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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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DH bows to the Princesses and moves away from the controls. Here you go my Ladies. What do you mean Discord is back? I thought he was banished? Celestia tells him everything as her and Luna take their places at the controls. Ohhhh... So that explains all this craziness thats been going on around here. But what do you plan to do now?


The girls looked in shock as DD killed SA. All of them had turned their heads to not see what happened. But Twilight watched the whole thing. She ran to her brother as he gasped for air choking on his own blood.

No! SA hang in there. Ill try to heal you. I can fix this.

Casting a healing spell on his neck to close the cut, but it was to deep and the blood was coming to fast. SA put his hoof to his sisters face and muttered with his last breath.


SA was dead. Tears ran down Twi's face as she looked at her brothers body. Her hooves covered in his blood. She wanted to scream but the words just would not come out. Its was just empty breaths and tears. DD looked down at Twi.

Now look at what you've done Twilight. You've killed your own brother. All because you would not except your own fate. He might still be alive if you would have just let me kill you. Putting a sword on the back of her neck. She cringed but looked as if she was giving up. The girls watched dumbfounded.

He going ta kill Twi next too. What should we do?

*Dash is stunned and could not speak. She had never seen someone be killed in front of her before.*

This is just awful dears. I cant think of anything.


*FS saw her friends loose hope. She remembered how she felt when she saw the general get killed. She was going to runaway. But a voice in her said.....* Fight......Stay and fight.....if you run everything you love will die in front of you......Stay and fight....

We fight....

The girls all turn and look at FS. She was standing tall with her chest and wings out.

We stand and fight. We can not run anymore. If you run we loose. So we must stand and fight him. Together.....Because we are the EOH. And we can do anything together as one.

The girls had never seen this side of FS. It was scary but uplifting. They all stand as one. DD sees them moving in.

Well Twi it looks like your friends want to play as well. Let me end you while there at their high point. And then watch them crumble as i kill you.

Raises his sword in the air.

Good bye Twilight Sparkle!

Just then Twi's eyes light up and the sword shatters as it comes down. DD is shocked at what just happened. Then as him and Twi lock eyes she charges her horn and fires it at him sending him flying into the wall. The EOH appear on the girls. DD climbs out of the wall.

What!! Thats impossible!!! Fine then ill take on all of you!!

Running at the girls he turns his weapon into a new sword. The girls charge the Beam of Harmony.


AS they fire the beam he meats it with his sword and stalemates. He tries to make his way toward them but it fails. He can feel himself being pushed back.

No....this cant be happening.......I will not fail......I.....WILL.....NOT....FAIL.....

Just then the beam broke his sword. The rest of his armor was ripped off as the beam went by him.


The beam shot him clear out of the palace and back into the battle dome. He hit the inner wall of the dome with a hard thud. As the beam stopped he falls off the wall down to the ground. His body was chard from the blast. He lay on the ground a burned bloody mess.

*coughing* My...lord......help...me...*cough* Discord.....help me......please my.....Master.....*blacks out*

The girls are all standing looking at the hole they shot DD through.

Thats for you Shining Armor.

So what do we do now Twilight?

Yea. Now that DD is gone what do we do?

I think we should go to the spa for a victoy bath.

OOOOO!!! I know what we should do. We should have a victory PARTY!!! *Pulls ot party cannon* Never leave home without it.

Um i think you two are forgeten somethin......We still have ta stop Discord.

Thats right AJ. The Princesses should still be in the battle dome. Lets go

Teleport to the battle dome.

Ok this way. Celestia and Luna should still be in their room. Keep an open eye for Discords tricks. he could be anywhere.

