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private New Beginnings (Triplayer RP with Cococody and Props)

Skylight Scintillate

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/201914-new-beginnings/

Canterlot, it was such a magical city. Quite literally for Twilight Sparkle, for she had studied magic at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns here. While she had her friends in Ponyville, she couldn’t help but to jump at the opportunity to meet up with her classmates from university to research ancient magical artifacts together. In typical Twilight fashion, upon her arrival in Canterlot, she immediately went to the Canterlot library and borrowed the books relevant to their artifact quest. After obtaining the books needed, she intended on heading to her friend’s house to meet up and discuss their plans. However, her trot out of the library was cut abruptly short as she ran into another pony. 

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there,” Twilight exclaimed as she stumbled back and dropped the books she was levitating. She glanced at the pony she ran into. The pony looked surprisingly like her, a unicorn with a light purple coat and darker purple mane and tail.

”Are you ok?” Twilight added.

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Everything was going to plan, she thought. Starlight glimmer had spent a few days preparing for this trip, meticulous and cunning would be her middle name if she eaxctly had it her way. She spent a great deal of time communicating who would be second in command in the village of our town, "have to make everything is perfect", she thought with a skip to her step. A smirk bleeding into a devilish little grin, we only take a little bit of research until she could complete what she needed to augment her current approach to removing cutey marks, but she needed more information. 

It was a long train ride to canterlot, a refreshing wind gusting by her window, as the majestic mountain sides tower over the landscape, she could smell the burning of coal wisp through the train, "what a time to be alive" she said with amused chuckle.

The rest of the ride and the eventual walk down to the library, became quite a haze for her, deep in the process of thought and ruminantion. This thought process continued until a large whomping funk tapped her on the horn and forehead, knocking her back onto her bottom. starlight glimmer looked up in a confused haze, confusion setting in as it was quite a bump to the noggin. "Oh- oh wha-" her head spinning a little bit until she shook her head with a rattle. Getting a clear picture of the pony straight in front of her. " Oh I am sorry- I must of been careless " She stared at twilight for a moment and blinked a few times. "Huh.. so I know you from some where, you look familiar."

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  • The title was changed to New Beginnings (Triplayer RP with Cococody and Props)

@CocoCody @Props Valroa 

“Ooff!” Twilight exclaimed as she felt the wind get knocked out of her as yet another pony tripped onto the pony pile. 

Once she had a chance to stabilize herself, she crawled out from under the pony pile and picked up the books she had dropped, putting them in her saddlebags. 

“You two recognize me?” Twilight asked, giving the pair a surprised look. “Well, I mean, I suppose I am kind of well known. How do you two know me? And can I help you two in some way?” Twilight asked as she massaged and comforted her soft fur with her magic. 

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

With fleeting breaths from her multiple tumbles, starlight wobbles up to her hooves like a shaken noodle, birds would be chirping in circles from her head if they could. Starlight paused at twilight question as she open her mouth to speak.

"I uh- I think I might be mistakening you for me" she threw in somewhat cheaply as a distraction for what she really felt. The truth was that she did see her before, previous visits to canterlot she had seen her by Celestia school for the gifted, Starlight always kept one eye open just in case. 

"yeah you and me sure look alike, I mean, you’re purple I am purple~"Coming off a little bit more natural and in tune with her natural awkwardness and humor, starlight continued. "I was actually hoping if you could help me find a book I was looking for?" 

starlight then shifted a look at the other pony, her on the other hand, she did not see her before, so she thought, she raised an eyebrow at the pony As if to gesture, speak.

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@CocoCody @Props Valroa 

Twilight glanced at herself before glancing back towards this other purple pony, a little confused. "Uuh, I mean, I guess? But I don't know who either of you are!" Twilight exclaimed, glancing at the two other ponies in the group. She sighed.

"I guess it's just creepy to run into two ponies that claim to know me that I know nothing about. Since I clearly know nothing about you two, maybe you two could tell me your names, and what it is that you want from me? Like, maybe a specific book title?" Twilight asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

Starlight put her front hoof forward to answer twilight first. "The names Starlight Glimmer, I am not from here, but I come from my own proud little village just across the valley, it’s a very tight nit community of like-minded ponies who value equality" she said to her straight with genuine enthusiasm, "It’s quite a beautiful place, we try very hard to make our community welcome for all who come" she continued with a very proud tone to her voice, she adjusted her stance so that she was staring at the two of them. Her lips pinching together a smile as the gears in her head turned. "so to get to the point, I am looking for a book of spells that would allow me to remove stain surfaces, like symbols or marks. you know, perhaps we could discuss this more inside of the library, maybe with the three of us." It was a bit of a guilty pleasure, talking about her village, she was sure to slip that in whenever she got the chance. She then turned to the other pony., "and perhaps I could get to know you, were you looking for a place to live~?"

