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private Soul Eater


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"Thank you stein well first if all you all know that you have powers Shizu as Seth's are very different so we decided to see what happend" Seth looked at Shizu and slapped her "that's for exploding in my hands"

Edited by GreenWind
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Responding to Stein's remark about the pool, Breech asked, "What do you mean, 'return everyone's money'? I made a bet with Keshamaru, I didn't even know about the pool until you mentioned it earlier, the money I wagered is still in my pockets, that's not my concern, I'm just saying you messed it up for alot of other people," then turning to Lord Death, "And I don't see why anyone would get punished, it's an event that got the attention of alot of students, gammbling should've been an expectation, if your planning to punish eveyone who gambled, first off, again I wasn't in Stein's pool, alot of students kept bets between each other, you wouldn't know about them, and there are few students who didn't place bets of some kind, I'm not too sure how effective it would be to punish the whole school..." Breech said, still a bit irritated about Stein's interuption of what he thought was a great fight...

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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The blood is not on his buttondown. "GREAT. Now I gotta get this professionaly cleaned. Blood stains don't come off." He shocked all the people sitting around him who coulda handed him a tissue. "I saved y'all from catching on fire.... -__-" he the went over to breech and mumbled in his ear. "After this wanna go for a mission?"


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Keshamaru smiled and walked out of the death room. "Sorry stein but you werent the only one pooling bets. Breech im dealing out soon. If you would care to join me." He said smiling. He and Sula left the death room feeling satisfied. He to the front of the school and sat down on a bench. "Sula did you notice anything strange about Shizu?" He asked. Sula shook her head. "She seems incredibly powerful but in reality she has alot of weak spots. The problem is expoliting them Seth couldnt because he isnt an analyist like you or me and that is why he lost." Keshamaru said leaning back. "I hear you. But what does it matter they arent enemies right?" Sula asked.

Keshamaru shook his head. "Of course not. Oh and Sula you can drop the act. I know you arent injured." He said Sula smiled and put down her crutches. "You noticed huh?" She said smiling. "Of course I did. You had me going last night when I myslef was just out of hospital but today I could call your bluff easily." He said. Sula smiled and sat down on the bench.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Okay. I'm tired of this." He went up to a random classmate who had a box of tissues, shocked him, and grabbed a tissue to wipe off his nose. "Better" he said, then went over to breech and asked him again.


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"Im boreddd..." Sula complained. Keshamaru had given most of the bet winnings and now he was bored to. "Lets do a misson! A hard one how about a B or even an A ranked Kishin!? Wouldnt that be fun!" Keshamaru smiled. "Indeed it would be. Come on lets go get Breech and Tobi. I think they would be best suited for this mission considering Seth just got beat up." He said happily walking back towards the death room.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Breech was vaguely aware of his meister's question the first time, but he was still dissapointed, he was really enjoying the fight. When Tobi came back and asked again, Breech replied, "Oh... sorry bout that, yeah, sounds good to me. Hey, maybe we should team up with Keshamaru and Sula and go for a tougher mission. They got hurt last time but they only had one real Meister/Weapon pair, not terrific odds in my opinion, plus I heard Sula is more comfortable as a ranged weapon than a melee, we could easily help her get a few shots in..." Breech mused, before putting on a big smirk and adding, "Though they'll have to act fast, there wont be anything left of the Kishen once we get my Black Storm Blade form, and I don't intend to waste any time."

Heading over to the mission board, Breech found Keshamaru and Sula already there. When they asked about teaming up for a mission, Breech told them the he and Tobi were already planning to ask the same thing. Looking over the board, Breech found something that looked good, "How about this one, we'd be clearing out a nest of souls working as a group to create a full Kishen, it says there are a dozen of them, six souls for Sula and I each. That work for everybody else?" Breech asked, and waited for a response.

The mission was ranked B but only because of the number of Kishen to deal with. Breech pitched a pontenial strategy to the group. He and Tobi would fight with his gauntlet form, Tobi would be attacking well within their reach, limiting their ability to fight back, Sual would provide covering fire, allowing Tobi a comfortable window of oppertunity to dodge the attacks of the other Kishen, causing them to get in each other's way and probably hurt each other by mistake. If they should decide to attack Keshamaru and Sula, Breech could turn into a chainblade and take advantage of their enemies lack of focus, assuming Keshamaru and Sula were completely defenseless, which Breech knew, they were not.

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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"Alright, thats a good plan" He said. "Lets do this. Breech and Sula, you guys sould stay in weapon form, so that way it will be harder for you guys to get hurt by the kishin. Also, if any of the kishin get smart, with Breech with me, I'll have better soul accuracy and power, so I'll be able to trip it. We ready? If so, we'd better go tell Lord Death.