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Shade blushed after hearing Boss saying Darkflash would have to go. "Oh, It's no big deal. We went over this, him and I. When we spend time together, he stays back and doesn't interfere. I told him that if he did, then I would have to expel him from my body." Shade heard a crash, and saw Death Dealer hit the dome. "Holy shit. Well, now we only have to worry about Discord." Shade readied her wings, ready to fly to the castle when the dome opens.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss smiles again. Yeah but... It's just awkward because... What if we ever decide to have fillies? We're going to have to figure some way to get him his own body. Maybe Celestia and Luna can help us figure something out after this is over... Which brings me to my next point. It's time we head for Canterlot.


Celestia tells Die Hard about the plan that Luna had made and then turns back to the Control room. She knew every aspect of it like the back of her hoof. She did design it after all. She can see the tributes had finally started to come around and were now awaiting her actions. With a quick hoof she opens a glass box and within is a button. She strikes the button and then what happens next is amazing. With a mighty sound the entire dome begins to move. It splits at the top into two halves and slowly they lower until the ultimately fade away. She can see the tributes smiling at her and they begin their trek towards the palace. She then turns to Luna and Die Hard. Luna, I want you to meet with the tributes and fill them in on you're plan. Take Die Hard with you. Die Hard you are to assist Luna with anything she commands. I have somewhat of my own adventure to see to. I don't know how... But I can feel them. The Elements of Harmony are back again and I have decided to go and meet with them. We will meet back here, You two with the tributes and I with the elements. Good bye for now and good luck. With that she exits the room, spreads her magnificent wings, and flies away to meet with the elements.


Discord watches as Death Dealer is defeated by the elements. He sighs and with a snap of his fingers he is standing before Death Dealer. He smiles and shakes his head at him. No no no Death Dealer... You failed... And failure is not tolerated. I watched your battle Death Dealer and I must say... I was disappointed. What I saw wasn't power, it was arrogance. You let your mind become clouded with the thought of power and thus you failed. Now you must pay the ultimate price. Good bye Death Dealer. We will not meet again. With that Discord snaps his fingers and teleports back to his palace, leaving Death Dealer alone and nearly dead.

Edited by Lightning Fluttershy
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"Yeah, I might have to find a way to get him out..." Right as Shade said that, the giant dome around them shuddered loudly, then began to open. "Yes!!!" But at that moment, she saw DD almost dead, near the dome, and Discord teleporting away. "Serves that jackass right. C'mon, let's go!" She said, starting to fly.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quillusion grabs the knife as the ground starts to shake. "Well seems as if the final battle is close upon us then." She said, silently praying to who knew what to keep her safe. She started to walk towards the castle which she could still see in the distance, wondering if when she got there she would be to late to do anything.

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Luna nodded and called to Die Hard. "Come along, Die Hard." Luna teleports them to the arena in midair and surrounds Die Hard in a floating magical bubble. "My little ponies," she calls out to the tributes, "As you can see, the dome has been removed and we do not want you to harm each other, although you haven't been doing so anyway and have created such a boring show that nopony is even watching this anymore. That is beside the point. We need you down in Canterlot now to deal with a threat that we hoped we would not have to see again. If you succeed, you will be made into heroes. However, if you fail, Equestria will be ruled by Discord. We are counting on you."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Shade sighed. Of course Luna would talk about these games being boring. "Luna, did you ever really agree with these games? Agree with the murders of innocent ponies?" Shade continued on towards the castle.


Lightlash was getting excited. He would be able to help defeat Discord! That gave him motivation to run as fast as he could.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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DD was pissed but could do nothing about it. Discord.....you...jive...ass.....mother......hun??? He could hear voices. He drags himself across through the dirt. His body in much pain and shutting down from shock and internal bleeding. He then sees DH. In thought. I cant go to him help. Not after all that talk of not needing him. But im dieing.....and drastic times....call for drastic measures. Diehard.....help me. DH could hear a voice and saw something moving behind him. Who is there? Death Dealer? Is that really you? Yea its me. I need your help....i need....i need you to take me back......Now why would i go and do that? After all the hell you put me through. After all the shit you started. Give me one good reason to save your life. Because im all you have left of your brother.....And you know it. DH steps on his head and pushes it into the dirt. Dont you ever speak of my brother like that. You may have taken his life force but you nothing like my brother. So what....your going to kill me now? As much as i want to......i cant kill a wounded pony. So ill let back in. But if you act out again....Ill banish you to the Abyssal Plane. Sets up a binding circle around DD. Flesh that is not mine. Become mine. And make our bodies one. Make our minds as two and our souls apart. Now....come unto me. Oh crap...this is going to hurt. The two were one again. And DH could feel what little power DD had in him. If i had never come along....You would be dead. Whatever......i need my rest.......And Diehard......thanks........DH walks back over to Luna and the others. Ok im ready.