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@Props Valroa @CocoCody 

Twilight Sparkle sighed again. While this meet-up with her friends in Canterlot wasn't scheduled, she wanted to get started on this magical mystery as soon as possible. It really annoyed her when other ponies messed up her schedule like this. However, there wasn't much she could do, so with another sigh, she replied. "Alright, let's talk this over in a room at the library,"

With her books securely in her saddlebags, she turned around and headed back into the library. 

Once they found a room where the three unicorns could talk privately, Twilight began to reflect on what the other ponies said.

On 2024-03-15 at 12:10 AM, CocoCody said:

"so to get to the point, I am looking for a book of spells that would allow me to remove stain surfaces, like symbols or marks."

"Hi Starlight. ...A book of spells to remove marks or symbols? I mean, you don't normally use magical spells to remove marks. Just what are you trying to remove from what exactly? Because I get the impression you're trying to remove something very specific here." Twilight asked.

Symbols? What is that supposed to mean? And why would this unicorn be interested in removing symbols? This Starlight pony is definitely up to something. But what? And why?

23 hours ago, Magnolia said:

Magnolia looks to Twilight first. "I am Magnolia, and I have come to search for you because there is an important matter that I believe needs to be discussed."

"Hi Magnolia, What is this important matter that you think needs to be discussed?" Twilight asked.

And then there's Magnolia here. She's been so mysterious this whole time. She claims to know so much about me, yet she reveals so little when I ask her about herself. However, she did say she was looking for me. What is she hiding?

Are these two ponies together? They definitely don't act like they're together. However, it is quite bizarre how they both happened to run into me at the same time. And if they are together, what are they trying to accomplish by asking me seemingly different questions and trying to act so different from each other? How can I trust these two ponies? Twilight thought as she sat at the table, glancing at the two ponies seated across from her. 

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

Finding her self on a nice firm oak seat as they got settled in this much better environment suited for private conversations, she leaned forward onto the table, Passion swelling past her better judgment to be so honest with strangers, Starlight began by insisting to Twilight "Well to be honest with you, we value equality very much so in our little community- and so we believe everyone should be equal in all aspects of there identity, You know if somebody has a special talent that could make another pony feel lesser, then I feel like that would not be good fit for our community. So that is too say, I am trying to figure out a system so that we could store our cutie marks, just temporally. I mean right now the closest thing we have to appearing equal is putting a post it note over our cutie marks!" her head swung back as she laughed heartedly.

Addressing your question, Starlight looked at Magnolia, Squinting for a second to reach inside for memory. " You know I don't quite recall ever seeing you around, are you sure you're not a lunch lady at the local hay burger or something~?" Starlight quipped, She then shrugged and tried to be cordial but she had a funny bone that was tingling, she put her Inhibitions aside for a moment " She's certainly new to me- but it is nice to meet you Magnolia, Other than coming here for little miss twilight here, what really brings you here~" She said with much humour, not to be taken that phase value or with any seriousness, just a nudge to her mysteriousness.

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@Props Valroa @CocoCody 

On 2024-03-15 at 5:38 PM, Starlight Glimmer said:

"Well to be honest with you, we value equality very much so in our little community- and so we believe everyone should be equal in all aspects of there identity, You know if somebody has a special talent that could make another pony feel lesser, then I feel like that would not be good fit for our community. So that is too say, I am trying to figure out a system so that we could store our cutie marks, just temporally. I mean right now the closest thing we have to appearing equal is putting a post it note over our cutie marks!" her head swung back as she laughed heartedly.

Originally, Twilight glanced at Starlight suspiciously, but now she glanced at Starlight with significant concern. "Uuh, are you having some kind of trouble with your special talent or something? Do you hate your cutie mark? Is it giving you an identity crisis? Or are you jealous of somepony else's cutie marks? Removing a pony's cutie mark causes a lot of problems if they don't have an existing problem with their cutie mark. In addition, this sounds like the symptom of another problem that needs to be addressed."

She keeps saying *we* a lot. Is there a whole community of ponies that are all struggling with their special talent? If so, what is the cause of this? Whatever issue that could cause this many ponies to have issues with their cutie marks would be very important to address. If not, would that mean she is immorally trying to remove cutie marks from ponies that are content with their special talent? That is extraordinarily illegal! Or maybe she's trying to convince other ponies to give up their cutie mark? But why would she do such a thing? Either way, this sounds like an illegal cult. Hopefully, this is just a misunderstanding, and she doesn't actually want to go around stripping ponies of their special talent. If not, I need to figure out a way to prevent her from taking away any more special talents...

On 2024-03-15 at 6:09 PM, Magnolia said:

"Well, the reason I am here is because I was looking for you but didn't know where to find you - so I just thought you were in the library here. I found out recently that I am uh, related to you. I never knew who my parents were until I found out just recently when I searched through the records of who they were in the Canterlot Census Records, because I wanted to find out - and well, the papers don't lie..."