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Sula shrugged. "I guess doesnt matter either way. Lets go guys im getting bored." Sula complained and stretched out.

Keshamaru nodded. "That one will be fine." Sula smiled and stood next to Keshamaru. I'll be a weapon when we get there. Lets go already." She said happily.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Lord death stopped by the four as they planned "Hello childeren off to fight Kishins I see" he looked at what job they took "Oh B rank wasting no time I see good to know good luck to all of you come back safe ok?"

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"Eyup" He said. "And okay, Death. Breech, Claws. We gotta get there before Heshamaru and Sula do so we can distract them first and then they can snipe them." He said, eager to kill my first Kishin. This was going to be tough...


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Keshamaru found the nest and whistled. Each Kishin had quite a bit of strength. He told Sula to go bow mode. "Im on it."

They waited paitently for Breech and Tobi to arrive. Keshamaru pulled out an apple for each of them and Sula relaxed in weapon form for the time being.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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He arrived with Breech on his ar to one Kishinm. "Lets do this..." He ran up to one Kishin, hit him with his wavelength, and the sliced up. "Kesh! I could use some support right now!" He started getting rushed by multiple Kishin.


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"Oh crap, I can see why they decided to make these guys a rank B mission! Okay, Tobi, we're gonna need to hit them alot harder then we are right now," Breech said to his meister, noting the Kishen who just kept attacking as if their wounds weren't even there. The first one went down in a few seconds but the others were on guard and ready to protect themselves, "Let's see if Hammerfist is enough to hurt these guys. Ready? Let's go Soul Resonance!" Breech shouted in perfect sync with Tobi, his claw forming into a hammer at the end of Tobi's arm. Right when they finshed the evolement, a Kishen was striking at Tobi, only for Tobi to spin Breech into it, snapping the thind in half as it was violently tossed across the nest and into it's buddy, stunning him for a moment. "Keshamaru! Sula! Hit that one we just tossed a body into before it get its defese back up!" Breech called out, he expected his friends were well aware of their oppertunity, but he didn't see any harm in telling them just in case. "Alright, 4 down, 8 to go, and about to be 5 and 7. We are so gonna ace this mission!" Breech thought excitedly, he hadn't fought a Kishen for at least a couple of weeks and this was all he could think about in his spare time, he felt good being able to fight these monsters again.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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He ran into a nother one, and pointed the spikes down at it, and smashed the spikes into the Kishin's head, and jumped up and soul lightning kicked it, sending it flying. "That one too!" He said, chuckling at how flimsy that one was. He charged at another, which was smart, ended up an Ashura wanna-be, and he ate his weapon. His hand turned into a handgun barrel, and slowly shot one shot after another, slow enough for Tobi to dodge. 'He must've had 2 partners..' tobi thought, as he closed in on the one with the gun. The gun quickly transformed into a dagger in the things hand. Tobi ran up to the thing, sheilded his arm with lightning, blocked the stab and smashed the things nose in. "Hehehehe..." he said, as he watched the thing clutch its bleeding nose. He stood there just long enough to get caught off guard. One smacked him into a wall, but Tobi was too smart to fly into a wall. He sheilded Breech, to lessen the impact on the wall, punched the wall as he closed in on it, and flew into another Kishin and smacked it. "Sorry, Breech!" He yelled after he stood back up in apology to smashing him into a wall. It felt good to be smashing in other peoples faces besides team mates. He was so exited while fighting these Kishin, he couldent describe the feeling.

Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx


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"Sula get ready!!" Keshamaru yelled. He notched three arrows at once causing two explosions and a smoke bomb to go off. The explosions nailed a few Kishins but there were more right behind. They just dont stay down.

"Keshamaru should we resonate?" Sula said. "No we can do this dagger now!" Sula switched and Keshamaru jumped in. He thrust her blade into one Kishin and watched as he staggered around and started to vomit. "Come on Keshamaru lets do this!"

Keshamaru cursed. "All right Lets go soul resonance!" He yelled and Sula transformed back. "Typhoon Tip!!"

The twister tipped silver arrow sucked up multiple Kishins and ripped them apart. Keshamaru turned around and watched as Tobi fought his hardest. "Lets show these guys why were the number one meister team!" "Higher resonace level reached. More power achieved!" Keshamaru concentrated hard sending his wavelength to Sula she magnifying it and sending it back. Thousnads of times per second. "Iron Hell four times over!!!" They shouted. Sula transformed again into an enourmous crossbow. "Rip them apart!"

