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private Soul Eater


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Seth looked at him "Hey you don't have to do this besides I'm fine this guy won't last" he put his hands in his pockets "Your not needed but thanks anyway Nat" he waited for the kid to come and fight or wouss out

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"Awww... well damn... back to watching," Breech thought, his smile immidiately gone when he heard Seth turn down Nat's help. "Y'know, Tobi's a bit crazy and immature sometimes but even if you are able to beat him, he will mess you up, he's arrogant about his abilities for a reason," Breech warned, his tone revealing no jokes or humor, only dead seriousness. Then he went to a spot a safe distance away and began watching, taking mental notes of any moves or attacks that he could improvise into a fighting style of his own.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
Reference to removed post. Please report it if it breaks the rules.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Ready, Seth?-Arm is arking with black lightning, and inside I am dying of excitement and laughter- You can make the first move.......-Both arms ark with lightning now, and chuckles a big-hehehehehe.....-mumbles-you dont know whats coming to you...


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth cracked his knuckles "Ok thanks" a pulse of green energy almost like fire surrounded his fist "Ok here we go" he took his stance and got ready he charged Tobi trowing the first punch he aimed for gut

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3...2...1...-Sidesteps grabs his arm slams my hand uinto his gut and gives him a taste of my wavelength, then flips him and slams him on the ground- Too slow. I could count down until you got me. Speed up.-Kicks him in the face-


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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(OOC: OP much) Seth got up and slamed his gut with his fist the fire pirceing his body "Fine" he kneed him I the head while he jumped back "All talk and no game" he thought to him self "Come on do tell me your tired"

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Oh really?-Holds out hand and black lightning shoots out of it and goes right into his soul and electricuted him and his soul, then amplifies my soul strength and the lightning becomes solid and I swing him into a wall and then into the ground-


-Wipes a little blood off my lip and my nose and winces, then looks at the burn mark-Thats not good.... And it will DEFINATLY hurt alot in the morning

(OOC: Lol. I got side effects tho =/)

Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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(OOC: ok that's just not ok) Seth coughed up blood that's all" He trembled to his and took his stance "If your gonna try and kill me alest tell me you dumbass" he braced himself for the next attack "No doubt what he's gonna do" he thought

Edited by GreenWind
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-Lets go-So I win? Since I almost kkilled you and youwhere just waiting for me to finish it? hehehehehe. You give up to easil-MPH-Falls onto one knee and coughs up blood-Pushed myself too far....DAMNIT-Coughs up more blood-


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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"This is my chance as Keshamaru said my stamina is higher then usually" he thought he ran at Tobi kneeing him and then kicking him he stopped after two kicks to the face "There I'm done know I'm not gonna do what you do" (OOC: see not so OP)

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Seth walked away an angry glare in his eyes "Let that be a lesson to you Mr.King" he walked back to the nurses office to find Shizu still knocked out he sighed and sat back in his chair "So is she any better?"

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Nat walked up to this kid and punched him in the head. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU USE A MOVE LIKE THAT IN A SPARRING MATCH?!?!" He yelled before dragging him by his collar to the nurses office. "Orange flavored idiot."

Edited by Half-Note
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(OOC, I told him... The mods are watching to make sure we're actually putting effort into these posts. Could somebody tell me what happened? The posts were deleted before I got here and now I can't read them.)

Breech walked up to Seth, "Well, I told you you'd take damage but I expected alot more than that... Nice work. Might teach that reckless idiot to show off a little less. I don't think we've been properly introduced, so just to be official, my name is Breech, whats yours?" Breech asked smiling, he knew what Seth's name was, but he'd learned it by hearing other people say it, he thought he should be more direct to be polite.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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(OOC: well dusk went OP and is now coughing up blood) Seth looked at him "Seth" he said and then ponited to Tobi "He said he needed you to heal him or something I don't know" he didn't like Tobi one bit he didn't mind him on the ground with a burn on his chest

