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Sythe just swong his gaze dull it seemed as if he wasnt listening he got off the swing and said "Better get going that class is almost out an I don't want to answer abunch of questions from the little kids" he put his hands in his pockets and looked up at the sun "Princesses do all that?" he said aloud as the bell rang and he walked away

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He started shaking off some snow and ice while saying: "Your secret is safe...T'was actually a bit cold up there... And he's forgiven. He appears to be sorry... As well as my other half cooling down.". His voice sounded calmer than usual.

Edited by Zhooves

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"Thank you," he told Night before following Scythe's example and heading over to spa, "The Twins said they needd some help with cleaning, that'll help me get back to normal," Breech thought to himself.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sythe walked through the market looking at all the goods these ponys had made it was quite impressive for not haveing fingers and stopped out side a dress shop he thought "Wont ever be going here" he walked back to his house

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He watched as the two walked away. Still a bit frozen, he realized that it was still lit out, and he was tired from his long flight.

He dozes off, but wakes up as he hits the ground.


"I better get back to sleep..." he said to himself, as he jumps up, and surprisingly enough manages to land on a cloud - despite his bad eye-sight.

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Breech made his way to his favorite tree branch and laid down, tired from the days events and from all the cleaning the Twins running the spa needed help with. They were nice to him, everyone was. Because no one knew what he'd done...

"Forgiven or not, you still haven't earned this life Breech," he told himself, letting that truth weigh down on his heart to keep him from falling back to that life. "No matter where you go, what you did will always follow you," he thought looking at the blades he wore on his back, remebering how many times he'd tried to destroy them but couldn't bring himself to do it. "Remember the times I have failed, so I will never do so again. That is how I'll earn my true redemption," Breech told himself before surrendering to the minefield of dark memories he called sleep.

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sythe lay on the couch his very childhood flashing before his eyes all the horror and evil he say his father on all his evil doing it horrified him "Why me?" he said to himself he sat up "What's my life really mean?"

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Breech woke up the next morning feeling an odd mixture of physically refreshed but emotionally and mentally exhasted. After climbing down the tree, Breech realized he agrred to help Twilight with reorganizing the books today, "I really enjoy helping that pony..." he thought to himself smiling at how he remebered how calming it was to listen to her as she thought out her reaserch expiriments. "She's got to be the nicest pony in town to me, well, other than Pinkie Pie, but that's just baffling how much energy that pony has... Maybe it's becuase she considers me a guest sent by Princess Luna..." he thought, after awhile checking the time, "Well she'll probably be expecting me soon, I'll make sure to do my best work."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sythe awoke that morning to find himself on the floor "Uh my head" he say but and headed to the bath room moments later he heade out on the town he didn't have anything to do so he heade to the library for a book to read

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Night had been clearing the sky and doing some stargazing throughout the entire night. He was fatigued, and were about to lie down, when he noticed that most of the ice and snow on his body had melted.


"Well that's good... I hope." he thought, feeling a bit uneasy about it, as the ice were there to literally cool down his now angry darker half.


As soon as he felt something digging around in his mind, he knew what it was: "NOT NOW! GOOD MORNING!" he yelled in anger, as he fell asleep.

Edited by Zhooves

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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While helping Twilight clean, Breech came across a book of myths related to the Grim reaper. After helping her organize the library, he asked Twilight if she'd let him borrow it. She said it was fine and left to go about her daily activities. "WHAT?!?!" Breech screamed inside his head, after reading that Reapers could read and judge the souls of the living as well as the dead. "If that could be true... I should go talk to Scythe," Breech decided, though uncertain of what his friend would say, he already believed he was a black souled monster, nothing Scythe could tell him would make him feel any worse about himself. "Famous last words..." he warned himself silently. When he opened the door he was almost shocked to see Scythe standing there reaching for the hadle. "Oh, hey Scythe," he greeted, "Whats up?"

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sythe looked at him "Oh hi I was just getting a book to read I get broad on that old house" he walked on and began to look around "So why are you here?" he looked from shelf to shelf nothing caugh his eye

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"Like I mentioned before, I earn cash in town by doing work for the ponies around here, today I agreed to help Twilight reorganize her library. Speaking of which, if you have an idea what book you'd like to read, I could probably go get it for you. One thing I found while helping organize, was this book about myths and legends related to the Grim Reaper. I wanted to know if there was any truth to this one I read, claiming the Grim Reaper could read and judge the souls of the living. Is that true, or more importantly, can you?"

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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He sat down "Well yes they can and I can too that's my job I read over there life and then decide what will be done" he took the myth book "So they do know about us" he said reffering to the ponies "So that all?"

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"Well... no. I was wondering if you'd judge my soul... I try to do good things and to be a good pony to others... but I'm worried that my soul is permanately stained for the things I did... I tell myself I'm evil as a way of keeping myself in check but I want to know if I really am a monster or... or if there's at least hope that I can redeem myself. Would you mind?" Breech asked, his voice feeling choked with emotion. "If I'm truely without hope of redemption, I should find out now. But if I can actually make myself better... make myself... good... I have to know that!" he thought to himself with an unwavering conviction.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sythe gave him a serious glare "I can't tell you your own fate for I don't know it besides I wouldn't tell you anyway you can't going around tell everyone their fate that would be chaos everyone would be dealing out about when they die"

Edited by GreenWind
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"That's not what I meant, I'm not looking for predictions of the future. I mean what does my soul look like right now. When I said if there's hope, I mean is my soul pitch black like it was when I was an assassin or is it at least a shade of gray. I can understand how things could go badly if ponies could know their futures, all I'm looking for is to know what I am right now. To get someone else's opinion of who I am," Breech replied his voice cracking as he spoke, revealing how much he needed to know if he had been able to change, "Princess Luna gave a chance to become a better pony, to stop being the monster I once was. If I can't do that... then I shouldn't be allowed to live..." he told himself, speaking the beliefs he held to the core of his being. He wanted to become better, and he couldn't peacefully live with himself if he knew he couldn't.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sythe blinked and when he opened his eyes he saw a shad of purple "Purple" he told breech "And went back to the myth book "Thats all I can tell you sorry" he went to the counter and checked out the book "see ya"

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(OOC, What book did Scythe check out? Breech already checked out the book he was reading on Reaper myths so that would be an issue...)

