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private Godzilla


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Her smile slowly turned into a frown "i can fight for my self, I'm not help less, and I can help you guys, iv already put out one fire, you don't know how much I can help!" "please let me stay! " she knew she could help....if only the ponys didn't think she was helpless just because she was a mare

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Krylon walked over to morning star* and said morning star let sapphire help,God knows we need it.

There are still fires that need to be put out and a lot of hurt pony's,we may have gotten rid of a lot of ruble but are main priority is to take care of the injured.

Edited by krylonguard
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Morning star let out a snort."Fine you can stay and help Sapphire, but i will be standing by to make sure nothing happens to you". Morning star gave Sapphire his look that was the only choice she had , but other than that he watch for Godzilla who he was pretty sure was dead by now.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Cloud Maker dropped in from above, having been listening to the whole conversation. "Count me in too. If there's a way to kill that thing, I want to help find it. Besides, I couldn't live with myself if I just left all of you guys here to fight a giant lizard" *smiles*

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Sapphire had just put out 3 more fires, she didnt want them to kill it "But....what if theres another one? something more powerfull? I dont want to be left helpless, we should maybe let it stay alive and see if any thing else comes

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Morning star looked shocked."That thing must die, Sapphire , I can't believe you would suggest something so foolish". Morning star looked at Sapphire very surprised, Morning star had half a mind to send sapphire home.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Morning star shaked his head."That thing can never help us, look at what it as done! and if anything else comes we will deal with it our self's, and Sapphire if i ever hear you talk like that ever again i'll , i'll" Morning star's horn glow and he shot off a angry blot of magic at a tree.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Tune Twist jumped back. "Hey man, chill out. Who made you the boss of all this anyway? It's your bark that got this thing to leave, not your bite." He said, mocking him with a slightly too confident tone.

(( I'm going on a long trip. Won't be able to post for a few hours. ))

Edited by ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Morning star uttered a cruse under his breath and flied off to look for Godzilla. He was still mad but it wasn't really showing. his horn was still glowing to show he wasn't in his best of moods , all he cared about was finding it and killing it.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Cloud Maker looks at Morningstar flying off and says to himself "That pony's pride is going to get him killed...". *Looks at Tune Twist* "Hey kid, don't worry. He gets like that sometimes, he'll cool off in a little bit. By the way, I'm Cloud Maker. I never caught your name." *shakes his hoof*

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That is enough! Shouted krylon at Moring Star and Satpphire* The monster has to die look at the damage it has caused! but it will not happen if we fight anongst ourselves. And in celestia name Morning Star if you can't control your self, I don't want to be the one to have to take care of you.


Oh by the way i'm krylon guard nice to met you Cloud Maker and you to Tune Twist :)

So what should be are plan to take care of the creature? How about this why don't we go on down to sugar cube corners and discuss what to do next.

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"Well...if you say so, but i still kind of like it, and i think we should let it STay alive Any ways, i dont think we can find a way of killing it, cus the swords didnt seem to work that well, and what else can we use?" Sapphire asked

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Morning star was over the ocean he was blazing mad. he let lose all of his anger into one blast."Who do they think they are siding with the monster , if it wasn't for me , they will all be dead". Morning star hated this monster, he just wanted him dead.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Cloud Maker looks at Morningstar flying off and says to himself "That pony's pride is going to get him killed...". *Looks at Tune Twist* "Hey kid, don't worry. He gets like that sometimes, he'll cool off in a little bit. By the way, I'm Cloud Maker. I never caught your name." *shakes his hoof*


Tune Twist took the hoof shake reluctantly. "I'm Tun Twist." He said. "I came here because my seismic radar (don't ask) detected huge tremors off the coast." He looked over at the beach. "That... Thing just came out of deep within the ocean. According to the intensity of these miniature earthquakes, it basically crawled out of the sea floor." He said, slightly intrigued.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Sapphire head snaped to tune twist "WHAT? how could it just CRAWl out of the sea floor? Isnt that like.....impossible? I know it was big.....but now that strong! we better tell ever pony not to mess with it if it can do that!"

Tune Twist took the hoof shake reluctantly. "I'm Tun Twist." He said. "I came here because my seismic radar (don't ask) detected huge tremors off the coast." He looked over at the beach. "That... Thing just came out of deep within the ocean. According to the intensity of these miniature earthquakes, it basically crawled out of the sea floor." He said, slightly intrigued.


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Sapphire head snaped to tune twist "WHAT? how could it just CRAWl out of the sea floor? Isnt that like.....impossible? I know it was big.....but now that strong! we better tell ever pony not to mess with it if it can do that!"


Tune Twist turned to SapphIre. "Well, Im assuming that he had been sleeping there for thousands of years." He said. "Otherwise, we would have found it before now..." He looked back at the beach again.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Tune Twist turned to SapphIre. "Well, Im assuming that he had been sleeping there for thousands of years." He said. "Otherwise, we would have found it before now..." He looked back at the beach again.


Sapphire shutterd "But i dont know why we dont seem to have anything about it, it just poped up and boom, half the city got blowen up, its kind of scary, but what if there is something more powerfull?"
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Morning star decided to come back he chilled out after awhile. but he still was pretty mad about being humiliated like that but he didn't care he just let it build up inside of his stomach he knew he could hurt a pony by casting a few hexes and cruses.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Sapphire shutterd "But i dont know why we dont seem to have anything about it, it just poped up and boom, half the city got blowen up, its kind of scary, but what if there is something more powerfull?"


Tune Twist turned his head back at Sapphire. "I sure hope not. Who knows what could happen. First it was Nightmare Moon, then Discord, and now this. I just hope nothing else is to come, especially while we have this thing on our hooves." Said Tune Twist.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Morning star sent latter to Sapphire, "dear Sapphire, i am sorry for the way i acted". Morning star stayed in the clouds and waited for Sapphire to come were he was so he and her could talk about how they feel.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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