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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony

Pinkie Pie

How did you find MLP Forums?

I was asking about MLP Communities on Reddit, and somebody mentioned the forums.

How you became a fan of My Little Pony

It was on the height of Season 1, on that time between it and Season 2. I saw all the OCs and started watching the show on TV. Wasn't really allowed to but I couldn't hold myself from watching every night. My brother hated it because we shared the room. But I started getting invested in the community on deviantart, and developed quite a few friends back in the day. There was a whole lot of drama, but I stuck around. After everyone broke off and Season 5 or 6 aired, I just fell out of the fandom and the show altogether. A few years back, when the show ended, I got into it against and started rewatching with my best friend. I got into the other gens, especially 5 and 1. Now I'm fully back, wanting to make friends in the fandom again!

I think I might've said too much on how I became a fan, haha. Well, I have a few OCs, with an evergrowing gallery of them. I'm very passionate about them and their relationships, and even write fanfic of them. It's all on my tumblr and deviantart. I'm only really active on deviantart. I guess old habits die hard. I used to be on twitter, but the platform has gotten unbearable for me. 

But about me! I'm Jéssica, though please call me Jessie. I'm 23, I'm a transgirl (Been on HRT for 2 years), and honestly MLP is a massive influence on my person. Honestly, I took a lot from Pinkie and Twilight to form my own person, and I'm not embarassed to admit how much they influence me. I'm a big nerd, as if that wasn't a massive giveaway. Primarily when it comes to RPGs and videogames in general. I've been trying to get into recent shows and films, but it's been hard to find the time to really focus and give the attention those need.

But yeah! That's pretty much what there is to my surface. Hope to make friends here and have some fun!

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Oi! Welcome to this world, StardustJessie! Good to see the influence MLP had in your person, you'll make a lot of friends and have a lot of fun here, I'm sure of this! :pinkie:

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Hello there, @StardustJessie. Welcome to the party ^•^

I was out of fandom for several years as well and rejoined it recently.

Also I have seen your Reddit post. It was really sweet. You have chosen the right place to hang out with other ponies 9w9

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2 minutes ago, Inky Well said:

Hello there, @StardustJessie. Welcome to the party ^•^

I was out of fandom for several years as well and rejoined it recently.

Also I have seen your Reddit post. It was really sweet. You have chosen the right place to hang out with other ponies 9w9

Surprised to meet someone here who saw my post! Kinda embarrassing haha. But glad to be here honestly! Really loving the community here.

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