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Before I rant, I direct everypony's attention to the following music piece done by StormWolf. Pay close attention to the lyrics.




Rivers ran dry, only chaos flew through it

Discord's reign, nopony cared about it

No control, no constants, just like nature intended

But humility is rare, and avarice corrupted


Twisted forms of obsession,

started heretical progression

Against the world of eternity's successful invention


An alicorn's desire, attempts to welcome harmony

Try to create order, and to force responsibility

overthrow the king under claims of so-called anarchy

now all are forced to labour 'neath Celestia's tyranny


Control over the animals control over the light

A ruler over all claims no evil no blight

A world without fear, where we lock away the strife

An illusion to hide the empire ruling our life


Gone are the days of gifts of chocolate rain,

An occasional variety now never to come again

Chaotic and uncontrolled is the refuge for the sane

But some have to fight, some think of it as pain


Now he's frozen always in stone

All of this world she rules alone

And every piece of land and ocean her power's overthrown



Done? Alrighty.


I'm posting this topic because this idea fascinates me. It's the question of 'what is the real perfect balance for Equestria? Celestia's orderly rule as it is? Discord's lax and naturally chaotic rule? A mix of both?' Discord has shown us complete chaos, while Celestia has shown us a complete orderly system. Yes, a benevolent system, perhaps the ideal system, but a system that still shuns the concept of natural chaos being a major part of everyone's daily life. Nature itself promotes unpredictability as well as predictability, but yet, nature's way of doing things outside of Celestia's rule (i.e the Everfree Forest for example, whose' weather, plants, etc. all control itself) is looked upon as strange and utterly bizarre among the average ponies, who are used to control over the weather, the light, everything.


The Main Point: Unnatural chaos (i.e Discord and the chaos he directly causes for his amusement) is absent from ponies' lives, because Celestia looked upon his 'anarchy' and deemed it evil thousands of years ago. But, it would appear that natural chaos is all but absent, as well. Is having absolutely everything (the sun and it's light, the moon, weather, animals) under the control of the dominant inhabitants (ponies) the best way to go?


Disclaimer: Inb4 people defending Celestia, let me make it absolutely clear that I, nor the guy who made this song have anything against Celestia. This isn't about trying to claim that Celestia is a tyrant; I adore Celestia, she's epic. Instead, this topic tries to give the point of view that Celestia's rule would appear to have flaws (i.e rule over absolutely everything with little room for natural chaos/unpredictability) just like Discord's rule (more or less anarchy). They are at opposite ends of the spectrum, after all. When you have two nearly divine rulers who are complete contrasts of each other, it's interesting to think about the differences, the pros and cons of their rulings, and if a mix of their rule may be better than each of them, separately.


What are your thoughts on this song, it's concept, and this overall idea? Go on, everypony.


Why the hell am I making such big-ass topics lately...

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 5


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Given it is observable in our own natural universe that we are the spawn of a random and chaotic destruction of two sets of molecules, Identical in every way except for charge, I would buy that something more obvious could occur in Equestria.

Riley was here

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You and your long walls of text xD






It seems they already had a Ying Yang, which would be Celestia and Luna (see 0:24 of the video)


If you don't mean that literally but in an idea's sense, I can see where you are coming from. Like you said, I don't know how much these ponies are interested in even the slightest bit of chaos, especially the residents of Canterlot. Being sophisticated and such, the thought of something like a hair out of place makes them shutter. I could see a few ponies that might enjoy this like Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, but I think the majority of ponies seem to be content with the way Celestia is ruling. Yes, they have grown up used to a concept with little chaos, but, if they truly desired some sort of chaos, they could go beyond Equestria, such places as the Everfree Forest or where dragons come from and beyond. Equestria is not the world, it is more of a state or country or continent.


Celestia can be (if we are talking the show is a bit religious [NO I AM NOT TRYING TO START A RELIGIOUS DEBATE]) seen as some sort of goddess and Equestria is almost her heaven. It would be natural that there is no chaos in there, even though there are other minor problems. Celestia could be a god(dess), and Discord the devil. As long as she is ruling over Equestria, she doesn't want any sort of problems or pranks or chaos being spread across it. When Discord rules, he was the "god" of the place and reigned in the way he did. And as shown in S2E1, the ponies did not like Discord's rule when Celestia was retelling the story.