"Purple?" Breech thought to himself more than a bit confused. "I didn't expect him to give me alot but... Purple?" Breech normally enjoyed coded messages and puzzles but this wasn't something he wanted to spend alot of time trying figure out. "Well... I woke up this morning with no clue I'd be able to learn the truth about myself and I was just fine, I'll just keep going about my day, and tomorrow I'll wake up just as fine," he decided. "Alright, thank you Scythe. Later." Breech told the Hedgehog before he left. "Twilight will probably be back in an hour or two, I'll ask her about signs and omens. Spike will probably wake up around the same time, he did most of the mythology section, maybe he noticed something that could be useful..." Breech thought before deciding to head out for the second promise he made for the day. The Doctor needed somepony to help work on some machine in his basement... some machine with a weird looking clock on it.....

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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(OOC: he checked out history of equestria) "Ok talk to you later I have to get some stuff at the market" he walked down to the market he was out of fruit and needed some more apples he bought a bundle from a nice orange pony

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After helping the Doctor with the strange machine in his basement, Breech came back to the library. Twilight and Spike were available as he'd expected. He returned the book he'd borrowed earlier, and asked about any books they'd have on signs and omens, especially related to colors, after readin them for a couple of hours, the best Breech could come up with was the Good-Evil & Lawful-Chaotic alignment chart. One variation of which listed white as good, black as evil, red as chaotic, and blue as lawful. From what he could tell, purple was a sign of neutrality, "Could it mean... could I have really... have I balanced out? Have I done enough good to counter balance the evil? I never expect to be considered a saint or a particularly good pony but... neutrality... it's so much better than the evil I was... I want to believe this, I dont want to believe myself a monster like that... so I will. I'll allow myself to believe I've made it, that I haven't surpassed the evil of before, but that I've balanced it. That is enough for me... Thank you Luna, thank you so, so much..." Breech could feel an emotional surge ready to carry him off, and he willingly let it. Breech had only cried once before, the day he surrendered himself to Celestia and Luna's judgement. When Luna asked her sister to give him a chance at redemption Breech felt his tears silently flood out of his eyes, his body too paralyzed by disbelief to do anything else, and now, a little less than a year later, he could feel them once again, what were once tears of shock and disbelief, were now tears of joy and inner peace. "I may never know if I really have balanced out, but the idea feels so real that even if it's not true, I know it's close. That is more than I ever hoped for, Thank you Luna, Thank you Celestia, Thank you... Scythe."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Once more night had fallin it was time for Sythe to go to work "Ok let's see" he opened up a little note book "Ok" he headed out this time to the hospital "Wondet how Breech is?" he tought all of the sudden

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Breech couldn't sleep, thankfully he wasn't going over to help the Apple family with their orchard until the day after tomorrow, but he still wanted to be able to relax and sleep so he wouldn't be tired tomorrow. The day's event had taken a toll on him and yet his mind and body refused to calm down, "I don't feel like sleeping, I feel like running! My body isn't usually so full of energy but I don't want to sleep right now! I've always felt more awake at night, even when I've had a good amount of sleep for the day. I guess I've been blessed by Luna my whole life... that day was just a physical manifestation of the blessings I've recieved from her my whole life. I wonder if she was able to have an affect on ponies even while trapped in the moon... By Celestia I need to sleep!!!" Breech thought to himself restlessly, "I wonder... would somepony have to be chosen to be a Reaper or could somepony willingly take a job like that..." Breech mused to himself, a bit suprised by the thought, "As an assassin, I never really felt anything for the death of ponies, just the act of taking their lives... But even then, if the pony deserved to die I dealt his or her fate gladly... Maybe I'd make a decent Reaper. I should talk to Scythe about it..." upon deciding to do so, Breech felt himself calm down, as if the idea of being a Reaper was the thing keeping him up from the corner of his mind, and finally drifted off into a deep sleep.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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After Sythe did his duty of sending the souls to there right places he headed home to his quite little home. In the morning he set off to the library he had finshed his book so he decided to return it "Nice day" he said between a yawn

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Only slightly less restless than when he went to sleep, Breech was already wide awake when the sun came up, Twilight warned him about the rain the weather Pegasi made last night, which had already come and gone leaving the sky with a fresh clean feeling, so he slept in the library's lobby area. He helped Twilight set up for the morning and agreed to watch the library for a little while, Twilight wanted to go meet up with Rarity and Spike was unusually tired this morning. She promised to be back around 1:30 to 2:00. Breech heard the bell on the front door ring, and looked up to see Scythe, heading over the counter with the book he'd checked out yesterday. "Morning Scythe, Twilight had plans and Spike is unavailable right now so I'm running the library for now. Did you read that already?" Breech asked pointing at the copy of The History of Equestria Scythe was carrying, "I saw you check it out just yesterday!"

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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