Magnolia would reach into her saddlebags and pull out a few records of the Orphanage, that Twilight Velvet and Night Light had left a very young filly there many years ago, before either her or Shining Armor were born. It was stated in the records that this filly was their daughter and there was an "unknown" reason why they decided to put her up for adoption instead of raising her.

Twilight would thoroughly read over the papers that Magnolia showed her. " Hmm, well I would have to compare this to other official records just to make sure, but I'll assume that this is accurate for now. If we are related, what are we supposed to do? Like, what do you want to do here?" Twilight asked Magnolia. She had never expected a situation like this to arise, and now, she was trying to figure out what she's supposed to do here. Part of her was suspicious of Magnolia given how unusual everything has been. The other part of her knew that if Magnolia actually was related to her, it would be important to start things off on the right hoof. 

Hmm, this whole situation is so bizarre. I don't know what to find more shocking, that a potential cult leader is trying to ask me to help them find a spell to commit numerous crimes, or that I have a long lost sibling that my parents never told me about. What am I supposed to do if I run into a long lost sibling? Would she even want to see my parents? Do I introduce her to my friends? If so, how? And then where do we go from there? Gosh, I wish Shining Armor was here to help me out right now...

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa
Starlight glimmers face retreated in a heavy and deep, burning red fluster of absolute shock at twilight’s questioning. She had never been questioned like that before. Her eyes shook hard from her emotional recoil, her eyes watering and threatening to cross over her mascara, suddenly a blunt jolt of anger stormed across her expression, and her lips pinched together tightly as to shut down her emotions. Her mind storming with 1 million things at once, she wasn’t even thinking and blurted out the first response that came to her mind.

” I’ll have you know that cutie marks only widen the gap between between our difference's -and disparity’s- and m- my group-“ 

Her emotions cut her sentence, she was getting choked up with tears. It Flooded her ability to speak, “Equality- hnng.. gh-“ all of your questions swirling around starlight mind, blurring together and becoming very difficult to make clear. She grasped onto the table in front of her and started to weep deeply. “Sunburst.. he used to be..” you could see her anger, breaking apart, and opening up to vulnerable part of humanity inside of her. 

“Why-.. sunburst WHY!?”

Everything was such an incredible blur, a part of her could tell magnolia was speaking to twilight in there own conversation, but she could not make out anything, it was something she would have to explore later when she was in a better headspace, she just felt incredibly embarrassed crying and having a mental breakdown around strangers.

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@CocoCody @Props Valroa 

On 2024-03-18 at 11:25 AM, CocoCody said:

” I’ll have you know that cutie marks only widen the gap between between our difference's -and disparity’s- and m- my group-“ 

Her emotions cut her sentence, she was getting choked up with tears. It Flooded her ability to speak, “Equality- hnng.. gh-“ all of your questions swirling around starlight mind, blurring together and becoming very difficult to make clear. She grasped onto the table in front of her and started to weep deeply. “Sunburst.. he used to be..” you could see her anger, breaking apart, and opening up to vulnerable part of humanity inside of her. 

Twilight was taken aback by Starlight's emotional breakdown. She didn't expect Starlight to react like that to her questioning. Twilight struggled to figure out what Starlight was trying to say between her sobs. Instead, she decided to let Starlight express and process her emotions. Instead, Twilight turned her attention to her cutie mark. She wasn't one to flaunt her cutie mark, but she was still quite proud of it. She was extraordinarily powerful in magic, and that was crucial to who she was. In fact, she believed that it was that magical spark that led her to find the connection between magic and friendship. Without her magic, who would she be? The idea of losing her magic frightened her, and with Starlight's unpredictable reaction to her questioning, she couldn't trust Starlight to leave her magic alone. Plus, part of her wondered if asking for a spell on removing cutie marks was some kind of trick. Twilight's horn briefly glowed as she cast a spell frequently used in magic kindergarten on herself. While it was meant to protect unicorns from other young unicorns learning to control their magic, Twilight figured it could also work on somepony intentionally trying to take away her cutie mark or magical abilities. 

On 2024-03-20 at 1:54 PM, Props Valroa said:

Magnolia would sit there thoughtfully and look into Twilight's eyes with a sense of hope. "I um, I would want to...get to know yo and your friends. After all, family should stick together and I don't know why our parents didn't want to raise me...it's something worth finding out." Magnolia said with a friendly tone as she leaned in closer, seemingly a lot more hopeful now that Twilight understood it. Magnolia didn't blame Twilight for wanting to have it verified and compared - it is what Magnolia would do if she was in the same place as Twilight. "I know this is quite an unexpected revelation, but when I was able to confirm it, I knew I had to do something about it and I knew that the truth need to be known." Magnolia also added.