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Boss nods at Luna. It was about time she showed up. He witnessed though at the gruesome sight of Death Dealer and Die Hard. He couldn't really explain it they were just... one. He shakes the image out of his mind as they race towards the palace. He looks around at his companions and felt stronger than ever, as if he could take out an army. Then again, Discord was stronger than an army. They would need all of the help they could muster. As they arrive at Canterlot and the gates to the palace they find the gates and every way in locked down. He looks up to Luna. Princess? Would you do the honours?


Celestia flew around and spotted the elements below her. She folds her wings and drops in front of them. She felt better than ever. Her spirits had been raised and she had completely regained her strength. She felt like a princess again. She smiles down upon Twilight and nuzzles her. Hello my student. As you can see I am feeling much better. And I'm glad to see that you have enlisted the help of the other elements! Than we are ready. My sister should be arriving shortly with the tributes. Once we are ready we will storm my throne room. Although be prepared girls. Discord is no laughing matter this time. He has come back with a blood lust and is stronger than ever. Now follow me. We are to meet with my sister outside my throne room. With that Celestia turns around and begins to head for the doors of he throne room.


Discord smiled intently in his throne room. A deranged, creepy smile. Everything was coming together just as he had planned it. Finally he would have everyone together in one place and... the chaos will be wonderful... He couldn't have hoped for a better turnout though he was slightly disappointed in them for walking so easily into something like this... That they actually believe he just let them into the palace for no reason...

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The girls were happy to see Celestia's face. As they fallowed her Twilight walks up next to the princess. With her head down. Umm Princess can speak to you for a second? Tia leans down to Twi and gets to shock of her life as Twilight slaps the Princess. I TOLD YOU SO!!! I knew there was something wrong with you. I was right. And you put me in prison for that too. You made me give up on who you really were. Goes up to the princess and put her head in her chest. Im sorry princess. I just dont like it when my teacher lies to me. Im just glad your ok now.

The girls look at Twilight in shock of what she just did.

Twi have ya lost your frickin mind? Princess please forgive Twilight for her actions.

Twilight what has gotten into you? Are you trying to get banished?

Oh.....my......Twilight you really shouldn't do things like that.

Twilight have you gone insane? Princess please dont punish her.

OOooooooooooo......Twilight's going to get it.....

They all looked at the Princess as she looked down at Twilight in her chest.

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The princess of the night opens the gate to let the tributes in and they head inside quietly to the game making room. Once in there, she explains her plan to them. "It is what you would call a long shot, but, if we all do our part, it should work." She then explained that they were waiting for Celestia to get back.

