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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Soul Eater


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"Lets not get ahead of ourselves here, Stein probably underestimated how quickly you return to full strength, Medusa wont hesitate to kill us the moment she could. But as for being able to use Soul Chain solo," Breech walked over to the bed and high fived his partner, "Hell yeah! Now that's something that witch will have to think twice about. I don't think Crona would even bother fighting us again, we left his sorry ass on the ground and didn't even bother to finish him, he should know his place next to most epic Meister/Weapon pair in the Acedemy! But no, you cannot test your soul pulse on me, maybe we could find a way to have my gauntlet amplify that for you..." Breech said, pausing as he considered the ways he could try it, then jumped a bit as he remembered something, "Hey Tobi, remember how I said I was going to try a mission on my own today? Jack the Ripper was delicious," he said, smiling wide.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Keshamaru stood opposite Free. "Alright. You say you're weak in hand to hand combat. Im gonna help you with that. I want you attack me with everything you got. Dont worry im immortal." Keshamaru looked down at his clothes. Medusa had taken his old attire and replaced them entirely he now wore a hood like Medusas only with longer pants and more yellow arrows. She also gave him a training uniform witch was basically a black tanktop with a big yellow arrow and gym shortss with more arrows. He was currently wearing his training uniform Medusa said he had to be perfect no exceptions. "hey free I kinda like it here the DWMA didnt give me free clothes!" He said Free smiled. Keshamaru got serious and charged Free. He swung a kick at Frees jaw but missed and ended up hitting his arm. Free stood unaffected and laughed at Keshamaru.


Erica stood opposite Sula in another room. Sula had the same clothes as Keshamaru but her main attire was slightly different. Her hood was exactly like Medusas except for a purple snake pattern that ran down her left sleeve. "Alright im gonna help you with agility. I hear from Medusa your strong but arent exactly fast and agile enough to get in good shots." She threw a few tadpole bombs in the air. "Dodge these!" She hurled the bombs and immediately Sula started moving as fast as she could.

Edited by SolarWind

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth looked all over death city "Wait didnt stein say medusa had a liar out in the desert?" he ran to a the outskirts of the city and sure enough there was the dessert no lair though "It must be way out there.... Well no time to waste" he headed out one foot and kept walking waiting to find medusa and bring his friends home

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Free launched a hard fist into Keshamarus chin sending him flying. "No. Your a man. Never go for the obvious attack try again this time instead of attacking my core go for my legs." Keshamaru grunted and stood up. "Hey Free. I have a better idea." He ran at Free and thrust his knee into his stomach. Free doubled over and Keshamaru kicked his back leg. Free fell to his knees Keshamaru laughed. "I did it I beat y-!" Free turned around and lifted Keshamaru up. His fist was firmly planted in the meisters stomach Keshamaru gagged as he struggled to regain his breath. "You celebrated early. Havent you seen the movies?" He dropped Keshamaru and sat down. "Enough of this its only your first day and you're showing progress. Lets see how your partner and Erica are doing." Keshamaru coughed and struggled. "Okay..." He said although his voice sounded like air coming out of a balloon. Free helped him up and the two staggered to the next room.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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It had been hours now night had fallen and Seth was lost he hadn't found the lair but he was close be knew it "As soon as I get there gotta help them not get cought" a he thought he bumped into a wall he rubbed his nose "Uh what the..." he looked up as saw the lair "Yes!" he ran inside and hugged the wall trying to stay hidden

