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Solar Wind

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Twilight was already getting uneasy about the fact that they were talking about splitting everypony up. the only thing that made this even remotely tolerable was the fact that everypony was together. Yes, her experiments would help keep her mind off things, but with out her friends' support, there really wasn't anything else there. She knew absolutely no pony in this city, so the only ponies she'd want to really converse with for the most part would be her friends. At least until she got a taste of how the ponies here acted. then maybe she would branch out, but right now her friends meant everything to her.


"Umm, I'm not quite sure I understand... are we... splitting up? Are you sure that's a good idea considering that us six are the only thing each of us have at this point? A Vast majority of us just lost everything. I don't think splitting us away from each other would be a good idea at the moment," Twilight said voicing her concern at the idea. "Unless we're just splitting up for the walk back, in which I supposed that wouldn't be too bad..." she added. She didn't mind making new friends, but as for now, she really wanted to stay with the friends that she knew, not try to fit in somewhere that she's completely uncomfortable with.


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Clover scratched the back of her head, unsure of what to do. Splitting up? She wasn't quite sure if that was a good idea seeing as how they are the elemental six, don't they need to be together? "Um, aren't these six supposed to stay together?" She said trying not to be too loud or disruptive, if possible.

Edited by Dashery Rain Bowington
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Fluttershy, who had finally stopped arguing with herself and got out of the bushes, not concerned that anypony would point her out at the moment since they still seemed busy chatting with themselves. At that time of observance she noticed a cab waiting for ponies the to enter it. She spent a quick moment pondering if she should go or not, but swiftly decided to at least get closer. None of her friends or other people from ponyville were around it at the moment so it seemed safe enough.


She was now meters away from the cab, still unsure if she would stay here or go on to where ever it may lead.

Edited by Axegrabber
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"The other thre can come with me and Rascal. Dont worry I think I can muster up enough magic to carry the bags."

He said sighing. He waited to see if anyone would even want to go back with him. "With luck maybe all of them will find me weird and want to live with Sky!!" He thought although he didnt really think that way. He knew Sky certainly had a greater influence over Mares But Solawind had Rascal. He figured someone would at least find Rascal appealing even if they didnt care for Solar himself.


Solarwind looked at Twilight. "Sorry my place is only big enough for so many and Sky was kind enough to help out. We live fairly close together so it wont be that far to see eachother. If there was someway I could extend the house I would but its always been plenty big with just Rascal and me." He said shrugging. He understood where they were coming from but he didnt know if there was anything he could reall y do at this point.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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(OOC Wait, aren't there 7 of us?)


"Applejack, is there any way I could go with you?" She said as she nudged her side. "I was hoping to talk to you more abou tthe apple family and stuff..." She said quietly.

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" Oh all right " he turns to the other ponies " If you don't mind me saying this but your only gonna be apart for just a bit as Solarwind said but the homes are very close so none of you lose contact and can always visit the other anytime you need to! " he said trying to live up the group then has an idea and whispers to Solarwind " How about the thing alicorns and unicorns have in common... magic! Would it be possible to combine your house with Sky's? " he asked " It sorta sounds weird and i doubt superstar is all for it but that way they don't feel like they were separated at their time of need which is right now. " he stops whispering " I know i wouldn't do it... " he added as his ears drop not having that many friends

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Twilight sighed. This was definitely not the answer that she was looking for. Yes she knew that the six of them didn't live together in Ponyville, that would be just silly. But they always stayed together whenever they had to go to Canterlot or anywhere else, and right now, after losing everything they had they were going to get split up. Even though she completely understood that there was only so much room that could be had in one house, she didn't like it at all. She could already feel her emotions churning inside. Why would Celestia send us to a place where we CAN'T be together? it makes no sense!!! She of everypony should know how strong our bond is with each other!! she thought to herself with a single tear rolling down her eye.


"I understand. If we aren't that far apart then it may not be too bad... I just... I don't like being force to choose which friends I stay with and which friends I go with! That type of decision never ends well and always ends up hurting somepony else in the end, and more hurt is something we definitely do not need right now..." she told Solar Wind. there was absolutely no way that she would be able to pick one friend over another. They were all equally as important to her as anypony else. She only hoped that Solar was able to understand that.


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Rascal also listening to Twilight Sparkle speak he begins to frown then looks at Twilight Sky near the cab and sighs " What are you doing? " he asks himself and starts to approach him " it's worth a shot even if he won't listen to me... " he thought " Hey superstar can i talk to you for a minute? " he asks awaiting for his response

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Solarwind blinked hard. "Rascal are you... Completely insane I cant pull of that magic No pony could do that! That is prepostrous!"

He said. He sighed and looked at Celestia. "Hey do something you started all this now do something!" He said getting agitataed.

