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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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Celestia has gone mad with power and has become bored of her subjects. She demands entertainment and there is only one thing that will please her.


From all over Equestria ponies have been randomly chosen to fight, In the Equestrian Hunger Games! Here they will be pushed to their limits in an epic fight for survival.


Everything is allowed. Wings, magic, the whole deal. Celestia will be crossing Equestria, visiting all of the eight districts to reap out the competitors.


Good luck! And may the odds be ever in your favour.


Posted Image







;;Character Boss - Boss - Lightning Fluttershy - Posted Image


;;Character Quillusion - Quillusion - Shadow Stalker - Posted Image


;;Character Game Maker - Game Maker - xremeidiot - Posted Image


;;Character Die Hard - Diehard - Diehard - Posted Image


;;Character Medley - Medley - Snowdrop - Posted Image


;;Character Shade - Shade - ~Muffin of Chaos~ - Posted Image


;;Character Ezio Opal - Ezio Opal - Colgate Revolution - Posted Image


;;Character - Princess Luna - Vinyl Blade - Posted Image




Edited by Death the Kid
  • Brohoof 5
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Shade woke up, yawning. She walked to the bathroom and started to brush her teeth. She looked at the calender, and dropped her toothbrush. "Oh crap! Today is the reaping!" Shade said. Her family had not had much food that year, so they needed to have a few Tesseras. Every time, it was her name who was put in for Tessera. She knew she might be the reaped today. She went downstairs, then went to the District Square. It seemed everypony was waiting for Celestia.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Celestia begins her broadcast across Equestria. Citizens of Equestria. The time has come for you once again to make an offering to me in the means of entertainment. Members of the royal guard will be visiting all of the districts and the reaping will begin at once. The Hunger Games are upon us once again! So let the reaping begin! We will reap them together at the same time. I myself will not be visiting your filthy districts.


Boss looks frantically around for his father yet can't see him. As he approaches the armoured pony the pony holds out a syringe and takes his blood. Ouch man that hurts. Watch yourself. As Boss walks away he silently hopes to himself that he won't be chosen. I wonder how the other districts are doing for reaping?

Edited by Like A Boss
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Shade heard Celestia's voice booming across the speakers. Well, it was finally time for the reaping. Shade gulped as the royal guards were walking up onto the stage. One of them reached into the glass bowl. Shade gulped. "Our tribute from District 3 will be..." The guard said, opening the piece of paper. "Shade." Her heart stopped. She couldn't breathe. She was going into the arena. "NOO!!! NOOO! PLEASE!!!" Shade yelled as the guard dragged her away.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss and his fellow district one member gather around the central plaza. Here goes... the royal guards dip there hands into a bowl and pull out a random name. The tribute from district one will be... Boss! Ohhh man... This should be interesting. Boss walks up to the podium as the guards begin to speak more into the microphone he can see his father in the crowd, weeping to himself. I'll come back dad... for you. Boss then boards the train after saying his goodbyes.


Celestia looks around for Twilight. Twilight I want every district reaped now! You did send guards to every district right? The reaping should be happening right now! Yet from what I can see only district 1 and 3 have been chosen so far! I expect every district to choose a competitor by now. I have sent guards to do reaping at every district...

Edited by Like A Boss
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Diehard had been trained for this day but had hoped it would never come. He was from district 5 and at the top of his class. He knew he might get picked but prayed he would not. What in the world is wrong with the princess? Blood sport has been banned for ages and now she brings it back? This mare is crazy.

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Quillusion was in her District square. Oh she hated this, like she would ever get reaped. She could see the ball on the stage, 100s of names in it. She waited, as one of the guards reached into the bowl, his hoof touching every piece of paper, before withdrawing with a name written on it. "Quilluison." The guard called out, scanning the crown. Quillusion was shocked, as she stood there, quite scared. This could not be happening to her. She slowly walked onto the stage and looked at the crowd. Familiar faces watched her, but none took her place. A few minutes passed, where she stood there, a slight tear in her eyes as she watched her mom break down into tears, her dad comforting her. They led her to the train, where she was loaded on.

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Shade was on the train, surrounded by guards. She was terribly worried. 'Ok, I've seen a few hunger games back in my day... hopefully I'll stay alive...' Shade thought. She looked out the window, seeing the terrain zoom by.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Whirlwind woke up, she sighed *Reaping Day* she thought miserably. She jumped out of bed and walked downstairs, she took a quick shower and dried herself up "Wonder who's gonna get picked..." she said as she walked towards the town center, a large crowd of ponies, stood in front of her, around the stage where a large bowl with everypony's name was there, she cautiously looked around as she waited for the speaker to come.




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Boss saw landscapes scroll by on the train and can't help but begin to feel a little worried. I wonder who I'll meet here? This is the first Hunger Games in years... I wonder if the other districts have been reaped yet...


