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RP Guidelines - MUST READ!


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Before we go towards guidelines, here are few important definitions:

  • RP: Roleplay
  • OOC: Out of Character, anything you wish to say to another player that is outside the context of the roleplay.
  • IC: In Character, what your character is doing within the context of the RP itself. Everything the character interacts with, within the RP is considered IC.
  • DM: Dungeon Master, also known as GM or Game Master, this refers to the person running the roleplay; usually the person who started it. The DM may range from someone who simply created the RP for others to join - or they may take more active involvement within the RP depending on the context of the RP itself.

RP guidelines: 

1. All RP threads must have a corresponding OOC Thread: Separating OOC and IC threads are meant to keep the roleplay flowing freely without interruptions.

2. No OOC posts in an IC thread: To expand on the above rule, an IC post in an OOC thread is subject to deletion. The premise for your roleplay should be posted within the corresponding OOC thread. Likewise, all OOC discussion should be restricted to the OOC thread, leaving the IC thread for nothing but roleplay posts. 

3. Threads must link to their corresponding OOC/IC thread: GMs are required to link OOC and IC threads to each other in the first post. This allows other users who are interested in reading or joining your roleplay to quickly and easily locate the corresponding threads. Otherwise, staff may lock your roleplay.

4. Please put your Roleplays in the correct section. Casual Roleplays (a paragraph or less per post) belong in the Casual RP section. Advanced Roleplays (of a paragraph or more) belong in the Advanced section. Roleplays of only two individuals belong in the 1x1 section. These Roleplays are private. If you wish to contact those members and join, and get approval to join, contact an RP staff member so the RP can be moved into the proper location. 

5. Try to keep as on topic as possible, even in OOC threads.

6. No NSFW Content: As per the guidelines of MLPForums, we will not allow any NSFW content in the RP section. This includes, but is not limited to - depictions of sexual interactions between characters, large amounts of gore, extremist content, and like minded subject matters. If you have a question about what is considered NSFW content, please contact a Roleplay Moderator.

7. Respect the DM's wishes: What the DM says is law within the RP as the DM is the one in charge of the RP. Infighting between RP groups can tear groups apart and result in unintended consequences. If there is fighting within an RP group, please notify an RP Moderator. We will work out a solution if needed. 

8. Respect other Roleplayers: You won't always see eye to eye with other Roleplayers. If you find yourself disagreeing with another member, approach the issue with a cool head. If it gets to the point where you can't deal with another member, report them and use the ignore function. If you find yourself uncomfortable with another Roleplayer - you can either simply ignore them or inform a Roleplay Moderator about it and we’ll see if a solution can be found.

9. Do not post in an IC thread without permission from the DM: Ask in the OOC thread whether or not you may join a RP before leaping in. Make sure the DM okays your joining before you post. This rule applies to all roleplays, regardless of whether they are marked Open or Private. Private roleplays are usually limited to only a specific list of posters. An Open roleplay may be looking for new players, however permission from the DM is still required before you participate. 

10. Do not God Mod, Powerplay, or Metagame: No controlling other characters without express permission: Very simple, do not take control of another person’s character unless they give you express permission to do so. Such permission may be sought in the OOC thread.

11. Do not assume the actions of another player's character without having discussed this with the player in the OOC thread.

12. Do not use out-of-character knowledge to gain an unfair advantage in a roleplay.

13. Creating a character which has no weaknesses or has an unfair advantage over other characters is frowned upon. All characters and their abilities should be plausible within the bounds of the RP they will be used in. Mary Sue characters are discouraged from the RP section.

14. PM roleplays are allowed: You must notify the RP mod here, GeneralDirection, before starting a PM role play for approval. PM RP are allowed based on these occasions. If you’re more comfortable doing a private RP with close friends and not in public- you’re allowed. If you only want selective members to RP privately, you’re allowed. The group must give full consent before we allow PM RP to be granted. Don’t forget, just because it’s a PM, all RP rules still apply, the members are still asked to follow the guidelines here. Members are advised to report if rules are being broken.

15. Please use proper grammar within the RP section and put effort into posts. Low quality posts are subject to Moderation by RP staff. Low quality posts include - Not using capital letters, incorrect spacing and punctuation, bypassing post character count, etc. 

16. If you witness another member breaking these rules, please press the 'Report' button in the lower right of each post and explain the situation. Staff will look into it and provide a solution.


Having a roleplay related issue that doesn't directly relate to one of the aforementioned rules? These people are the ones to approach with any problems or questions you may have:
@ReverieRiver @Mentis Soliloquy @GeneralDirection

  • Brohoof 1


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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