"Dont get your mane in a knot! This is part of my plan! Twilight sparkle Im sorry for this but it is for your studies. I am splitting you up because I feel it is important for you to meet other ponies. Also you didnt live together in ponyville so it wont be much of a change. Sky is a fairly popular pony and Solarwind as lazy as he is can be a nice colt. You will be able to see eachother often but for now I feel this is best." She turned to Solarwind. "You beleive it or not are also involved in this training excersise. You have to learn to help other and get up to do something! These six are some of the greatest ponies in Equestria they can help you become a bit more energetic."

Solarwind looked up at the princess. "I am not a colt anymore and I am not your student. I am a grown stallion and I dont need you to try and change the way I live. I have great friends and a comfortable life AWAY from the royal family I dont need you complicating that. I will take care of the six mares and do it without your help!" He said angrily. Celestia grinned. "Thats better he can be a bit more enthusiastic when he needs to prove something. I think this will work out nicely." She thought as she turned to Twilight.

"Do not worry Ponyville will be rebuilt and everything will be back to normal. For now this is a vacation treat it as such and you will feel much better." She said and smiled. "I will help you with whatever is needed." She said happily.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Rascal shuts up and repeats the word " Training Exercise? " he asked then stops then gives a fake smile " On second thought forget it superstar your idea of calling a cab was a awesome idea! " he said lying though his teeth but still cheerful " Gosh i wish i thought of that myself i just thought of bringing our guests on a carriage but you certainly know your way i'm a bit jealous keep it up! " he added then he slowly walks away sighing " Can i really be a bigger idiot?! " he thought to himself as he walks back to Solarwind and decides to be quiet

Edited by Rascal
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Applejack turned to Clover. Uh, sure! I don't mind if ya come with me. I got some stories to share. No need to be shy. She heard Twilight worry about them not being together. She walked up to her.


Twilight, I know moving here was hard, and now we need to split up, but don't worry, It'll only be for a little while! She smiled trying to cheer Twilight up.


Applejack was still looking for Fluttershy since she hasn't gotten out of the train, yet.

Edited by Twi Rubix

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Solarwind looked at Rascal. "See what I mean. Two grown stallions now part of training excersice." He whispered.

"No matter what do what she says if we get lucky we can push this all on superstar!" He said snickering. he held out his hoof to Rascal.

"This could be fun!" He said happily.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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He smiles back brohoofing him " Yeah it will! " he responded and looks and Princess Celestia and holds it over his head as a salute " You can count on us Princess Celestia! " he grinned then Looks at Applejack,Clover,Twilight Sparkle but has failed to notice Fluttershy cause of her hiding but looks back at the rest of the Mane 6 and calms down " I know this is a bit new and it may take a while for you to adjust to your surroundings but at least your not far apart and these are safe grounds. " he stopped suddenly " I think " he thought but smiles " As Princess Celestia said think of it as a vacation just a not very well planned one. " he ends with that and looks at Sky then looks back at Solar nodding giving making an almost sinister smile

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Clover followed around Apple Jack quite a bit, looking around her, she decided to finally ask her. "Who should we go with? I would like to stick with you, but what about your friends?.. I have met him before" She said pointing at Sky "We're kind of close, but anyways... He is nice, he just doesn't act like it in front of all of us mare..." She said giggling a little. "But I will go anywhere you want to, because you are probably better at making decisions because you are the element of Honesty!" She said looking at her with praise.

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Uhh... Yeah, I sure am... Applejack felt a tad awkward. I'm not sure who to go with. All 6 of us usually stay together, so I guess any one of them will do. It's really up to them to decide who they want. They are lettin' us stay at their place, anyways. Edited by Twi Rubix

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"Anyone else want a ride? I will be leaving en une minute and I can only take a couple more but may I remind you that these are only sleeping arrangements and when your sleeping is the only time you will be separated other than that nous allons be all hanging out together..."


Sky said reassuringly to all the new ponies that just arrived...

Edited by Twilight Sky
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Solarwind looked over to Sky. "This is getting us no where. How about we flip a coin for each of them. Heads with me tails for you."

He suggested feeling a bit odd standing in a train station in the dark with the princess and everyone else. He wasnt sure what to do.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Twilight sighed. she took the princesses explanation with a grain of salt. She did not agree with it, but there really wasn't anything she could do about it. She didn't even address her primary concerns about the entire situation! How was she supposed to make a decision this big of which friends she stayed with and which one's she'd have to visit! It was the Gala ticket all over again. She didn't want to make any of her friends unhappy but regardless of what choice she made, two of her friends would be happy and the other three would feel slighted. Besides, I've met the entire village of Ponyville. How many more ponies do I have to meet to make you happy? she thought to herself.

