their smarty pants magic school Celestia's school of magic are going to open a museum where you are supposed to touch the things! It sounds soo cool! I definitely want to show you it when it opens! And it isn’t just museums either! Like, the cool thing about a big city like Canterlot is you can go down any random street and fine something interesting going on! Isn’t that so cool? 

Also excitedly, Speckle


She found that she didn't have too much trouble writing a reply without the help of her parents, even if it was a bit informal and repetitive. However, she believed that there were no words that could perfectly capture physically meeting Princess Luna or the Wonderbolts, and that she would have to show Nova both of them when he visited her in Canterlot, in addition to the fancy new museum. Her mind started wandering with the possibilities again before she realized she still had to send the letter. With the letter folded in the envelope, she would dash over to the post office to send it out and wait for a reply.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
  • Brohoof 1


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@Skylight Scintillate

Nova was once again waiting for the letter to arrive, and had wanted to respond immediately, but there were some statements and questions in Speckle's letter that gave him pause. He ran his tongue over his own pronounced fangs as he flapped back up to his parents' house, for the first time in his life feeling a bit self conscious about them. He had never really thought about them before, other than noticing that they were similar to the others in the colony, and he hadn't met many ponies outside of the colony to really notice their lack nor did those few he had met with comment about them with anything other than curiosity or jealousy.

To think that a pony, and a bat pony at that, would consider fangs to be scary and uncool, was a novel concept to him, and one that made him feel... uncomfy.

Plus, she had asked about the difference between Bat Ponies and Thestrals, and that was not a question he knew the answer to, so he needed to ask his mother about that once she was available before writing, meaning that he would not be able to send a response until the next day's mail service.

(So Nova's letter arrives one day later than usual)

Dear Speckle,

I'm sad, disappointed, unsure (The rest of the line is too crossed out to read, the next section is in a different hoof-writing)

I'm not sure how best to phrase this, but your comments about fangs made me sad. I have fangs, and I think they are very cool and not scary. They're very useful too.

(The remainder of the letter is in Nova's usual hoof-writing)

Anyway, I liked what you said about Princess Luna, I wish she would visit my dreams sometime, though I understand if I'm too far away, I don't know if there's a limit to how far she can go or if there's just too many ponies for her to visit all of them. I think it would be cool if I could get to see her while I'm there!

I had to ask my mom about the differences between thestrals and bat ponies, and she says that bat ponies come in all kinds, some are nearly the same as pegasus ponies, and others are almost indistinguishable from a thestral, and everywhere in between. She says that there are even some bat ponies without wings or who have horns! But she says that those are especially rare. Anyway, she says that the difference between a bat pony and a thestral is usually that a bat pony will lack some feature that a thestral would have. Some things you can see, like the fangs, the eyes, the wings, and the ears, but there are also things that you can't see, like good night vision, wanting to sleep during the day and stay up all night, and being able to eat anything a griffon can. I like fish, and my mom says that some pegasi eat fish too, though that's more the pegasi who live by the ocean, where the fish are. I once caught one in one of the rivers in the forest!

I don't know who Twilight is, but my mom says that she lives inside a tree. We live in buildings that we've built in the branches of the trees, not inside the trees themselves, there's not enough room inside the trees for that, but I think that's really cool! Does she live in Canterlot too? Could we go and see her house?

As to the shimmerwood, we mostly trade it to the zebra for food, and my mom tells me they use it as a potion ingredient to help them see in the dark. We also trade some to Archback, and the unicorns there can make it glow very bright, so they use it to light their homes without fire. You can sometimes find it growing in the woods, but we also grow it ourselves so we can have a steady supply of it without having to go hunting for it.

I wish there were more parties here, but everyone here seems to want to just be quiet all the time. The only time anything exciting happens is during the festivals, but those are full of the boring kind of talking where its all about history and such instead of cool adventure stories. They do let other ponies visit during the festivals though, and I like to talk to those ponies to hear the exciting stuff happening outside.

My mom was telling me just how much bigger Canterlot is than our colony, I think the Thestral Market might even be bigger than our whole colony! I can't imagine being around so many creatures, but I'm excited to see what it's like! I'm looking forward to hearing more from you and learning more about you. My mom says that whenever you're ready she can get in contact with your parents to arrange us actually visiting.


Nova had needed a bit more of his mom's help with this letter than he would have liked, and he decided to learn as much as he could about his own culture and species in preparation for the next letter. His mom joked that he should have payed better attention when he was first taught this, but she was proud that he was making an effort to learn now.

The next day he had the letter ready to give to the mailpony to be sent along to Speckle.


(I just realized that, combining the names, we get Nova Scotia)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

This time, Speckle was setting up some Wonderbolts posters while listening to music in her bedroom when the letter arrived. She ripped the open envelope like last time. However, unlike last time, she didn't eagerly reread it. In fact, she felt disappointed. Despite only having exchanged a few letters with Nova, she felt kind of awful that she made him feel bad. With much less energy this time, she took out a pen and began writing her reply.


Dear Nova,

I feel bad. I'm sorry if I made you sad. I might have overa overreacted about the fangs part. My mom says that my fangs should be fine. I guess this is get why my parents say I need to slow down before I hurt somepony else's feelings... However, maybe you know more about fangs than I do, and maybe you could teach me. I think that would be cool. And I think other parts of being a bat pony are cool, like my wings and my ears. And I think what you said about bat ponies is pretty accurate. There are all different kinds of bat ponies here in Thestral Market. Though I can't wait to see what it's like where you are! It sounds kind of interesting, especially with the tree houses! And I definitely want to see what this shimmerwood is like.

My family doesn't usually eat fish. We usually eat fruits and vegetables and bugs instead. Ooh, I know a really good fried bug place in Thestral Market I can show you when you visit! They make the best fried bugs! And I'm sure we'll be able to meet Princess Luna! Hey, we might even be able to meet Princess Twilight! Like Princess Twilight is really cool too! There's always something exciting going on in Thestral Market! And I guess most bat ponies are active at night like thestrals because Thestral Market is very quiet during the day. So maybe it's more like there's always something exciting going on in Thestral Market at night? 

Princess Twilight isn't from Canterlot, but she lives in Ponyville, which is near Canterlot. However, she's always visiting Canterlot because that's where all the other princesses are. Maybe we could take the train ride from Canterlot to Ponyville when you visit, but there isn't that much going on there. It's mostly a farming town. However, that means we get most of our food from there. And I would love to talk about visiting each other! How do we start? Do I visit you or do you visit me? And how would we visit each other? What would we need to bring? Can I bring my Luna plushie?



While she was feeling quite down when she started writing her letter, by the time she finished, she felt much better. Speckle would then go up to her mom. Nightsky Scotia had some questions about the logistics of her daughter visiting another pony, and some concerns about her being away from her family for the first time. She would add a note about logistics and other important information.


Dear Nova's parents,

Hello there, my name is Nightsky Scotia and I'm Speckle's mother. This is the first time my family is participating in a cultural exchange like this, and I have some questions about the logistics of our children visiting each other. For example, what should our children bring when they visit? Will somepony accompany them on the train ride over? I would love to visit, but things are very busy here, and neither I nor my husband, Radiant Scotia, can take time off to accompany Speckle on the ride over. In addition, what date would work best for you and your family? If you have anymore information about this exchange, I would love to know.