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Sula and Keshamaru changed back into the clothes Medusa had given them. And went up to the top floor. "Come on Medusa will be mad if were late for dinner." Free said Keshamarus jaw dropped. "She cooks!?" He asked astounded. Free smiled. "No way I do! Cooking is my passion ever since I got out of prison I have loved to cook exotic meals! In prison they never gave me real food so now I make up for lost time! Today I made pacific island potroast!" He said. Keshamaru and Sula stood dumbstruck. "You have got to be kidding me..." Sula thought. Keshamaru smiled. "Sounds great!" Free smiled. "Finally someone who appreciates my cooking!" Erica groaned. "Free your food is delicious but asking us to fill out a form on its strong and weak points kid of ruins it..." Free shrugged. "I don know it helps me..." Keshamaru sighed and then he got the feeling he was forgetting something. "Kekoshi! Damnit hes still at the DWMA!" Free smirked. "Not to worry your mutt is downstairs. You can see him after dinner." Free led them into the dining room where Medusa was waiting.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth slowly made his way through the lair "Ok find them and get out he smelled something "Food?" he arrived at a dinning table "It's as if this is a normal house" he said unaware of the coming foot steps

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Keshamaru and the others sat down unaware of Seth. "Ahhh Keshamaru Sula. How was your training?" Medusa asked. She sounded almost happy. "Oh um Great! Erica and Free are more helpfull than I expected." Sula said as a waiter came through with their dinner. Keshamaru noticed the waiters didnt have souls. "They're golems. Soulless creatures that cater to humans. And witches." Medusa said taking her plate. Sula looked astounded. "Free this is great!" Erica laughed. "Dont get him started Sula." Erica said jokingly.

"They're like a real family!" Keshamaru thought. Medusa turned to him. "Here Keshamaru. I found these in you old clothes pocket." She handed him a case that held an assortment of pills. "Thank you m'lady!" Keshamaru said and then caught himself. "Did I just say m'lady!?" He thought. Medusa smiled. "I had no idea you were such a skilled alchemist. Those pills are very advanced for someone to create at home." Keshamaru smiled. "Thank you!" He said. He turned to his food and caught sight of another soul. A familiar one.

"Oh dear god..." He thought.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth didnt know what to do "They... They like it here and they are being friendly?" he coundnt help it tears feel down his face and his hands become gulfed in fire he walked out of the shadow and yelled "YOU TRATIORS" a fire burst around the room "I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS"

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Medusa smiled "I wondered when you would come out of hiding." She said. Keshamaru got up. "Seth calm down!" He said. But Seth was very angry. Keshamaru figured there was only one thing that would calm him down. "Seth here take some of Frees potroast!" He offered. Sula stood by not knowing if she should transform or not.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth punched a while and it cracked "I'm worried about my friends being beaten and there fine" the room glowed gold and from his flames "And Keshamaru I'm not hungry" the tears kept flowwing "I... I came to help" he fell to his knees

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Sula stepped up. "Seth this place... It gives us something neither of us has had for years. It gives us a family or at least something remotely similar. We gave our lives to Medusa to save you and another girl. If we hadnt you would both be dead." She said. She didnt want him to get so upset. "Seth I must say you are alot braver than I thought. Tell me how are your dreams?" Medusa asked inquisitively. Free went over to Seth and looked him over. "You know the roast has pineapple. Very soft I think it adds just the right touch!" He said. Keshamaru turned. "Free we are not talking about your roast right now!!" He said quite loudly. Medusa sat calmly. This boy would be valuable... Those flames he possesd were strong but his wavelength seemed weak. "You are steins daughters partner I presume?" She said.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth cringed at the thought of his dreams "There fine thanks" he lied to her as for free he simple smacked the roast making it fall to the floor "Piss off" he felt sick becuase he was crying so much "Yeah I'm Shizus partner whats it to you?!" the flames began to die down

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He jumped out of his bed. "Seth is gone. He is out of death city" he jumped up, got into his normal clothes and when he finished, "breech. Get into chain mode. There is a lot of people there from what black star told me. Well have to use your chain and create a soul chain with it.." he said franticly.

