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open The Wrath of the Changeling Queen

Discorded Bluenote

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You were one of the few people who were sent an invite to help with the Summer Sun Celebration this year, which was set to be in Ponyville. When you get there, Twilight Sparkle greets you and assigns you the following orders:


"All Pegasi are to help clear the skies around Ponyville except Bluenote, Tenor and Metallic, who will be helping Fluttershy with the music.


Hawk is to help the Apple Family & Pinkie pie with the food selection.


Purple is to help Rarity with the decorations.


Star Keeper is assigned to Twilight, helping her oversee the preparations.


Got it? Good. Lets get going already!"





Character - Flying Ace - Flying Ace -


Character - Tenor - Ben4blood -


Character - Ashwing - rolle -


Character - Yavolin - Prince_Morningstar


Character - Hawk - Hawk -


Character - Purplepower - Purplepower -


Character - Star Keeper - The-Master -


Character - Bluenote - Lightning Dancer


Character - Metalic Strings. - Devious Detonation -


Character - Draco O'mally - dragon4111 -


Character - Meta Knight - Chaos Breaker (True Form) -

Edited by Lightning Dancer
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Yavolin was doing his duty clearing the sky for summer sun celebration making sure everything will be ruing smoothly. He was thinking to himself."I wonder what today will hold besides the summer sun celebration maybe if i finish early and do a good job maybe I'll get to go home early". Yavolin smiled at the though but he knew he won't finish early it's going to take him all day to clear the sky's for the celebration.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Well, that's a relief. Not sure I'd really be good at clearing the skies. Guess I should find Rarity. She flew off. I guess she would be at that shop I heard she run. Oh, what was it, Carousel Boutique maybe? She started towards the boutique. This place looks pretty cool. She thought as she walked in. "Hello? I'm here to help with decorations." Huh. I wonder where she is. The sign said it was open.



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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Well, that's a relief. Not sure I'd really be good at clearing the skies. Guess I should find Rarity. She flew off. I guess she would be at that shop I heard she run. Oh, what was it, Carousel Boutique maybe? She started towards the boutique. This place looks pretty cool. She thought as she walked in. "Hello? I'm here to help with decorations." Huh. I wonder where she is. The sign said it was open.


A peice of parchment is taped to one of the windows saying: At the plaza looking for supplies. Rarity


Yavolin was doing his duty clearing the sky for summer sun celebration making sure everything will be ruing smoothly. He was thinking to himself."I wonder what today will hold besides the summer sun celebration maybe if i finish early and do a good job maybe I'll get to go home early". Yavolin smiled at the though but he knew he won't finish early it's going to take him all day to clear the sky's for the celebration.



Apparently, the clouds are somehow regenerating, so that is probably why. However, Rainbow dash is not present, so that may be another reason the clounds keep coming back.

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Yavolin saw the clouds regenerate at first he couldn't believe it."OK, clouds lets rock". Yavolin went faster though the clouds trying to clear them also making sure they never regenerate, he was pretty proud of himself for some pony with a bad wing he still did his job without complaining.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Purplepower looked over and saw a note taped to thee window. Oh. Duh. Well, to the plaza it is! She flew towards the plaza. She started walking around, trying to find Rarity, which would be a challenge, since she didn't know what she looked like. Just then, she bumped into another pony. She looked up. It was a white unicorn, with a purple mane. "Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. I was trying to find a pony named Rarity. I don't suppose you've seen her?"



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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Yavolin saw the clouds regenerate at first he couldn't believe it."OK, clouds lets rock". Yavolin went faster though the clouds trying to clear them also making sure they never regenerate, he was pretty proud of himself for some pony with a bad wing he still did his job without complaining.


Something rainbowish flies past you, hitting 15 clouds in a row. However, they all regenerate. "Ugh, the clouds have been like this for days now. This is getting horribly annoying, and its hurtful to my reputation too.", Rainbow dash says. "C'mon, maybe we can remove some clouds, enough to clear some of the sky.", She adds, zipping off.


Purplepower looked over and saw a note taped to thee window. Oh. Duh. Well, to the plaza it is! She flew towards the plaza. She started walking around, trying to find Rarity, which would be a challenge, since she didn't know what she looked like. Just then, she bumped into another pony. She looked up. It was a white unicorn, with a purple mane. "Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. I was trying to find a pony named Rarity. I don't suppose you've seen her?"


"Um, you've found her, I guess.", Rarity says, concerned. "Well, we should head back, since I'm finished here.", She adds, trotting back to the Boutique.