I suppose I'm just expressing my concerns about my daughter Speckle going out on her own for the first time. Though here's some important information about her. She gets very energetic and excited easily, so it will be important to remind her to calm down. Two ways we found that work are gum and brushing her mane and fur. I'm not sure what the thestral diet is like, but we usually eat fruits and vegetables and fried bugs. Her favorite fruit is peaches. Finally, she will bring her Luna plushie with her. It is very important to her, and she can't sleep without it so please make sure she doesn't lose it. I hope that both of our families would be able to make this exchange a pleasant experience for both Nova and Speckle.

Best regards, Nightsky Scotia


Once Nightsky was finished, she would add the note to the envelope, and Speckle would go to the post office and send it. Speckle hoped that Nova would feel better after how she had reacted.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate


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@Skylight Scintillate

Nova had forgotten what he had been upset about by the time the next letter arrived, though his disappointment returned when he saw that there was a second letter in the envelope, addressed to his parents, which meant he would have to wait to send off his response again, which meant a whole extra day of waiting!

Regardless, he took the letters back to his house, and waited for his mom to be ready to read the letter she had gotten before he decided what to write, just in case the second letter caused issues for the exchange.


Greetings Nightsky Scotia,

I am Indigo, originally of the Eclipse clan, joined to the Fastar clan by marriage, and Nova's mother. This is also our first time participating, but I'll help to the best of my understanding. So far as I understood from the letter, the program will be covering any costs incurred over normal, including the travel fares, you should be getting a stipend soon if you haven't already. As to what they need to bring, I would guess anything they would normally need for an extended trip, your daughter won't need to bring anything special for her visit here if that's what you're asking.

Per the train ride, depending on when we want to start, and which way we go first, either I or my husband could accompany your daughter. My husband is Nightwing Fastar, head of the Canterlot city night guard.

As to the dates, if we send Nova over there first, it should line up perfectly with when Nightwing has leave, so he'll be able to accompany your daughter here and back. So that would be us sending Nova over in about a week? I hope that works out.

I understand your concerns, I'll admit I have some concerns of my own, and if it weren't for Nightwing being in the city I'm not sure I could have let Nova go through with it. But all thestrals have to leave the nest eventually right? Anyway, it sounds like your daughter will get along well with Nova, as he too is a bit, excitable, but I appreciate the forewarning. Per the food, while bugs aren't too popular in the Fastar clan, they were a staple of the Eclipse clan, and it will do me some good to break out the old recipes again. Would she be wholly opposed to trying fish while she's here? I won't expose her to red meat if she hasn't already tried it.

I'll make sure her plush is well cared for while she is here. So long as she doesn't carry it with her everywhere she goes, there shouldn't be an issue.

I also hope that this will be a good experience. Personally, I think this clan could stand to have more friendly relations with those outside the settlement, maybe it won't be so quiet around here all the time?

Stars guide you,

~Indigo Eclipse Fastar


His mother's letter finished, and the important details passed along to Nova, he set about writing his own letter.


Dear Speckle,

It's okay, I didn't think you were trying to be mean like some of the others here. But I'm happy you apologized. I'd be happy to teach you about my fangs! My mom says we'll be able to meet as soon as next week if it works with your parents, isn't that exciting?! I'm looking forward to showing you around the settlement and all the cool things there are to do around here.

It's too bad you don't get to eat fish often, it's one of my favorite foods! I don't like it uncooked though, but my mom makes it really good! I haven't eaten many bugs before, but my mom says she's got a few special recipes for us to try while you're here, so that's cool! Plus, getting to meet Princess Luna would be the best! I don't even know what I would do if she came to visit the settlement, they'd probably have a festival even grander than the Founder's festival! I'm jealous that you get to see her so often there.

It sounds like our parents will figure out everything about when we get to see each other and what we need to bring. I'm looking forward to it though!




The next morning both letters were ready to go out with the rest of the clan's mail.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

This time, both of Speckle's parents read over the letter together to make sure they were on the same page. Speckle hovered above them to read the letter as well, but Radiant was also reading it outloud. "...should be getting a stipend soon... Well that explains the check that we got in our personal mail yesterday! ...husband is Nightwing Fastar, head of the the Canterlot city night guard... Oh, Nightsky, that's one of your colleagues, right?"

"Yes I help train and manage the royal guard, but we know each other as colleagues. It's interesting how we already know each other," Nightsky replied. They continued reading the letter together. It seemed that they had reached a similar conclusion once they finished, and they began planning their reply together. Nightsky wrote with Radiant adding additional comments.


Dear Indigo Eclipse Faster,

Hello there, Radiant Scotia is with me here to make sure we're all on the same page. I suppose we should tell a bit more about ourselves. Both of us are bat ponies, which means that we are a mix between pegasi and thestrals. Unfortunately, bat ponies don't really keep track of clans here in Thestral Market, and both of our families have been here in Canterlot for so long we can't give a definitive answer.

I, Nightsky Scotia, train the royal guard, and I am colleagues with your husband. My husband, Radiant Scotia, runs our family business, the Scotia Credit Union. Due to that, both of us are almost always very busy. However, we always make time for our daughter Speckle. 

It sounds like you're saying that it would be logistically easier if Nova visited us in Canterlot first. If that is the case, then we agree that we should go with that, and we'll make sure all three of us will be at the Canterlot train station to greet you two when you arrive. However, we suppose that means we should get to know a bit about Nova to make his experience here as comfortable as possible. Is there any important information we should know about him? For example, what foods does he eat? We do have fish in Thestral Market, but we only eat it occasionally. And we ate red meat once, but Speckle didn't like it so we never tried again. And what about bedtimes? I assume that Nova is awake during the night and asleep during the day, but I know Speckle would be eager to show Nova around the rest of Canterlot, especially the parts that are only open during the day.

Both of us hope that this will be an enjoyable and memorable experience for us all, and maybe it will open up more friendly relations with your clan too. 

Best reguards, Nightsky and Radiant Scotia


With Speckle's parents' letter done, Speckle wrote her letter to Nova. Given that it sounded like Nova would be visiting her first, she started throwing around ideas of what they could do together. 


Dear Nova, 

I know, I'm so excited! It sounds like you'll be visiting me next week! Isn't that so exciting! I know I'm excited to see what cool things your place has, but also show you the cool things my place has! And while we don't eat fish that often, we still eat it occasionally. Oh oh oh! Princess Luna and Princess Twilight are doing a casual hangout with the bat ponies at the super fancy Japonese Seafood Restaurant nearby next week! I'll make sure there's a spot for you! 

What else could we do together? Oh there's this super cool art museum that has a floating paper art thingy. And apparently, it's made from a million pieces of paper! Like, a million pieces! That's such a huge number! I wonder what it looks like... And then we could see if the Wonderbolts are going to be in town, or if any of Princess Twilight's friends visit Canterlot! Like Princess Twilight is like the princess of friendship and magic! That's almost as cool as Princess Luna! So like, Princess Twilight has a group of very important friends, and they go around blasting rainbow lasers of friendship at villains, evil ponies, and meanies! Isn't that so epic?! Sometimes Princess Twilight's friends visit Canterlot too. 

