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Clover awoke in the bed on her side and didn't remember falling asleep last night, just a huge headache and exhausted from magic. "Was that... a dream..." She said to herself quietly. After looking around the room for a bit she recognized it to be inside Lapis' house, because of all the (books?) and how clean the place was. Clover got up, and got out of bed. She walked in to the kitchen and looked out the window to see an early morning, Clover usually slept in late, she didn't know what would have make her wake up this early. "I'm right here Lapis" She said after hearing his voice before entering. She then sat next to Lapis and froze whatever beverage he had to drink with his CLT. "Starbolt really helped me get better..." She said while scratching the back of her head making sure not to brag or anything.


(I can't sit across from sky if Lapis is sitting across from sky...)

Edited by Dashery Rain Bowington
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Sky took the sandwich gratefully from Lapis while replying with a thank you and he prepared to take a bite of the delicious CLT. He wasn't bothered by how Clover wanted to six next to her tutor. He just smiled...

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After clover froze Lapis' drink without even closing her eyes, she wasn't very hungry so she decided to give lapis a hug and then she walked outside and sat down in his yard. She looked up towards the sun and she realized how messed up her Mane was and she tried to fix it with her hooves but she didn't have a brush or anything.

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Sky coutinued to munch on his mouth watering sandwich. He couldn't believe how good this sandwich was that Lapis made. He wondered how he made it.


"Hey Lapis, how did you make this sandwich? It is simply amazing!"


Lapis looked preoccupied so Sky decided to go outside after eating his sandwich.

Edited by Twilight Sky
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Clover heard somepony behind her after trying to fix her Mane, and she saw it was Sky "Hi skyy... Do you remember what happened last night... I just remember you being really sad about something and was trying to make you feel better and then... Idk that's all I remember..." She said with a bit of confusion.

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"We fell I sleep but I put you on the bed but thanks for trying to make me feel better."


Sky smiled a bit to Clover.


"So what do you want to do today?"


Sky felt a lot better now and his injuries were almost gone now...

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Sky looked at Clover and saw she really wanted to do magic. An that she was disappointed Lapis couldn't help at the moment.


"Well what are you working on? I may be able to help you out...if you want me to that is..."

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"I just need to practice freezing things, and I am pretty sure you could help me with that..." She giggled and then she closed her eyes for a moment, and froze the ground that Sky was standing on, she then, wth her eyes opened, froze his hooves to the ground. "Heehee, I read a little bit in that book the Lapis had... How hard is it to get out of it?.." She asked curiously.
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Sky's hooves got immensely cold and then when tried to move he was stuck to ground. He tried a little tug, didn't budge, he tried a little harder, there was a crack, then tugged harder, and the ice broke off.


"Pretty hard...but not as hard for a big stallion like me!"


Sky said proudly.

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Clover scratched the back of her head, and then she giggled again, she closed her eyes for a few moments longer this time, and she began to freeze his hooves to the ground, but this time, she made it a lot thicker, and then she froze not only his hooves but the ice started to move up his legs up to his knee's. After she looked at her work and then felt a slight headache, but pretended there was nothing wrong with her. "So Sky, how hard is it now?" She said as she grinned devilishly.

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Sky wiggled a bit, it was pretty firm. He wiggled a lot harder and he barely cracked the ice. He tried as hard as he could and just couldn't get out of it.


"Quite hard...um can I have some help here?"


Sky was shocked because he was actually stuck in the ice...

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The ice started to melt and eventually Sky was able to break free from it. That was somewhat of a scary expierence for Sky but not as scary as the strange mare that chased him.


"I'm fine, I'm fine..."


Sky's legs felt a little wobbly though...

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Clover was happy to see he was alright, she hugged him. "Sorry about that Sky... Look how good I am at it now!" She felt bad but was still excited because of how well she did "You know Sky... Now I can go get revenge on Byron...." She said in an almost evil tone. She hadn't noticed what she started to sound like.

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"Why would you want to do that?! He is just a little filly that doesn't know how to use his magic..."


Sky was shocked to hear Clover say this but he just shook his head.


"Anyways is there any other way I can help or should we just practice on other things?"

Edited by Twilight Sky
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Clover snapped out of it "R-right..." She said slightly embarrassed "Well, I can't think of anything really, I need to get better at casting the spell faster, I know that much, and then I should practice levitation, and then I should-" She stopped after she noticed she was still hugging Sky. "Thank you..." She said while hiding her face with her hair.

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Sky said with a smile. He was really eager to help out Clover in her studies so she could impress Lapis once he gets his nose out of the book....


"Alright lets go practice levitation, so how much can you levitate?"

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Sky noticed Clover was still a little nervous doing magic around him but he didn't care she failed. He was here to help her and do better than before.


"How about lets try an apple and I'm pretty sure you can do that if you can freeze my legs..."

Edited by Twilight Sky
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Clover took an apple from Lapis' pantry and placed it on the ground "Okay... I'll try." She said as she closed her eyes, she began to visualize what she thought she should, and after a few minutes, the apples rolled over, and it came off the ground for a second, but then... Exploded. Clover opened her eyes and realized what she did "Oh no... That's what happened last time the leaf got messed up..." She said quietly.

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At first Sky just stared blankly at where the apple used to be, his face was covered in applesauce. Then he started to giggle to himself about what just happened the he realized something...


"Maybe it explodes because you trying hard and put too much of your power into it, if I were you I would just imagine picking up an apple an eating it..."

Edited by Twilight Sky
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Clover was kind of confused "But if I was picking up an apple and eating it... Hmm i'll try..." Clover said confidently. She went inside and got another apple, after bringing it outside she made sure she didn't try so hard and she began to visualize. After a few moments, the apple started rolling in circles and it eventually came off of the ground, it wasn't long thought until Clover had a very painful headache, she rubbed her forehead after dropping the apple.

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Sky watched Clover do it and at first he was neverous that it might explode and saw it roll a little. Then it levitated off the ground and floated for a minute.


"Look you made progress! I just taught you to pick an up apple and it didn't explode..."

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