I don't think the two could come across to be rulers together, because, those two being them, they would disagree on far too many topics to be a mutual rule. As I said before, there are other places the ponies could go to get some chaos. I don't think that would necessarily be the case for most ponies since they seem like order, rather than chaos. Like stated earlier, Celestia said that the ponies were ruled in disharmony, which shown here at 5:53:




To specifically quote, "Luna and I saw how miserable life was for unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies alike!"


I know that, if Celestia and Discord ruled together, they might not be so bothered since it's a balance of both, but most people (ponies, in this case) like order better than chaos, and for the majority of Equestria, the less chaos and unordered fashions, the better.


Long ass wall of text is long

  • Brohoof 1
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It seems they already had a Ying Yang, which would be Celestia and Luna (see 0:24 of the video)


If you don't mean that literally but in an idea's sense, I can see where you are coming from. Like you said, I don't know how much these ponies are interested in even the slightest bit of chaos, especially the residents of Canterlot. Being sophisticated and such, the thought of something like a hair out of place makes them shutter. I could see a few ponies that might enjoy this like Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, but I think the majority of ponies seem to be content with the way Celestia is ruling. Yes, they have grown up used to a concept with little chaos, but, if they truly desired some sort of chaos, they could go beyond Equestria, such places as the Everfree Forest or where dragons come from and beyond. Equestria is not the world, it is more of a state or country or continent.


Celestia can be (if we are talking the show is a bit religious [NO I AM NOT TRYING TO START A RELIGIOUS DEBATE]) seen as some sort of goddess and Equestria is almost her heaven. It would be natural that there is no chaos in there, even though there are other minor problems. Celestia could be a god(dess), and Discord the devil. As long as she is ruling over Equestria, she doesn't want any sort of problems or pranks or chaos being spread across it. When Discord rules, he was the "god" of the place and reigned in the way he did. And as shown in S2E1, the ponies did not like Discord's rule when Celestia was retelling the story.


I don't think the two could come across to be rulers together, because, those two being them, they would disagree on far too many topics to be a mutual rule. As I said before, there are other places the ponies could go to get some chaos. I don't think that would necessarily be the case for most ponies since they seem like order, rather than chaos. Like stated earlier, Celestia said that the ponies were ruled in disharmony, which shown here at 5:53:




To specifically quote, "Luna and I saw how miserable life was for unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies alike!"


I know that, if Celestia and Discord ruled together, they might not be so bothered since it's a balance of both, but most people (ponies, in this case) like order better than chaos, and for the majority of Equestria, the less chaos and unordered fashions, the better.


Long ass wall of text is long


Yeah, you have no room to talk about big ass walls of text if you're gonna reply with one XD


What Celestia and Luna deem miserable doesn't necessarily mean what they saw it as :3 I'm sure the constant, pure anarchy of Discord got bad and tedious, but chaos in of itself can be plenty a good thing, and is certainly something missing from Celestia's 'control everything' rule. That's the main message this is aiming at. And I didn't necessarily mean 'them ruling together', just, a combination of their styles. Also, when I said combine their styles I didn't mean 50/50 :3 Order can majority over chaos, but there needs to be a bit more than what we see around. That's the idea.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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and is certainly something missing from Celestia's 'control everything' rule.


So you are deeming that Celestia is some sort of a tyrant (in a non-bad way of course)? Control everything? Everything in order? She does rule like that, but I think if the ponies wanted a bit less organization about things, they would speak to her about it (not literally, but maybe get some few pony group together and send a letter or something). Canterlot I am certain doesn't like disorganization and chaos, so they won't be complaining. However, the ponies like Pinkie Pie and such, I can see them doing something like that. Though, what would be benefits of having Discord as a ruler? A bit of chaos I don't think would to anybody any good unless it is an educational matter such as learning about nature or something. And it would raise a bit more annoying pests (annoying little things that happen in like like your pencil lead breaking or something, IK that would happen normally, but just as an ex.) that would bug the ponies.