Oh, I guess I should ask. It sounds like you sleep during the day, but are you ok with staying up during that time? Most of the exciting things in Canterlot outside of Thestral Market are only open during the day. If not, there are still plenty of things to do at night. Like there's this famous bat pony whose name is DJ Echo and they play the best EDM in Thestral Market! It's so much fun! 

What else? Ooh, we could schedule a tour of the royal castle! They're always offering tours of the castle, and I think it would be soo much fun to see inside! Or maybe we could do some sky diving since Canterlot is on the side of a mountain! Or we could go up one of the super tall skyscrapers in the city and look out the observation deck! Or we could visit museums and learn about the history of Canterlot and the two royal sisters! Or maybe we could try an escape room! Or maybe we could visit a magic show! Or we could attend the Sci Fi Con, which is going to be in town next week! Actually, I'm not sure about the Sci Fi Con, it sounds kind of weird... Maybe we could attend a career fair and get our cutie marks or something! That's where ponies get their cutie marks from, right? I don't know, I have so many different ideas and I don't know where to start first! Eeeeeeee! 

Also excitedly, Speckle


Speckle very vigorously finished her letter. She practically squealed with all the ideas floating around her head of what they could do together. She would put both letters in the envelope and fly over as fast as she could to the post office to have it sent out. She couldn't wait for Nova's reply.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

Nova's excitement was growing, much to the chagrin of those around him. He had packed all his things for the trip the day he sent the last letter, and so had been living out of his pack for things like brushing his teeth for the past few days now, despite the fact that it would still be a few more days until he left. Enough for this and one final letter to arrive.

Again, he was disappointed to see that there was another letter for his mom, delaying things just a bit longer, but he was excited to write one last response before leaving.


Greetings Nightsky and Radiant Scotia,

I should clarify that the clan name is Fastar, a portmanteau of Fast and Star, which likely would have been the clan name had the founding matriarch not been a young filly at the time. It's a minor thing, and Nova wouldn't notice a mistake, but the others here would notice and could take offence if your daughter mispronounces it.

That being said, we'll make plans to arrive in Canterlot via the evening train on the last day of the week this letter is dated. That should give enough time for your daughter to send one last letter before we arrive if she so desires. 

As to important information, well, Nova is a bit more energetic than the rest of the clan, but I wouldn't say more so than the average pony. If he starts to get too loud you'll just need to remind him to calm down and speak softly. If you need him to be especially quiet, you can tell him to use his hunting voice. As to food, he should be able to eat anything that you do. While he hasn't been exposed to bugs much before he's old enough to try new things without being too picky. There are no allergies that I'm aware of. As to bed times, I wasn't planning on being too strict given the occasion, but yes he is nocturnal like most thestrals are. I'll be sure to send his sunglasses with him so he'll be able to enjoy the daytime activities.

We can discuss the last details when we meet in person, if any remain to be discussed.

~Indigo Eclipse Fastar


His mother's letter finished, and the important details passed along to Nova, he set about writing his own letter.


Dear Speckle,

That's so cool that Princess Luna will be there while I'm there! I wonder if she'll notice me? Do you think maybe she'll visit my dreams while I'm there too? Also that's cool about the art thing, did you know they make paper out of trees? I wonder if anyone has tried to make paper out of shimmerwood, would that make like glowing paper?

I've heard stories about Princess Twilight, the elders here say that the ponies should fix their own problems rather than wait for a princess to come help them, but I think sometimes the problems are too big and I wish a princess would come help me. I hope I'll get to see her too during the trip!

I can stay up during the day if we need to, I just need to wear some special sunglasses that my dad got me so that I don't hurt my eyes. It's not a big problem around here, since the trees hide us from the sun, but I guess you don't have as many trees in Canterlot as we do here.

Flying down the side of the mountain sounds super cool! There are a few who do that around Archback, but that mountain is full of ponies who live there and don't like it when you fly past really fast, plus it's far away from the colony. Seeing the castle from the inside sounds fun too! Maybe I could get us inside Archback castle while you're here? They don't usually let just anyone in though, so maybe not.

I'm just so excited to see all the cool things you have to show me, I can hardly wait!




The next morning both letters were ready to go out with the rest of the clan's mail, and Nova once again had his bag packed and ready. Once the final response came, he'd be traveling all the way to Canterlot!

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Like last time, all three members of the Speckel family gathered to read the letter together. While Speckle was eager to get onto what Nova had to say, she joined her parents in reading over the letter addressed to them. She noticed her mother blushing at her mistake in spelling Fastar's name. Speckle made a mental note to spell Nova's last name correctly. 

"...the evening train on the last day of the week this letter is dated. Ok, that will work. We're both going to be available at that time. ...remind him to calm down and speak softly. Hmm, I wonder who that reminds me of... ...send his sunglasses with him so he'll be able to enjoy the daytime activities. I'm sure somepony is going to be excited to hear that!" Radiant Scotia read out loud with a wink at the end.

This time, Radiant Scotia wrote the reply.


Dear Indigo Eclipse Fastar, 

We're sorry neither of us noticed that we spelled your last name wrong in our last letter. We'll inform Speckle to make sure she doesn't make the same mistake.

Both of us are available to meet up at the train station on that date, and Nightsky has the night off, so she'll be able to spend time with Nova and Speckle to make sure Nova adjusts well to staying here. And it sounds like Nova and Speckle would get along quite well with each other. I know she'll be looking forward to being able to show Nova the daytime activities around Canterlot. However, we'll keep in mind the suggestions you mentioned.

Oh, one last thing. Canterlot Train Station is huge and very busy at all times of day. The train will arrive at one of four platforms, and then everypony will head upstairs to the concourse and then out towards the main entrance. Directly facing the main entrance, there should be a huge fountain with a statue of the two sisters on top. Hopefully, we'll be the only bat ponies waiting by that fountain. 

We wish you two safe travels, and we'll see you two at the Canterlot Train Station.

Radiant and Nightsky Scotia


While her parents were writing their own letter to Nova's mom, Speckle started reading Nova's letter to her. She was thrilled to meet Nova in a few days, and from the letter, she could tell Nova was just as excited. She eagerly began writing her reply, opting to reread it while she was writing her reply. 


Dear Nova Fastar, 

Eeeeee! It's actually going to be even cooler than that! We'll be able to meet Princess Luna and talk to her! Like face-to-face! Isn't that so exciting!? I'm not sure if she will visit you in your dreams. I think she most likely will. Eeeeee! I remember when I first met her in my dreams and face to face, and both times, it was just as exciting as I thought it would be! She's so cool and kind! And Princess Twilight is so cool and kind too! My parents say that I need to be responsible for fixing my own problems, but I think it's so cool the way Princess Twilight fixes friendship problems with rainbow lasers! I'm so excited that I'll get to introduse introduce both princesses to you! 

So you'll be able to stay up during the day? Awesome! That means I have so many cool things we could do together! And I also wear sunglasses during the day! The rest of Canterlot has super pricey sunglasses that are very stylish, but bat ponies here in Thestral Market make sunglasses that are just as stylish while working better for bat ponies, and they don't cost a thousand bits! And having sunglasses is definitely a good idea. Canterlot loves the sun, and it is a very bright white city. 

