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open The Northern Front

Power Ten

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"Well if we really want to find out who attacked us. We can sent a search party after we get to base, Commander Ten shot down one of their jet's and im willing to bet that we'll be able to determine who attacked us, based on clues from the crash site. We have tones of time to find out who attacked us, i doubt the jet's going anywere since it got destroyed." Sayed Jacob

Edited by discorded
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Ten glanced over to the map as a warning light indicated they were running low on fuel. "lucky timing again" he muttered as he eased of the throttle, causing the helicopter to descend below the cloud layer. As they cleared through on the other side two things happened at once. The first is that anypony standing near a window was greeted with a breathtaking view of a snowy mountain range, along with a frozen lake directly below them. The second thing was that a great wind buffeted the chopper, causing it to shake and be tossed around by an invisible force.

It took all of Ten's concentration to keep them on track to the large metal platform, not unlike an ocean oil rig. As they descended, he hit a button to depressurize the cabin, which was quickly filled with biting cold air. They soon touched down on the small landing pad in the northeast corner of the platform. "welcome to firebase frost"

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Jacob got out of the chopper, as he got out, Jacob felt the cold air blow agaisnt him. Even thogh he had his cape on Jacob began to shiver uncontrollable, Jacob began to frown. "Huhhu... It's cold. No wonder why they call it firebase...FROST...I really bucking hate the cold."

Edited by giordano
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"Wow its cold!" was the first thing Quick Steed said when he got out of the helicopter, for a moment he forgot about k-bar and the fact that they almost died, then he remembered why he was there and what needed to be done, but first something important had to be done "hey is there any military issue coats? its freezing!"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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*Schwartz looked around their new location. The cold didnt bother her. Even if her armor was not insulated, she would be fine with the cold.*

"So what now?"

*Schwartz said, turning to Ten.*

"Do we just wait around and wait for new orders? Or do we already have something planned?"

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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  • 2 weeks later...

"K-Bar gave her orders, and those are to move to here, Firebase Frost. I was stationed here a few years back, but nothing much happens here."

A particularly cold gust of air buffeted the ponies, causing Ten to shiver. "let's g-get in to the b-building over there" he indicated the large metal tower in the middle of the platform. It was about 20 meters tall and made completely of a frosty grey metal. The top was completely flat, and several AA rocket pods and a large barrel of a cannon could be seen from Ten's viewpoint.

"I never understood why this base was so heavily armed for being in the middle of nowhere. The majority of of OUR army doesnt even know it exists.". Ten grumbled as he punched a combination into a keypad, growling when no response came from the device. "piece of shit!" he muttered as he punched the combination in again. There was no response. "OPEN, DAMMIT!" he shouted as he slammed his hoof into the keypad.

The keypad dinged, and the heavy metal door in front of them slowly moved up with the loud screech of metal on metal. A warm rush of air rolled out to meet them from inside. "head to the bunk area to the right and set up your stuff. You should find winter gear in the hoof lockers."

Ten waved them off as he went to go look for the CO of the base.


(the base is pretty much empty, so you guys won't find any soldiers in the bunk rooms or the mess hall.)

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Jacob walked into the bunk area and set up his stuff. He then headed to the lockers and took all the winter gear. He saw how the base was mostly abandonned. Jacob turned to the others and sayed "Well im going to find out just whats going on, see ya." Jacob left the bunk. Jacob thought to himself (When K-bar sent her last message and ordered us here, it sounded like she knew what was going on. Im sure theirs a reason why she ordered us here and im going to find out. Power Ten also sayed that this base was so heavily armed for being in the middle of nowhere. If there's anything i've learned it's that everything has a purpose so there's clearly something important on this base. The question is what is it that's so important?) He was walking around the base looking for a computer terminal. After a while he eventually found one. Their was no sign of anyone, so Jacob could easily try to hack the military files. He turned on the computer and began to hack it. "What secrets do you hold?"


(OOC:Power Ten you can write what information Jacob finds on the terminal...if any)

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*Schwartz wandered the base in search of the armory.*

"There must be something good here."

*She smiled,ever so slightly when she found it. Schwartz walked inside and began to search through its stock. Luckily, she found exactly what she was looking for.*

"Night Guard Winter gear. Beautiful."

*Schwartz removed her armor made for warmer climates and began to apply the cold weather attachments, which included a hood, scarf, sleeves, and pants. Once finished with that, she donned her modified armor.*

"There must be something else here that I can use..."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Usaf walked into the bunks with the others and was very much pleased to find winter gear. he donned the armor and clothing then did a full inventory of his gear.

Usaf tuned to Schwartz and said "Im going for a ...uh... a jog."

Usaf left most of his gear including His LMG but he kept his mp-5 slung on his back and loaded then stepped out the door. he walked down the hall past Jacob. he looked over his sholder every now and then to check for fallows but doubt there would be one, he started going the same way he thought that 10 had gone trying to find answers.