Sula shot a powerful arrow tip that spilt into hundreds of tiny needles impaling each Kishin and draining its energy. "Those needles take you wavelength and turn it against itself canceling out all attacks. You all powerless! Tobi finish them!" Keshamaru yelled as he shot another Kishin with a exploding crossbolt.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Breech, Scythe form, so we can take out more at a time!" (Imma assume yer in scythe form) "Resonate to Witch Hunter!" They both resonated in Sync, and he started twirling his scythe around, shooting small pieces of the Witch Hunter blade at the Kishin, each time the blade got smaller and smaller, until the blade just glowed and seemed bigger. at which time he ran up to the last Kishin, who seemed to be able to take a hit, which tried to smack Tobi away, but he blocked it, sliced off the monsters arm. "Soul Chain!" Tobi's arm arched with lightning, went up to the Kishin, palmed it in the face, giving it a taste of his wavelength and electricity, and then tobi jumped down, closed his fist, opened it, and a black chain type thing was around the Kishin. Tobi drained all of the Kishin's energy until it withered up and turned into dust. He then asorbed the energy making up for the loss of his wavelength.


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As Tobi walked up to the last Kishen, broken and on the ground but not quite dead, right before Tobi killed it with the scythe, breech shouted, "Stop!" when his partner looked at him in confusion, he transformed into his hammerfist, it wasn't at much more than 20-25% resonance but it would still get the job done, "Hammer time!" he joked, ignoring his meister's expression of disaproval. After crushing the Kishen's head, Breech jumped off of Tobi's arm and started colloecting the souls they had defeated. When he got all twelve he walked up to Sula, gave her one, and walked over to a spot to enjoy the others, looking at her expression, he laughed and passed her the other five of her share. After their meal, Breech smiled and said, "If these things had a flavor to them on top of the texture, I'd never be able to enjoy any other meal again. Alright, so those 6 plus the 7 I ate a few weeks ago put me at 13, only 86 more and a witch to go," he knew it was still alot of souls to collect, but he was still proud of his acomplishments so far. Then, turning to Sula and Keshamaru, "How many have you guys collected? Somewhere at least in the 50s I'd imagine."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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"So you guys ate, looks like me and Keshamaru get pizza and you guys get to watch us eat!" He stuck his tounge out and laughed. Then he started to walk towards the parlor. Once he was there, he payed for a pepperoni bacon pizza, and he waved the pizza towards Breech and Sula, to tease them.


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Seth began to wonder the hall still made at Shizu he decided to head out and get a bit he stopped at the parlor to see the misters and wepons "Oh hi guys" he said as he ordered his pizza "Mind if I sit?"

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"Yes, we do mind" He smiled while saying it jokingly. "Just kidding dude. Now we can all tease the weapons. They just ate some souls. So....hehehehehehehehehehehehdehehe." He ate his pizza slowly, and teasingly. He stopped and just started eating it regularly. (OOC. Now I want some Pizza ._. This sucks total monkey nutz xD And wtf. It wont post my shiaz. Lol). Imma try something. Hang on, and mods, dont delete this. I'm just testing something. frbhsfbrsfjgbrdsgfbrdfsd)


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Seth toke his seat and waited for his pizza "So was the mission hard or easy for you guys" he heard his name and got his pizza and sat down again and began to eat "I heard that it was a B rank mission"

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"It was a high rank mission because there where 12 of them. We got a little overwhelmed, but it was pretty easy otherwise." He took a bite of his pizza. "And Keshamaru tore the Kishin up. He and Sula Resonated so high, that he took out multiple ones at a time. It was badass and amazing."


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Sula looked at Keshamaru. "Im beat. Wanna head home?" Keshamaru nodded and got up. "Thanks you gus. It was nice see ya." He said the two walked outside and stood in the moonlight. Sula jumped on Keshamarus back. "Carry me!" Keshamaru rolled his eyes.

"Get off Sula your not a child." She smiled and turned her hands into blades. The edges dug into Keshamarus chest. "Carry me?"

Keshamaru smiled and began to walk home.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Before they left, Breech congradulated his friends on their performance as well, "That was pretty incredible, I'm glad you weren't aiming at us with those missles and swarms you keep in your quiver, and I have to admit Sula, I thought your dagger form was meant as a desperate measure, I didn't expect you guys to charge in with it. Well done," he said while finishing off a slice of peperoni and bacon pizza. As his meister finally noticed, Breech simply smiled as a hand with a spiked chain connecting the wrist to Breech's upperarm, crawled onto the table and grabbed a another slice of pizza, returning to a proper arm out of Tobi's reach before he could stop it. Breech stuck his tounge out at his meister, laughed and took a bite out of the slice, "If I recall, I was the one who found the mission on the board in the first place, and filling or not, which is a not by the way, I eat souls to become a Death Scythe, an acomplishment you'll get famous for as well if we suceed," Breech reminded his partner. "Death Scythe Breech... One day..." he thought to himself with a smile.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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