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planning The Menaces on Ponyville's turf

Discorded Bluenote

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(I think this might be the first Roleplay I start.)

Two mysterious figures figures are circling above Ponyville, but no one notices, because everyone is usually doing business, lounging, you get the point. School was already started for the day, and most people are at work at this point. However, things are about to get crazy...

The Foal Free Press is working on todays issue, but the the press somehow stopped working! The presser and the Editor got into a fight, and the fight turned into a rumble, with almost all of the kids involved.

Cloudsdale has reported to Canterlot that they somehow cannot make rainbows anymore, they even had all the required materials!

(If you get the reference, them yay)

Rules of RP
  • No looking up. I know it sounds dumb, but really.
  • This hasn't occurred before now so you can't know what is causing it.
  • No Metagaming or Celestia - Modding.
  • "But it isn't in the rules!" Doesn't work here. I can update the rules at any time.

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