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private Everfree Fugitive


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"Sure. It would be nice to go into to town for once. I wonder if Pinkie Pie still works at Sugarcube Corner." Blaze said. He walked over to Lily. "So, what am I going to look like? A griffon? A donkey? A parasprite?" Blaze asked eagerly. He looked at Rook. "Or maybe Rook. I could use some extra brains." He said with a grin.


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"That place? Ick!" Blaze said with a scowl. "At least I can visit the town. See what's going on with my own eyes." He said as he followed her out. "Carrick! You're in charge since Rook will be cooking with Starbolt and Linus' hair is pink. I don't trust a colt with a pink mane."


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Lily laughed. "Let's go, blazey boy!" she galloped ahead. "come on! Hurry up!!!" lily went to the town and blaze followed after. "have a look around, I'll be right back with the groceries." she sped of towards the shop.

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''HEY! PINK IS MAGIC!'' Linus yelled. ''Okay, I'm going to go clean my knife. You guys need anything?'' Linus said while picking up his knife. ''Its the Best I can do since I've been an idiot the past few days.'' Linus said.

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  • 1 month later...

Blaze and Lily walked toward the Carousal Boutique. He wasn't happy about going since he never cared for Rarity's obsession with fashion, but he was glad to be back in town, even if he was a donkey. "Lily, after we get the fancy clothes for Rook and Star I want to head over to SugarCube Corner. I'm craving cupcakes right now." he said as his stomach gave a light growl.


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  • 2 months later...

"you think you've got cravings?" lily laughed. she walked out of the carousel boutique and towards sugarcube corner. she wandered in and had a look at the cakes. she always had a fancy for the sweet things in life. she walked up to the counter and rang the bell. pinkie pie came bouncing down the stairs and giggled. "pinkie, could i have some cocao, that had none at the shops, oh and a chocolate explosion cupcake for my friend." she said with a slight giggle herself

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"Sure thing!" Pinkie exclaimed and she bounded off to the back. Blaze waited outside as he drooled over the sweets he saw inside. It had been a long time since he had some of Pinkie's cupcakes. She was back in less than a minute with a hot mug and a small brown box. "Be sure he opens it outside. Last time somepony ate one inside, I was cleaning chocolate off the walls for hours." she said with a smile. 


Lily walked outside taking a sip of her cocoa. She gave Blaze the box without saying a word and just smiled. "Finally! I've been dreaming for one of these for Celestia knows how long." he said. He took the cupcake out of the box and took a big bite out of the surprise treat. It exploded everywhere and covered his face with chocolate. 

Edited by SongBrony


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lily laughed so hard she nearly spilled her drink. "look, we got everything we need, why dont we go back to the house?" she said, "you as a donkey is certainly a sore sight." she joked. she started to trot back home to the forest and stood at the entrance to the tree-laiden area. "coming?"

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Rook surveyed his kitchen. According to his inventory, he had some cerial, milk, spaghetti, a couple of potatoes, and lettuce. Seriously? That's all we have?


"How's that dinner going?" Starbolt leaned on the edge of the doorway, trying to blow her unbrushed mane out of her face. 


"Well, unless you want some crunchy potato casserole, we're gonna need some more stuff....would you like to go to the market with me? I'm sure Carrick can hold down the fort while we're gone"


"Dont you think that's a bad idea?" 


"I don't know. It's not like we're the ones wanted by the law, you know" Rook said.


"No, no! I mean you're still under investigation, you know!"


"Well, what else am I supposed to do?"


"... Look, Carrick, Linus, and I can go get what you need."


"But it's a DATE! I'm supposed to-"


Suddenly, there were explosions.

Edited by AnonyPoni


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lily and blaze got back to the house just as the explosion happened  "WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT?!" she said with a start. she sat down in the lounge room and sighed. she liked her house, maybe it could be her home.


she frowned as she thought about what was to come, she didnt like suprises that involved large explosions


(( revived it!!!


post-6328-0-60812400-1356231585.jpg ))

Edited by lilymalady123
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"Well what do you know? Looks like the party has started without us!" Blaze shouted as he ran past Lily to find Rook and Starbolt lying in a pile of rubble. He started to dig them out as fast as he could. "Rook! What the heck happened?" he said as he pulled him out. He dug a little deeper and pulled Starbolt out as well.


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"Gah! I dont know! Where the hay is Starbolt!?" Rook panicked when Blaze pulled him out of the rubble.


"I'm over here. I'm ok." Starbolt said. She was bleeding a bit but seemed fine. "What happened?"


"I think they may have been the Brotherhood or something." Rook said, "Where's Carrick... or Linus?"


