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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Life in Canterlot


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Lark walked over to the flaming ruins of the library. The rest of the fire had long gone, but this pyre would seemingly not die out. He walked up to a less-burnt section and saw a few books in a small pile that were still intact. He quickly rushed over to them, stomping what little fire was near them, hoping to save what was now left of the library. Well, at least I can be of some use here.. Lark thought to himself as he started moving the books away from the charred mess and off to the side.

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  • 2 weeks later...

//Sorry. Gonna be kinda inactive lately.

Ballistic, keep reminding me. Please. ^_^ //


Pale held onto Iron tightly, completely still apart from when she slowly blinked her eyes, letting more tears silently flow out of them. She sighed and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry..I haven't lost my composure in a while.." She murmured, turning her head more into his neck, blocking most of the light from her face.

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Pale let him take her downstairs and sat in the chair quietly. Many things were crossing her mind, though she couldn't deter it from Iron. He seemed so determined to help her and calm her down.


Pale closed her eyes for a few minutes. "Thank you. " She lightly nuzzeled the side of his face ten pulled away. "I'm going to make tea..would you like some?" she looked into his eyes and have him a delicate half smile.

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Lark carried the books he rescued back to the mare's house and returned to the site of the fire, looking for Artemisia. Arriving back at the scene, he spotted her and went over to her, saying, "She's just fine... Everypony is ok and will survive, although the library will be in need of some serious repairs..." He felt a pang in his stomach and a loud growl was emitted from his stomach, "Although... I could still use something to eat..." he said with a grimace.

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Pale blinked slowly and gazed into his eyes as well. She slightly bowed her head as her cheeks grew red, easily spotted on her snow-white coat. She stared into his eyes and a feeling of longing eased into her mind. Her ears perked up and she tilted her head only slightly, looking at him like a city filly seeing the ocean for the first time.

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Pale's eyes smirked right back. She stared into the eyes of the stallion in front of her, her heart seeming to ache for him. After one day, she didn't want him to leave. She wanted to be with him, to help him when he needed it, comfort him when he needed comfort. She wanted to be his.


She hugged him tightly when he put his hoof on her shoulder. She'd instinctively reacted; his touch comforted her, it seemed like it was meant to. She closed her eyes and lowered her ears. "I'm sorry, I-.." She trailed off, opening her eyes and starting to pull away.

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Pale looked back up to his eyes when he gently squeezed her shoulder. She blinked slowly and smiled when he apologized to her, ready to correct him, but her words were held back by surprise when he held her and gently kissed her. Her mind didn't know how to react for a second; why is he sorry? Especially for..this? She thought quickly, other similar questions zooming through her mind.


She gave up asking herself questions. She didn't want to know; she just wanted..him. She put her hooves on his face and closed her eyes, and kissed him back.

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Pale's heart raced as he gently rubbed her back. She could barely feel the heat from his face, as her cheeks were burning with a rosy red colour, easily noticeable despite the patches of black from the fire.


She rested her forehead on his when he pulled away, her glistening eyes locking into his. She gave him a crooked smile and rested one of her hooves on his shoulder. "I love you too, Iron. "

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Pale kissed him back again, and relaxed against him when he leaned back. She put her hooves around him and hugged him like a filly would hug her favourite stuffed animal when they were scared; getting comfort from them, no matter the situation. She gently pulled herself away from his kiss and put her head down on his chest and closed her eyes. "...I can hear your heartbeat. " she murmured, opening her eyes halfway.

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Pale nuzzled his neck and clutched onto him, closing her eyes again. Her mane spilled over her shoulders and was draped slightly around his, her light colours almost mixing with his dark ones. He felt soft to her, either because parts of her coat were still stained with ash from the fire, or he really was that soft. He was warm. A comfortable warm, one that would welcome you after being out in the cold.


She thought of the scortching heat of the flames and was once again trapped in the collapsing library.


It's hot..smoke, ash, fire..can't breathe..


She shivered and opened her eyes again.

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Pale shuddered again. She gripped onto him and kissed him back when he kissed her, then lay her head back down on his chest. "Iron, how do you think the fire happened?" She murmured quietly, her eyes glistening. She blinked, a tear escaping her eye and dripping onto him, then soaking into his coat. "I'm sorry.." She sniffed, closing her eyes and clutching onto him again.

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Pale nuzzled him back, then nodded slowly and stood up. "I...yes..I suppose.." She shook herself slightly, as if every damned speck of ash would disappear when she did so. She sighed and gave Iron a weak half smile. "I'll be back in a minute." She went up the stairs carefully, still not trusting her mind completely, and pushed the bathroom door open with her shoulder. She started filling the sink up with hot water, inspecting herself in the mirror as water slowly started making its way up the sink. She grimaced; ash would be no easy thing to get out of a white coat. She turned the water off and picked up a washcloth with her magic, and started scrubbing at the black spots.




"Come on.." she muttered to herself, desperately trying to get the last black spot off her neck. She dropped the washcloth back in the sink, her surrender and picked up a brush instead. She hung her head for a few seconds, convincing herself that she'd get the ash stain off the next day. When she looked back up her vision seemed a bit hazy, and her eyes rested on the counter and mirror; ash staining the counter, slowly creeping it's way up the mirror, blocking the reflection-


Pale jumped slightly when she dropped the hairbrush on the floor, scattering the images of the vision in her mind.


//can you tell I was below the chara limit to start off with? XD//

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Pale let out a breath and picked the brush off the floor, then walked out without looking at the mirror again. Just your imagination.. she told herself. She stopped suddenly; her hoof hovering in the air far above the first stair. She blinked, then quietly laughed at herself. "Come on, Pale." She said under her breath, setting her hoof down and going down the stairs.


She walked back into the livingroom, stopping under the doorway.

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Pale half smiled and bowed her head slightly, then walked over to him. She stopped a few inches away from him and looked up at him, her eyes staring into his. She blinked slowly and looked away. "What shall we do? Are you hungry, or..thirsty?" She asked, her good-hostessness kicking in.

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Pale half smiled again and pulled herself up next to him in the soft jaws of the blanket he held. She leaned against him and levitated the hot chocolate over to her. She took a small sip and looked up at him. "Thank you. It's rather cosy indeed." She smirked playfully and offered a sip to him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pale snuggled into his side and held him. She closed her eyes and pulled hersef closer to him, feeling the warmth and tenderness. She opened her eyes again and looked out the window, her head resting on his neck. "Iron, what do you think of Canterlot?" she mused, looking up at him.

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