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Celestia draws her head back and straightens. A look of seriousness passes her eyes as she stares down at Twilight. The room is very tense in the silence. Then Celestia breaks out into a smile and a few tears roll down her cheek. She leans down and comforts Twilight. I know Twilight... I know. But you have to know I never intended for any of this, and I never lied to you. My mind was not sound. It was not I who lied to you, but Discord who told you his truth through my mouth. And I have to say I'm glad it's over... Thank you Twilight. You and my sister seemed to be the ones who never gave up on me... You two never left my side, even in the way that I was forced to act. While the rest of Equestria simply assumed that I had gone insane and turned into a tyrant, you two stayed by me. You never doubted me. As she finishes talking they arrive at the entrance to Discord's room where Luna and the other tribute were waiting. Celestia approaches the tributes. She had a few words. She straightens as she looks down upon them, looking each of them in the eyes. Then another tear rolls down her face. I am ever so sorry... I... I never wanted for you to go through what you did... For ponies to die... All I can do to repay you is help you defeat the real tyrant once and for all and apologize deeply. I can only hope that you will each accept my sincere apology. With that she turns back to Luna and points her hoof at the door where there were two slots, each fitted exactly for each of the princesses horns. Once Luna and Celestia's horns were both within the door it would open. Celestia inserts her horn and motions with her hoof for Luna to insert hers.


Boss was shocked at Celestia's words, taken back even. However... he was relieved to hear what she was saying. A tear rolled down his cheek too as he nodded at the princess of the sun. I forgive you. Boss watches as she inserts her horn and waits for Luna. As Luna walks up to the great door and inserts her horn. A large rumbling can be heard from the door and the princesses remove their horns. A bright flash comes from the crack of the door and then the large doors begin to slowly swing open. Inside they can only see blackness. Celestia puts one hoof in to make sure it's safe and when nothing happens she continues on into the blackness, motioning the others to follow her.


Discord smiles.

Edited by MJP2010
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Shade watched the two princesses insert there horns into the holes. She almost giggled, but stopped herself quickly. The door rumbled loudly and opened. Through the door, it was nothing but blackness. Except for two eyes, glowing in the dark. She gasped, then glared. "Discord..." She says to herself. "He caused so much pain and death... But now we turn the tables." She followed Celestia inside.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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The girls stayed close to Luna and Celestia. Hes here.....I can feel him. Diehard walked in the room. He is here. And his darkness is nothing like yours. Hes got you beat big time. Shut up. Dont you think i know that already. I still want his power. So ill help you fight him. With whatever i got.

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Luna turned back to look at her sister, a lone tear rolling down her face. "You are the greatest sister we could ever ask for." She stands close to Celestia and embraces her in her arms. "Know that whatever happens, we will always love you."


((If something like this happens again, don't be afraid to god mod to move ahead. Now create some action so that I can fulfill my plan))

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Celestia nods at her sister and nuzzles her cheek. I can easily say the same for you Luna. As she lifts her head a tear rolls down her face as well and she faces forwards, ready to take on whatever Discord is concealing in the darkness, She lit a light on her horn so they could see but it was unnecessary. As soon as she did so the entire room lit up and before them... They saw nothing. The room was empty with the exception of them. Discord was no where to be found. As soon as the light came they were plunged into darkness again. A muffled scream was heard and then... Silence. From the darkness they could see the glowing eyes of Discord. Beside him a new pair of eyes. Bright pink... But with a strange tint. A dark tint. Discord closed his eyes and they vanished. His laughter rang through out the throne room, and then the light returned. Standing before them was not Discord, but Celestia. Those eyes had been hers,... Yet they did not feel natural. Her beautiful pink eyes, usually filled with light and kindness, were dark and tinted. She had a crooked look on her face, as if in pain. She glanced at them... and charged. The sharp tip of her horn sparkled in the light as she ran straight at them. Boss could see Shade about to get speared by the horn and jumped and pushed her out of the way. Boss took the horn in the stomach instead. He falls to the ground and looks at his wound, then back to Shade. He was in shock. She... She got me... With that Boss passes out from pain and shock. Celestia lifts her head, her horn bright with crimson blood. She then turns to Luna and attacks. The two princesses lock horns.

Edited by Lightning Fluttershy
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Shade saw Celestia charging at her, then felt herself being pushed out of the way. Instead, Boss was speared in the stomach. "NOOOOOOO!!!" She ran over, teary eyed. She quickly cast a healing spell, and turned to Celestia. "She has been possessed again! We need to end this!" Shade turned to the EoH. "Guys! You know what to do!" Shade ran at the possessed Celestia, knocking her over.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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The EOH watched as Tia attacked Boss. She was not herself again.