"Hmm," Twilight would think out loud. "Well I have two groups of friends I could introduce you to. There are the element bearers in Ponyville, and then there are my university friends here in Canterlot. My parents also live here in Canterlot, so we could go see them too. And the thing is, I actually was going to meet my university friends before you ran into me," Twilight explained. "I suppose after getting this verified, I could bring you along to my meet up with them and introduce you?"

Twilight would then turn her attention to Starlight. "Hey, are you ok there? Is there any way I could help you?"

If the other two didn't have any objections, Twilight would head over to the Canterlot Cencus Records to get the information verified. She would encourage the other two to follow along. 

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

starlight brought in a quick breath and heaved it out with a quick exhale, she raised her hooves and started to rub her eyes in circles, not knowing that she dragged a little bit of her mascara down below her cheek. as soon as her breathing gained some normalcy, she was incredibly embarrassed, a heavy, deep red hue illuminated all across her cheeks. giving both of them a quick glance as she swallowed and began to try to pick up where she left off. “-Ih.. oh, I am sorry, I just have some issues.. I think it’s better off that we just continue on and maybe talk about this later” she looked up again crossed her hooves rather sternly. she calm down a little little bit bit more as she listen to her suggestion to go down to Canterlot. “Maybe we could have a conversation about trauma on the way?” She said with a little bit of humour to her voice. she was very embarrassed, but ready to kind of open up to the two of them more. A little bit of her inhibitions behind for now to explore with these new ponies. Eventually touching up what the two of them were saying, she looked at the two of you with a smirk on her face, she couldn’t believe that they were related, but she bit her tongue.

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@CocoCody @Props Valroa 

2 hours ago, CocoCody said:

“-Ih.. oh, I am sorry, I just have some issues.. I think it’s better off that we just continue on and maybe talk about this later. Maybe we could have a conversation about trauma on the way?”

"Uuh, wha...?" Twilight stammered. "Are you ok? Do you need to get help? And what kinds of issues are you talking about here?"

Twilight led the other two toward the Canterlot Census Records office. Once they arrived, Twilight requested to see information about her family. Not long afterward, a unicorn came out from the back and led Twilight to his office to talk privately. Soon after that, Twilight came back out to the rest of the group. "Well, that confirms it: we're related. However, it does raise questions that only our parents can answer," Twilight explained to Magnolia.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

Starlight glimmer looked down at the floor, she was very embarrassed, and some anger creeped up on her for expressing some vulnerable things to them, her head danced around if it was the right decision, a burning red crimson blush stayed heavy on her face.

” well, I had a best friend that left me a very young age, he had to leave because of his city mark and it tore my heart apart being away from him because of those differences. It was a very difficult time in my life, and I have a very hard time coping with what happened” it all sounded genuine and from her heart.

After finding out that the two were related, starlight glimmer shifted her attention onto them, an interest creeping onto her face. “ wow what are the chances of  you two coming across each other? and you both being related to each other, I think that you will have to have a complicated conversation with your parents.”

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@Props Valroa @CocoCody 

10 hours ago, CocoCody said:

” well, I had a best friend that left me a very young age, he had to leave because of his city mark and it tore my heart apart being away from him because of those differences. It was a very difficult time in my life, and I have a very hard time coping with what happened”

Twilight thought for a moment. "Well have you considered writing a letter to this friend? It doesn't sound like there were any hard feelings between you two, so I would assume that he misses you too. And if you can't contact him, well try again! Make new friends! And if something that you can't control happens that changes things, work through it together. Because that's what friendship is!" Twilight explained. 

Twilight didn't really have anything to say to Magnolia, so she led the group towards her friend's house. Soon enough, they arrived at a pretty nice-looking house with several hourglasses for decoration. Twilight trotted up to the front door and knocked on it. "She's here!" somepony inside the house would respond, and after a few moments, the door flew open. Standing by the door was a bright blue unicorn with a mane and tail that was split between a lighter and darker shade of blue. She would immediately hug Twilight. "I'm so excited to be working on this magical mystery together! We got all of our old university friends together! Even Lyra Heartstrings! It's going to be just like our university days! Researching magic together!" Minuette exclaimed. "Speaking of friends, it looks like you brought some new ones. They don't look like your friends from Ponyville..."

Minuette turned her attention to Magnolia and Starlight. "What brings you here? I'm Minuette, by the way. What are your names?"

"Yup, this is Minuette. She's one of my university friends," Twilight introduced.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

starlight tilted her muzzle to the side and then shifted her gaze back to twilight, feeling a smattering of mixed emotions. “ yeah has never written me back, I feel like maybe he has forgotten about me.. I don’t know, if I message him back, will he even care?”

She followed behind magnolia and twilight, her thoughts stewing over in her mind about what magnolia had said to her, she had been making new friends, but maybe not in the traditional way. She thought about sunburst and then shifted her attention to minuette standing in the doorway, she did not know this pony, but she found her quite amusing, trying to herself to be more engaged with twilight and Magnolia, she could stop laughing.

