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private Soul Eater


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Before Tobi could "Break her face" Oni stopped him "Oh you" he brought him up to a seat "Now Injoy the show ok" (Dusk you cant break her freaking face your not that strong seroiusly cut it out with the OP crap it's getting anyoing so stop it now and your bot medusa sloar is your stealing his role) Oni waited for it to start

Edited by GreenWind
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Tobi had entered the zonic realm after he had seen where this Kishin was he run through the very reality to get there in a nano second (teleportation in other words becouse the Zonic realm is like Darkness nothing there take one step and you can be on the moon) when he once was there he made a seat appear using the zonic realm and putting him and the floating seat in the real world (dont ask how it floats)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Keshamaru launched another attack at Kekashu but before he could hit him a sharp pain came into his chest.

Keshamaru landed on the ground and saw as a pupet with a baseball bat had just clocked him. Keshamaru sliced the puppet and jumped off another his eyes burning at his uncle. "Im gonna turn you into toothpicks!" He yelled as his slash was dodged easily.

"Oh please nephew. Do we have to do this? Im not here for you. In fact you havent even crossed my mind in all these years. I assumed you had died in the mountains but it looks like you made it out alive after all." Keshamaru stopped and stared at his uncle. "Who are you after?" Kekashu smiled and pointed right at Oni. "Him. I want the tiger spirit!" He yelled and laughed at Onis direction.

"You see I wish to become the next Kishin. All I need to do it... Is take one final soul." He grinned cruely.

And recited an ancient poem.

"On the thousandth human soul I reap.

The Kishin will awake from sleep.

His madness breaks the world in three.

So says the ancient prophecy."

"I will eat the soul of one more human. And then I will become the almighty Kishin!"

Keshamaru blinked. "Why do you need that guy... Oni? What part does he play!" Keshamaru asked angrily.

Kekashu smiled and clicked his wooden joints. "He is powerful beyond all knowledge. His rage can make a person more powerful than Medusa. I will absorb him and then I will use his rage! I will take it and harness its power!" Kekashu laughed.

"I dont like the sound of that. We have to get Oni or whatever out of here."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Oni sat up "Another one?" he sighed "Damn tourist you come in here and break my trample and this is why?" he pace plamed "Well i belong to that boy over there" he ponited to seth who was siting next to him "So it sucks to be you Pinocchio" seth now far palmed "Great thats all he needed to know"

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Kekashu smiled and looked at Seth. "Once I kill you the spirit will have no host... Heheh." Kekashu didnt see the knife headed at his chest. "DIE!!" Keshamarus blade hit the wood and stopped. The clicking of wood came and Keshamaru suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw his dagger caught in Kekashus wooden hand that had an insanely tight lock. Farther down was another dagger. The one Keshamaru had dropped earlier and it was sticking out of Keshamarus belly. "Damnit...."

Keshamaru slumped to the ground and saw the corners of his vision go dark. He couldnt see anything but blackness. And snakes. Seven snakes with yellow arrow patterns all along their scales. "The boy issss dying." One said as it slithered past. "Thisss can not be."

"We must sssave him." The snakes circled Keshamaru (Not really this is all just in his subconcious.) Keshamaru felt them inside his body. But he could also see them outside of it. He was confused but he knew one thing. He was dying.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"No!" Seth jumped down grabbing Oni's arm dragging him down with him "Hey!" Oni yelled "Change now!" Seth yelled as a flash of light appered as he grabbed Oni, Oni changed into a desert eagle with a white finsh and a tiger on the side "Aw I hoped ou wouldn't figure out" he aimed the gun at the puppet of a man

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Tobi hopped off the seat oni pulled me onto. "I dont give a damn about yer temple. We have enimies in here that need to die.and yer gonna die if we dont kill them. Now get inside seth and kick some ass! Breech, Lightning Glove!" Breech and Tobi resonated so high that their souls where visible even from someone who couldnt see souls. They where also as big as Dr. Stein's soul. Tobi's ear and his eye started to bleed. His chest mark glowed almost to blinding point. Tobi was shortening his life but highly increasing his power. The planned resonance went even better than he thought. He ended up with 2 Lightning gloves. One on each hand. The blades where made out of wavelength and lightning. Lightning was going off of Tobi and surrounding him. "

THIS IS THE LAST TIMIE YOU PEOPLE LIVE!!!!" He jumped down, after Kesh first, and threw him up and started ripping him apart. He knew he was dying slowly, but he didnt give a single shit. (Im thinking about killing Tobi and addming in a new uber mysterious but powerful char.And Greenwind, Im not really going OP. Im going balanced. I have high offence, but low defence and I am dying atm)


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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(Your freaking killing another character! That's super OP I'm going to quit this If I have to deal with your crap I'm pretty sure this is how every one feels) Seth fired a blazing bullet in tobis arm and then another as he ran to Keshumaru "Damn it!" he fired off a round into Tobi "Your not killing my friend!" he loaded another mag "Bring it skunk bag!" Oni taunted

Edited by GreenWind
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The snakes started spinning faster. "We musst awaken him." "It isss no ussse." "Wait! I feel something... His wavelength is faint but its still there!" The snakes stopped and there eyes glowed. They all dove at Keshamaru and suddenly Keshamaru was standing in the desert the sun was setting and it looked beautiful. "Where... Where am I?" He asked in front of him were seven snakes. Each one at a podium like the judge uses at a court room. "Keshamaru. We are the ssseven sssnakes of the sssand." One said.

