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private Equestrian School of Gifted Children


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(Feel free to make a post on your character entering the school, since I'm terrible at starts)


Outside: Courtyard

1st and 2nd floor: Classrooms

3rd floor: Kitchen or cafeteria.

4th floor: Recreation floor (includes Library and game room)

5th floor: Boy’s dorms (single room with roommate)

6th floor: Girl’s dorms (single room with roommate

7th floor: Teacher/staff living space (three rooms/dorms for each staff)

8th floor: Secret Meeting Room



Dorms:Male Students:

1 Alexandrite Pierce

2 Pynstrype

3 Lockhart

4 [Waiting for Finest's OC]

5 Sky

6 Splinter


Female Student:

1 Sugar Rush

2 Quillusion

3 Musical

4 Clayre

5 Krystal

6 Ivy


Staff/Teacher Ponies:

1 Gearbox








Roommate list:


Roommate list for men-






Girls roommate list-







Edited by Pinkazoid




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"BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP!" the alarm clock chimed. Pinstrype lazily rolled out of bed. Summer had ended and it was time for his first day at a new school. "Ugh..." he moaned. He limped towards his dresser, grabbed his hat, and began to walk downstairs. Just as he hit the last step, he noticed the School Bus parked outside. "Wait... oh darn! I must've..." He checked the time. It was 7:45. "I slept in! I really need to get a better alarm clock..." He instantly woke up, picked up his saddlebag, and ran as fast as he could to the bus. He had jumped in just as the door began to slide shut. "Whew," he signed.

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Splinter was as always, in the bad luck group of people. ''I really hate Mondays.'' Said Splinter as walking onto the bus. His mane was soaking wet, one of his eyebrows were gone, and half of his tail was gone.

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''I was nearly ran over by a Carriage, a Wild Dog Ripped off my eyebrow, I tripped and fell into a puddle head first, then I have no idea why half of my tail is gone...'' Said Splinter as looking at his tail. A long Silence went through the bus.

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Clayre, as always, is late for school. When she wake up by the sound of the bus leaving she desperate take an apple and start running trying to reach the bus, finally the bus stop in another house, tired, Clayre enter on the bus, she looks awful and her hair is a mess.

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''Good To know someone else is in the Bad Luck Group.'' Said Splinter as looking at Clayre smiling weakly. Two of his teeth were gone.

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Pinstrype is a bit of a loner. He didn't know anybody on this bus. He never really approaches another pony. He usually does the opposite. He pulled his Laptop out of his bag and updated his status on the Forums, as he usually does every day.

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Sugar Rush leaned her head on one of the windows, she was one of the first to have gotten on the bus, and she had already fallen asleep, not very surprising, if you had met her before.




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Pinstrype was still using his laptop. Apparently, somepony opened a window. Then, a sudden gust of wind blew his hat off, landing on a pony with a brown mane. "Gah, dammit," he said under his breath. "Oh well. I guess I'll get it later."

Edited by Adam the Mudcrab
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Splinter's head shook. ''Knock it off!'' Said Splinter as punching his head. He then fell on the floor curled into a ball yelling in pain. ''Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow.'' Said Splinter as getting up. ''I hate when that happens!'' Said Splinter as rubbing his head. He noticed everyone staring at him. ''Heh.'' Said Splinter as blushing.

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"Oh f#!&" Krystal moaned as she rolled out of bed "I'm gonna' be late aren't I?" Krystal said as she got ready for her first year at the ESGC. She took a quick shower and skipped doing her mane (she usually did anyway). She grabed her satchel and opened the front door to her home just in time to see the bus drive past it "Celestia be damned." She unfurled her wings and flew into the air. Soon She caught up to the bus and flew in through an open window.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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Clayre felt heartache to see how the day of Splinter was going so bad, the day was just beginning, she start singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" at loud, so that way everypony wouldn't care about the weird schizophrenia attack of Splinter.

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Sugar Rush woke up rubbing the back of her unbrushed mane and yawning, she looked to see the bus was nearly full, so she stood up right and stretched her wings, just in time to see another pegasus flying in from the window "wow, you alright?"




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Krysal smiled back "Nice to meet you. So is this your first year at the Equestrian School for Gifted Children?" she put emphaseis on the last part with something like the royal canterlot voice

avatar and sig by your's truly
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(I remember joining this RP. *weak smile*)

Musical woke up. "I'm going to be late!" were her first reactions looking at the clock. She quickly did her mane in a ponytail, which was very hard because it had gotten messed up in her sleep, and them hummed to herself as she ran outside to not be late for the bus.


Thanks PixiGlow for my PINKTASTIC SIG!!! Cute Avatar made by Dragonshy!

Though you are shy and sweet, and I bake every treat, everyone has differences,

even best friends, but I can't see the differences in you and me, my friend (formerly Pinkie Pie Rocks)

You're only one good thing, and dreams are never worth a thing, my Fluttershy. ~Pinkie Pie

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As the bus stopped for the next house, he looked out the window to see a pony running towards the bus: Musical. "She's going here, too?" Pinstrype thought. As she ran in, he said "Hey, Musical!"

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