As for the other things we could do, I could write a super long letter, but my parents suggested I just tell you when you arrive instead! However, I think flying down mountains and visiting castles would be cool too! I can't wait to meet you either! 

Also excitedly, Speckle


With the letters placed together in the envelope, she flew to the post office and sent it along. The next few days, she was so excited for Nova to show up she could hardly sleep or focus. Her mind was filled with possibilities of what it would be like to meet Nova face-to-face and what they would do together. During this time, she opted to fly around Canterlot at night while thinking about what she wanted to do with Nova. 

The day Nova was supposed to arrive, Speckle woke up while it was still mid-afternoon. She pleaded to her still-asleep parents to let her go to the train station early in case Nova's train arrived early. Reluctantly, and only because they felt safe with Speckle going around Canterlot on her own before, they agreed. Speckle cheered before grabbing her things and flying out the door. She immediately flew over to the Canterlot Train Station and waited by the fountain. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. What was taking them so long? Speckle couldn't stand still with this much energy going through her. She opted to fly around the train station, going back and forth between peering down at the platforms, trying to figure out which one Nova would come out of, and glancing at the fountain by the main entrance. Then she glanced at the departures board and groaned to herself. 

Canterlot could best be described as a bustling cosmopolitan city of opulence, and the city's main train station reflected that. With a towering concourse, it felt spacious despite how crowded it was. Like the rest of the city, the station was built with white, marble-like stone with gold accents. The station had a giant skylight to let in as much sunlight as possible, which made Speckle feel relived she was wearing her sunglasses. The station was packed with ponies going every which way, and the sound of hooves and ponies talking filled the air. Luxury stores lined the concourse, selling everything from high-end fashion and jewelry to restaurants with three-hoof ratings. There were plenty of fountains (just without the statues on top), and large sections of perfectly manicured plants and flowers filled the air with a flowery smell. Large displays of colorful glass artwork could be seen both on the floor and hanging from the ceiling, and a large departure board mechanically flipped its letters with every train arrival and departure. 

About half an hour before the train was expected to arrive, Speckle saw her parents show up and wait by the fountain. Speckle felt like it took them forever to show up, but at least it wouldn't be too much longer before Nova showed up, she hoped.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Skylight Scintillate

Nova was excited to read the last letters, as it meant that it was time for him to start traveling!

His mom put his sister in the care of some of the other thestrals, and soon they were off.

First, the two of them flew towards Mohotma city, where they would get on a boat to take them to Las Pegasus, since Nova was still too young to fly all the way from the Shimmerwood to Las Pegasus.

Once in Las Pegasus, they would be able to take the train and rest from their travels for a bit as they made their way into Canterlot. Though Nova was a bit too excited to really rest during the journey, especially as the train climbed the mountain into Canterlot itself.

Even as the sun was setting it was resplendent, reminding him to put his sunglasses on as they prepared to disembark the train.


At the station, they might recognize another thestral arrive, dressed in the uniform of the Canterlot City Night Guard he also watched over the platforms, scanning the passengers as they moved about the station.

He wouldn't approach the Scotia family unless they spoke to him first.


Eventually, Nova's train arrived. Nova would want to fly up to get a better view, but his mother would caution him to stay low, follow the other passengers, so as to not cause trouble.

Soon enough though they could see the fountain that the family was waiting for them at, if Speckle hadn't gone up to him first.

Nova would wave at them otherwise before approaching, seemingly taking all of his willpower to not explode in excitement as the thestral from before moved quietly up to his mother to share an affectionate nuzzle.

Nova would bow in greeting before getting a bit nervous, "Um... hi!"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

Nightsky would notice her colleague also waiting nearby, but wouldn't say anything until the rest of the group arrived. 

Speckle was staring into the fountain when Nova and his mother arrived. However, when Speckle heard her parents start talking, she realized that this was the moment she had been looking forward to. She spun around and immediately identified the young colt.

"Nova!" she would exclaim, running towards him for a hug before abruptly stopping when she realized something. She wasn't sure if Nova liked hugs. "Uu um, I mean, hello Nova, nice to meet you," She stammered, extending a hoof for a hoofshake. It seemed appropriate, given what her parents were doing.

Speckle had a moment to glance at Nova, and she could feel the excitement that seemed to match the excitement in his letters. Or maybe it was just her own excitement. She couldn't really tell. And she could definitely understand how a thestral would be more bat than a bat pony. However, her excitement soon returned when thoughts about what they should do together floated through her head. 

"Eeeeeee! It's so nice to finally meet you! I feel so excited about everything! What should we do first? And what do you think of Canterlot? Isn't there like so much cool stuff here? I mean, look at that! And that! And that! And whatever that thing is!" Speckle would point at various objects of interest around the train station. 

Meanwhile, Nightsky Scotia would initiate the conversation between the grown-ups of the two families. "Hello, head guard, Nightwing Fastar; it's nice to see you here," she said with a half bow, half nod. "Radiant, this is my colleague, head guard Fastar. Head guard Fastar, this is my husband, Radiant Scotia." She would then turn towards Nightwing and Indigo Eclipse. "It is a pleasure to be able to connect with you two on this cultural exchange. I hope everything is going well."

"It is a pleasure to meet you two. I am Radiant Scotia," Radiant Scotia would introduce himself as he offered a hoofshake to Nightwing and Indigo Eclipse.

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2024-01-22 at 9:29 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

She stammered, extending a hoof for a hoofshake. It seemed appropriate, given what her parents were doing.

Nova met her hoof and shook it, blushing a bit, "It's... um... it's nice to meet you too."

On 2024-01-22 at 9:29 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Eeeeeee! It's so nice to finally meet you! I feel so excited about everything! What should we do first? And what do you think of Canterlot? Isn't there like so much cool stuff here? I mean, look at that! And that! And that! And whatever that thing is!" Speckle would point at various objects of interest around the train station. 

Speckle's enthusiasm helped him to quickly overcome his nervousness. Quickly looking at all of the things that Speckle pointed to. "I think it's all really neat! It's super high up here, going up the mountain in the train was fun, I'm sure you can see so far away from up here!"

To answer what they should do first, he'd adjust his bag on his back, "Maybe, um, we could go put my stuff away first? Oh! I should also say goodbye too."


On 2024-01-22 at 9:29 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Meanwhile, Nightsky Scotia would initiate the conversation between the grown-ups of the two families. "Hello, head guard, Nightwing Fastar; it's nice to see you here," she said with a half bow, half nod. "Radiant, this is my colleague, head guard Fastar. Head guard Fastar, this is my husband, Radiant Scotia." She would then turn towards Nightwing and Indigo Eclipse. "It is a pleasure to be able to connect with you two on this cultural exchange. I hope everything is going well."

"It is a pleasure to meet you two. I am Radiant Scotia," Radiant Scotia would introduce himself as he offered a hoofshake to Nightwing and Indigo Eclipse.

Nightwing would salute Nightsky and both Nightwing and Indigo would accept Radiant's offered hoof. Indigo would speak up, "It's a pleasure to meet you both in person too, though I can see my initial impressions of you were not wrong. You do seem to be as polite as your letters suggested."