"We live in your body. We keep you protected from minor injuriesss." Keshamarus head shot to one snake thats voice sounded like that of a woman. "Your wound iss far to great. If you wish to live you must releassse uss!" Keshamaru felt sick looking at all these snakes.

"We will sssave you. But we will not go away. We will live in your body forever. The ssseven of us will stay like voices in your head."

Keshamaru shook his head. "What is the use! my family is dead! I have no one left! Why should I live in the first place!"

He turned around and looked behind him. Standing there were life size models of his friends. They looked extremely real but they werent really there. "You are a fool! You have your friendss. You have a reason to sssurvive." Keshamaru was looking into each ones face. Free, Erica, Nat, Tobi, Seth, Sula, Medusa, Breech. He shook his head again. "They arent my family! They are friends nothing more!" The snakes eyes glowed. "Family eh.... In that case." Suddenly all the models of his friends dissapeared. There in front of him stood the figure of Kekashu. "There. He is your reason to live!" Keshamaru clenshed his fists.

"Okay... Im in. What do I need to do?" If snakes could grin these guys most certainly were. "Let uss in. We will aid you."

Keshamaru nodded. and then looked up. "Are you real... Like Oni?" The snakes shook their heads. "No Oni is but a spirit that dwells within Seths body. In a way Seth is the puppet. Our relationship iss different. You give us a place to live. Your body. And in return we serve you." Keshamaru grinned. "Im in."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth picked up Keshumaru in his arms "Keahumaru wake up!" he yelled tears down his face "Whats wrong puppet?" Oni asked "I'm not your puppet if anything it's more like a partnership" he shock Keshumaru "Don't you dare die!" he started to burn the wound close "It worked on me and it should work on you"

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Tobi let Kesh fall and electricuted seth and went after Medusa, sliced her gut, ignoring any snakes she threw at him, and he sewed up his 1st wound from her. He smacked her into a wall and rushed the Kishin. His eyes wherent even there anymore. They where just sunken holes filled with lightning. He slammed the Kishin into a wall, sliced up all the other puppets and started wailing on the Kishin, strike after strike, Wavelength after elextricution, and after one more hit, a strike of lightning came down from the heavens, hit the Kishin, and almost killed it, and Tobi fell back, nobody knew if he was dead or not.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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(That's it!) Seth took the lightning medusa was fine just a tiny scratch Seth ran at Tobi and started kicking him "You basterd he's our friend and you go and try to kill him!" he kept kicking him over an over "Your the one that should die!" he put the gun to Tobi's head

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Keshamaru felt something in his back. A searing pain. And then in his stomach and chest. All the places he had gotten tattoos.

Suddenly a wave of heat came over him and the tattoos craked and fell off. Keshamaru jumped up and smiled. His eyes hidden by the hood. "Thanks... I owe you one. All seven of you." Keshamaru felt something in his back and a snake popped out. "Listen kid. Your opponent is strong. Retreat. If you stay here your friends wil die!" Kehamaru nodded and felt the snake shoot back into his spine.

"Eww... That feels really gross..." He said and turned to Kekashu. "Seth! Medusa! Grab the others and leave the island. I'll hold him off I'll be right behind you!"

Medusa sat awestruck. "Oh no... He did it. He broke my seals! He has no idea what he has done!" Medusa turned and made her own snakes come out of her back. "Listen. The seven have been released. We have to evacuate ASAP!" She turned and used an arrow snake to grab Tobi wrapping him tightly. "Sorry kid. But this is gonna hurt you alot more than it will me!" She cloked him onto the stone wall and saw him go unconcious. "That takes care of any resistance... Erica you help Seth and stay close!" Erica grabbed Seths arm and pulled him to the hole Medusa had made. "Here we go!" She jumped out pulling Seth with her.

Keshamaru stood in front of Kekashu and gulped loudly. His uncle was terribly strong. He gripped Sula and got ready.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth followed her tears in his eyes "No I can't leave him!" he started to run back but Oni went back to his tiger form and pinned Seth "You can't I won't let you because I don't want you to save him" seth was confused "Why" Oni laughed "Because I want him to die remember I said it when I fought him at medusas layer"

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(I left Kesh an I practically killed the thing and I'm unconcious. Ya'll aint to bright :P) Tobi saw his father, what was left of him, anyway "Tobi..." He said in his convincing and smooth voice. "You need to become a Kishin. How do you think your mother and I are alive after several hundred years? We are immortal. We are gods. We are Kishin, that noone knows about. We are achient. We are stronger than Asura himself. Give us your body so we can rule the world. We can be a family again. You will stay alive...." "NO!! I fight Kishin. I KILL kishin! And I will kill you!" He was crying. He hadnt seen his father in 13 years. 3 years before he met Breech. He had to find a way to kill his father. "I will ki-" He woke up just then. Medusa carring him with an arrow, Seth with a silver gun. Erica and free running along with medusa. They where all NOT killing Tobi and Seth.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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"Oh... I almost forgot... One more thing." Keshamaru picked up Sula in dagger mode and threw her out the hole.