Princess this is not you. You can fight this! This is not you at all.

Wait we can use the EOH on her.

Yes we might be able to pull Discord out of her.

Yea that has to work.

It sound good to me.

Lets give it a try.

The girls charge up the beam of harmony. They put everything got into the blast.

This is for your own good Princess.

The shoot the beam at Celestia. A bright flash happens and then it is gone. Celestia had absorbed the harmony beam.

Oh Crap


DH runs over to Boss. Boss are you ok? Here let me fix you up. DH pulls out his med kit and starts to close up the wound. I can stop the bleeding but hes going to have to wait till this is over to fix his stomach. Unless....Shade do you know any healing spells that will heal his insides? We fixed his outsides i just need you to do that. I have an idea of how to get Discord out of the Princess. You should try to us the unbinding circle. Are you sure about that? Trust me.

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"You got it, Diehard. This spell takes a few minutes, so I'll need you to cover me." Shade began to build a magical aura around Boss and her. The aura slowly started to go into his body.


Lightlash quickly took out one of his certified poison daggers, running towards Celestia. "I'm sorry princess... But I have to help you!" He quickly cut with the dagger across her jaw.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Celestia stumbled backwards as she absorbed the harmony, smoke rising from her body. She has a crooked smile on her face. Haha! I invented the elements you fools! She then takes the knife to the face and stagger back. She rubs her face and feels the poison. A sadistic smile crosses her face, Then something gruesome happens. Discord uses his magic to drain the blood from her face, extract the poison, then re insert the blood all the while using his magic to keep her alive. It's a gruesome sight. She then turns back towards the element and tributes, brushing Luna aside. You've managed anger me mortals. Say hello to Ezio for me. With that she charges at them. Her horn glimmers, still wet with blood.

Edited by Lightning Fluttershy
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Luna turns around from being brushed off by Celestia and sees her charging toward the tributes. In that moment, she knows what she must do. She runs in front of her sister and knocks her off course, sending them both into a wall. As Celestia gets off, Luna notices a darker blood on her sister's horn. A sharp pain rips through her side. She instinctively puts her hooves on the site and looks down to notice the gash that the horn tore through her. It's a mortal wound. Dark blood pours out of her side, her jaw drops in anguish, tears roll down her face, and a lump forms in her throat. She swallows the lump and calls out to her sister.