”Um, I can’t help but think you look like a particular brand of tooth paste” She said under her breath- “although it’s nice to meet you, please tell me girls, what is your relation to one another? How are you all feeling?” Trying to be more engaged 

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@Props Valroa @CocoCody 

“Hey the rest of our friends are going to be here in a bit. You should come in. I made macarons and fruit tea!” Minuette offered, gesturing to the other two unicorns as Twilight stepped inside. Twilight would make her way to the living room and make herself comfortable on one of the couches. Minuette would briefly step away to come back with a tray of macarons and a teapot. She would set them both on the coffee table and gesture to the other two unicorns to take a seat on the couch across from Twilight before sitting down next to Twilight. She would serve both Twilight and herself a cup of tea and some macarons as she cuddled Twilight.

On 2024-03-27 at 1:29 PM, Props Valroa said:

"You seem like you know Twilight, are you a friend of hers when she was younger?"

“Yeah, we used to be friends in university. By which I mean Twilight preferred to work by herself, but if she had to work with somepony else, she would pick me and my friends! However, the day before a Summer Sun Celebration, she ran off. We assumed that she had just moved on, but then one day, just out of the blue, she just showed up and asked to be friends again! We’ve been working on magic together ever since!” Minuette exclaimed. 

“Ok while I wasn’t the greatest friend in my university days, I’d left because my mentor Princess Celestia assigned me to check on the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. However, that just goes to show that it’s never too late to reconnect with old friends. And just because a friend moves away doesn’t mean your friendship has to end,” Twilight explained to Starlight. “Even though I definitely should have wrote to you after moving to Ponyville,” Twilight said to Minuette.

”It’s ok, I forgive you,” Minuette replied. She smiled as she leaned over and rested her head against Twilight. “So what brings you two here?” Minuette asked Starlight and Magnolia.

On 2024-03-27 at 1:29 PM, Props Valroa said:

"I am Moonlight Sparkle, but you may call me Magnolia. I am Twilight's older sister."

“Twilight, I thought you were past hiding things from your friends,” Minuette lightly teased. 

“I only found out half an hour ago!” Twilight defended. Minuette started giggling, which caused Twilight to giggle too.

“So Moonlight, if you don’t mind me using that name and asking about your history, what happened?” Minuette asked.

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@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

7 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

“Yeah, we used to be friends in university. By which I mean Twilight preferred to work by herself, but if she had to work with somepony else, she would pick me and my friends! However, the day before a Summer Sun Celebration, she ran off. We assumed that she had just moved on, but then one day, just out of the blue, she just showed up and asked to be friends again! We’ve been working on magic together ever since!” Minuette exclaimed. 

Starlight rubbed her hoof against her chin, she was thinking about what minuette had just told her and then responded with “ I mean, aren’t you two upset? She asked minuette. “ it’s been an awful long time and it would be very shocking if you’re best buddy just vanished” once you guys get further and your conversation and she hears her forgiving twilight, starlight looks at them with a bit of ease and relief, kinda like she connected the dots in her brain. “C-can I be your friend? She said towards the three of them” her was very eager to get in on this genuinely. she had missed an authentic friendship, her eyes landing towards Magnolia.

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@CocoCody @Props Valroa 

On 2024-03-28 at 10:37 PM, CocoCody said:

Starlight rubbed her hoof against her chin, she was thinking about what minuette had just told her and then responded with “ I mean, aren’t you two upset? She asked minuette. “ it’s been an awful long time and it would be very shocking if you’re best buddy just vanished”

"Well yeah, I was a little upset when she ran off, but it wasn't completely her fault. Plus, she has clearly shown that she really values this friendship," Minuette replied as she ate some macarons.

On 2024-03-28 at 10:37 PM, CocoCody said:

“C-can I be your friend?"

"Well, sure, but the rest of our university friends are going to show up in a moment. Perhaps you should meet them too. Though I am curious. Who is this friend of yours that ran off? If you're willing to talk about it, that is..." Minuette asked. She would take another sip of her tea. 

On 2024-03-29 at 1:28 AM, Props Valroa said:

"I came here to prove that I was related to Twilight and happened to stumble across her." Magnolia said, and would think about what Twilight said. "We sure have a lot of catching up to do, don't we?"

"Long story short, I grew up in an orphanage here...the foals weren't treated very well and when I grew a bit older, I struck out on my own and got my cutie mark. I then traveled on my own and studied magic on my own terms, and have been searching for who I really am for all these years - only really finding it out recently." Magnolia said simply.

"Yeah, we literally just found out at the Canterlot Census Office and then came straight here after that. Both of us have quite a lot of questions we need to ask our parents," Twilight explained. 

"Oh I see," Minuette replied. "Well that's cool that you're into magic. If you ever want to do magic together, I'm sure my friends and I would be willing to help. That is, as long as it isn't something evil like trying to remove cutie marks or something..." Minuette laughed. 