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(Introducing, Riza the Griffin!)


*Riza walked out of the medical bay of Firebase Frost and into the empty hallway. She looked obviously upset, it made sense since she had just learned of the bombing. Death always made her sad and feel useless. Especially when one of her patients didnt make it. A rare occurrence, sure, but sometimes she just couldn't do anything more. Some wounds were just too severe.*

"Who would do such a thing?"

*She wondered to herself as she turned a corner and crashed into Usaf.*

Edited by David Tennant

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Quick Steed walked inside the bunks and found the winter gear and quickly put it on, feeling warm he laid down on the bed, he then looked over at Schwartz what is she doing i wonder what shes doing he gets up and walks over to her "hey, what are you looking for?"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Anything I can use."

*Schwartz said to Q.S.*

"The battle field has an infinite amount of variables that can change the course of any fight. You never know what might come in handy. Thats one of the first lessons I learned when I trained for the Lunar Guard. And I cant tell you how many times it has saved my life to have something that may not appear obvious with me."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Quick Steed said "thats cool, ive never really thought about it like that, have you found anything yet?" he asked her, she was now the only bat pony he knew, seeing how K-bar was dead as far as he knew, though he still had hopes that she survived, he figured that he'd get to know this bat pony better

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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*Schwartz looked over what she had found so far.*

"A length of rope, some bobby pins, a hoof file, and these."

*Schwartz held up a bag of shotgun shells with small flame marks on them.*

"Dragon Breath rounds. When used, they unleash a spew of flames from the shotgun's barrel. They used to be highly illegal, but not anymore. Doesn't mean they aren't really rare."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Quick Steed looked at the items "dragons breath? ive read about those in a magizene, why were they made ilegal do you know?" he asked, he thought to him self hey, this might be working, as long as she dosent find out that i find bat ponies like her self extreamly attractive, well not right away, i should be able to start some kind of relation ship with her

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Dragon Breath rounds were made legal under wartime circumstances. I think what we just witnessed was an act of war, don't you?"

*Schwartz tucked the package full of rounds into one of her saddlebags.*

"Unfortunately, the use of Dragon Breath rounds can greatly damage a gun. And they almost exclusively made for shotguns. Im keeping these as a last ditch effort tactic. In case of emergencies."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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The computer quickly shut off as Jacob tried to hack it. It refused to turn back on when he tried to power it up again. A cold voice came from behind him. "Colonel Ten might not have briefed you, but you keep out of the west wing unless accompanied by authorized personell." Jacob turned around to see a white mare with a light blue mane wearing a labcoat.

(Looks like this: http://ask-frigiddrift.tumblr.com/ )

Edited by Power Ten

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(OOC: I think you meant Jacob, not Usaf...lol for a second i thought you meant the scientist pony loked like this http://ask-frigiddrift.tumblr.com/image/32916754948 )


Jacob was mad that he didnt get to access the military files but he didnt show it with his expression. Jacob lied about his reason for going on the computer "Very well, im sorry, im just trying to find a map of the base, you see im a little lost. Would you mind showing me around the base?"

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*Schwartz looked over what she had found so far.*

"A length of rope, some bobby pins, a hoof file, and these."

*Schwartz held up a bag of shotgun shells with small flame marks on them.*

"Dragon Breath rounds. When used, they unleash a spew of flames from the shotgun's barrel. They used to be highly illegal, but not anymore. Doesn't mean they aren't really rare."




A light brown unicorn walked up behind them. "you know, it isn't very polite to take what isn't yours. If you wanted to trade for my firestarters," *he used magic to levitate the rounds to himself* "you could have just asked" he frowned slightly while tucking the rounds into a small ammo box on his flank. "you the guys from the camp blitz?"

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A light brown unicorn walked up behind them. "you know, it isn't very polite to take what isn't yours. If you wanted to trade for my firestarters," *he used magic to levitate the rounds to himself* "you could have just asked" he frowned slightly while tucking the rounds into a small ammo box on his flank. "you the guys from the camp blitz?"


*Schwartz seemed a bit dissapointed to have the rounds taken away from her. She looked at the pony.*

/Why does this pony seem familiar?/

*She thought to herself.*

"Yeah, we are."

*Schwartz said.*

"My name is Schwartz. Who might you be?"


(Lol, makin a cross dimentional referance to the RP where Schwartz and B.T./Overdrive were together. xD This will be the only one.)


*Riza blankly looked in the direction that the pony she had bumped into had gone.*

"I wonder what that was about. Didnt even say anything."

*She thought for a moment.*

"Who was that anyway? I havent seen him around before."

*Riza decided to investigate and walked the direction Usaf had gone. The hallway led to the barraks. When she walked inside, she saw a lot of ponies she had never seen before.*

"When did all of you get here?"

*She asked the group of strange ponies.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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