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-unconcious as he drags me to the nurse-uuuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh x_x

-then wakes up as he's dragging me and thinks-damn I'm reckless and overlydramatic sometimes. Rematch!-flips out of nats hands and runs to seth, not noticable, then jumps, kicks him in the back of the head, hits him with my wavelength and tries something new-soul chain!-wraps it around him and then ties him to a pole while he's knocked out, and. Then sighs-that soul chain and lightning bolt takes a lot outta me x_x


THAT is the damage he needs to take. Not to pants him and tie him to one of the. Spikes.....-does it and just in time as a student walks by, points, and laughs at the pantsless seth-

Student:BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You kicked that kids ass-says while laughing-


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Before Tobi could kick him he hit a presher ponit in his neck casuseing him to lose balance he flipped him and pinned him with his foot "To slow and it was sertin you would attack like that and when running try to stay quite so I don't hear you" he kicked him and sat back down

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(Ooc, mods, if I cheat past the character limit, tham means that I'm either out of ideas or waiting for the next move...so...) Tobi groans, regains conciousness once again, and then thinks. 'If I jump up and kick him in the face, he should stagger from the shock, then I could use my wavelength on him and mix that up with some Black Lightning, I might beable to create a chain inside him to tie his soul up, which should mess him up too...' he goea with the plan.

Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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(OOC: dude read my post and you'll see I'm not on the spike) "Talking to no one I must have hit you hard" he yawned "Go some were else I dont care about this fight" he was more conserned for Shizu "Man books hurt"

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(Ignore the last post, I can't edit it on me phone =/.) Tobi jupms up, kicks him in the face, then gets the combo going on him. "Soul force!" Hits him with my wavelength, and while he's disoriented, channels up some black lightning and ny wavelength, shocks him, and the mixes the lightning with my wavelength to make a chain


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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(OOC: dusk stop with this OP stuff) Seth went flying back as he was kicked but before he got the combo he grabbed one of his fist and thats when he sent his fire running down his arm "I told you I'm done with you now leave!"

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(Ooc. Sorry. I have flaws. It takes some energy to conjure those up, and let me get this combo on you, plox 3: xD) agh!. He kicks him in the face, then that sgould stagger him, and goes in to wrap up the combo, and mumbles. "Cmon...cmon... land it......"


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth was eritated "I told you to STOP!" all the sudden a burst of green flames covered his body "I'm not fighting any more!" he grabbed him slammed him in the wall and stopped the flames disappearing "What's wroung with you?!"

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Black lightning, mixed with the blue wavelength color, arks off my hand and back onto it, and so do my feet, with anticipation. Then thinks 'why don't I fake the hand strike, and spurprise him with a kick....' focuses more of the wavelength into my feet, and waits for his block. (But if you don't block, I split second switch and hit you with it, just a heads up)


Perfect, he thought. " I don't care if yer done! I will beat you! And it looks as if I already have...." smirks, as I activate the soul chain, which ties him up. After that happens, kicks him in the face to knock himout. He sighed, as the new move took a lot of energy and soul presicision to do. "Whew. I've really gotta practice that.

Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth was pissed off "Why dont you listen I'm waiting for my friend to wake up she's knocked out I don't want to fight you anymore!" he blocked it just skimming though "If you don't listen I'm going to go all out and I won't hold anything back!" more green flames appered the whole area light

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(Ooc. I made contact with you, and I just have to focus inside yer body where my Lightning and wavelength are quickly dissappearing, and I read yer wavelength, see my stuff, and control it to tie you up in a black chain thinggy) "woooah... slow down there, tiger!" Saps some energy from him. "Do you give in? Do I win?" Smirks, watching the enraged fireball throw a fit. "And also, your friend just got hit by a book. Go ahead and blame it on me." Then thinks. 'Wait, he dosent have a weapon and his wavelength is amazingly accurate. Way more accurate than mine, to make flames like that. Maybe he is a good witch?'

Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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