Twilight stared at Minuette, shocked that she would mention this, but if Minuette knew about Starlight, she was very good at playing it off as she sipped her tea casually. 

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On 2024-03-29 at 2:28 AM, Props Valroa said:

Magnolia looked over at Starlight, raising an eyebrow. "I am not...against it, but considering what you said earlier - I would say it is too early to tell if I want that with you." she said in a plain tone, not wanting Starlight to misunderstand her.

Start a glimmer shifted back a little bit, and then tempered her expression by pinching her lips a little bit, she gave a little nod and was listening intently. Starlight thought in her head about the optimistic thought of getting a second chance in her own little way.

She paid close attention when Magnolia mentioned that she studied magic, interest grew starlight as she lean forward with a smile. “Oh! This is totally my area of expertise, what type of magic books do you read?”


20 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Well, sure, but the rest of our university friends are going to show up in a moment. Perhaps you should meet them too. Though I am curious. Who is this friend of yours that ran off? If you're willing to talk about it, that is..." Minuette asked. She would take another sip of her tea. 

Starlight glimmer was shy at the question, but she had the will to see it through starlights face darken a little bit as she started to address minuet’s question. “ well, his name was Sunburst and we used to live in the same town together, we were really close friends and would play games together as fillies, but one day he had to leave because he got accepted into some school or something.. I can’t really remember. I kind of blocked it out from my memory.


@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

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@CocoCody @Props Valroa 

The group's conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Oh they're here!" Minuette remarked as she got up to answer it. She returned with four more unicorn mares. "...I hope you all don't mind that Twilight brought guests today. It was all rather last minute..." Minuette explained as they all sat down in the living room. 

"Oh that's ok. I'm interested in meeting them too," the yellow pony with a curly turquoise mane replied. She turned her attention to Starlight and Magnolia as Minuette served the new guests some tea and macarons. "I'm Lemon Hearts. One of you is related to Twilight? What are your names?" Lemon Hearts asked. Minuette would lean over to explain to the new guests what they knew about Magnolia so far as the rest of the guests introduced themselves. 

On 2024-03-31 at 11:54 AM, CocoCody said:

She paid close attention when Magnolia mentioned that she studied magic, interest grew starlight as she lean forward with a smile. “Oh! This is totally my area of expertise, what type of magic books do you read?”

"Oh, you two are into magic? That's cool. All of us studied magic at university, but in different fields," Twinkleshine explained. "What kind of magic are you interested in?"

On 2024-03-31 at 11:54 AM, CocoCody said:

Starlight glimmer was shy at the question, but she had the will to see it through starlights face darken a little bit as she started to address minuet’s question. “ well, his name was Sunburst and we used to live in the same town together, we were really close friends and would play games together as fillies, but one day he had to leave because he got accepted into some school or something.. I can’t really remember. I kind of blocked it out from my memory.

"...Sunburst... Wait, Lyra, was that your partner in that anthropology class you were really into?" Lemon Hearts asked. 

"No that was Starburst..." Lyra replied. "I think Sunburst was the classmate that really struggled in Twinkleshine's applied spellcasting class..."

"Oh yeah, I remember that..." Minuette replied as the group reminisced about their university classmates. 

"I'm sure we could find where he is now in the yearbook or something..." Moondancer said.

"Would you like to meet him again?" Minuette asked Starlight.

On 2024-03-31 at 12:35 PM, Props Valroa said:

Magnolia laughed at Minuette's statement. "Well, my magic allows me to be pretty stealthy." she said, and her horn flashed black for a second and her body suddenly evaporated into a black mist and appeared behind Minuette - of which Magnolia gave her a gentle boop on the back of her head. "Shadows are everywhere, that's my specialty." Magnolia said with a hint of pride in her words. 

All the unicorns murmured in interest as they watched Magnolia's demonstration. 

"Oh, cool. Is that done through light dilation or light refraction?" Twinkleshine asked.

"I don't know, it seems like there's some kind of necromancy magic involved? But it's hard to tell with just a quick glance," Lemon Hearts replied.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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On 2024-03-31 at 7:04 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Oh, you two are into magic? That's cool. All of us studied magic at university, but in different fields," Twinkleshine explained. "What kind of magic are you interested in?".

A deep, passionate expression bloomed across her face, deepening warmth could be felt from her words as she immediately engaged with this conversation. “ l am really fascinated with teleportation spells and levitation, I’ve actually been studying levitation for very long time, ever since I knew how to read honestly. Makes traversing a whole lot easier.”

On 2024-03-31 at 7:04 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:"

"...Sunburst... Wait, Lyra, was that your partner in that anthropology class you were really into?" Lemon Hearts asked. 

"No that was Starburst..." Lyra replied. "I think Sunburst was the classmate that really struggled in Twinkleshine's applied spellcasting class..."

"Oh yeah, I remember that..." Minuette replied as the group reminisced about their university classmates. 