Celestia smiles at the videos of the reaping. So we have 3 reaped 5 yet to be chosen. I can't wait to meet our enthusiastic young competitors...

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Ezio Opal watched with anticipation at the guard, who was slowly pulling the paper out of the small jar like thing, though Ezio did not let any of his anxiousness show. The world seemed to be turning in slow motion as the guard started to say the name. "Ice Opal." Ezio Opal's eyes widened beneath his mask as his little brother slowly walked onto the stage, eyes darting from side to side. Ezio knew that Ice didn't have much of a chance to survive, so he would almost for sure lose his brother. Yet, maybe... His voice rang out from the silence that was lurking in the district. "I volunteer." He walked up the stage, eyes looking at Ice Opal, who was looking straight back. His brother looked away, and that was it. It was time to go. Two royal guards escorted him onto the train and they were off.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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A large earth pony stepped on stage and reached into a dish with names it. He pulls out a name. DIEHARD!!! Diehards heart dropped as he heard his name. His walked up to the grand pony and keeled before him. You shall go and represent District 5 in the games. You are the top in your class and i know you will do us proud. Diehard looks up. I will make you proud Sir. Two guards take him to the train that will take him to Canterlot for the games.

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Medley woke up in a cold sweat. She didn't even have to look at the calendar. She knew it was reaping day.

Medley walked slowly to the town square, where the reaping was going to take place, with her older brother and sister. She let the peace keeper take her blood, with an anxious look on her face.

A royal guard stood on stage. He looked like he didn't care about his job in the slightest. The royal guard used his unicorn magic to select a random piece of paper from the jar. He unraveled it and called


Medley stood rigid, fixed to the spot. She contemplated flying away, but she knew that the pegasus guards were stronger and faster than her, and could easily capture her.

Two royal guards pressed close to her, so she couldn't escape, and escorted her to the train.

On the train, Medley cried silently.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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The train pulled into Canterlot. Shade was escorted onto the platform. "You shall wait here for the rest of the tributes." The guard said. Shade turned and watched more trains pull in. 'I wonder what my competition will be like.' Shade thought.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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As Boss's train pulls into the station two royal guards escort him to the waiting area. He tells Boss to wait in there until the other competitors. This is where he first sees Shade. Hello. Are you a competitor? Or one of them... My name is Boss by the way. i hail from District 1. Who are you?

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Shade saw another train pulling in. Out stepped boss, who walked up to her. "Yes, I am a competitor, and I hail from District 3. My name is Shade." She said. "I tried to escape on the train, so thats why the guards are so closely guarding me."

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Ezio's train was next to arrive. The royal guards that were on the train to make sure he didn't escape brought him to the train station and left him to sulk with the other competitors. There were two other ponies there, but there were more coming. He sat on one of the benches and waited for the other competitors to arrive.

Edited by The Opals

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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A tall pony walked to the stage "Welcome to the annual Hunger Games, As always, ladies first" the voiced boomed through out all of District 4, Whirlwind looked down at her hooves, she looked up the pony used his telekinesis to get a slip of paper from the bowl "Ahem!This year's Hunger Games Female Tribute for District Four is....." He unfolded the slip of paper and read out loud "Whirlwind!" a moment of silence spread through the center of town, shock reached Whirl as soon as her name was heard, she was mumbling something, she didn't even know what she was saying *Wha- No! I don't- Can't even fly! I won't even last a day* she thought as the frown on her face only grew more, She looked around, it was impossible to escape, she had lost her flying abilities in an accident, even if she could fly, the royal guards would catch up to her, she couldn't run guards stood at every exit *Whywhywhywhywhywhy* she constantly thought as she flipped her mane and walked towards the stage, after the male tribute was announced they were both escorted towards the train were they'd be taken to Canterlot, she tried not to make eye contact with the other pony, not like he'd care anyways...




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Diehards train pulls into Canterlot after a few hours latter. As he steps off the train he sees other ponies at the station. Well looks like im not the only one who does not want to be here. So what are your names and where are you from?

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As the train pulled up, Medley wiped away her tears. She didn't want to look weak in front of the other competitors. She stepped off, trying not to walk shakily. She walked up to a nearby bench,and sat next to Quillusion.

"H-hello." she said nervously

Edited by Medley



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Ezio observed the ponies, clearly seeing that nopony wanted to be here. What had been driven into Princess Celestia for her to do something like this. Not that that was a big worry for him, right now, he needed to survive, and even make some allies, if even possible.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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"I-I'm the tribute for d-district 2." she replied.

Medley took a moment to calm herself down to stop stuttering, so she could introduce herself properly.

"Sorry, my name is Medley, and I am the tribute from District 2. What's your name?"



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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