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Create a backstory for my OC

Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind

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I hope I'm putting this in the right place. I need a creative writer to make a great backround story for my OC. I want him to be a hero of some sort, extremely good with weather control, a bit of a mystery in his past (maybe something a little tragic, but not depressing), and very involved with Octavia. Here he is so you can get an idea of what your working with. Edit: This post disapeard off the front page real quick. Please I really ned help!


And here is his cutie mark.


Edited by Thunder Bolt

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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Okay quick questions,

How involved with Octavia? Next Question, How long has he been in the weather control services? Thanks!


Veryy,but not married...This is where I hit a road block for this part of the story and need help. As for the weather control, since he was young. I'd put his age at about his early 20s.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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Ok lets try something


From some county town (same as her), practice since young with clouds, maybe close friend with Octavia since young.


Get noticed for his talents and recruited for Cloudsdale academy of weather sciences he becomes one of the best weather controlers and assigned to his home town for a first job. There he is trained an old W.Control mare who he will one day replace, she is also octavia first fan and the one who encourage her to take music as a career.


Now cocky about his skills Octavia kind of dislikes him. One night the old Mare makes a mistake,(or some other thing like a monster or creature your choise) a thunder storm strikes, he does all he can to save the town but some damages are made and Octavia home is by a lighting.


The town looks for a responsible pony and knowing that maybe the old Mare will be severly punish for her mistake he takes the blame . He makes an oath with his menthor of never reveal the truth and run's away.


He finds Octavia again on Ponyville 2 years later where your story can begin.


Hope this help

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Good with weather? Unknown past??


Sounds like a rip off of my OC shade bluewind


This is shades backstory:



Shade Bluewind



A lost Pegasus


She doesn't know where she comes from, who her parents were, or what her name is. All she knows is that she was found in the sewers of manehatten as a young filly, but that still doesn't tell her much. Her coat was dark gray, and her hair was black and green, she went by the name Shade Bluewind.

She was a young filly in the thieves guild, along with other fillies and colts. The young ponys were trained to crawl into small windows and air vents to steal as much as they could without attracting attention. Shade was relatively good at this, she was never caught, and she could basically disappear into the shadows. The older thieves treated them all like family, except shade was a bit antisocial and she liked to do things her own way. As they got older, shade watched as her "brothers and sisters" got cutie marks with something to do this thievery, such as: stealth, speed, distraction, and light hooves. Shade was now 12 years old and was still a blank flank, but she was determined to get her cutie mark. Soon enough, she started getting caught and being put in jail. After some time she left the guild and adventured equestria to find out who she really is!

A year has passed and now shade is 13 years old, she was still a blank flank. She arrived at cloudsdale, she knew she would find something there. She didn't like being antisocial and wanted to make some friends, but she was too shy. She sees a yellow Pegasus who seemed shy as well. Shade popped her head out of the clouds and said "hi". The yellow Pegasus was startled to see a pony talk to her. Shade then said "um... Hi I'm.... I'm... Shade. what's yours?" The yellow Pegasus replied "oh... Hello... I'm... I'm flutershy" flutershy and shade became friends. A few days later, shade saw flutershy being picked on by some other ponys. As much as she wanted to help her out, she couldn't she didn't want to get involved. All of a sudden a blue rainbow Pegasus swoops in front of flutershy backing her up. Shade watched closely seeing as they got ready to race. Seeing this rainbow Pegasus race really got shade pumped, she sees how fast they were going, she was really liking what she was watching. Then the Sonic rainboom happened! Shade saw that rainboom and was inspired to start speed racing! She wanted to get into it right away! And that's what she did, she got on the racetrack and started going around it fast. Shade had never had a taste of speed, but she liked it! She flew up high and started diving, she was going fast, but then lost control. She was going at hi speed but had no control over it. She slammed into a thundercloud witch created a POWERFUL lightning strike... It stunned everypony that was there, nopony had seen such a powerful lightning strike. With all the attention shade was getting, she thought that maybe she was meant to create powerful lightning strikes like that all around equestria, and that's when her cutie mark appeared!