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Celestia lifts her head, blood dripping from her usually pristine, white horn. It was now crimson and drenched in blood. Celestia hunger her head over her sister as Luna cried out to her. Celestia rammed her hoof into Luna's neck, ready to fniishe the job. Inside Celestia's mind, Discord was screaming at Celestia to kill Luna, but something didn't feel right. Celestia backed her hoof off of Luna and staggered backwards, as if in pain. In reality she was. Inside her mind was the turmoil of two gods, fighting for control of Celestia's mind. A battle of wills. Discord was well trained at this. While Celestia had the ability to roam Equestria freely for eternity, Discord had been enclosed in stone and magic. However this was not all bad. It had prepared him. Trained his mind discipline and strength. Ultimately it gave him a powerful will. Celestia's battle was not going as planned. She fought with all her might to expel Discord's influence from her mind, but it was a losing battle. To the others it looked as if Celestia was simply lying on the ground, sleeping but in reality an epic fight for Equestria stood, deep within Celestia's inner mind. As the battle was approaching an end, Celestia's will gave one final push... and failed. With that Celestia's very will and conciousness was pushed from her mind. Celestia stood up and opened her mouth to laugh, but Discord's voice expelled from her mouth. A bone chilling laugh symbolizing his victory over the mighty Celestia. As she approached the tributes they cower and wait for the worst when something... Strange happens. In the side of Celestia's vision she spots... Luna. Luna in terrible shape. Blood is pouring from her wounds and she has broken into a cold sweat. And then... A single drop of blood drips onto Celestia's nose from her horn.... Luna's blood. This triggers something within Celestia's most inner, private, and sacred thoughts. A part of her mind that not even Discord could breach. It was Celestia's memories. She recalled her and Luna as fillies, barely old enough to fly. As the moments in history flash by her mind, they bring her more moments of her and Luna. One more recent... And rather painful. It was the memory of Luna, never stopping to support her these entire games. When Celestia was being controlled and no one realized it, Luna never gave up on Celestia. Luna had given everything she had to make Celestia right.... And she was forced to pay for it with her life... All at that hands of Discord. This ignited something within her inner workings, deep within her mind. It was two emotions... One familiar... One not so much. It was an undying love for her sister... And a burning rage for Discord. Suddenly Celestia goes stiff and her eyes begin to glow a bright white, her face expressionless. Her eyes were now so bright that you would have been able to spot them from miles away. Then what happened next... was chilling in a way. Celestia spoke. Not in her influenced Discord voice, but in her usual calm, collected voice that every one was used to. Only one thing. Something that even frightened Discord. She spoke ion the royal voice. Celestia boomed through the halls in a way that had not been heard from her in ages. Discord. You have taken our palace, our mind... and our sister. But you cannot take our spirit or will. You were always an arrogant one Discord and arrogance, in your words, cannot be tolerated. You made the mistake of underestimating our mind. Be gone and suffer your consequence. With that she lets out a scream, her eyes brighten up like the sun, and there is a blinding flash. When the light clears Celestia is standing there, as if nothing had happened. She opened her eyes and they are of normal. Her bright pink eyes, filled with life. Before her stood a jar. Inside the jar... Was Discord's very conscious soul. The jar was also protected by a powerful spell so that Discord could only escape again of the jar is opened. She teleports the jar to a maximum security chamber and then runs to Luna's side. She knew that Luna would have very little time left, and a single tear rolled down her eye. She lays down beside her sister and nuzzles her, assuring her that things are safe now... Though Celestia was only hiding the reality from herself... Everything that had happened... Was her fault... She breaks out into tears and leans her head against Luna, ignoring the blood. Oh Luna... My dear dear sister... Can you... Can you ever forgive me? I am so... so sorry for all of this... I... I... I don't have a good excuse for what I did but... I'm sorry... I don't blame you if you never forgive me... In this life or another... but please... say something... With that she motions the tributes over to gather around Luna, to listen to her last words.

Edited by Lightning Fluttershy
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The tributes gather around the two princesses as Luna utters her final words. She puts a hoof up to her sister's mouth. Her voice is weak, as is the rest of her body. "We...forgive you... We love you...and always will love you... Do not forget this..." She pulls Celestia close and embraces her for the last time. A bright light emerges from Luna's horn. It is strong and radiates majesty, love, and power. It is her soul. It hovers over Celestia for a few moments before flying up to the moon.

Edited by Feld0's Overlord

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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DH and the EOH run over to Luna. Lady Luna No! You cant go. We can save you. I can....i can patch you up. Girls cant you do something?

The girls look at Luna and think.

I know a few healing spells. And maybe with the elements we can save her.

Ill go find a doctor.

Im going with you AJ.

Princess no.....Please hold on. We can fix this. We can save you.

Please Luna. We need you alive. The sisters must rule together.

Hey guys....Whats happening to the moon? It looks like something is trying to block it.

The girls look at the moon they can tell something is not right.

Princess Celestia whats happening? This is unlike anything iv ever seen.

The moon is fading. We cant do anything else. She is dead. She is gone for good. She has gone to be the night. All we can do is make her last moments her something to be remembered .

They all stand around Luna. Dash and AJ come back with a doctor....But it was to late. Luna had passed.


We're to late

The EOH were in tears as they looked at Luna. PP was still looking at the moon as it changed.

Edited by Diehard

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