"I'm sure we could find where he is now in the yearbook or something..." Moondancer said.

"Would you like to meet him again?" Minuette asked Starlight.

Starlight glimmer looked at her with shock, her eyes widening, she looked down at the floor and then back up at her, a nervous, energetic, energy, forming in her. “More.. more than anything I would like to.”

@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

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@Props Valroa @CocoCody 

On 2024-04-02 at 10:56 PM, CocoCody said:

A deep, passionate expression bloomed across her face, deepening warmth could be felt from her words as she immediately engaged with this conversation. “ l am really fascinated with teleportation spells and levitation, I’ve actually been studying levitation for very long time, ever since I knew how to read honestly. Makes traversing a whole lot easier.”

"Oh my gosh, Twilight's really good at teleporting, too! After reconnecting with us, she set up a long-distance teleportation line between Ponyville and Canterlot. Now she can spend a morning and an evening with her friends in Ponyville and an afternoon with us here in Canterlot on the same day! Isn't that amazing?" Minuette exclaimed. 

"Minuette, if you want to show off your magical abilities to Magnolia and Starlight, you can just say so, you know? Holding a conversation with the rest of the ponies here while preparing cheese fruit and crackers platter in the kitchen," Twinkleshine teased, gesturing to Minuette's glowing horn. 

"Aww, but pretending to be subtle while showing off is so much fun," Minuette whined playfully as she swapped out the now-empty plate of macarons for fruit, cheese, and crackers. 

"Oh we're doing that game now? Twinkleshine, tell Starlight about the time you set up an event at the university by levitating everything into place in ten seconds flat!" Lyra replied. "There must have been over two thousand objects total! And she did it all in one go!"

On 2024-04-02 at 10:56 PM, CocoCody said:

Starlight glimmer looked at her with shock, her eyes widening, she looked down at the floor and then back up at her, a nervous, energetic, energy, forming in her. “More.. more than anything I would like to.”

Minutte would once again show off her ability to levitate things outside of her line of sight when she levitated over her university yearbook from another room. She opened it and began flipping through the pages. "Alright, Sunburst... Oh look, Starburst is sitting like you in this picture, Lyra! Anyways, Sunburst: went to the Crystal Empire... Huh. There aren't really any more details on Sunburst here. Though I'm sure if you went to the Crystal Empire, you could find out more about his whereabouts," Minuette would levitate the yearbook over to Starlight for her to see while levitating some cheese and fruit onto a cracker and eating it.

On 2024-04-02 at 11:36 PM, Props Valroa said:

Magnolia shook her head at both of their questions. "Neither. Pure shadow. I can transform my body itself into shadow and move around within shadows, like, swim within them. It's hard to explain, but it's something I found a natural affinity to, for some reason." Magnolia stated, as she looked over to Starlight - currently unsure of what to think of her story and what she wanted to do. 

"Transform into shadows... Wait, so like Sombra?" Lemon Hearts asked. "And what are the implications of this magic? And talking about magic, are there any fields of magic that interest you?"

On 2024-04-02 at 11:36 PM, Props Valroa said:

Magnolia would introduce herself to Lemon Hearts as she came into the room - evidently Lemon Hearts was another friend of Twilight's and Magnolia would Minuette explain what was going on here and that she is related to Twilight.

"Oh wow, so both of you are reconnecting with those that used to be close to you," Moondancer, who had been quite quiet up until this point spoke up. "I know how you two feel. It really hurt when my friend Twilight just left without a word. And for a while, I gave up on trying to make friends again. But then Twilight came back and she convinced me that I shouldn't let her leaving me prevent me from having friends. And now we're close friends. They mean so much to me..." Moondancer started tearing up. This would cause the other five unicorns to give Moondancer a group hug, and they would all nuzzle each other for a bit while Moondancer expressed her past.

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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On 2024-04-09 at 10:46 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Minutte would once again show off her ability to levitate things outside of her line of sight when she levitated over her university yearbook from another room. She opened it and began flipping through the pages. "Alright, Sunburst... Oh look, Starburst is sitting like you in this picture, Lyra! Anyways, Sunburst: went to the Crystal Empire... Huh. There aren't really any more details on Sunburst here. Though I'm sure if you went to the Crystal Empire, you could find out more about his whereabouts," Minuette would levitate the yearbook over to Starlight for her to see while levitating some cheese and fruit onto a cracker and eating it.

“C-crystal empire? What would he be doing all the way up there, I thought maybe he would live in Canterlot.” She had a profound sense of enlightenment over her, her head even deeper into thoughts now as she wrapped her head around this revelation.. “ I am not sure if I should visit him, maybe he would not remember me.”

As a cute little, sidenote, starlight beamed a little grin at minuette. “ ah- I see you have mastered one of the more complicated levitation spells, the hardships of eating fruit and cheese on a cracker~” she said with a bit of cheek, but it was playful, she beams a smile at her. “ thank you-for letting me know this, even though I am apprehensive, it helps me more than you know.”