Years went by and shade was creating powerful storms around equestria! But she wasn't needed that much because she could only do powerful storms at cloudsdale around fall and winter. So shade moved to ponyville to rest and make some new friends, and that when she remembered flutershy. She hasn't seen flutershy since she had gotten her cutie mark. But shade didn't really want to think about it. She unpacks her stuff and moves into her new house in ponyville. And thus begins her new life!



Chapter 1

New friends


Shade went out and looked for something to do, once she was walking about she notices a pink pony looking at her strangely, then a huge gasp and runs away. Shade didn't know what to think about that so she just ignored it. Shade walked around getting to know ponyville and stopped by the spa. She has never had a spa treatment before, she couldn't believe that she is somepony that lived in a sewer and now she's going to the spa. She walks in, a white unicorn was getting ready to haver her treatment. "Why hello there darling, are you new in town?" Sayed the white unicorn. "Yes... And Iv never been to a spa before..." Shade replied. "What!!! You've never been to a spa before? You certainly have been missing out. Come on darling you my join me for your first time!" The white unicorn invited shade to join her for a a spa treatment. They went into the steam room and started to talk. The white unicorn started off " allow me to introduce myself, I am Rarity, I make all the fabulous dresses around ponyville! May I ask your name?" Shade replies " I'm shade, shade bluewind... I'm the Pegasus who makes the powerful storms around equestria... Mainly the thunder and lightning." "We'll then, that explains your frizzy mane, and your the reason why the rain runes my hair?" Ask rarity with a stern tone. " no... I... I... Some times I don't have control over the weather and it gets out of hoof sometimes... I'm sorry if I cause you trouble" shade answered starting to feel sad because of her power being destructive to other ponys. " oh no no no no no , I didn't mean it like that darling, The rain is what started umbrella fashion." Said rarity . They talked some more and finished up at the spa. Shade thanked Rarity for her first spa treatment and left to see what more she could do around ponyville. She was walking when she saw the clouds around ponyville being cleared up by some blue Pegasus. Shade looked closer and saw that the blue Pegasus was the one who did the sonic rainboom years back... So shade decided to pull something off. Shade quickly got a bunch of gray thunderclouds and filled the sky with them, the blue rainbowed Pegasus quickly went up to shade and said "hay!!! What the big idea? I just about finished clearing the sky's and you filled them up!" Shade replies " well I needed to get your attention somehow... And I guess it worked!" "Ok, your got my attention so what do you want?" Asked the rainbow Pegasus in an annoyed tone. "We'll your rainbow dash right? I wanted to have a race with you sometime" shade said. " a race? I don't think somepony like you can keep up with me, I can clear the Sky's of ponyville in 10 seconds flat" rainbow said cockily. " true, but can you do this?" Shade jumped up one cloud and all the clouds disappeared insanely. Rainbow was somewhat shocked to see all the clouds go at once " ok your on! But not right now, I have to help a friend out with something. See ya around!"

And with that, rainbow dash dashed away, shade felt kind of happy to have made some friends... It felt good.

Shade started to walk back to her home, she opens the door and... SURPRISE!!!!! Lots of ponys were in shades house with a lot of party decorations. The pink pony that looked at shade strangely earlier that day appeared out of nowhere and started talking really fast. "Hi there! I saw you earlier today and I knew that you were new! So since I become every ponys friend, I threw you a PARTY!!!" Said the pink pony really fast. "My name is pinky pie! What's yours?" Asked pinky pie. "I... I'm shade bluewind" said shade in a shocked state. "Shade... Well shade your my new friend! And I just made you a tone of friends with this party! So are YOU my friend?" Pinky said getting right in shades face. "Um... I guess" shade replayed giving an awkward smile. "Well then let's PARTY!!!" Pinky yelled as she turned up the music. Pinky was bouncing all over the place and dancing with all the ponys, shade was getting shy from having so many ponys in her house. She backed into the dark corner of her house, but then she bumped into another pony who was already there. "Oh, sorry... Didn't see you there" said shade, "oh no, I'm sorry... I should have moved" said the pony in the corner. Shade recognized that voice, "flutershy? Is that you?" Asked shade. " h how do you know me?" Asked flutershy. "We were friends back in cloudsdale... Remember?" Shade was hoping she would remember. Flutershy did remember and they had a good time at the party. Shade was happy to have moved to ponyville, she never felt the power of friendship before, and she then realized that friendship is magic! She went to bed and wondered what she would do tomorrow.




