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open Storm Chasers RP

Octavia's Cellozoid

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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/38905-storm-chasers-ooc/#entry917722

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Cloud Puff gathered the gear she would need this season. Water, clothing, wallet, snacks, non-perishable food, camping stove... Next she would need to check on the tornadoe intercept vehicle she had her cousin design for her, and make sure it would last all season with minimal repairs and changes. Cloud scrawled out two quick letters, identical.


" (pony name here),


Ae you guys ready to start chasing? Head over to my place when you are, and if you aren't, could you reply with how long it'll be till you are? Be quick, the season's about to start!


You're fellow chaser,

Cloud Puff "


Cloud quickly stuffed them in envelopes and flew the notes to each pony's house, and slipped them under the front door. They were sure to be spotted. Satisfied with today's progress so far, Cloud Puff flew home and continued preparing for the upcoming season.

Edited by Octavia's Cellozoid
  • Brohoof 2

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Rag was rushing home excitedly. Earlier that day, she had bumped into Cloud Puff, an old friend of hers, who claimed she was preparing for a great adventure! Adventure was the only word Rag needed to hear. She hadn't actually given Cloud Puff much time to explain what it was she and her companions would be doing before Rag sped away to fetch her brother.


"Tag is such a lazy pony," Rag thought to herself. "I bet he's just lying around doing nothing right now!"


The thought was laughable. As far as Rag knew, Tag could never sit still, never at all.






Tag was dreaming. He was a majestic pegasus, soaring among the clouds, king of the open air. He flew in loops among fantastic columns of puffy white clouds. Laughing, he siezed a large hoofful of fluffy cloud, and drew a giant version of himself in the sky. He flew back toward the ground, and admired his artwork. After gazing at it intently, Tag decided his drawing was lacking, and, grabbing more clouds, proceeded to draw another pony. Just as he was putting the final touches on his work, he smiled.




The world of Tag's dream abruptly ended as his laughing sister tackled him. "You were actually sleeping! In the middle of the day! I didn't know that was possible!" Slightly irritated to have his sleeping fantasy interrupted so, Tag asked, "So, what's so important that you'd wake me like this?"

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 1

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Dr Tinkerspark, busily writing letters to gather the other chasers for a briefing on current tornado predictions and the routes to take, saw a quick swishing movement by his door, and looking over, saw a letter sliding to a stop.


Is it really to much effort to use the letter flap?

Underneath said letter flap, mounted on the door, was a device with a net for catching letters, an arrangement of springs cogs and variable resistors for a force sensor, a mess of intricately enchanted, carefully programmed silicon calculation crystals and wires, some rechargeable batteries, and an electromagnet bell.


He needed to make sure all letters were read before he left for pursuit of severe weather season, so he put the ones' he was writing down and read the recently arrived one.


"Are you guys ready to start chasing?" the letter read, Ready? Ready? I was ready yesterday of course! Cheeky filly!

He read the rest, She has some initiative though, maybe she'll grow to be as remarkable as me, well, almost.


He binned the letter and envelope, as well as the parchment he'd now wasted, and headed out to the SAMPHAMLAD.


It was, in some respects, similar to an RV, but it had no wheel arches or wheels, instead it sat on a pair of wide, plate like structures used to hover on the lands' magnetic field.


It also happened to have solar panels, a radio antennae, a lightning rod, and a weather station on top, and a parabolic dish on a large extension of the back, supported by its' own, smaller hover-plate.


He drove it to Cloud-Puffs' home, turning many heads, then got out and knocked on her door.

  • Brohoof 1

OCs : Brushglide, Dr Tinkerspark

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"Let me get this straight. We're going to Cloud Puff's, but you don't even know why?"


Tag was still a little grumpy from the rude awakening he had received earlier, but Rag didn't care. She was too excited to care.


"Exactly! Now, hurry up, lazyhooves! If you were going any slower, we wouldn't make it to Cloud Puff's until next Tuesday!"