"Im sorry. But if I die here. It will be alone." He said and turned to face Kekashu.

"My boy... How do you plan to face me without weapons?"

The snakes popped out of Keshamarus wrists. only this time they were arrows like Medusa used.

"Not my preffered weapon... It will be more than enough to kill you." He charged his uncle and was surprised to see the puppet man pull out a string. Kekashu flicked the string and it hit Keshamaru knocking him from the air. "What the... Snakes what happened!?"

The snake popped out of his chest. "That string is being infused with his wavelength! It may look flimsy but if it hits you it can do some big damage!" Keshamaru winced "what kind of damage?"

The snake gulped. "Im not sure... But we estimate it has fire, lightning, and poison." Keshamaru sat up.

"WHAT THE HELL SNAKE HOW!?!?" The snake shook. "He can copy the moves of others! Seths fire, Tobis lightning, And your poison!" Keshamaru cursed and stood up. He was outmatched.



Sula hit a tree and stuck in it. She went human and saw Seth. "Seth! Come on Keshamaru is fighting Kekashu alone! We have to leave!"

Edited by SolarWind

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"No I'm not leaving him!" he wiggled under Oni's grip "fine" Onu turned into light and went inside Seth, Seth panted and sat up "I can't lose a friend even thogh Keshumaru only thinks of me as a friend he's like a brother to me" he got to his feet and walked away his head down

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Sula grabbed Seth and held him down. "NO! Keshamaru has to do this alone. He would never forgive you if you interfered! Come on we'll pick him up in the plane on the way out!"


Keshamaru jumped and kicked at Kekashu. He felt the string coil around his leg and shock him.

"Argh!!" Keshamaru looked at his leg and was grateful that he felt the pain but thanks to the snakes there wasnt any damage.

He swung around and used his snake wrists to cut through a puppet.

This time Kekashu used the string like a whip burning through Keshamarus clothes and leaving a bright red mark.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"I wasn't going to fight" he sat down his bad against the trunk a dull glare in his eyes "I don't know what to do anymore I'm just so confused like what should I do" he didn't bother to move he seemed asleep but his eyes open and his tone dull as well tears fell down his cheeck

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"When Keshamaru gets confused theres only one thing to do." She dug around in her bag and pulled out a large frying pan.

She swung it onto Seths head and heard a loud BANG! Like a gong. "Snap out of it! We have to keep moving!"


Keshamaru lept up and jumped the string he landed squarely in front of Kekashu and sliced donward leaving only a small scratch on the wood. "Oh come on!" He said before he was kicked backwards by a heavy wooden foot.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth rubbed his head and looked at her the tears still coming "It dosnt work that way" he got up put his hands in his pockets and headed towards the beach as he got to the beach he sat down and looked at the waves "a far off dream is like a scattered memory a scattered memory is like a far off dream" the words rang in his head

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Keshmaru was in trouble now. Even with the snakes help that string was a menace. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap!"

He lept to the side avoiding a flaming lash from the small string. He turned around and tried aother attack but gettin tied up by the string in the process. "Err... Please dont burn MEEE!!" Keshamaru felt electricity pump through him. "Oww.... Man If Sula was here I coul try resonance.... BUT I THREW HER OUT THE WINDOW!!!" He yelled as he rolled past the string. "Oh dear god..." Kehamaru watched as the string whipped him over and over causing deep gashes in his skin. He felt his foot land on nothing and noticed that he was right in front of the hole. "Oh no..." He said as he tumbled backwards. Unfortuantely he didnt fly through the air no. He bounced down the side of the mountain hitting every single rock and thorn bush on the way down. The snakes came out of his back and dug into the mountainside stopping his fall. "Im gonna be sick..." He said aloud and fell to his knees.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Seth looked at te mountain and saw dirt clouds try kept getting farther down until they stopped "I can't take it anymore!" he ran towrds the Moutan and he climbed up until he was eye to eye with Keshumaru "Keshumaru?! What happened" he got up and sat next to him

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Leo who still was in the Kishin room (man dont forget me) began talking to the Kishin ¨so you think you can survive long enough to get the rage that rest in the boy¨ he stopped and looked at the kishin analyzing his weak points if he had any ¨you cant punch all of them down not alone not with puppets¨ Leo walked towards the beach and saw the two of them at the cliff but continued to walk down.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Keshamaru coughed and felt pain all over. "Damnit..." He thought the snakes whipping around his body. "Master. It appears you are outmatched. Please we have to get out of here!" Keshamaru silenced him and then spotted Leo. "Who the hell is that..."

He said quietly feeling the pain in his ribs from the Kishins attack. His body was covered in burns and it was taking the snakes a while for them to repair the damage done.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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