On 2024-04-09 at 10:46 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh wow, so both of you are reconnecting with those that used to be close to you," Moondancer, who had been quite quiet up until this point spoke up. "I know how you two feel. It really hurt when my friend Twilight just left without a word. And for a while, I gave up on trying to make friends again. But then Twilight came back and she convinced me that I shouldn't let her leaving me prevent me from having friends. And now we're close friends. They mean so much to me..." Moondancer started tearing up. This would cause the other five unicorns to give Moondancer a group hug, and they would all nuzzle each other for a bit while Moondancer expressed her past.

Starlight listened intently, she couldn’t help her feel incredibly moved by Moondancer story, she felt exactly just like her. It opened up a little bit in her heart, although she was still guarded with a sense of not wanting to feel heartache, this was a good start. “ Moondancer, you have made so much progress. as someone who has been through similar circumstances, I feel a sense of happiness for you, I’ve spent years feeling sorry for myself and frankly a bit jaded, but I’m happy for you, it’s been a long time since I could say that about some pony. I’m just curious, though, how do you cope with the possibility of rejection? I mean you could of dedicated yourself to reuniting but you could’ve been pushed away, I am still in that stage, I don’t know if I should open up to sunburst again because I’m scared that I won’t be enough.”


On 2024-04-09 at 10:46 PM, Skylight Scintillate said:

Magnolia shook her head at both of their questions. "Neither. Pure shadow. I can transform my body itself into shadow and move around within shadows, like, swim within them. It's hard to explain, but it's something I found a natural affinity to, for some reason." Magnolia stated, as she looked over to Starlight - currently unsure of what to think of her story and what she wanted to do. 

Starlight was incredibly intrigued, it briefly snapped her out of the beautiful headspace that she was in, but only for a moment, something about Magnolias response triggered something in her to listen. Almost like she was being pulled by two different forces, one for power, and the other for genuine love with sunburst.. start like glimmer pinched her lips tightly together and tried to restrain herself from asking questions about the shadow like magic, so she decided to choose Sunburst. “Uh- magnolia, How do you think I should approach Sunburst if I was to meet him again, of course I have to find him first, but if I was to, what do you think I should say I wouldn’t know where to start.”

@Skylight Scintillate @Props Valroa

Edited by CocoCody
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@Props Valroa @CocoCody 

11 hours ago, CocoCody said:

“C-crystal empire? What would he be doing all the way up there, I thought maybe he would live in Canterlot.” She had a profound sense of enlightenment over her, her head even deeper into thoughts now as she wrapped her head around this revelation.. “ I am not sure if I should visit him, maybe he would not remember me.”

"I'm not really sure. That's the extent of his whereabouts in the yearbook. However, he would definitely remember you!" Twinkleshine explained. "Hey I know! Since we're going to the Crystal Empire in a few days for a magical research project, why don't you join us? I'm sure between the all of us, we could figure something out."

13 hours ago, CocoCody said:

Starlight listened intently, she couldn’t help her feel incredibly moved by Moondancer story, she felt exactly just like her. It opened up a little bit in her heart, although she was still guarded with a sense of not wanting to feel heartache, this was a good start. “ Moondancer, you have made so much progress. as someone who has been through similar circumstances, I feel a sense of happiness for you, I’ve spent years feeling sorry for myself and frankly a bit jaded, but I’m happy for you, it’s been a long time since I could say that about some pony. I’m just curious, though, how do you cope with the possibility of rejection? I mean you could of dedicated yourself to reuniting but you could’ve been pushed away, I am still in that stage, I don’t know if I should open up to sunburst again because I’m scared that I won’t be enough.”

Twilight leaned over and whispered something to Moondancer. Moondancer pondered the information that was given to her before replying. "It sounds like Sunburst means a lot to you. It took a while for me to realize how much Twilight's friendship meant to me, but when I realized, both of us were willing to put in the effort to fix it, even if the first few moments are really awkward. And now all of us are close friends, as you can see. If you think Sunburst values this friendship as much as you, then you'll be enough. This is for you to determine," Moondancer replied. 

8 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

"Any magic interests me. Just that shadow magic comes the most easily and naturally to me. Sombra has Dark magic. I have shadow magic. That is the difference, but functionally, it is the same thing, just without the dark aspect, if that makes sense."

"Ah, I see. I suppose that means we'll have to add this shadow magic to the fields of magic we'll have to investigate," Lemon Hearts replied with a light laugh. 

If Starlight and Magnolia didn't have much else to say, the group would enjoy some more fruit and cheese quietly. In a bit, Twilight would glance at the time before saying, "It was really nice to meet up again, everypony. See ya at the train station to head to the Crystal Empire," Twilight would reply before getting up and leading the way towards the door. "Alright, uuh, Moonlight, are you ready to meet our parents?"

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