She would spare a glance over to the younger ones before continuing, "Unfortunately, Nova didn't sleep as much as I would have liked on the trip over, so you may need to convince them to rest earlier than usual so he can adjust. While Canterlot is only one time zone off of the colony, It would still do him some good to take some time to adjust."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2024-01-24 at 4:51 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nightwing would salute Nightsky and both Nightwing and Indigo would accept Radiant's offered hoof. Indigo would speak up, "It's a pleasure to meet you both in person too, though I can see my initial impressions of you were not wrong. You do seem to be as polite as your letters suggested."

She would spare a glance over to the younger ones before continuing, "Unfortunately, Nova didn't sleep as much as I would have liked on the trip over, so you may need to convince them to rest earlier than usual so he can adjust. While Canterlot is only one time zone off of the colony, It would still do him some good to take some time to adjust."

Radiant nodded. "Alright, we'll keep that in mind. We're going to keep things simple for the first night and have Speckle stick to going around the Thestral Market neighborhood to help Nova adjust. I'm not sure if I have anything else to ask specifically relating to Nova and the exchange, but would you two care to join us for some breakfast at our place? We're grabbing takeout from that fried bug place that Speckle loves," Radiant offered. Nightsky nodded in agreement. 

On 2024-01-24 at 4:51 PM, Illiad Easle said:


Nova met her hoof and shook it, blushing a bit, "It's... um... it's nice to meet you too."

Speckle's enthusiasm helped him to quickly overcome his nervousness. Quickly looking at all of the things that Speckle pointed to. "I think it's all really neat! It's super high up here, going up the mountain in the train was fun, I'm sure you can see so far away from up here!"

To answer what they should do first, he'd adjust his bag on his back, "Maybe, um, we could go put my stuff away first? Oh! I should also say goodbye too."

"Yeah, we get such nice views from here! We can see Ponyville from all the way over here! Isn't that so cool? That's why skydiving is so awesome here! Like, you can see so much when you jump off of a mountain! It sounds like my parents want to invite your parents to eat breakfast at our place, and they're getting takeout from that really cool fried bug restaurant I was talking about! But if they can't come, you can say goodbye to them now," Speckle exclaimed before stepping back to give Nova space to say goodbye to her parents when she finished.

Afterwards, Speckle would fly ahead of her parents, daring Nova to follow while pointing out the interesting plazas, museums, and monuments in Canterlot as they made their way to the takeout place in Thestral Market. If Nightwing and Indigo were available and accepted the invite, Nightsky and Radiant would walk along with them, discussing what it's like to live in Canterlot and asking what Indigo's impressions of it are. 

By the time they reached the Thestral Market neighborhood, the sun was setting, filling the sky with vibrant shades of purple and orange. It wasn't that much longer before they were in front of The Salty Bucket, the takeout restaurant that the Scotias were talking about. It was a small restaurant, with only enough space for ponies to grab takeout. However, it was popular, with a long line of bat ponies waiting for their orders stretching out the door. Looking through the front window, Speckle could see that Radiant's order was already ready. Speckle would try her best to wait patiently for her parents, but it was hard to sit still while constantly talking to Nova, and every time the door opened, the mouth-watering smell of fried bus and seafood would cascade out. "So, what do you think? Do you like fried bugs? What about fried fish?" Speckle would ask Nova.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate


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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2024-01-25 at 1:44 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

but would you two care to join us for some breakfast at our place? We're grabbing takeout from that fried bug place that Speckle loves," Radiant offered. Nightsky nodded in agreement. 

The parents shared a look, Nightwing looked in favor while Indigo was unsure, "Let me check when my return train is."

A quick look at her ticket showed that her train wasn't scheduled to leave for another hour. "Well, if we can be done in under an hour, okay."

On 2024-01-25 at 1:44 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Afterwards, Speckle would fly ahead of her parents, daring Nova to follow

Nova would be able to keep pace easily, flying around being one of his only real pastimes in the colony. He was eager to take in all that Speckle had to show him.

On 2024-01-25 at 1:44 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

If Nightwing and Indigo were available and accepted the invite, Nightsky and Radiant would walk along with them, discussing what it's like to live in Canterlot and asking what Indigo's impressions of it are. 

Indigo would relate that, while it was vastly different than life in the colony, her birth clan, Eclipse, was situated close to Manehatten and as such she had been exposed to city life from a young age up until she had married Nightwing. Her comments would be mostly on how she viewed Canterlot as more refined and regal while Manehatten was more modern.

On 2024-01-25 at 1:44 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

However, it was popular, with a long line of bat ponies waiting for their orders stretching out the door.

Indigo would look concerned at the line, fearing that there wouldn't be enough time for them to collect their food before she would have to return to the train station.

On 2024-01-25 at 1:44 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"So, what do you think? Do you like fried bugs? What about fried fish?" Speckle would ask Nova.

Nova had been enthralled by the smell as well as the sight of so many bat ponies around them, but was shaken from it by Speckle's questions. "Oh! Sorry, there's just so many more ponies here than back home. I think there's even more here than at Mohotma or Archback. I don't think I've every had fried anything, most of the food I eat is either fresh, baked, or cooked over a fire."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

19 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The parents shared a look, Nightwing looked in favor while Indigo was unsure, "Let me check when my return train is."

A quick look at her ticket showed that her train wasn't scheduled to leave for another hour. "Well, if we can be done in under an hour, okay."

Nightsky thought for a moment, crunching some quick calculations in her head before replying, "Yeah, that can work. I'll make sure to lead you back to the train station so you can catch your train," Nightsky replied, trying to reassure Indigo.

19 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Indigo would relate that, while it was vastly different than life in the colony, her birth clan, Eclipse, was situated close to Manehatten and as such she had been exposed to city life from a young age up until she had married Nightwing. Her comments would be mostly on how she viewed Canterlot as more refined and regal while Manehatten was more modern.

Indigo would look concerned at the line, fearing that there wouldn't be enough time for them to collect their food before she would have to return to the train station.

The conversation soon transitioned to talking about Manehatten and the similarities and differences that said city has with Canterlot. Radiant admitted that he never visited Manehatten before but would be interested in doing so. Before the group knew it, they found themselves in front of The Salty Bucket. Noticing Indigo's concern about the long line, Radiant would explain, "Oh, that line is just for the ponies waiting to order. We placed our order and paid before going to the train station, and I can see that our order is ready for pick up." Radiant would swing inside to grab their order before heading out and leading the way to their apartment just a block over. The Scotia family lived above their family business, and Radiant would lead the way upstairs to where they lived. 

20 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Nova had been enthralled by the smell as well as the sight of so many bat ponies around them, but was shaken from it by Speckle's questions. "Oh! Sorry, there's just so many more ponies here than back home. I think there's even more here than at Mohotma or Archback. I don't think I've every had fried anything, most of the food I eat is either fresh, baked, or cooked over a fire."

"I know, it smells so good, right? And there are so many ponies here! Welcome to the big city! You can feel all the opportunities and excitement and things to do going on in the air! Wait, you never tried fried food! It's soo good! That's why there are always so many ponies waiting outside that restaurant! And you're about to try it!" Speckle exclaimed. 

