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After taking a quick nap because of the dose of alcohol flowing through her veins, Sally found herself on the side of the table while the bottle was poiting at her. She then noticed Splinter and said: "Hay Splitner, wanna play truth or dare too!?"


She then looked around, searching for her newly found partner and said: "Hey! She never told me if it was truth or dare!" She sighed and took another sip from her cup. "Oh well", she said, "night has just started after all."


Meanwhile, the azure unicorn was looking at everypony's behaviour. She looked at her watch on her hoof and thought: "What is taking them long to commence the drunken fun? Mmph, guess this will take longer"

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Medley groaned and her face had a greenish tint to it.

"Urgh... I'll be right back guys, I've gotta use the bathroom..."

She got up, stretched her wings and flew wobbily but quickly to the bathroom.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Cloud Maker was participating in a Conga line at the dance floor, but quickly lost his balance and fell down to the floor. When he managed to get back up, a brilliant (Well, brilliant to him) idea struck him. It seemed there was some lonely blue mare with a cloak in distress sitting in the corner of the party, obviously too shy to partake in the fun. "Time to lay on the moves." He told himself as he walked over. "Hey baby! How you doin'?"

Edited by Driku12
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''Yeah.. I think the best night ever just started.'' Splinter said while winking. ''I'll play with ya.'' Splinter said while grinning. ''Just lemme get a steady grip.'' Splinter said while falling to the floor. ''I'm ready.'' Splinter said.

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After a fantastic trip to the bathroom, Medley trotted back to the group of ponies, feeling much better.

"So, uh, what was my dare again?" She askeds

Is this what mum felt like when she came home drunk? Medley thought to herself,

WAIT, drunk?!

"Uh, guys, I think there's something in the punch..."



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Rocco ariving at the party, very late. He entered Sugarcube Corner and said, "hey, sorry i'm la- Oh my sweet Celestia..." He had noticed all the drunk ponies and stood there, mind-blown.


Rocco walked over to the punch and took a tiny sip, and spit out in disgust."What is that!" He looked around for any sober pony. "hey! Is anypony sober here!?!? He checked his watch to check the time, the clock read '9:30'.

We’re the hearts for the heartless,

The thoughts for the thoughtless,

The lies for the honest,

We’re the gods of the godless!

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''Yeah.. Alcohol?'' Splinter said. ''It's okay.. Nothing serious.'' Splinter said. ''I mean.. I'm going to go have some more right now!'' Splinter said while running to the Punch Bowl.

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"i guess i'll try some more..." Rocco said as he was grabbing some punch, turns out he drank 1/2 of the punch. He starts twitching a little in place, saying,"It's happening again..." and starts dancing crazily.

We’re the hearts for the heartless,

The thoughts for the thoughtless,

The lies for the honest,

We’re the gods of the godless!

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After dancing, Rocco drinks more punch, "Who wants to dance some more? "Cause I am!" Rocco said in a slurrish way, and starts dancing again. He decides to shout, "PARTY!!!" He chugs down some more punch.

We’re the hearts for the heartless,

The thoughts for the thoughtless,

The lies for the honest,

We’re the gods of the godless!

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Splinter fell to the floor. ''I'm okay! It happens when you get drunk.'' Splinter said. ''Isn't Trixie Supposed to be here?'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. ''I might make my move on her..'' Splinter said.

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Medley frowned

"You LIKE Trixie? She was a boasting show off! If it wasn't for, uh, Twilight, wasn't it? Ponyville would have been destroyed!" Medley emphasized this by waving her arms around.

"And, uh, do you need help standing up?"



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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''Nah.. Sorry. I say some stupid stuff sometimes.'' Splinter said while getting up. ''Have you seen Sally anywhere? I might have a small interest for her.'' Splinter said while smiling.

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"Oh, nope, I haven't seen her since we played truth or dare, sorry... Speaking of which, I still haven't had my dare! And we started playing a couple of hours ago! Why don't I get my dare?" Medley moaned, then trotted off to get another cupcake and some more punch.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Lily, slightly hypo, skipped into sugar cube corner. She saw all the drunk ponies. She squeeled with delight. "PONY PARTY TO THE EXTREME!!!" she yelled with excitement, then continuing to the table of refreshments. She flicked her hair in a suggestive sort of way. She was very attractive, well, for somepony like her that would be the only way to land a date.

Edited by lilymalady123
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''I have one for ya!'' Splinter said while smirking. ''I dare you to make out with that stallion over there.'' Splinter said while laughing. ''Your gonna do it?'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow.

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Medley grinned, blushing slightly

"Heck yeah! I never back down on a dare! Although, this one is a new one for me..."

Medley looked down at the ground and blushed more. Then, she trotted off towards the stallion in subject.


OOC: Do you mean Rocco or the other guy who's name I can't remember and can't be bothered searching for?

Edited by Medley



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Lily skipped over to the refreshment table. She magicked a cup over and filled it until it was nearly overflowing. She lifted it above her head, and, while tilting her back, poured it into her mouth. She felt her body tingle. With one more suggestive flick of her mane she grabbed a lolly and threw it into her mouth.

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Rocco had been calming down a bit, but still rowdy. He had been drained of energy and decided to grab some more punch. Rocco had drunk some more punch, and began going hype again. He had noticed that the punch bowl was empty."OH NO!"

We’re the hearts for the heartless,

The thoughts for the thoughtless,

The lies for the honest,

We’re the gods of the godless!

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''This is gonna be really, REALLY, good.'' Splinter said while smirking. ''Time to go entertain myself.'' Splinter said while whistling and approaching Lily. ''Sup?'' Splinter said.

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Medley trotted over to Rocco, blushing slightly.

"Hey," she said, a little slightly, "Have you got a girlfriend?"

Medley's face was very red at this point, but it was her nature to never turn down a dare.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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''Splinter Hood the Second. I think Lily is a pretty name.'' Splinter said while winking. Could this be the one? I'm not sure.. But I'm interested right now.. I mean, Just look at that Mane! And those beautiful wings!

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Lily giggled. "oh, stop it! I was named after my mothers fave flower. I like to think it also labels me as unique." she fluttered her eyelashes once more. Lily blushes a little and flicks her mane. "so, splinter, where are you from? I'm from manehattan myself." she looks into splinters eyes and holds back from kissing him. She knew she wanted to, but guys should always make the first move.

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Rocco had noticed Medly talking to him. He blushed lightly and said, "Oh, hi. No, I don't. Why are you asking?" Rocco was thinking, "Why is she talking to me? I'm not even that attractive..." "By the way, what's your name?"

We’re the hearts for the heartless,

The thoughts for the thoughtless,

The lies for the honest,

We’re the gods of the godless!

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