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My Little Pony: Wolves VS Ponies! Text Based Role Play Game


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(sorry, landscaping for my mom. Gotta get 175 square feet of daffodil bulbs in the ground in by Monday)


Evilshy had been running through possible scenarios in her mind when she heard an unfamiliar voice ask her if he could sit by her. Deep in thought, she absent mindedly nodded. Not half a minute later, she heard autumns voice ask the unfamiliar one who he was. No answer was forthcoming, but she heard autumn say "discord".


That got her attention. She looked up to see a Pegasus pony hovering, not flying, but hovering above her and to the right. He was reading a book about discord and smiling at her. She looked at his wings and confirmed that they were, indeed, folded against his body and not moving in the slightest. She blinked a few times at his cutie mark before sh stopped tryin to figure it out. what a strange colt... I've never seen him before, he can hover without flapping his wings, and he's interested in discord... No matter who he was, evilshy had the distinct feeling he was heavily involved in this whole Discord shenanigan (god I love that word, its my second favorite, behind "asphyxiation").


Best to find out a little about him.


"Hi. I'm Evilshy. And you are?"



(btw, what do you guys think of my writing style. I tend to make long posts, just wondering if I was bugging anypony. I'm sort of trying to make up quantity with quality here.)

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(sorry, landscaping for my mom. Gotta get 175 square feet of daffodil bulbs in the ground in by Monday)


Evilshy had been running through possible scenarios in her mind when she heard an unfamiliar voice ask her if he could sit by her. Deep in thought, she absent mindedly nodded. Not half a minute later, she heard autumns voice ask the unfamiliar one who he was. No answer was forthcoming, but she heard autumn say "discord".


That got her attention. She looked up to see a Pegasus pony hovering, not flying, but hovering above her and to the right. He was reading a book about discord and smiling at her. She looked at his wings and confirmed that they were, indeed, folded against his body and not moving in the slightest. She blinked a few times at his cutie mark before sh stopped tryin to figure it out. what a strange colt... I've never seen him before, he can hover without flapping his wings, and he's interested in discord... No matter who he was, evilshy had the distinct feeling he was heavily involved in this whole Discord shenanigan (god I love that word, its my second favorite, behind "asphyxiation").


Best to find out a little about him.


"Hi. I'm Evilshy. And you are?"



(btw, what do you guys think of my writing style. I tend to make long posts, just wondering if I was bugging anypony. I'm sort of trying to make up quantity with quality here.)


All roleplayers are different. I keep mine short and interesting. You make yours long and enjoyabe. We're all different :D


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(Me n Finest can't make really long posts cause we post so bucking often.)


"Hello Evilshy. Hello Autumn. My name's Paradox." He closed the book and looked at the two of them for a moment before stepping down onto the table's chairs. He put his meat salad in front of him and began to eat the food. "So how is this school? Would you recommend I stay here or find someplace else to live?"

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"I'm not sure anymore. It used to be a pretty nice place, but now it might not be safe. Wolves have started getting in." Wait a second. This pony couldn't be a follower of Discord, could he? No way, that's absurd.


(I see him reading a book on Discord would be the pony equivalent of reading "Mein Kamf." Just learning about history or war, but there is still the possibility that he is a neo-nazi.)


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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"Wolves have started to get in? I thought this was one of the places with a magic shield around it that prevents hostile creatures from coming in." So somepony else had the same idea as me... but was it for the same end? Paradox opened the book on Discord over to a specific chapter and began to look for an specific part from the book. Edited by Linguz
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(well THAT'S unexpected lol)



"well, it looks like we have at least one thing in common" she said, nodding towards the book. "you interested in learning about discord, too?" or maybe a cultist she thought to herself.


She was distracted by a small movement on the floor. A small, familiar looking spider had just skittered under the bench they were sitting on. so either autumn or this paradox guy are weakening the barrier... she thought paradox was the more likely, as she already knew autumn somewhat. The wolves had been getting long before paradox had turned up, but if he could hover by himself, evilshy didn't think it'd be too hard for him to stay undetected. why he'd come out now, though, was a different story. Freemane, who was apparently fighting against this cult was obviously moving his pieces around the board, and if I were paradox I'd stay hidden and try to manipulate things from the background. But, she supposed, this paradox might be a different sort of player. And she had no clue what other abilities he might be hiding.

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Shy flower began to exit his room.

"God... this school is going to hell..."

He then entered the room where evilshy and paradox was in.

*Now I can talk to him without Garth trying to attack him...*


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(I do try to mix it up a bit, believe it or not.)


Garth yawned. "Maybe Shy's right and we don't have to worry about it." He took off towards his room to sleep until later.