As soon as everypony arrived at the apartment, a flurry of activity happened. Radiant set down their takeout order on the table before finding three more chairs to set around it and suggesting that Nightwing and Indigo get comfortable. Nightsky would wash, chop up, and serve some fresh fruits and vegetables to go with their takeout order. Speckle would lead Nova upstairs to her bedroom, where he could unpack his stuff, before leading him back downstairs so everybody could eat together. 

The Speckle family apartment was cozy, yet with just a bit of finagling, Radiant was able to arrange six chairs around the table. Upstairs in Speckle's bedroom, it was also quite compact, yet cozy and cute, and covered in Wonderbolts and Princess Luna decorations. "And this is my room! Isn't it so cozy and cute? You can put your bag there, and there's space for you to sleep there! It will be just like a slumber party! I know, there's a lot of Princess Luna and Wonderbolts decorations..." Speckle gestured to the various decorations in her room while rubbing her hooves excitedly against the soft carpet.

Once everypony was seated around the table, Nightsky and Radiant would serve everypony the fried bugs and fried fish from the takeout, along with the fresh fruits and vegetables that they cut up.

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2024-01-28 at 2:53 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"And this is my room! Isn't it so cozy and cute? You can put your bag there, and there's space for you to sleep there! It will be just like a slumber party! I know, there's a lot of Princess Luna and Wonderbolts decorations..." Speckle gestured to the various decorations in her room while rubbing her hooves excitedly against the soft carpet.

Nova looked shocked, "You... you have your own room? Wow!" He turned his attention to the bed (I assume she has a bed) again curious, "What's this? Like, a big couch? Where's your hammock? You know, for sleeping?"

It seemed like he had some different expectations, but his face was not one of disappointment, rather of intrigue, as it seemed he was entering a whole new experience.


On 2024-01-28 at 2:53 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Once everypony was seated around the table, Nightsky and Radiant would serve everypony the fried bugs and fried fish from the takeout, along with the fresh fruits and vegetables that they cut up.

The thestrals would mostly try the fruits, the juicier the better, and the fish over the vegetables and the bugs, but the would encourage Nova to try a little bit of everything offered. If asked what he thought, he would look thoughtful, "It's... different. I like how crunchy it is, but the taste is... different. It's not bad, but, I don't know, maybe I'm just not used to it? The fruit is also different."

Indigo would speak up, "Well Nova, up here on the mountain they can't grow as many things fresh as we can, but they do have access to more kinds of things than we do in the forest. I'm sure if you try more things you'll find something you really like."

He nodded and kept eating.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2024-02-03 at 5:26 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nova looked shocked, "You... you have your own room? Wow!" He turned his attention to the bed (I assume she has a bed) again curious, "What's this? Like, a big couch? Where's your hammock? You know, for sleeping?"

"You sleep in hammocks? What's that?" Speckle would ask, glancing at Nova curiously, not quite sure what this object that Nova was talking about. "But uh, this is where I sleep. It's a bed, and I cuddle my Luna plushie while I sleep," Speckle explained. "I suppose we can ask my parents if you could sleep on a hammock in my room. What's it like to sleep on a hammock? Did you bring a hammock?" 

Once Speckle was downstairs again with the rest of the family, she would ask Radiant about having a hammock in her room.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about hanging a hammock in your room. I'll have to check if there is something in place that can support such weight. If not, you could sleep on the balcony. It is small and outside, but the weather is pleasant this time of year, and I know for sure there are things we could tie the hammock to that would be able to support your weight, given that we're currently hanging potted plants and laundry on them. It depends on what you expect to sleep in while you're here. Did you bring a hammock?" Radiant would address Speckle and Nova, though his last question would be directed towards Nova or his parents.

After Nova would have a chance to answer Radiant about his expected sleeping accommodations, Speckle would flood Nova with questions about hammocks. "So you sleep in hammocks? What's it like sleeping in hammocks? Do you sleep with anything in hammocks? I know when I sleep on my bead, I sleep with a pillow and blankets and a Luna plushie that I snuggle. Do you lounge on hammocks? If so, how do you lounge?"

"Woah there, slow down Speckle, give Nova a chance to answer!" Radiant would remark, giving Speckle a nudge with a light-hearted laugh. Speckle would pause her entourage of questions and laugh a little in reply.

On 2024-02-03 at 5:26 PM, Illiad Easle said:

The thestrals would mostly try the fruits, the juicier the better, and the fish over the vegetables and the bugs, but the would encourage Nova to try a little bit of everything offered. If asked what he thought, he would look thoughtful, "It's... different. I like how crunchy it is, but the taste is... different. It's not bad, but, I don't know, maybe I'm just not used to it? The fruit is also different."

Indigo would speak up, "Well Nova, up here on the mountain they can't grow as many things fresh as we can, but they do have access to more kinds of things than we do in the forest. I'm sure if you try more things you'll find something you really like."

This would spark a discussion about the food in Canterlot from Radiant and Nightsky.

"Most of our fruits and vegetables are from Ponyville, which is right near the base of the mountain from us. That farming town is known for growing really great food due to earth pony skill and magic. Most particularly, the apples from Sweet Apple Acres. A lot of the ponies here in Canterlot seem to agree that they grow the juiciest apples. However, that town grows a wide variety of fruits and vegetables which Canterlot relies on."

"As for the fried fish, well apparently, there's an interesting story behind that. Canterlot is quite a ways away from the coast, so getting fresh fish here is hard. When Thestral Market, the market, was founded here in this neighborhood, the ponies here found the fish here to be less fresh than they liked, so they fried it."

Speckle would happily enjoy some apples and peaches, getting the juices all over her face as she chewed. Suddenly, she got a mischievous idea. She would grab a tomato slice and hold it in front of Nova. "Hey Nova, is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?" She smirked a mischievous smile.

If the hammocks didn't bring up any other accommodations that Nova would prefer to have, Nightsky would glance at the time and try to wrap up the conversation. She would mention that it would probably be time for the family to say their goodbyes before she would lead Indigo back to the train station.


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@Skylight Scintillate

8 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"You sleep in hammocks? What's that?" Speckle would ask, glancing at Nova curiously, not quite sure what this object that Nova was talking about. "But uh, this is where I sleep. It's a bed, and I cuddle my Luna plushie while I sleep," Speckle explained. "I suppose we can ask my parents if you could sleep on a hammock in my room. What's it like to sleep on a hammock? Did you bring a hammock?" 

Nova looked a bit unsure, "Um, no, all I brought was my blanket..." he pulled it out of his bag, it was a simple quilted thing, well loved and well worn, whatever images it had once held long since faded. He set the folded blanket down on the floor where Speckle indicated he'd be sleeping, "Um, anyway, a hammock is like, well, a bag that you hang from the ceiling or two walls. It's really cozy, like being wrapped in a hug but your whole body, plus it keeps the light out really good."

9 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

It depends on what you expect to sleep in while you're here. Did you bring a hammock?" Radiant would address Speckle and Nova, though his last question would be directed towards Nova or his parents.

Nova shook his head again, starting to feel like he should have known he would need to bring one, "Sorry..."

9 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

Do you sleep with anything in hammocks? I know when I sleep on my bead, I sleep with a pillow and blankets and a Luna plushie that I snuggle. Do you lounge on hammocks? If so, how do you lounge?"

(Skipping the questions he already answered) "Well, just with a blanket usually, or without if it is too hot. Lounge? I think they're just for sleeping, we put them away when we're not using them."

