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private Soul Eater


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(Justin law has arrived at the ratway) What took you so long justin? Got caught with up in a mess Do you think they know yet? They never suspect a thing I dont think they noticed us on our way in here. We think we have what we want here (Crick Crick). We need to make the madness spread they think they ended it,they think they ended us.Were not bringing back Asura were Making A new Kishin We need Kishin Asuras soul to do so we think its sealed into the moon.Dont Fail us justin. Got it but how do we get back to the moon? We will see soon simply.

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@, ((Lets get this back up and running shall we?))


Keshamaru dropped Seths body in the kitchen and went to the back room to was the blood from the girl off his clothes and body.

"Damnit. Damnit. DAMNIT!" He shouted. He glanced up at the mirror and saw the reflection of snakes eyes instead of his own.

He stumbled back and knocked over a shelf. "What the hell is happeneing to me... Is it madness?" He thought and gulped.


Medusa re-entered the room and ripped open Seths shirt. "His soul and Onis soul are linked by a bond. Removing it will be so close to imposible I would say theres no chance of it at all..." She thought and decided to use one of her snakes to poke around Seths body. She opened his mouth and let one of the arrow snakes slode down his throat. "Lets see what we have here..."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth's eyes bludged open a he lay there his shirt ripped open he sat up so fast he lay right back down again in pain "What the hell?" He said looking around his new surroundings "Damn it whats going on?!" He said feeling somthing in his throat he started coughing

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Medusa slammed him back onto the table. "Lay down stupid boy! You dont want the nsake I put in you to get anxious!" Keshamaru still in the room felt something odd. Three wavelengths approaching the castle fast... They were students?


Kilik Rung, Pot of Fire, and Pot of thunder stood outside Medusas castle. "Our mission is to retreive Seth from the witch! Do you two understand?" He asked the young twins. They nodded and followed their meister towards the gate. Turning into steel gauntlets on Kiliks arm. Kilik punched the gate and it broke down in one blow.


Medusa heard it. "Keshamaru Sula! Go now! what the hell was that?!"

Keshamaru had seen the souls before but couldn't recognize them off the top of his head.


((Okay I brought in another enemy while the Kishins are gone. Kilik is actually an academy student and he WONT be dieing in this fight. Feel free to jump in whoever btw...))


Btw heres Kilik in case you dont know him...


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See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"you did what?!" He grabbed his neck and flailed his legs "Get it out of my throat" he felt like throughing up "Ah it's getting deeper" he said feeling the snake going deeper into his soul it felt like knives were slowly being pushed into his stomach as he lay there help less

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Medusa shoved him down again. "If you would stop moving this wouldn't be happening! That snake is repairing the damage done to your soul by that parasitic being Oni. Piss it off and it will attack your soul instead!" She didn't mention that this snake could be killed by Oni easily.


Keshamaru lept from the winddow in front of Kilik. "Soooo. What brings you around here?" He asked slyly. Kilik smiled.

"Im looking for somebody. Perhaps you can help, you did drag him off afterall!" Keshamaru held Sula close and ready. Kilik was know as an elite meister by many students. Keshamaru couldn't let his guard down here. "Oh, yes. I beleive I understand who you are reffering to. Just let me-" He lept t the side as Kilik smashed the wall behind him to bits. "What!? thats not possible! no one can move tha quickly with such heavy gauntlets..." Keshamaru was now aware of just how tough an opponent he was up against.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Leo zoomed to the castle like he knew everything (spies) that was happening he arrived at the broken gate and just walked in ¨missed me Keshamaru whos that anyway¨ Leo said with a blood thirsty voice ¨and if you dont answer ill just gotta make you to¨ Leo continued as his hands was transforming.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Seth lay there the pain still flowing threw his body "Why did you take me here?!" He asked in a demanding and quite voice. He had no idea why his enimes would help him? Or was it just to get rid of Oni so they wouldn't have to fight him any more he knew medusa hated Oni enough to do this so he had no idea who to trust

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Medusa smiled. "Keshamaru asked me to save you, before you kill someone... Else. You're probably already being hunted by the DWMA for killing that girl. Maybe thats who just broke my door down, meisters coming to retreive you..."



Keshamaru saw Leo zoom in. "Damnit, soo two academy students both here to kill me and take back Seth. Looks like I'm in a bit of trouble. Aren't I?" He asked calmly. He new that he had to be smart otherwise he was dead for sure. Kilik lept forward and raised his fist.

"Pot of fire BARRAGE!!" He yelled. Keshamaru screamed as the fireball struck his arm burning the flesh. "Damnit, how!?" Kilik smiled and stepped back over to Leo. "Pot of Fire, and Pot of Thunder are'n't just big gloves. They let me use thunder and fire based attacks as well. You have no chance here." He looked over to Leo, "You're an academy student right? I assume your here to help with the mission then."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth narrowed his eyes and sat up he felt the snake start to dissolve "I think your snake failed" he said as he got to his feet "Now I'm going to leave I don't want your help besides death is my best option if you ask me" he headed out not waiting for medusa he saw the front door and started to run for it not knowing if free may be lurking around

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Free saw Seth running but shrugged it off. His orders were to get Seth here not keep him. Eruca sat in Seths way. "You know theres a fight going on right? Thats where Free and I are headed. We have to save Keshamaru from some academy students. You can run if you want, or you can help us. Either way you'll be useless." She smiled and walked off towards where Keshamsru was getting his ass beat.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth ignored her and decided to go a different way he ran down some of the halls looking for anything he could use to get the uper hand while he was here he might as well find out what medusa was up to "We're would she keep her secrets?" He whispered as he walked around the endless halls

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¨yes i am an academy student but im not just a student i am a pack leader and im just here to take care of some buisness keshamaru if you give me the the honor...¨ he said as his voice turned more into a wolves howl he appeard behind Kilik ¨if you move ill destroy you¨ he said as his face turned into a wolves with demonic eyes.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Kilik turned around. "Ohh electricty huh? Pot of thunder!" He raised his gauntlet and absorbed some of the electricity from Leo.