Tag sighed, and sped up a little. "Now, did Cloud Puff say----" He was cut off by a whirring sound, which he hadn't noticed before. The whirring was unthinkably loud! Both Tag and his sister looked around, and dove to the ground. A gigantic machine, covered in all sorts of gadgets and doodads, was hurtling towards them! As he hit the ground, Tag felt his mane fly about as something brushed across it at high speeds. He looked up at the curious machine. It wasn't even touching the ground! Tag looked at Rag, just as she looked at him, wearing an flabbergasted expression identical to his own, jaw dropped and eyes large.


"W-what the hay was that?" she asked.


"I don't know," he responded, "But it looked like it was going the same place we are."


They hurried even faster now to their destination.

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 1

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Cloud Puff........not a name Red had heard in a while. He had met her at a one of his concerts once, but he didn't recall her saying anything about chasing anypony.......he was quite confused. He barely knew her, but he decided to give this a shot. He looked at the return address on the envelope, packed his things, and set out to Puff's place.

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Cloud sat on her couch, excitedly waiting for the others to show up. She couldn't wait for the season to start, she was so extremely happy she would actually have a team this year, instead of her and her siblings putting their lives in danger, not knowing even how strong the winds were. She remembered when she was fifteen, she broke her wing when a tornado flew right past her, while she had been watching a larger one about one block away. She heard the loud hum of the SAMPHAMLAD coming down the street.

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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After knocking the Dr waited a while, but there didn't seem to be any response, the ride there hadn't gone as well as expected, he would have to re-check his calculations on reversing acceleration...


Still, at least he'd managed to avoid running some pony over by quicly diverting power from the posterior plate to the anterior one and then vice versa, the effect had been a bit like jumping a fence.


He looked at the iron door knocker again, a little frustrated, he gave it another quick knock and listened carefully for its' pitch...

Closing his eyes and concentrating, he magicked the swinging part into vibrating, first at low frequency, then higher until it could just be heard as a dark baritone, then higher until until it matched the pitch of the testing knock.


Thus he matched the natural frequency of the door knocker, causing a rather interesting phenomenon called resonance.


This meant the striking plate started to hum along with striker, and in turn vibrated the whole door in its' hinges, the sound was similar to thunder or a pneumatic drll or a sawblade, and very loud, almost deafening where he stood, if you looked carefully at the hinges of the knocker you could just about see the friction make it slightly glow.

  • Brohoof 1

OCs : Brushglide, Dr Tinkerspark

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Cloud thought she heard a knock. She just brushed it off, thinking she was just imagining things. Then she heard another, louder this time. She got up and practically flew to the door, expecting one of her fellow chasers to finally be there. "TINKERSPARK!!! Thank Celestia you're here. I've been waiting and waiting.... Do you want to come in?" Coud looked down the street to see if anypony else was coming along.

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"Certainly dear!" He trotted in, "Have you checked with the weather team where the next tornado will be started? what route it will take to the rain-cloud factory?"


He briefly wondered if anyone else was more punctual than him, How silly of me, I'm a pony of preparation, decisiveness, action! of course I'm here first!


Cloud Puffs' goofy and youthful excited state was somewhat infectious, he felt his hair fluff up a little more and slightly stick to the wall


He was used to that though, strange ponies had strange phenomena.

  • Brohoof 1

OCs : Brushglide, Dr Tinkerspark

Awesome Avatar by Party_Cannon

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The Twins had been climbing up the steep street for quite some time when they finally spotted Cloud Puff's house at the top.


"Of course she has to live all the way at the top," Rag was complaining. Tag wasn't really surprised. After all, where could Cloud Puff possibly live to be closer to her beloved storms than on top of the tallest hill in the area, besides inside the storm itself?


Even after the steep climb, and contrary to their complaints, both ponies still had a spring in their trot, too enthusiastic about their adventures to come to allow themselves to be tired.


Upon drawing closer to the house, they spied that strange machine that had almost turned them into pancakes earlier. They gave the device a wide berth, skirting around it. Arriving at the door before his sister, Tag barely had time to knock upon it before Rag bowled past him, knocking the door aside on her way inside. Tag sighed. Rag can be so inconsiderate sometimes, he thought to himself as he followed her into Cloud Puff's house.

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 1

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" I've spotted one near Trottingham. I think we should leave by 3, that way we can be there by 4:30. It should drop a tornado around 4:45 or 5 pm. It'll be a little dark, but we can handle it. We have to get everyone here by noon, otherwise we'll miss our chance." Coud said quickly as the twins burst in. "Hello! Are you two ready for chasing today? Do you have everything you'll need?"