9 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

Speckle would happily enjoy some apples and peaches, getting the juices all over her face as she chewed. Suddenly, she got a mischievous idea. She would grab a tomato slice and hold it in front of Nova. "Hey Nova, is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?" She smirked a mischievous smile.

Nova looked confused, "Um, fruit?"

His mother nodded, "Do you remember why?"

He looked thoughtful, "Um... because they come from a flower?"

She nodded again, "Very good."

9 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

If the hammocks didn't bring up any other accommodations that Nova would prefer to have, Nightsky would glance at the time and try to wrap up the conversation. She would mention that it would probably be time for the family to say their goodbyes before she would lead Indigo back to the train station.

Nova would be quick to hug his parents, a bit less sure of staying here in such unfamiliar territory than he had been an hour ago, but still brave enough to see it through given his father wouldn't be far away while he was here. With some softly shared words from his parents he let them go.

Once they were out of sight he couldn't help but yawn, "Um... what do we do now?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2024-02-06 at 8:43 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nova shook his head again, starting to feel like he should have known he would need to bring one, "Sorry..."

"No worries. We just want to make your stay as comfortable as possible. If you prefer to sleep in a hammock, we'll try to figure out a way to make that work," Radiant reassured Nova. "However, if you're flexible with this, we could also unroll a sleeping bag. It really depends on what you want."

On 2024-02-06 at 8:43 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nova looked a bit unsure, "Um, no, all I brought was my blanket..." he pulled it out of his bag, it was a simple quilted thing, well loved and well worn, whatever images it had once held long since faded. He set the folded blanket down on the floor where Speckle indicated he'd be sleeping, "Um, anyway, a hammock is like, well, a bag that you hang from the ceiling or two walls. It's really cozy, like being wrapped in a hug but your whole body, plus it keeps the light out really good."

"Well, just with a blanket usually, or without if it is too hot. Lounge? I think they're just for sleeping, we put them away when we're not using them."

"Woah, that sounds like, totally different, like, in a cool kind of way, not like in a strange kind of way. And I think your blanket is really cute!" Speckle replied. She tried to picture to herself what it would be like to sleep in a sleeping bag hanging from the ceiling. 

On 2024-02-06 at 8:43 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nova looked confused, "Um, fruit?"

His mother nodded, "Do you remember why?"

He looked thoughtful, "Um... because they come from a flower?"

She nodded again, "Very good."

"Hehe, I love asking other ponies this question and seeing how they answer. They always have such interesting things to say when I ask that question. I think that a tomato is both," Speckle replied with a giggle. 

On 2024-02-06 at 8:43 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Once they were out of sight he couldn't help but yawn, "Um... what do we do now?"

"Well I think that we should give you a chance to unpack and get familiar with where you will be staying. That will give me a chance to sort out your sleeping accommodations and I know somepony is really excited to show you all of her Wonderbolts and Princess Luna things. I know that Speckle would also be eager to show you the city, but perhaps stick to Thestral Market for this evening, you two. I know you had a long day traveling here," Radiant explained.

"Yeah like, the rest of Canterlot is so boring at night. It's only interesting during the day, which is kind of like the opposite of Thestral Market, where everything interesting happens at night. Anyways, let's start this apartment tour starting 3 2 1 now! We're in our dining room but it's also kind of our living room. Over there is the kitchen, and over there is the closet by the front entrance! There is a bathroom, and then there's the stairs! Upstairs, oh look! It's another bathroom! Then there's my parents' room and my room! My room is so cool! Oh, and did I mention the closets?!" Speckle would bounce all over the apartment, pointing to every room before coming to a stop in her room. 

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2024-02-10 at 3:59 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"No worries. We just want to make your stay as comfortable as possible. If you prefer to sleep in a hammock, we'll try to figure out a way to make that work," Radiant reassured Nova. "However, if you're flexible with this, we could also unroll a sleeping bag. It really depends on what you want."

Nova looked thoughtful, but nodded, "Um, a bag would be nice, if that's easier. Thank you..."

On 2024-02-10 at 3:59 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

And I think your blanket is really cute!

Nova looked a bit embarrassed at that comment, "Thanks... my mom made it for me."

On 2024-02-10 at 3:59 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Anyways, let's start this apartment tour starting 3 2 1 now! We're in our dining room but it's also kind of our living room. Over there is the kitchen, and over there is the closet by the front entrance! There is a bathroom, and then there's the stairs! Upstairs, oh look! It's another bathroom! Then there's my parents' room and my room! My room is so cool! Oh, and did I mention the closets?!" Speckle would bounce all over the apartment, pointing to every room before coming to a stop in her room. 

Nova kept up pretty well with Speckle as she showed him around, despite the small size of the apartment compared to other Canterlot accommodations, Nova seemed impressed with the size of the place, "It's... it's a lot bigger than my house, and you guys have so much more stuff! Your group must be really strong here."

Nova seemed unsure, and perhaps a bit inadequate presented with the Scotia's relative wealth compared to his own family. He was of course respectful, like he would be when visiting Mohotma city or Archback. While he was aware that things worked differently outside of the clan, this was the first time he had really seen it applied and up close.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2024-02-13 at 4:29 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nova looked thoughtful, but nodded, "Um, a bag would be nice, if that's easier. Thank you..."

"Sure," Radiant would reply as he followed the group upstairs to Speckle's room. He would grab a sleeping bag from a closet and unroll it on the carpeted floor in Speckle's room. "Let me know if you need any blankets when you sleep. We've got tons."

On 2024-02-13 at 4:29 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nova kept up pretty well with Speckle as she showed him around, despite the small size of the apartment compared to other Canterlot accommodations, Nova seemed impressed with the size of the place, "It's... it's a lot bigger than my house, and you guys have so much more stuff! Your group must be really strong here."

"...really strong group? What do you mean by that?" Speckle would give Nova a puzzled look. "I mean, I think our home is pretty normal for a home here in Thestral Market. But what's it like at your place?"

Speckle would also use this opportunity to point out all the Wonderbolts and Princess Luna things in her room. "These are my Wonderbolts action figures! You can put them in cool poses like this and this and reenact famous action sequences! Like this was the time they totally showed a dragon who's the boss!" Speckle would grab the action figures from the shelf above her desk and put them striking dynamic poses. "I think they're so cool and I can't wait to bring you to one of their shows here in Canterlot!" Speckle exclaimed. She would then abruptly turn towards her dad. "You got the tickets, right?"

"Yes, I did. Don't you worry. We'll all get to show Nova his first Wonderbolts show."

"Yay!" Speckle exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. Speckle would then continue to show how just about everything in her room was either Princess Luna or Wonderbolts themed, from her Wonderbolts bedding and blankets and pajamas to how the ceiling of her room was painted like a starry night sky, to the Princess Luna plushie she had. She would interject all of her explanations with her excitement about having Nova meet Princess Luna and the Wonderbolts for the first time.

"So what do you think? Isn't this all so exciting?"

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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2024-02-17 at 9:54 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Let me know if you need any blankets when you sleep. We've got tons."

Nova nodded, "Thank you." Then put his blanket inside the bag for later.