"Now where was I... Oh yea!" He grabbed keshamaru and zapped him with the electricity in his glove. "Aghhh!!" Keshamaru crumpled to the ground and twitched. "I'm taking this one back to lord death. Any follower of Medusa is an enemy of ours." Sula came out of dagger mode and kicked Kiliks chest. He stumbled back and fell in front of Leo. "What that guy was a meister? and this is his weapon partner eh? Coming to the rescue..." Sula grinned ad chose a stance for the fight. "Hope were not late to this fight." Free and Eruca stood by Keshamarus fallen body and grinned. "Were just in time, looks like things have gotten interesting."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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¨you think i react to the electricity i dont anymore¨ Leo said as flames started to pour from his arms ¨this is the end Kilik¨ his face turned and his whole body seemed to have lava in it ¨MAGMA CRUSHER¨ he shouted (creative name) as he punches his arm in hyper sonic speed destroying any sheild or absorbation he had.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Kilik fell back. And groaned. Fire and thunder couldn't absorb the whole of that attack at all. He rolled over and spoke into his headset.

"This is Kilik rung, to Spartoi. I need backup I have been attacked by an acdemy student..." Sula stepped over him and punched Leo hard in the jaw. Free stepped in as well and cracked his knuckles ready to fight even Eruca picked up a few tadpole bombs.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Leo flew to the wall but with his head upside down then moving it back into place ¨you got some left in you after this¨ he said as his eyes turned red and he opened his mouth howled sending a dark beam right at her in amazing speed he then jumped there to kick her with a zonic kick.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Sula fell back her right arm was broken. Keshamaru may have been hurt but he saw that well enough.

"You, son of a bitch. What did I say about touching my partner?" He got to his feet and cracked his neck. He sprouted a snake from his arm and attacked at lighting speed cuttin Leos side. He turned and saw Free jump in the air and use his much more powerful arms to punch Leo again in the cheek. "Ha we do work well togther dont we Free?" Free grinned and helped Sula up cradling her arm. Kilik got off the ground as well and fixed his cracked glasses. "Good try, but to take me out you all are gonna have to do alot better. He used the gauntlets to punch Keshamaru in the chest, luckily Keshamaru blocked it with the blade feeling the electriity again. "Damnit whos side are you on!?" He asked Kilik smiled and used the other gauntlet to uppercut Keshamaru sending him flying back. "Not yours."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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¨getting fiesty aye?¨ Leo said as he seemed to be totally unharmed (zonic realm :D) ¨time to finish this off¨ Leo got something white boxy in his hand and landed it on the ground expanding it around the whole castle ¨welcome to THE zONIC PALACE the most controlable place i have¨ he said as he turned his whole body into standing at the wall ¨time to unleash my true form¨ he transformed into a werewolf then switched something on his stomach to the left side of his thunder and fire started to swarm him as he rapidly attacked Kilik ¨if you wonder whos side im on this time im on my Packs side¨ (ultimate attack stronger than ericas prison nothing can enter or leave without losing their brain in a whaco psychic attack)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Kilik shrugged off the attacks. and landed back wiping blood off of his face. Free transformed into a werewolf and attacked Leo pounding him with attacks. "You fight like my grandmother. You discgrace werewolves!" Keshamaru lept from nehind and cut Leos back.

Kilik used the fire gauntlet to blast Leos cheek and jaw again. "Give up already! You can't take on all of us no matter where we are!"

Medusa jumped from the castle window and landed gracefully. "I'd appreciate if you would put my castle back in our realm." "VECTOR ARROW!" She shot an snake from her back that slashed Leos arm. The others regrouped next to her panting heavily. "You dont stand a chance. Give up or we'll kill you!" Keshamaru said Kilik banged his gauntlets together ready for the next attack.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth was in the library now "I wonder if she's as a hidden room?" He said thinking of all hidden passages in old movies "Maybe she has some letters that are form the witch council" he looked threw all the selves pulling book after book "Damn she dosnt have one it looks like" he made his way out side to see the battle "What the hell?"

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¨haha who said i needed to fight alone¨ he said as if nothing had happend ¨time to show the packs strength¨ Leo began to dissaper then reappear until 15 wolves 4 bigger than the other 11 matralized ¨welcome to the feast¨ the wolves started attacking everyone with fire and lightning at the same time meanwhile Leo walked infront of Seth punching right through him grabbing his soul slong with oni.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Seth grabbed his hand and twisted it a load cracking could be heard he ran back into the house (Don't know what to call it) he had no idea what that Leo guy did but Oni was getting angry he could feel it he was losing control he had to hide some were will until Oni was calm

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Keshamaru and Kilik looked at eachother. "Lets do it. We have to chain resonate to win this!" Kilik frowned. "I hate the idea of working with you but we dont have a choice. This guy isn't a weapon or a meister, hes a demon." Keshamaru stood up and cut Leos leg all the while increasing the power of his wavelength by resonating with Kiliks and his weapons.

"Free hold him off a bit longer! We have to achieve resonance to kill him!" Free nodded and began using his Ice attacks to pummel Leo down. "Hes pathetic. DIE!!!" Free cried as he continually used blocks of ice to slam Leo.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Leo just walked right through everything at this moment ¨you have no chance¨ horns started to grow as he turned it 3/4 turn at his stomach ¨now ill show you my total power¨ he dissaperd and reappered faster than anything in the room the pack of wolves started to hold down free with lightning and fire

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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