Edited by xX_Dusk_Blade_Xx


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Medusa smirked. "Your partner is somewhat interesting to me... I esspecialy liked it when she blew up in your hands. It seems just like her father she has a talent for science." Free looked over. "Dont worry I made plenty!" He said. Medusa gestured for Seth and the others to come to the table. "Its dinner time you are our guest here Seth and out of respect for Keshamaru I wont kill you. You may eat what you would like or you could attack your friends and give us a show." Sula looked at him. "Seth whatever side we take in this fight doesnt have to affect wether or not we're friends." She said sympathetically. Keshamaru was more concerend about somethign else.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"friends?" I thought you knew I guess... You my family Tobi Breech Shizu them too you made me feel like like I actually had a family but know... Your gone just like my other family" Seth looked up fire burning in his eyes "And madusa go to hell" he ran passed Free and charged madusa he smacked her taught across the face with no soul wavelength

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"Vector arrow." Medusa thrust an arrow into seths arm knocking him against the wall. "Seth we have given you a chance to escape, a chance to join us but you have showed nothing but being stubborn. Sula will be your opponent." Medusa said. cruely.

"I would love to use the snake inside of you to finish you off but Sula will put you in your place. The rules are simple. No killing. However an inch away from death is acceptable." She said Sula gulped and stepped up. "Seth you have to go. I dont want to fight you by any means." she said. "You tobi, breech, shizu, have been great friends. But not a family. My family was slaughtered I dont see Medusa as my family either. However if what it takes to save your life is to fight you I wont hold back. Like I said she pulls the strings I wont let you die." Sula said Keshamaru took a seat next to Free. "Sooo.... Kinda dramatic night." Free said. Keshamaru nodded. "The food was good though im sure it would have helped calm everyone down." Kesahamru said taking another bite of pineapple.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth began to breath heavly "I don't care about you any more ether of you two can go die for all i care!" a ring of fire lite around them seths eyes looked like tighers but they were white not hazel he took his hood off to show his messy black hair "Now sula get ready" his voice cold and hatful he ran at he knocking her on her feet and slamming his fist in her gut

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Sula coughed and staggered back. "What the hell seth!? We save your life and you repay me like this!" Sula said she turned her hands into daggers and lept at Seth cutting his shirt wide open. She saw his eyes and realized this wasnt a fight anymore her life was on the line. "Seth I've learned a few things here..." She used her new speed to race around and kick his back. Her boot hit his spine hard and Sula automatically went on the defensive ready to block any attack.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth began to growl like an animal he ran at her on all fours as well he had trumendus speed he knew she was waiting to counter so he simple flipped her over his back kicking her as she came near his feet "And what have you learned?!" his tone was a mix of anger and sadness

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She thrust her hand into his stomach feeling the knife slip in. It had no effect on this new Seth. Medusa seemed alarmed so she looked at Keshamaru. "Sula weapon mode. I dont know what the hell that thing is but it isnt Seth." He said Sula transformed into a dagger.

"Alright you creepy animal version of Seth lets go!" He said and charged forward at Seth.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seths eyes became more and more hostile as he fought "You think you can win "Friend" yeah right" he charghed also leaping and landing a kick right over Keshamarus head blood spilled from his wound sula had given him

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"I dont know what has happened... His soul is lashing out someone could get seriously hurt but hes to fast no way would I ever reach resonation like this Keshamaru said. Suddenly a large furry werewolf busted over the table. "I'll distract him! You just resonate this guys no problem." Free said. "Ice cliff!" A large block of Ice came out of the ground and hit Seths jaw. Free stood in front of Keshamaru and went defense. "Sula its time! Lets go soul resonance!" They said Keshamaru and Sula put everything they had into the resonance they had to detain Seth not kill him.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Oh no you don't" he sound as if he was a demon he ran past free and lept at Keshamaru he kneed him and landed blood dropped from his jaw and his stomach it was as if he couldnt feel pain "i saw through your little trick"

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Tobi busted through the door, swinging a black electric spiked chain. He heard the fighting in the other room and followed it. Once he got in there he saw what was going. On. Tobi scratched his head like a confused monkey would. It took him a while to register it, but what he saw: medusa sitting there with an evil grin. A weird frog lady. A wherewolf with a prison suit. Seth acting like a retarded animal. And sula and kesh resonating. He couldn't belive he was doing this, but he went over to medusa peacefully and asked her. "Who's side am I exactly on?" He did the confused monkey scratch again and waited for her answer.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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