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private Welcome to Fillydelphia RP!

Solar Wind

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Good to see ya feelin' better Twi. Like the princess said, it's just for a little while, so why worry? Anywho, let's get this show on the road! I would like to explore Filly some more. Y'all ready to go?


(OOC: Had to post something. XD)

Edited by Twi Rubix

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Turns to Solar Wind " Ok now that you chose you think we can go now? " he asks yawning " We've been on this platform more then enough and it's already nighttime i mean aren't you tired? " he asked getting back up and turns to the others " I mean if ya'll still wanna look around that's ok i guess but your not gonna see much at the moment. " He added looking at the sky


( OOC: Just a extra bump see if the gears get moving )

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Sky was back at his large flat. Some people called it a "penthouse" but Sky just shrugged about it, so one day he bought it and thats where he has lived at since. He had a nice large living room where his guests could all sleep together since he plenty of sleeping bags, then there was a really nice kitchen, his studio, and his bedroom.

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Solarwind led his four new roommates into the wide lit up place he called home. It was much cleaner since he knew they would have company. Sitting on the ledge of the stairs was a small Koala. "Hey Korey." Solarwind said and picked the small one off the railing.

"Come in you guys make yourself at home. I think we have some salad in the fridge and im pretty sure we still have some apples." He said smiling. He breathed hapily now he was home he had made it through most of the day. "Spare rooms are upstairs If you guys wanna put your stuff down." He used his mediocre magic to carry as much as he could plus he could carry a few things in his saddlebag.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Twilight followed the group of ponies to where they were going to be staying. the house that Solar lead them to was very spacious and extremely bright. It almost seemed as if it was a palace all of its own. She even spotted a Koala on the staircase leading inside. Well, at the very least Fluttershy will love it here, she giggled to herself listening as Solar Wind told them to make themselves at home, that there was Salad in the fridge and thought that they might have some apples left. He also added that the guest rooms were up stairs if they wanted to go set their things down, which Twilight indeed planned on taking advantage of.


She started to make her way up the steps before she paused, "Does it matter which room we pick, or has that already been decided?" she asked. She didn't want to barge into the room that was meant for Applejack or one of the other guests. Then again there was the entire situation at the station where they were trying to decide who went with who so it would stand to reason that it wouldn't matter. Twilight just needed that confirmation of the fact.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Solarwind shook his mane. "No this place used to be rap house where homeless ponies would stay but it went out of buisness so me and Rascal got it. Since then we had it redone most of the rooms havent been slept in for years but they all have bedclothes and drawers and stuff. From what I know they have all been dusted recently for you guys so they shouldnt be at all dirty." He said and smiled. "Pick whatever room you want!" With that he turned to the others and offered help with their stuff.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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" It wasn't much to look at when we found it though..." Rascal added to the conversation " But ya make home with what you have and besides now it doesn't resemble what it was in the past if any complaints leave it to Solar i'm hungry." he said going to the kitchen

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As Twilight had expected the rooms themselves were not assigned. It only made sense because of the fact that they had to go through the trouble of splitting everypony up and had to decide who went with who. That simple fact alone made it obvious, but there was never such a thing as a bad question right? She listed as Solar explained that this used to be a Rap house for homeless ponies to go to but it had gone out of business and that him and Rascal had picked it up and renovated. "Interesting, do you have any idea why it went under? You would have thought that Celestia would have put a lot of resources into something like that to make sure that everypony had at least some sort of shelter," she asked wondering if maybe there were some treatment issues that was behind the closure. It was likely, and unfortunately not unheard of for ponies to take advantage of the less fortunate.


Rascal also added a bit stating that it wasn't much to look at when they first got it, but you had to make home with what you had, and right now it looked nothing like when they had bought it. "Well you two did a great job with it. It's even fancier than some of the houses I've seen in Canterlot actually," she complimented before quickly running up to the first room on the left. She walked inside and it was very.... purple! It almost matched her coat color, almost as if the room itself had been made for her. Well, if this wasn't ironic I don't know what is, Twilight thought to herself giggling as she walked into the room already in a much better mood than she was earlier. The window in the room wasn't all that big or amazing, but it was all that was really needed. She preferred candle light reading to sunlight reading anyway.