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Yavolin tries to clear the sky with rainbow dash seeing how she is the fasted in all of Equestria. Yavolin go's over the clouds that Rainbow Dash hits hoping that this time they won't come back he also picks up the paste a tad in his flying but not just enough to hurt his bad wing.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Purplepower was surprised. "I'm Purplepower. I volunteered to help with decorations for the Summer Sun Celebration." She trotted next to her. "Sorry again about bumping into you. That kinda thing always happens to me. I'm not sure why, but I've always been clumsy."



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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Flying Ace was getting annoyed, the clouds kept comming back no matter how much he got rid of them. "Ok what the hay?! Clouds don't come back this fast!" Flying Ace was getting tired he didn't even get past the first cloud "ok somethings up maybe Twilight can tell me what is going on...or if theirs a book that can tell me whats going on."

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Yavolin tries to clear the sky with rainbow dash seeing how she is the fasted in all of Equestria. Yavolin go's over the clouds that Rainbow Dash hits hoping that this time they won't come back he also picks up the paste a tad in his flying but not just enough to hurt his bad wing.


Flying Ace was getting annoyed, the clouds kept comming back no matter how much he got rid of them. "Ok what the hay?! Clouds don't come back this fast!" Flying Ace was getting tired he didn't even get past the first cloud "ok somethings up maybe Twilight can tell me what is going on...or if theirs a book that can tell me whats going on."


"Twi said she had to go to Canterlot for some reason." , Says Rainbow Dash. "It'll take forever for me to get there, so that rules finding Twi out."

Purplepower was surprised. "I'm Purplepower. I volunteered to help with decorations for the Summer Sun Celebration." She trotted next to her. "Sorry again about bumping into you. That kinda thing always happens to me. I'm not sure why, but I've always been clumsy."


"Hello then Purple. I was hoping we could do something flashy, showing how Celestia controls the sun. Thats why I have different shades of yellow with me." , Rarity says.

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"That sounds like an awesome idea. Are we going to do any opalescent materials,or just yellow?" She said, hoping that she didn't sound clueless. "I was just thinking that some opalescent ribbon or something might add a nice touch."She pulled a sample of opalescent fabric out of her saddle bag.



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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Yavolin had an idea."Hy maybe you can keep the sky under control while i go get twilight , sounds like a plan? Yavolin wanted to see if Rainbow dash will with his plan after all he didn't want to be clearing clouds all day and the summer sun celebration called for clear skies.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Twi said she had to go to Canterlot for some reason." , Says Rainbow Dash. "It'll take forever for me to get there, so that rules finding Twi out."

"hmmm, then what can we do? We can't keep this up...well I can't keep this up" Flying Ace said laying on a cloud. "last time i checked clouds don't return five secounds after we destroy them. I could still go to Twilight's libary and see if theres a book that can tell us about this."

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Yavolin had an idea."Hey maybe you can keep the sky under control while I go get twilight , sounds like a plan? Yavolin wanted to see if Rainbow dash will with go with his plan, after all he didn't want to be clearing clouds all day and the summer sun celebration called for clear skies.


"hmmm, then what can we do? We can't keep this up...well I can't keep this up" Flying Ace said laying on a cloud. "last time i checked clouds don't return five secounds after we destroy them. I could still go to Twilight's libary and see if theres a book that can tell us about this."


"I dunno, maybe we could go to Twi's library. She has lots of resources.", Rainbow says. "Flying, go ahead. Try not to be very long though. Kay?", She adds.


"That sounds like an awesome idea. Are we going to do any opalescent materials,or just yellow?" She said, hoping that she didn't sound clueless. "I was just thinking that some opalescent ribbon or something might add a nice touch."She pulled a sample of opalescent fabric out of her saddle bag.


"Why, that would go perfectly with it! She says. A voice for another room says: "Mom! Scootaloo broke your vase again!" I'm coming honey!" she replies, adding, "Wait here."


(Continued in next post)

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(OOC: Isn't Sweetie Bell Rarity's sister? O_O :huh: ) Purplepower did what she was told. She stood there, for a bit and started shuffling. Alright, this is a bit awkward. What should I do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Don't touch anything, don't say anything, nothing. Just stand here like she told you to, and you won't mess up. She told herself.



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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(Post two)


When Rarity enters the room, she pulls out a trotty-talky.


"Are you there?", Says a voice.


"Yes Queen.", She replies.


"Are all of them there?"


"Yes, all of them."


"Those pegasi, they are having troble with the clouds, arn't you the cause?"