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So you are deeming that Celestia is some sort of a tyrant (in a non-bad way of course)? Control everything? Everything in order? She does rule like that, but I think if the ponies wanted a bit less organization about things, they would speak to her about it (not literally, but maybe get some few pony group together and send a letter or something). Canterlot I am certain doesn't like disorganization and chaos, so they won't be complaining. However, the ponies like Pinkie Pie and such, I can see them doing something like that. Though, what would be benefits of having Discord as a ruler? A bit of chaos I don't think would to anybody any good unless it is an educational matter such as learning about nature or something. And it would raise a bit more annoying pests (annoying little things that happen in like like your pencil lead breaking or something, IK that would happen normally, but just as an ex.) that would bug the ponies.


You're treating all this to unnatural chaos, i.e, the things Discord does. Natural chaos, letting nature control itself, and not having most of nature around your kingdom fall under either your control or your subjects control, is more what this is about :3 Chaos, unpredictability, is a part of nature. Not involving Discord and what he does, it's a part of nature. A part of nature that Celestia doesn't want to have left up to nature, but leaves to being controlled by herself, her sister, or her subjects. This topic is analyzing how the ponies as a whole control everything, treating natural chaos and unpredictability that nature has to control itself, as a bizarre and rare occurrence to see in Eqestria. Discord, being the representation of chaos and the previous ruler to precede Celestia, is only used as an example. In reality, his chaos is not the same as natural chaos, so they can't be compared.


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You're treating all this to unnatural chaos, i.e, the things Discord does. Natural chaos, letting nature control itself, and not having most of nature around your kingdom fall under either your control or your subjects control, is more what this is about :3 Chaos, unpredictability, is a part of nature. Not involving Discord and what he does, it's a part of nature. A part of nature that Celestia doesn't want to have left up to nature, but leaves to being controlled by herself, her sister, or her subjects. This topic is analyzing how the ponies as a whole control everything, treating natural chaos and unpredictability that nature has to control itself, as a bizarre and rare occurrence to see in Eqestria. Discord, being the representation of chaos and the previous ruler to precede Celestia, is only used as an example. In reality, his chaos is not the same as natural chaos, so they can't be compared.


Why would you use Discord as an example if his versions of chaos are not like what you are originally trying to prove? If Celestia wanted to do what you are trying to explain, she could just do a few adjustments like getting rid of weather ponies and cancelling Winter Wrap Up. I don't think the ponies really need the chaos and probably don't want it, I for sure would like a world where more things are controlled like natural disasters and stuff. The only purpose I could see natural chaos could serve is education, for learning more about how lands beyond Equestria work. If we, as humans, could control the clouds and such, I think we would do it to give lands more rain/sunlight.

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Why would you use Discord as an example if his versions of chaos are not like what you are originally trying to prove? If Celestia wanted to do what you are trying to explain, she could just do a few adjustments like getting rid of weather ponies and cancelling Winter Wrap Up. I don't think the ponies really need the chaos and probably don't want it, I for sure would like a world where more things are controlled like natural disasters and stuff. The only purpose I could see natural chaos could serve is education, for learning more about how lands beyond Equestria work. If we, as humans, could control the clouds and such, I think we would do it to give lands more rain/sunlight.


Because Discord and Celestia are pure opposites, and it's more interesting to link order to Celestia and chaos to Discord, regardless if it's natural or unnatural :3


There's pros and cons to everything. Disease, natural disasters, etc. are terrible, but they serve their own purposes just like everything else in nature. Forest fires may kill but they also clear forests of debris; some plants will only release seeds because of a intense heat from a forest fire. Tornados and hurricanes may aid in population control, as cruel as it sounds, we'd have problems of different kinds if the globe spiraled out of population control. People would then starve, and we'd have people dieing from starvation and thirst at alarming rates compared to now, instead of towns and cities being hit by disasters now and then. Control makes everything sound so nice, but it doesn't mean it's the best thing to do. Nature, unbiased, unprecedented, is often the best course of action. Everything nature does, it levels out in the end, we've tended to notice. Causing an unbalance to that nature by seizing control and doing what you think is right will cause problems somewhere else, even though it may be helping you where you are.


Likewise, complete anarchy is when Discord piled on unnatural chaos to the already natural chaos, and everything went out of whack. That certainly isn't the best choice either. Order and chaos needs to be balanced. Celestia's rule isn't perfect, and Discord's rule isn't perfect, both for different reasons ^^ Again, the point this topic is making.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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