"You're also interested in Discord's spells, life, and ideas? I didn't take you for that type of mare." Paradox finished his food and glanced over at the counter with the pieces of meat on top of it. He focused on a single one, vaporizing it and reconstructing it on his place, and took a bite out of it. "I'm not sure who makes it, but this school has some of the best meat I've had in a long time."

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(careful with this guy. It would really easy to stray over the god mod line with him lol)



Evilshy watched him eat with a raised eyebrow.

"well, maybe not his spells, but his short lived reign a while back was certainly... interesting... to say the least."

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(Oh I know and in a story, he would've already passed the Gary Stu line: He is a pegasus with magic. Here, I get some slack [right?], so I can make him able to do these things as long as I don't make him go power hungry/crazy.)


"Really? Not his spells? I consider how he was able to alter reality the most interesting parts of him." Paradox leaned closer to her and talked in a hushed voice, "In fact, I want to learn how he did it and emulate it." He pulls away from Evilshy.

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(you're totally fine now, he's just a powerful character, he's not over powered yet. No rules against that. Also, I think we must have different definitions of a mary sue. I see them as characters who have no personality flaws. Like, a good guy who never has to deal with moral issues, is never even tempted to do something bad, doesn't have personal vice or anything. That's different from somebody who has no weaknesses powerwise, that's just an OP character. )



(well it's past midnight here. I think I'll have to give in to my human side and sleep a little)

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(In writing, a gary stu/mary sue is a character who has no (or nominal) personality flaws and, in the case of action stories, will usually have 'overpowered' techniques. How's this?)

(Only past midnight? 3:20 AM here and now is when I sleep.)

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Autumn glanced over at Paradox. He can use magic? And he wants to learn Discord's spells? I know that I should give him the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't trust this guy. Something is up.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Garth tried to go to sleep but couldn't. The thought of Paradox roaming the school, changing everything to something chaotic, lingered at the back of his mind. He got out of bed and stepped outside of the room. "I gotta find him and keep an eye on him." He began to walk down the hallways, determined to locate and watch Paradox.




Paradox noticed Flower standing at the entrance of the room. He called out to her, "Come closer Flower; we won't bite."

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Garth checked the unclaimed rooms in the males' dorms for a new arrival. "Nothing. If that pony is new here, wouldn't he have set up his personal items somewhere?"




(Distorted = Vaporized or Reconstructed)


"Garth was that griffin? Don't worry about it. My interest of Discord causes a lot of ponies to act like that." He distorted a glass of water in front of him and drank it. "So where were we before he so kindly interrupted us?"

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"Well, I think it was more when you said you wanted to cause chaos is what made him attack you..."

Shy flower sat down.

"You were at why you were interested in discord."

Edited by Finesthour


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(quick question. Is the colored dialogue significant in any way other than to differentiate talking?)

Edited by Evilshy

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(quick question. Is the colored dialogue significant in any way other than to differentiate talking?)


Nope. just read my sig. In all my years of rp'ing, this is the only site where you make your char IN the thread. So this makes me feel more welcome in the rp, as it is so different to me.


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(You meant "Why were you interested in Discord?" right? Cause that's what I'm gonna answer to.)


Garth took the stairs down to the relaxation floor.




"I want to find a way to counter his spells with my own if he ever returns." Paradox considered floating again and decided not to. I think I made my point that I can bend reality.

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(You meant "Why were you interested in Discord?" right? Cause that's what I'm gonna answer to.)


Garth took the stairs down to the relaxation floor.




"I want to find a way to counter his spells with my own if he ever returns." Paradox considered floating again and decided not to. I think I made my point that I can bend reality.


(But... that is what I put... o.o)

Shy flower looked at him.

"Then why did you say you wanted to cause chaos?"


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Nope. just read my sig. In all my years of rp'ing, this is the only site where you make your char IN the thread. So this makes me feel more welcome in the rp, as it is so different to me.


(I do probably 95% of my posting from an iPod, and you can't see signatures on the mobile version. I can switch it to the normal version, but it's super slow on an iPod, so I'd rather not.)

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(Oh. Now I get it.)


Garth checked the library and game room. So he isn't here again.




"For one to remove chaos; one needs to create it. Another example using physical objects is this tray of food," Paradox explained as a tray of food appeared in front of him, "I have to remove it from someplace else. In this case, it was over at the counter."

Edited by Linguz
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(I just noticed I had written it incorrectly at the top. He needs to know how to create chaos, not necessarily create it. I left it incorrect up there and instead made him catch his mistake.


Garth took the stairs down to the second floor.




"I fear I said it incorrectly." After a pause, Paradox continued, "To remove chaos, one must know how to create it and then do the opposite. This cycle forces one to learn how to both create and remove at the same time by learning about the actual idea, object, or state. To start a war, one must know how to end the war and vice-versa. So to reverse Discord's spells, I must know how he does it and reverse engineer the spell into a cancellation. Do you understand now?"

Edited by Linguz
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