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private Godzilla


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/27431-godzilla-rp/

It was midnight, When in the depths of the sea, Some thing cracked its eyes open, something that had not been woken up for over 100000 years, had just been hit with a ray of sunlight. And it was awake


It was a nice day, sapphire walked out of her home and had a huge yawn, she then went to get her news paper. "New ship sends light into the deep, thats nice" She said as she walked back into her home


Mod's edit: OOC link. Use the full editor next time if you're going to edit your first post so your OOC link doesn't disappear.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
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Morning star happened to be walking by. He was going to the store when he notice Sapphire."Hello Sapphire how are you doing today"? He waited for Sapphire's response. But he was in a hurry to get to the store.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Oh, im just fine, its a nice day, isint it? but suposidly they just shot out the souler beams into the sea, that cant be good, who knows what kind of mosters it will bring out?" She shutter "Well, i see your in a hurry, so ill let you go"

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Morning star smiled."Will i see you later then take care sapphire". He went on his way to the store to get his supplies.

But he was thinking to himself."I wonder what today is going to be like". He began to wonder what was going on today.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Sapphire looked at jacob "Okay, just go forward, then turn left, and turn left 1 more time, and you are there" Sapphire smiled. Just then, the earth started to rummble "Woooooha! get down!" Sapphire jumped down


Mean while, the water was being pushed by something huge comeing out of it, but it was still deep, so it send the water into the ground makeing it rummble

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Cloud Maker stood in the store's arts and crafts isle, eyeing up whatever materials he could find. "Hmmm... no, that won't do." *puts a pencil back and picks up a paintbrush* "Maybe... nah." *puts the paintbrush back* "*sigh* I don't know why I moved here. Honestly, there aren't any good art stores around." *looks over to see Morningstar walking around the store* "Oh, hey Morningstar!"

Edited by Driku12
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Morning star was getting wolfs bane."o,Hello there, do you know were i can get some wolf's bane"? Morning star was in a really bad hurry to get his shopping done but he didn't know why he was in a hurry.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Tune Twist woke up from a deep sleep and yawned. He pulled his headphones off his neck and checked his computer. He had a horrible fear of earthquakes, so he always checked for big tremors all over Equestria. He looked around his seismic map of the land. Baltimare: Safe. Fillydelphia: Safe. Ponyville: "Oh, no." He went out on his balcony and began performing a long-distance teleport spell. He looked up and down the streets of Canterlot to make sure no vulnerable objects were around, and performed the spell. "To Ponyville Beach!" He said a little too loudly, and an explosion twice as large as himself surrounded him.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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"Sorry, no." Cloud maker said with a slight frown. "You could try the store on the other side of town. I was about to head there myself to see if they have any good art supplies." *looks at Morningstar for a second* "Hey, you seem like you're in kind of a hurry. Anything wrong?"

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Sapphire got back up "That was weird, i but i hope there are no more...i had no idea what happend" Sapphire said to the pony next to her


Mean while, the thing was gaining speed as it remembers how to use every thing. It was heading towards the nearest place it could get out, which was the beach

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Morning star replied."I don't know why , but it's something about today that's putting me in some kind of rush". Morning star continue to do his shopping. He got honey dew and dragons blood. But he didn't know he was getting these things.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Tune Twist arrived near the shore with a large bang. "Everybody needs to leave the beach now!" He exclaimed. "There is a huge tsunami coming!" He yelled to the tourists and surfers. "Or at least I think it's a tsunami..." He murmered to himself as the ponies ran from the beach.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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"Oh well." Cloud Maker said with a shrug "I guess it's just one of those days. Now that you mention it, I've been feeling king of rushed too... I actually don't need any new art supplies, I just feel like I should stock up on stuff. Weird."

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Just as twist said that, something was starting to surrfice out of the water. It made a huge wave, that would smash any pony if they didnt run


"No....no its never happend befor, i dont know why its starting now" Sapphire was shaken, "My name is sapphire"

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Tune Twist looked around him and gasped. An earthquake had already happened. He saw pots broken on the ground, ponies fallen over and tree cracked. If the earthquake happened a few minutes ago, than where is the tsun-. He turned back to the ocean and his jaw dropped. A huge wave, larger than any tsunami he had heard of, was rushing towards the shore. The thing was, the wave was being pushed by something it seemed. A ship? A submarine?


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Morning star nod his head."Will i got what i need i'll just head down to Zecora's place to get my wolfs bane". Morning star payed for his items. But he didn't go to see Zecora he was going down to the beach as if wanting to see something happen.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Just then, a huge roar could be hird from behind the water


Sapphire didnt know what was going on, but she knew it was going to be something bad, but she had no idea what yet, she started walking around

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After Morningstar left the store, Cloud Maker decided that he would try the store at the other end of town, as this one didn't seem to have any quality art supplies. "I'll just fly to save time, I guess." He thought as he flapped his wings and ascended over Ponyville. But as he looked down, he saw what looked like a huge crowd of ponies running from the direction of the beach. "What the...?" He was cut off by some kind of large roaring sound coming from the same direction. "What was that!? I'd better check it out..." He said to himself as he flew towards the beach.

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Sapphire snaped, she couldnt hold her fear any more, she ran into her home, closed the doors, closed every way of getting in



A huge hand stuck out of the wall, but the reast of the body they could not see As the wave closed in

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Morning star heard the roar."Whats going on"? He was in a full run to the beach, he now knew why he was in a hurry to get the beach. He wanted to see what was going down at the beach. The pony's kept on getting in his way.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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As Tune Twist saw the enormous hand behind him, his gallop turned into and all out sprint of terror. He couldn't teleport back to Canterlot, that would take too long... He stopped thinking and kept running for his life. He found a house with every exit locked. "Let me in!! Please!!" He screamed as he banged his head on the door, yelling for his life at the unknown person inside.

Edited by ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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