She sat her things down on the bed before taking a general glance around the room. It had the usual furnishings, and a make up table that would make Rarity die for. Satisfied she returned downstairs to the kitchen. Now that they had mentioned it a salad sounded kind of good right now. She entered into the kitchen bhind Rascal before asking politely, "Excuse me, Solar said there was some salad in here Might I have some please, I kind of haven't had a chance to eat anything today..." she said with a small cute-faced smile.

Edited by Ice Storm


Princess Luna is best pony

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Solarwind was on the couch feeding a eucalyptus leave to Korey. He glanced and saw Fluttershy by the door. "I better go talk to her..." He thought and trotted over. "Umm... Hey..."

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Fluttershy, hearing the voice, looked over, and, giving up on hiding and isolating herself, responded, "Oh.. Hi..." and, turning to look at Solarwind, saw the animal he was feeding, "Ooh... that animal looks absolutely adorable!" She trotted over to it. "Aww.. aren't you just the cutest little thing" Then, seeing that some of her friends from ponyville were here, she instantly stopped talking and looked down at the ground again.

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Korey jumped from Solarwind neck and snuggled against Fluttershy. "I think he likes you!" Solarwind said and turned away from the mare. Embarassed for no reason at all. He just felt odd around her kind of like when you get on the wrong train and your stuck sitting in some city you never been to before... That had happened to Solar once or twice... Maybe three times.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Applejack made herself into the house, taking glance at a few things, then moving over to Solarwind.


Pardon me, but, where am I gonna stay? This may not look like it, but I got plenty of stuff in this bag, and I really need to take it off me...


(OOC: Just a simple post so I can get back to posting again.)

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Solarwind was happy to to help Aj "The rooms are upstairs. Twilight got one already but there are still plenty to choose from. If you want I could help with your bag?" He said glancing around. He was glad to get away from the yellow mare she made him feel awkward for some reason.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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That would greatly be appreciated. Thank ya kindly! She started to walk upstairs and find a room.


Hmm, this one looks like it's got alot of space. This one will do! AJ set one of her bags down while Solar had the heavier one, trying to walk up stairs. Uhh, sorry... did I mention one of them was REALLY heavy?

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Rascal turns his head turns to Twilight Sparkle nods then scoffs " Join the club. " Rascal said then his stomach growls again he becomes a bit embarrassed and turns back searching for the salad and opens up the fridge and takes it out " Ah here it is. " he said taking it out leaving it on a counter then closes the fridge and carefully walks on his hind legs holding the bowl in the middle of his front legs and places it on a table "

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Twilight waited patiently for an answer from the green pony. He nodded towards her then gave her a quick, 'Join the Club' quote before his stomach churned. She saw the blush on his face slightly before he started searching for the salad again. While he was looking for the salad she decided to help out by trying to find which cabinet that the bowls were in. She looked at the large display of cabinets in front of her though and gulped. This... is going to be harder than I thought... she thought to herself. She started with the first one that she came to. "Nope..." then progressed down the line. "Nope... Nope... Nope... Nope..." she sighed. "Nope.... Not that one... Not that one either," she stated opening the next cabinet. "Ah ha! Here we go," she said levitating two bowls and bringing them to the table and sitting them down on the table next to the salad.


She then noticed Rascal's cutie mark. "Flaming soccer ball... I'm presuming that your a soccer player, presumably front guard judging from the flames?" she asked him. She had never played the sport before but she had read a lot about it. It was played on a very large field and there were two goals with two teams. each team had one designated defender of the goal called a goalie and everypony else was trying to score on the other team by getting it past the opposing teams goaling using only their hooves or head. If I ever tried to play it myself I might accidentally pop the ball if I used my head, she thought to herself giggling.