If ya want me to be yar wrighter... PM me...


Chances are il be busy with my script wrighting, but you never know...

Edited by villan97



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Good with weather? Unknown past??


Sounds like a rip off of my OC shade bluewind


This is shades backstory:



Shade Bluewind



A lost Pegasus


She doesn't know where she comes from, who her parents were, or what her name is. All she knows is that she was found in the sewers of manehatten as a young filly, but that still doesn't tell her much. Her coat was dark gray, and her hair was black and green, she went by the name Shade Bluewind.

She was a young filly in the thieves guild, along with other fillies and colts. The young ponys were trained to crawl into small windows and air vents to steal as much as they could without attracting attention. Shade was relatively good at this, she was never caught, and she could basically disappear into the shadows. The older thieves treated them all like family, except shade was a bit antisocial and she liked to do things her own way. As they got older, shade watched as her "brothers and sisters" got cutie marks with something to do this thievery, such as: stealth, speed, distraction, and light hooves. Shade was now 12 years old and was still a blank flank, but she was determined to get her cutie mark. Soon enough, she started getting caught and being put in jail. After some time she left the guild and adventured equestria to find out who she really is!

A year has passed and now shade is 13 years old, she was still a blank flank. She arrived at cloudsdale, she knew she would find something there. She didn't like being antisocial and wanted to make some friends, but she was too shy. She sees a yellow Pegasus who seemed shy as well. Shade popped her head out of the clouds and said "hi". The yellow Pegasus was startled to see a pony talk to her. Shade then said "um... Hi I'm.... I'm... Shade. what's yours?" The yellow Pegasus replied "oh... Hello... I'm... I'm flutershy" flutershy and shade became friends. A few days later, shade saw flutershy being picked on by some other ponys. As much as she wanted to help her out, she couldn't she didn't want to get involved. All of a sudden a blue rainbow Pegasus swoops in front of flutershy backing her up. Shade watched closely seeing as they got ready to race. Seeing this rainbow Pegasus race really got shade pumped, she sees how fast they were going, she was really liking what she was watching. Then the Sonic rainboom happened! Shade saw that rainboom and was inspired to start speed racing! She wanted to get into it right away! And that's what she did, she got on the racetrack and started going around it fast. Shade had never had a taste of speed, but she liked it! She flew up high and started diving, she was going fast, but then lost control. She was going at hi speed but had no control over it. She slammed into a thundercloud witch created a POWERFUL lightning strike... It stunned everypony that was there, nopony had seen such a powerful lightning strike. With all the attention shade was getting, she thought that maybe she was meant to create powerful lightning strikes like that all around equestria, and that's when her cutie mark appeared!

Years went by and shade was creating powerful storms around equestria! But she wasn't needed that much because she could only do powerful storms at cloudsdale around fall and winter. So shade moved to ponyville to rest and make some new friends, and that when she remembered flutershy. She hasn't seen flutershy since she had gotten her cutie mark. But shade didn't really want to think about it. She unpacks her stuff and moves into her new house in ponyville. And thus begins her new life!



