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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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"Boss, wait! It's the mist from the darkness arrows... Hmm..." Shade said. Then she had an idea. "Hey Boss, keep your eyes open, this should stop the mist for a bit." Shade aimed a light arrow at the ground between them. A flash of light bursted, and when the light faded, the Celesti-Boss was no longer standing there. It was Boss once more. "Did it work Boss?"

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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As Diehard walked back to his camp he felt something was not right. He started to feel light headed and things started to get darker. Ahhhh man....Whats going on here? He started to hear voices. The voices of his brothers and his tribe back home. He runs to the voices. But then he starts to hear screams and sees fire. No...not this again. I will not let this happen again. He runs and sees Boss and Shade but they look like his brothers and sisters. He sees them on their knees being ready to be killed. NO! YOU WILL NOT TAKE THEM THIS TIME! Just then they are both beheaded right in front of him. NO!!!!....I....i....i was to late again. I.....i...couldn't save them. I....failed. Boss and Shade looked at Diehard as he fell to the ground. Diehards one true fear came to life. He hated to fail, but he could get over that. His true fear was not being able to save the ones he loved. Thats how his brother Razor Wing and feonsay Heart Stitch died. I failed them again. Wait whats this? Just then......the vision starts to play again.

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Shade saw Diehard collapse in front of her. "Oh no, not you too! Boss, hand me one of my light arrows!" Shade said, frantically. When she got the arrow, she was worried. "If Diehard fainted, he wouldn't see the flash of light from the impact, thus none of the light energy getting inside his system... Wait! Thats it!" Shade exclaimed, making a small incision with the arrow. She literally squeezed the light out of the arrow, into Diehard's bloodstream.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss was in shock. After being hit with the light arrow he was stunned and then things were clear again. He had enough of his wits back to hand Shade her light arrow then stand back. Is this going too... Harm him in any way? The light arrows are strong enough on their own. What will they do if injected?

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Diehard felt the cut on his body. As he opened his eyes he was still seeing the vision on the one who killed his family. And now he thought they were coming for him next. After he was injected with the light arrow he jumps back into fighting stance. What do you think your doing! You may have killed my family, but your not going to get me! Turning his weapon into two wave swords he charges at Boss and Shade. This is for Razor and Heart Stitch!!! As he knocks both of them to the ground and has them in an execution position, he brings the blade to their necks and whispers in their ears. Lets see how you like being slaughtered like wild animals. Just as he was about to pull his blades up the light starts to take effect. He gets dizzy and his blades start to slip. He drops his blades and wobbles off of Boss and Shade. Ahhhh man....whats going on here??? I dont...feel so...right. Diehard hits the ground and blacks out. Boss and Shade get up and look at Diehard hoping it worked.

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Shae stood up, shocked. "That dark mist is stronger than I thought, Gamemaker must have made the darkness more powerful for the mist," Shade said. She walked over to Diehard, and opened his eyes. The darkness had left his eyes. She checked his vitals. All was normal, except his heart was beating quicker. "The light must also double as a temporary adrenaline, it should wear off in an hour or so," Shade said.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Just then Diehards eye darted open. He jumps up with his eyes wide and his heart racing.As he looked around everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. He could since everything. Shade do you feel this? This....is....GREAT! I FEEL LIKE IM READY TO TAKE ON A WHOLE ARMY! Hes dive rolls and picks up his weapons and stands in a battle stance. SHADE I AM SO READY TO GO! IM READY TO GET IT ON! LETS MOVE WE GOT TO WIN THESE GAMES! SHADE! BOSS! LETS......GO! Diehard then runs to a tree a climbs it with ease. LETS MOVE YALL! As he jumps from branch to branch. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! His yelling echoing through the forest.

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Quillusion awoke with a start. Her dreams had been terrible, she had been about to die at every second. Her head was also hurting insanely badly as well. That was when she heard yelling. Buck. She got up and took a few steps, barely able to stand. I need to get out of here. She screamed at herself as she started to walk away from the forest as fast as she could. She had left all her supplies at her cave, and she had no idea where it was.