Princess Luna is best pony

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" Well sorta but i don't really play in a team. Not yet anyway but it's been my dream for a while now ever since i was a filly! " he responded and turns his head to his cutie mark " It appeared after beating my coach he was a real player! " he grins then changes the subject " Thanks for the help " he said grabbing the main bowl and places salad in the other bowls places it down and looks back at Twilight Sparkle " So how is it so far? " he asked " Being around here i mean" he added to mare the question make more sense

Edited by Rascal
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Twilight listened as the other pony mentioned that he was not on any team at the moment, but that it had been his dream since he was a filly. HE also mentioned that his cutie mark appeared after he beat his coach in a match, and his coach was a real player. Wow, with talent like that I'm surprised he's not on a professional team yet, she thought to herself as he thanked her for the help. "It wasn't a problem at all. At least, it wasn't a problem after I found the right cabinet," she said smiling sheepishly. he then asked how everything was so far.


"Well, so far, aside from the mess at the train station with everypony getting split up with no warning, everything has been good. I love my room! It's almost more purple that I am!" she said with a giggle. "I supposed it wouldn't have been as bad at the station if Princess Celestia would have remembered to inform us that we wouldn't be staying together on this one. It really shouldn't be that big of a deal though. After all the more I thought about it, the more they are just down the street from me, and it's not like I can't go visit them. Unless I somehow manage to get lost between here and the next few houses over," she said with another laugh.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Solarwind gasped and raced down the stairs. "RASCAL!! Hey did you ask Celestia about that soccer team?"

He asked racing to his friends side and patting him on the back. "What did she say!?" He asked happily.

It was rare but sometimes he got a burst of energy at night.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Fluttershy, despite all the noise going around her, had yet to be given a room and timidly asked, "Umm... excuse me... Could you- i-if you don't mind that is, tell me... which room I'm in?" Fluttershy then shyly took a step back, embarassed and hoping she hadn't just interrupted the ongoing conversation between Twilight Sparkle, Rascal, and SolarWind.

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Solarwind looked around nervously. He nodded and gestured for Fluttershy to follow him. He led her up the stairs and showed her a room with a big window so she could see over the forest behind Fillydelphia. He kinda looked down and played with his hoof to nervous to actually talk. He smiled at her and sort twitched his arm even though it was supposed to be a wave.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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" We had a purple room? " he thought to himself a bit puzzled " Ahh glad you liked it. " He said still confused but forgets about it " Well yeah that does sound like it came up suddenly. " He responded when she mentioned that Princess Celestia didn't let her or anypony else know that they'll be in separate buildings "I wonder how superstar is doing? " he thought once again naming Twilight Sky "Superstar" instead of his name " Funny... i remember saying something like that at the station. " he thought when she mentioned that they are just down the street from her and it's not like she can't visit them " Exactly it's not like were keeping you here. " he said but quickly shakes his head " No no we are keeping you here but you can go anywhere and anytime you like. " he said laughing a bit but gives a relived sigh and looks back at the salad " Enjoy the food. " he said


" Huh? Hey! " Rascal responded as Solarwind pats him on his back he then looks down gives a big sigh " Well i did get to talk to her but when the subject came up I- " he looks back up noticing that he's no longer there " Huh? oooook. " he said tilting his head to the side confused but remembers faintly hearing Fluttershys voice but didn't turn around to see her but nods " He's probably helping that other pony out. " saying to himself going back to the salad finds a place to sit and begins to eat

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As Fluttershy followed SolarWind, Korey let go of Fluttershy and she followed, still a bit nervous. However, when she got to the room, she noticed the rather large window and saw the lush, green forest beyond Fillydelphia outside the window and dashed over to it. She fluttered up a bit and said, "Oh my, this room is perfect! Thank you so much!" She turned around and faced SolarWind and said, "I wonder, are there any unique animals in that forest? Oooh I just have to see! I love animals!" Excitedly she fluttered higher and higher, until she flew up so high, she hit her head on the ceiling. Then, realizing what she just did, she descended and her face began to blush and she said, "Thanks, uh... What's your name again?"



((OOC: Not sure if introductions were done or not for Flutter's case.)

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Solarwind smiled. "Solarwind! Also im not sure about the animals... I guess so that forest is know as Evergreen forest. Unlike the Everfree forest evergreen is a bit smaller and doesn have as many... Scary things." He said glancing out at the forest.

He smiled at Fluttershy. "Anything else I can help you with?" He still had some energy and he was trying to release it in a productive way. Instead of running around and burning it all out in twenty seconds.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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