Chapter 1

New friends


Shade went out and looked for something to do, once she was walking about she notices a pink pony looking at her strangely, then a huge gasp and runs away. Shade didn't know what to think about that so she just ignored it. Shade walked around getting to know ponyville and stopped by the spa. She has never had a spa treatment before, she couldn't believe that she is somepony that lived in a sewer and now she's going to the spa. She walks in, a white unicorn was getting ready to haver her treatment. "Why hello there darling, are you new in town?" Sayed the white unicorn. "Yes... And Iv never been to a spa before..." Shade replied. "What!!! You've never been to a spa before? You certainly have been missing out. Come on darling you my join me for your first time!" The white unicorn invited shade to join her for a a spa treatment. They went into the steam room and started to talk. The white unicorn started off " allow me to introduce myself, I am Rarity, I make all the fabulous dresses around ponyville! May I ask your name?" Shade replies " I'm shade, shade bluewind... I'm the Pegasus who makes the powerful storms around equestria... Mainly the thunder and lightning." "We'll then, that explains your frizzy mane, and your the reason why the rain runes my hair?" Ask rarity with a stern tone. " no... I... I... Some times I don't have control over the weather and it gets out of hoof sometimes... I'm sorry if I cause you trouble" shade answered starting to feel sad because of her power being destructive to other ponys. " oh no no no no no , I didn't mean it like that darling, The rain is what started umbrella fashion." Said rarity . They talked some more and finished up at the spa. Shade thanked Rarity for her first spa treatment and left to see what more she could do around ponyville. She was walking when she saw the clouds around ponyville being cleared up by some blue Pegasus. Shade looked closer and saw that the blue Pegasus was the one who did the sonic rainboom years back... So shade decided to pull something off. Shade quickly got a bunch of gray thunderclouds and filled the sky with them, the blue rainbowed Pegasus quickly went up to shade and said "hay!!! What the big idea? I just about finished clearing the sky's and you filled them up!" Shade replies " well I needed to get your attention somehow... And I guess it worked!" "Ok, your got my attention so what do you want?" Asked the rainbow Pegasus in an annoyed tone. "We'll your rainbow dash right? I wanted to have a race with you sometime" shade said. " a race? I don't think somepony like you can keep up with me, I can clear the Sky's of ponyville in 10 seconds flat" rainbow said cockily. " true, but can you do this?" Shade jumped up one cloud and all the clouds disappeared insanely. Rainbow was somewhat shocked to see all the clouds go at once " ok your on! But not right now, I have to help a friend out with something. See ya around!"

And with that, rainbow dash dashed away, shade felt kind of happy to have made some friends... It felt good.

Shade started to walk back to her home, she opens the door and... SURPRISE!!!!! Lots of ponys were in shades house with a lot of party decorations. The pink pony that looked at shade strangely earlier that day appeared out of nowhere and started talking really fast. "Hi there! I saw you earlier today and I knew that you were new! So since I become every ponys friend, I threw you a PARTY!!!" Said the pink pony really fast. "My name is pinky pie! What's yours?" Asked pinky pie. "I... I'm shade bluewind" said shade in a shocked state. "Shade... Well shade your my new friend! And I just made you a tone of friends with this party! So are YOU my friend?" Pinky said getting right in shades face. "Um... I guess" shade replayed giving an awkward smile. "Well then let's PARTY!!!" Pinky yelled as she turned up the music. Pinky was bouncing all over the place and dancing with all the ponys, shade was getting shy from having so many ponys in her house. She backed into the dark corner of her house, but then she bumped into another pony who was already there. "Oh, sorry... Didn't see you there" said shade, "oh no, I'm sorry... I should have moved" said the pony in the corner. Shade recognized that voice, "flutershy? Is that you?" Asked shade. " h how do you know me?" Asked flutershy. "We were friends back in cloudsdale... Remember?" Shade was hoping she would remember. Flutershy did remember and they had a good time at the party. Shade was happy to have moved to ponyville, she never felt the power of friendship before, and she then realized that friendship is magic! She went to bed and wondered what she would do tomorrow.




If ya want me to be yar wrighter... PM me...


Chances are il be busy with my script wrighting, but you never know...


I like your back story, but obviously I would like mine to be different. I really suk at coming up with anything good to add to the story witch is why need someone else to do it. If you have time that would be great.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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I like your back story, but obviously I would like mine to be different. I really suk at coming up with anything good to add to the story witch is why need someone else to do it. If you have time that would be great.



And I need a little more personality info if you want this to be good..


I have an idea storming around my head, I have a plot for your OC... How he and Octavia became friends... But I need a personality idea



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And I need a little more personality info if you want this to be good..


I have an idea storming around my head, I have a plot for your OC... How he and Octavia became friends... But I need a personality idea


Ok. I hate to use this as an example, but I'd say he's kind of a mix between Spiderman, because even in the face of danger he's light hearted cracking jokes while still keeping control of the situation, and Batman, he can be very serious when the situation calls for it. If this sounds dumb its because like I said, I suk at coming up with this stuff. Thanks again for your help B)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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