She then heard the two.... Solar Wind and Sky start talking about who was taking who again, and she nearly lost it again. She was able to keep her speech in a calm manner though.
"I will not be choosing one way or another. If this is going to happen we should have to make the decisions of which friends to stay with and which to visit. Like I said before, that only leads to more problems and doesn't fix anything. I believe I sent you a letter in regards to something Similar princess, when you sent me the Gala ticket? This is pretty much the same thing," she stated turning to Solar Wind. "If we are going to be split up, either you two or Celestia will have to do it. I will not choose between my friends which ones I want to stay with, and it's not fair to us to try to have us do so," She finished.

She had to admit that she felt very nervous abut the situation. This was the first time that she had ever openly disagreed with the princess, and from what she could remember, this was the first time she actually disagreed with anything with the exception of what happened at the royal wedding in Canterlot. Even then she was proven to be correct in the end. Curse my need to be so vocal and logical in everything I come across... she thought to herself now expecting and fearing some sore of punishment.


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Solarwind shrugged. And held out the coin to Twilight. "Im gonna let the fates decide." He flipped the coin. "You go with Sky." He said smiling. It was actually heads but he felt this pony was a bit OCD. "This means Sky flips next." He said smiling.




"Im sorry Twilight but considering the town was destroyed anyway I felt you should still learn SOMETHING. This will be good for you. Nice job Solar coming up with the coin idea by the way." She said and winked at Solarwind.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Sky just gave Solar a looked that said 'Really?' and he walked over to the cab and hopped in again. He decided to do this...


"Alright, I have quite enough of this silly little drama since it is getting on my nerves and I bet most of you could say the same. If you want a place to stay, regardless of how many, just take the cab behind this one and he will take you to my place. Bon Chance."


With that Sky said a quick word to the driver and he was off...

Edited by Twilight Sky
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A long sigh came from Twilight as she listened to what Solar Wind and The princess had to say towards her. At the very least what Solar was saying was being useful and getting things done. It seemed the only thing Celestia was trying to accomplish at the moment was trying to rub it in, which wasn't like her and made her suspect something was wrong with the princess, but that was a different matter entirely, and one that she had learned from the Royal Wedding not to get involved with.


She made her way over towards the cab that was going to take her to Sky's place and she waited for any of the ponies that would be coming with her. She didn't know who else was going to be coming with her. She only hoped that things would get better soon. So far the phase, "If it can get worse, it will," was beginning to show it's truth. As long as they were able to be close together and be able to meet relatively frequently it shouldn't be that big of an issue. Even that, it wasn't so much that they were splitting up, it was the fact that they were basically saying choose the friends most important to you. They were all very important to her. She got in the cab and she waited for everything to pan out while she calmed down. How much more will I have to lose before this is all over with... she thought to herself head hung low.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Solarwind saw how gloomy Twilight was and sighed. "Cheer up its just for a little while. You didnt lose everthing your friends are here and by the looks of it you saved half the library. Like my good friend Rascal said think of this as a terribly planned vacation. I'll show you there are alot of fun things to do in Filly! Actually I sleep all day and dont get out much Sky your the superstar Im trusting you to show these mares a good time otherwise Celestia will come back and we dont want that do we!" Solarwind hollered.

"Im still here." Celestia said unamused. "I know..." Solarwind mummbled and went back to Rascal. "Were taking Twilight, Clover, Applejack and that timid mare hiding in the bushes. The white and purple seems like she can be energetic and the pink one scares me.

That rainbow one seems nice so I'll cut superstar a break and her friend will go with her. Thats the plan here have a bit." Solarwind said lightning fast and tossed Rascal a coin. He told everyone his plan and waited for them to respond.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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He grabs the coin and places it under his hoof " What bushes? " he looks back squints his eyes and sees Fluttershys silhouette and sighs covering his face with one of his legs "How didn't i notice her? I was just there a moment ago! " he thought to himself letting his hoof down starting to yawn and looks at Rarity " Not to mention over dramatic..." he thought then looks at Clover a smile begins to form but he shakes his head hiding it and watches what the mares do knowing he can't change their mind even if he tried his best and falls to his plot letting his head down

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The words that Solar Wind were speaking to Twilight sounded thoughtful and concerned. He told her that she hadn't lost everything, and that her friends were still here. that this was only going to be fore a little while and that there really wasn't anything to be upset about. He then mentioned that he would show everypony that there was a lot of fun things to do in Filly, except he normally slept all day so he quickly told his friend to make sure to do that, which made Twilight laugh a small bit. Reminds me of a certain Pegasus that I know, she thought looking towards Rainbow Dash. He added to make sure that they had a good time or Celestia would come back, and she didn't look all that amused to the comment.


"You're right..." Twilight said defeated. In all honesty it shouldn't be too different than how it was in Ponyville. Well it would be a lot different but not in the ways she was thinking. She then ran over to Celestia and gave her a brief hug. "I'm sorry, for kinda snapping at you like I did. It was just a bit.... overwhelming at the moment... I'm sure everything will be fine and perhaps there are more lessons I can learn about friendship here. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so quickly," she said releasing the princess. "I'm ready to go when everypony else is," she announced.


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