On 2024-02-17 at 9:54 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"...really strong group? What do you mean by that?" Speckle would give Nova a puzzled look. "I mean, I think our home is pretty normal for a home here in Thestral Market. But what's it like at your place?"

Nova looked confused, "I mean like, your clan, but I heard you don't really have clans here so I don't really know what to call it?" He sighed, "In my clan, everyone works together and whatever stuff the clan has is shared between everyone, with minor exceptions like gifts and things we buy. So everyone has pretty similar houses. For your family to have such a big space, and you to have your own room, your group must be doing really well so that you can have all that. Or do things work differently here?"

"My family don't have as big a space as this. We have a room where we hang our hammocks to sleep, but when we're not sleeping we stow the hammocks away and use the room for whatever we need. Then we have a room for eating and cooking, though most of our food is made in common, so the best cooks of the clan cook for everyone from what everyone could grow, hunt, and gather."

He looked unsure, "I don't understand how all of it works, but I guess I'll show you once we go to visit my clan?"


On 2024-02-17 at 9:54 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Like this was the time they totally showed a dragon who's the boss!"

Nova looked very impressed by the figures, "Wow! These look a lot better than the wooden toys I had as a foal. I think I saw some like them at Archback." He would be very gentle with them if Speckle let him touch them, and would not try to touch them if she didn't offer, assuming them to be especially valuable.


On 2024-02-17 at 9:54 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Yes, I did. Don't you worry. We'll all get to show Nova his first Wonderbolts show."

Nova was similarly excited by that prospect, following Speckle's lead in expressing his excitement.


On 2024-02-17 at 9:54 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"So what do you think? Isn't this all so exciting?"

Nova looked a bit overwhelmed by everything that Speckle had shown him, "It's all... new to me, which I guess is exciting?"

He yawned again, "Maybe I should have slept more on the train, but there was so much to see on the way here! I'm sorry if I'm too tired to really appreciate it, but I am looking forward to everything you have to show me, I guess I'm just worried that I won't have as many cool things to show you when you come visit me..."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 

On 2024-02-18 at 6:32 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nova looked confused, "I mean like, your clan, but I heard you don't really have clans here so I don't really know what to call it?" He sighed, "In my clan, everyone works together and whatever stuff the clan has is shared between everyone, with minor exceptions like gifts and things we buy. So everyone has pretty similar houses. For your family to have such a big space, and you to have your own room, your group must be doing really well so that you can have all that. Or do things work differently here?"

"I guess we call our groups families here. It feels like most bat ponies here copy what the other ponies do here in Canterlot, I guess? I mean like, all the unicorns here love doing things by themselves and such. Like, yeah sometimes we share things inside of a family. And families that know each other well they will do things together or something like that. Maybe it's like because there are so many more ponies here, you can't know everypony or something like that," Speckle pondered.

"Also my friends here all live in very similar apartments to this, so does that mean every family here is doing really well? But then again, there are so many unicorns here that live in giant homes in the fancy-schmancy part of Canterlot. They have closets in their closets and closets in their bathrooms. Or is it bathrooms in their closets? Honestly, I don't get it. Why do they need everything to be so fancy-schmancy, and confusing?" Speckle pondered out loud.

On 2024-02-18 at 6:32 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"My family don't have as big a space as this. We have a room where we hang our hammocks to sleep, but when we're not sleeping we stow the hammocks away and use the room for whatever we need. Then we have a room for eating and cooking, though most of our food is made in common, so the best cooks of the clan cook for everyone from what everyone could grow, hunt, and gather."

He looked unsure, "I don't understand how all of it works, but I guess I'll show you once we go to visit my clan?"

"Huh, that sounds..." Speckle struggled to come up with the right words, "Uhh, simple! But I mean, like, in a cozy-sounding kind of way! Does your clan have really good cooks that cook really good food like the restaurants here? I love the restaurants here. They always cook the best food."

On 2024-02-18 at 6:32 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Nova looked very impressed by the figures, "Wow! These look a lot better than the wooden toys I had as a foal. I think I saw some like them at Archback." He would be very gentle with them if Speckle let him touch them, and would not try to touch them if she didn't offer, assuming them to be especially valuable.

Speckle would gesture to Nova to play around with her action figures. "Hwy, they aren't called action figures if they don't see any action, right?" Speckle giggled at her own joke. "But actually, the best part is playing with these with my friends. I would love to play Wonderbolts with you! Ooh, did I tell you about this Wonderbolt? The one with the Rainbow Mane is Rainbow Dash! She just joined the Wonderbolts, but she's super popular and everypony loves her! Not only that, but she's the fastest flier in all of Equestria! She's the only pegasus that can do a sonic rainboom! She's so awesome and I want to be just like her when I grow up!" Speckle exclaimed.

On 2024-02-18 at 6:32 PM, Illiad Easle said:

He yawned again, "Maybe I should have slept more on the train, but there was so much to see on the way here! I'm sorry if I'm too tired to really appreciate it, but I am looking forward to everything you have to show me, I guess I'm just worried that I won't have as many cool things to show you when you come visit me..."

"...Wait, so you're going to sleep now? At night? But there's so many things I want to show you! Oh wait..." Speckle suddenly realized how that would probably make Nova feel. "I mean, if you want to sleep now, that's fine."

Fortunately, Radiant was able to offer some help. "Nova, Speckle, I know both of you are excited to explore Thestral Market and Canterlot. However, getting enough sleep is important. You two should write down a schedule of everything you want to do in Canterlot during the day and everything you want to do in Thestral Market during the night while also fitting in enough time to sleep. Nova, since you're the visitor here, what kinds of things do you want to do?" Radiant would ask Nova.

Speckle would grab her list of activities and glance over it but she wouldn't show Nova unless he asked to see it. She got the feeling that her dad wanted Nova to make his own decision about what he would like to see and do without the pressure from Speckle. 


On that list was a wide range of activities. Most activities were in Canterlot during the day, but htere were quite a few activities in Thestral Market during the night. There was a huge list of activities, with everything ranging from museums and tours to doing all the activities that the 'fancy-schmancy' unicorns love doing to adrenaline-rushing activities for fliers. However, the most notable were two activities with set dates. That being a meet-up with Princess Luna and Princess Twilight at a fancy restaurant in Thestral Market one evening, and the Wonderbolts show with a Rainbow Dash Fan Club thing afterwards one day. Most of the activities were already mentioned by Speckle in her letters.


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@Skylight Scintillate

On 2024-02-20 at 11:08 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Does your clan have really good cooks that cook really good food like the restaurants here? I love the restaurants here. They always cook the best food."

Nova thought for a moment, "Well, the only food I've tried here was what we had for dinner, so by that I'd say its different? Everything is made fresh, usually from whatever was recently harvested or caught that day." He shrugged, "I guess I'll have to try more food here to see."

On 2024-02-20 at 11:08 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Nova, since you're the visitor here, what kinds of things do you want to do?" Radiant would ask Nova.

Nova looked intimidated by the proposal, "I... um... I don't really know what there is to see. I mean, I heard that Princess Luna comes to the market? I was hoping to see her. Um... the castle sounds cool, and the show. " He looked thoughtful before he shrugged again, "I guess I am good with anything. Maybe I could sleep for a bit now, and we could figure out the rest once I'm not so tired?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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