"Leave them be."


"Yes ma'am."


"Have it ready."




She hung up and walked out.


"Ugh, children. Lets start, shall we?"

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As Rainbowdash and the others were clearing the sky Ashwing has been clearing some in the other direction to them noticing they were regenerating faster than they should ¨Man i hope we can clear this sky or we wont have a sun on the Sun Celebration¨ Just as he finished he got an idea ¨Wait maybe twilight¨ he said passing through a cloud ¨uhmm i think i can break em now, I guess¨ he was very confused with this.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Yavolin looks at his bad wing it's slightly hurting him so he went off to get twilight and see if she knows anything about this but he as to hurry it's only a matter of time before his bad wing really starts hurt him. but if it comes to that he'll have to toughen it out.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Alright! What do you want me to do?" She asked, looking at the supplies that Rarity had in her work room. Odd. She doesn't look old enough to have children. Darn it brain! Why do you think of stupid things like that?! She was irritated at herself. I've got to focus, or we'll never get this done! She thought to herself.



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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"Hey I have an idea that might work for theses clouds"Draco said to his fellow pegasi. Draco's ideas weren't always well thought outsometimes as he was just brash and these clouds were starting to annoying him greatly. He also had deliveries to make.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"I dunno, maybe we could go to Twi's library. She has lots of resources.", Rainbow says. "Flying, go ahead. Try not to be very long though. Kay?", She adds.

"don't worry the thousands of books in there will not distact me!" Flying ace took off flying towards Twilights 'gee i hope Yavolin can handle flying to Canterlot' Ace thought soon he could see the top of the tree Twilight lived in. Once on the ground Ace went over to the door and knocked, "hello? Spike? Star Keeper? anyone in there? I kinda need help."
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As Rainbow dash and the others were clearing the sky Ashwing has been clearing some in the other direction to them noticing they were regenerating faster than they should ¨Man i hope we can clear this sky or we wont have a sun on the Sun Celebration¨ Just as he finished he got an idea ¨Wait maybe twilight¨ he said passing through a cloud ¨uhmm i think i can break em now, I guess¨ he was very confused with this.


Yavolin looks at his bad wing it's slightly hurting him so he went off to get twilight and see if she knows anything about this but he as to hurry it's only a matter of time before his bad wing really starts hurt him. but if it comes to that he'll have to toughen it out.


"Hey, they stopped regenerating!", Rainbow dash says. "C'mon, lets blow this popsicle stand!", She adds.


"Alright! What do you want me to do?" She asked, looking at the supplies that Rarity had in her work room. Odd. She doesn't look old enough to have children. Darn it brain! Why do you think of stupid things like that?! She was irritated at herself. I've got to focus, or we'll never get this done! She thought to herself.


"We should start decorating now, I already have a plan in mind.", She says. "We were supposed to converge near the Everfree forest this year, so, I moved some trees and decorated some. We should head there.", She added, walking out of the door.


(Soo much we XD)

Edited by Lightning Dancer
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Draco pulled out his pocket watch from his saddlebags"AW CRIPES I'M LATE"Draco yelled he he started to fly quickly towards Canterlot. He had to deliver a high powered telescope to Princess Luna. Draco whenever he was in a panick like this would usually get hurt because of his speed. While he was not as fast as Rainbowdash he was still quick.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Star Keeper paced around the library, hoping that in the process some brilliant idea would present itself. Things hadn't been going smoothly for anypony, especially when Twilight delegated the role of organizer to him.


Clouds have been reappearing after disappearing, crops had stopped growing almost as if somepony had hit the pause button. Things were getting out of hoof. While the Pegasi had been occupied with the regenerative clouds, very little progress had been made with the other groups. Rarity seemed to be taking forever to get any decorations sorted, and with the crops refusing to grow, he doubted that there would be anything to show on the night. They had another cart supply of food coming in from Canterlot tomorrow but would it be enough?


With so much happening at once, he began to wonder if he could even keep his sanity by the end. What the hell was Twilight doing in Canterlot that was so god damn important that meant she had to abandon the preparations? Star Keeper kicked a bookshelf, which barley moved from the amount of force applied. Lowering his head, he sighed in defeat.


From the door he heard a knock, and very clearly his name was said. Taking to his wings, he flew down stairs and answered the door. He was disappointed to see only Ace standing expectantly in the doorway, though he kept this to himself.


"Ace, what can I do for you? I'm very busy at this moment." He tried not to sound too arrogant, but old habits die hard.

Edited by The-Master


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