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Shade just stood there, standing. She turned to Boss, winking. She injected some of the light into both their bodies, then, with surges of extreme energy, they followed Diehard through the trees. She turned up to the sky. "YOU HEAR THAT, CELESTIA? WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF YOUR DAMN GAMES! WE ARE GONNA OWN YOU AND THE REST OF YOU CAPITOL BITCHES!" Shade yelled, shaking the ground.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss was energized. All though his huge stature would have kept from climbing a tree earlier, he climbed it quickly now. He simply ran for ever. He ran and ran and ran and could hear his heart beating the max but all he felt like doing was running. He looks around and can see Die Hard and Shade with him. All three of them running towards the mountain. LETS GO TO THE MOUNTAIN! I WANT TO CLIMB A GOD DAMN MOUNTAIN! Boss continues to run but when he gets there his adrenalin wears off and he falls over, dead with exhaustion. He looks up at the mountain and looks around to see his companions laying down too, tired like him. He decides he better get something done soon. He's wasting time.

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"Boss, Diehard, are you ok...?" Shade said, softer than Fluttershy's cheer. "I can't move. I'm too weak." Shade kept panting, trying to regain her strength. "Gamemaker, if you can hear this, semd a tribute package. SEND SOMETHING!" Shade was just able to yell. She fainted.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Twilight and the Generals watched as Diehard and two other ponies made it to the foot of the mountain. They look beat. Is there anything you guys can give him? Well there are the Exo-Suite pieces we passed last year. Yea we could send them a pair. Have the boys send three Exo-Suites.


Back in the Eco dome the sky opens and a box drops down. Diehard looks up and sees his tribes logo on the bottom of the box. It looks like my guys have a gift for me. The box lands and opens and a message starts to play. We have seen your progress and have decided to lend a helping hoof. These are the Exo-Suite Body Armor. There are four for all three of you. These will help you climb the mountain with ease. They will up your natural strength by 75%, your speed by 45%, and it will help you get stronger as well. This is our gift to you. Keep up the good work.

Diehard pulls the armor out and puts it on. Hmmmmm.....These feel really good. It feels like im not even doing anything. Here you go you two, it seems my sponsors like you guys too.

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Shade felt something being put on her. She felt energized. Not crazy-light energized, but a calm, smooth energy. "What is this, Diehard? It feels... Awesome..." Shade said. She looked on her body, seeing that she was wearing a one piece, dark purple armor suit. "I must say, this is awesome!" She said. Shade found a slot to put arrows it, so that you could use the energy from the arrows for energy blasts. Apparently, it never ran out of energy: it included an energy duplicator, and once the energy was added, it keeps cloning it. She threw in one arrow of each kind: dark, light, poison, fire, ice, and earth arrows, into each of their compartments. She tested out a fire shot on the nearby forest, and it burst into flames. "Aw yeah, lets go!" Shade said, dashing up the mountain.

  • Brohoof 1

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss gets up and looks at the suit. His was a whit and black colour. He suit himself up and felt like a new pony. Aww yeah. This'll work! He begins to climb up the mountain and can feel the power of these suits. He decides it time for something to get done. This suit gave him a new confidence. As he catches up to Shade he grabs her lag and pulls her back, then smashes her into the side of the mountain. He then picks her up and smashes her into the mountain again. I'm sorry for this Shade, but it's time to get this show on the road. He then lifts up his hoof, ready to finish her off. Any final words?

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Shade felt herself being smashed against the wall of the mountain. But she was prepared. Along with the arrows, she also inserted a remote control bomb. "Yes... Kaboom." Shade said, pressing a button in the suit. KABOOM! The bomb went off, sending Boss down the mountain. She fired a volley of fire bolts.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Gamemaker looked on in anticipation, wondering if the pony he was sponsoring had survived the blast. He then noticed a few large rocks shifting position, sending smaller pebbles down the side. He knew an avalanche was coming, and felt a need to help this resourceful pony out. He pressed a button, and a hidden door opened a few yards behind Shade. Come on Shade, you can make it. He said to himself as the avalanche fell in full power.