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"for heavens sake, not them again." lily sighed and rolled her eyes. "you'd think they'd had enough after what you did to their base, blaze." she trotted over and cast a spell to heal the cut on starbolt. "i wish they would just leave us in peace." she growled angerly

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"Yeah well, I think they may want their precious little Nova back." Blaze said. "We have to find Carrick and Linus. Any idea where they might have been taken?" he asked. They dug around a little more hoping to find something that could help them. The only thing Blaze could find was a knife. "Well, Linus is missing one of his knives. That's not like him." he said.


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Blaze threw the knife on the ground. "Well, I can't find them"


"Dammit, there goes my date with Star...." Rook mumbled angrily. "Stupid brotherhood...."


"Aww, it's ok" Starbolt gave Rook a hug. "We're alive, and that's good."


Rook turned his attention to Lily. "In other news, what about Junior? How's he doing?" 


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"as far as i can tell, he's fine." she looked at her stomach as best she could. "i think he got a jump as well." lly couldnt feel anything yet, but she knew he was there. it was like a divine connection between mother and child. she looked up "its so weird being pregnant." she concluded for no particular reason

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"I see... " Rook looked at the rubble hat used to be the house. "Look we aren't going to be safe here. We have both the authorities and the Brotherhood coming after us. You and your baby aren't safe here."


Blaze spoke up, "What are you saying, that we leave?"


"If it means our safety, then yes. Besides," Rook pointed at our house, "My freaking kitchen is destroyed."


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lily rolled her eyes. "fine then, where do we go? boltimare?" she chuckled "actually thats not a bad idea. she searched through the rubble and found a golden box. "this should be enough to get us a large apartment." she opened it to reveal a large sum of money. "we better go." and with that she started to walk in the direction of boltimare.

Edited by lilymalady123
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"What, we have to walk?" Starbolt groaned. "Can't we take a train or something?"


"I vote train," Rook said. 


"And get caught by the police? Are you crazy?" Blaze said. "Besides, what about Linus and Carrick? Do you think the Brotherhood got to them after the explosion?"


"The brotherhood is after us NOW. We need to leave ASAP."


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"hmmmm, blaze and i have wings so we can get there quicksmart but what about you..." she pondered. "rook, i need a large basket and string, we are gonna make the worlds first pegasi-powered air-travel device, or a 'air pad.'" and with that she smiled with glee and satisfaction.

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They started to work on the air pad. Blaze still was unsure about leaving Linus and Carrick to the Brotherhood. "I still don't understand something. If the Brotherhood was really after us, why in the world didn't they take you two? Why Linus and Carrick?" Blaze asked. "Carrick is a detective. If he goes missing for a long period of time, the police will get a bit suspicious and start snooping. And Linus...well Linus is a killing machine. So why those two? Something doesn't seem right."


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They started to work on the air pad. Blaze still was unsure about leaving Linus and Carrick to the Brotherhood. "I still don't understand something. If the Brotherhood was really after us, why in the world didn't they take you two? Why Linus and Carrick?" Blaze asked. "Carrick is a detective. If he goes missing for a long period of time, the police will get a bit suspicious and start snooping. And Linus...well Linus is a killing machine. So why those two? Something doesn't seem right."



"Maybe that's why they want them. Carrick gives them a connection to the police to find Lily and Linus... that's pretty obvious. if they get brainwashed or something, they'll be really valuable to them..." Rook said somberly, "Look, the longer we wait, the more likely we're going to have to deal with more brotherhood"


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Blaze sighed. "Fine. But I still don't like it." he said and finished tying the basket and strings together. "Do you think this will be stable? It's a little small." He started to make a harness for Lily. There was no way he was going to let her carry a string in her mouth and carry the basket all the way to Baltimare. 


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Blaze sighed. "Fine. But I still don't like it." he said and finished tying the basket and strings together. "Do you think this will be stable? It's a little small." He started to make a harness for Lily. There was no way he was going to let her carry a string in her mouth and carry the basket all the way to Baltimare. 



After Blaze was done, Rook and Starbolt got into the basket to test it out. "Lily, dear, do you think you're in the condition to fly all the way to Baltimare carrying us?"


"It just occurred to me that we're unicorns..." Rook said.


"Yes, you guys are..." Blaze said rolling his eyes.


"Well, we can levitate ourselves a bit so we don't seem as heavy!" Rook said, then looked at Starbolt, "Not that i'm saying you're heavy - I'M MEAN I'd never say that - like, uh... you're perfect in all -"


"Don't worry tiger, I get it" Starbolt smiled and sighed.


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