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Shade heard a rumbling sound, becoming ever louder. She then noticed an avalanche coming down on her! She panicked, looking for a was out. WHIRRRRR! A hidden door opened behind her. She ran in without hesitation. RUMBLE RUMBLE CRASH! The avalanche had blocked the door. All she knew was that somepony had saved her. She knew who it was. She could just make out a hidden camera, and gave a wink to it.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss jumped away from the rock just in time to miss them and sees Shade running through the hatch. He runs for it but it gets blocked by rocks before he gets there. Damn it. I bet I know who did this... He looks at a nearby tree and can see a little camera. Don't you think that's a little one sided Game Maker? I thought the point of these games was to get one survivor... Boss then walks over to the boulders covering the hatch and can see through a crack. Your sponsor can't save you forever Shade!

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Diehard watched how Shade and Boss were fight to the top of the mountain. He felt something hit him on the head. Then another, he turned and saw avalanche behind him. He turns and sees Shade go into a hole in the ground. It was just him and boss. Diehard pulls his weapon and turns it into a stone cutter blade. He watches every rock that falls and goes for the big ones while running up the mountain. Man i love my weapons. With the suites added power he was cutting through rocks with ease. Just like training back home.

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Shade saw Boss taunting her through a crack in the rocks. She decided she was safe for now. "Boss, why would you try to kill me? I thought we were friends! We could have risen up against Celestia with the others! But no, you decide the games are a good thing. You're just another one of THEM. I thought I could trust you." Shade said with disgust. She spat in his eye through the crack.

  • Brohoof 1

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss wipes hos eye and punches the rock.Damn it Shade what am I supposed to do? What choice do I have? Do you think I want this? To fight my fellow ponies? No! I have no choice but to fight or I will die! Don't you understand? There is no way out! Only one will make it out alive and that's the facts! There is no use running from it! When you think of this plan to escape let me know! I'd love to hear it! He waits for one and receives none. That's what I thought Shade! We have no choice but to fight! ...I don't want this... Just then the rocks collapse some more and he loses sight and sound of her. He then turns his attention to Die Hard. He runs up the mountain beside him and tackles him to the ground and pulls a sword to him.

Edited by Like A Boss
  • Brohoof 1
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Shade knew it. He never wanted this. But what would he rather like to do: Kill your friends, or have a chance to stop a tyrant? She didn't know, and she thought she would never know. She sits down, thinking of a way to get out of that damn cave.


(OOC: Xtrem, your turn bro)

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Diehard feels someone push him down and put a sword to his neck. He looks up and sees Boss at the other end of the sword. He smiles at him as he starts to change his weapon. You dont know how long iv been waiting for this. He pulls his hind legs under boss and bucks him in the stomach. As boss steps off of him Diehard gets up and turns his weapon into a scythe. The rocks had started to slow and come to a stop. The two ponies circle each other ready for anything. So after all iv given to you this is how you treat me? You and the people of your tribe are all the same. You use your strength to take whatever you want, and use whoever you can to get what you want. Well im not like the rest of them. Unlike them...I Fight For Whats Mine! As he charges at Boss.

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(I'm just gonna say that the gas has cleared up now)

As Medley realized that her wings had in fact, not disappeared, she calmed down.

A few moments later she heard a series of noises, such as explosions coming from the mountains. Wondering what they were, she tightened her saddlebag and took off towards the mountains.

Once she got there she saw a group of ponies fighting. Unsure what to do, she hovered in midair, watching.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Shade decided that she was gonna get out of the cave, then get away from Boss. She tried bomb bolts, but that wouldn't work. Then, she found a mega blast button. She decided to push it.

(note, this is an interpretation of the blast. Pretend the Sonic isn't there, please.

The wall burst open, and the laser went out of sight. Then... Her outer armor fell apart. All that was left was her inner armor, which looked like a purple tight one-piece full suit. She looked at her wrist. Now she had 45% more power, and 75% more speed, the opposite of the full armor. She jumped right out of the cave with speed like lightning, and quickly ran into the plains... But not before giving Medley a copy of the tight suit. She gave it to her while saying "This will help you. Good luck."


Little did any of them know, but the laser had just enough power to open a hole, just big enough for somepony to fit through, on one side of the arena. Unfortunately for our tributes, the hole was too far away for anypony to notice.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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