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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Tag starts to say "I actually still don't know wha---" "Of course we're ready! When do we leave?" Rag interrupts. "And what was that thing outside? It nearly took our heads off on our way here!"

Tag rolls his eyes. "Sorry about her. She's ready for us to have left already." Looking at Tinkerspark, he says, "Ah, here's somepony new. I don't believe we've met; I'm Tag, and my sister's Rag."

  • Brohoof 1

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Observing the arrivers carefully, the Dr was sure he'd seen them before...


"And I am the ingenious, prolific, Dr Tinkerspark, but you can call me Dr, researcher and inventor of the wonderful, ahem, thing, outside, known as..."


Nearly took our heads off on our way here!


He stopped, embarrassed, his mane visibly de-fluffed a little, and he reeled back a step.




"I'm very sorry about running over you, the reverse acceleration modules were somewhat less effective than I calculated, but I assure you I shall be perfectly capable of compensating for the difference now that I have learned of it."

  • Brohoof 1

OCs : Brushglide, Dr Tinkerspark

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The Twins peered at the Doctor interestedly after this confession.


"So that was yours... Don't worry about it, Doc." Rag said with a smile.

"Things like this happen. We aren't too upset. After all, our heads are still attached to the rest of us," added Tag.


"How exactly does it work, Tink? We've never seen anything without wings hover like that." "And we've seen plenty of strange things all over Equestria."

Edited by Descant
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Always happy to have something to explain, the Doc perked up again


"Well, Equestrias' magnetic field makes compasses point north and keeps away harmful charged particles from the sun, and by cooling certain materials enough, one can make them superconductive to expel the field from their centres, so that it forces them up and away from the molten iron alloys deep below the earth.


So you see it isn't like flying with wings at all, it's a bit more like surfing really, I suppose it gives whoever stirs the mantle alloys a little extra work to do, but she doesn't seem to mind."

  • Brohoof 1

OCs : Brushglide, Dr Tinkerspark

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N saw the others leave. "Wait for me! I'm part of the mission, too!" he said, as he ran to the others. "Whare is our first mission? Where? How far? How wide? What is the fujita ratung?" N said as he caught up with the others. Although he may be small, he is a very strong and fast flier.

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"We're going over to Trottingham, I think," Tag says to N. "Some of us could probably get there faster than the SAMPHAMLAD could take us, but we don't need to arrive with much haste; the tornado doesn't start for another hour and a half."

"And I have no idea how good the fajitas will be. I didn't even know there were going to be any!" says Rag, to many rolling eyes.

  • Brohoof 1

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Red finally found Cloud Puff's place, he was late. He trotted up, hoping that she was still home, and knocked on the door. "Puff? It's Red, I wanted to ask you about this whole 'chasing thing?" He waited patiently for somepony to answer the door, or his question.

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  On 2012-11-21 at 9:32 PM, 'Octavia's Cellozoid' said:



The Dr heard someone at the door, come to ask about the chasing.


He looked over to it, the handle and his horn started glowing white, with the occasional spark popping of with a clicK.


"May I ?" he asked Cloud Puff.


She might want to go over and see him before he comes in.

  • Brohoof 1

OCs : Brushglide, Dr Tinkerspark

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"Yeah. B t I'm gonna come with. I don't think he really remembers me..." Cloud Puff answered Tinkerspark. " Rag, Tag, N, there will be NO fajitas, you meant the Fujita scale. And it should be an EF3, about two blocks wide. It IS in Trottingham, and as soon as everyone is ready to go, we will leave. The storm is escalating faster than expected, we need to leave within the hour!" It was 2:45, and they had to be leaving Ponyville BY 3, or they would miss their first chase of the season...


Cloud followed Tinkerspark to the door, ready to see the last pony she invited, Red, waiting to get chasing.

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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The Doc Opened the door and looked at the colt outside.


Young adult, tall and skinny unicorn like thee Doc himself, but red with an orange mane and tail, and green eyes.


"Well good morning young gentle colt ! Are you coming to chase a tornado?"


As he stepped to the side to let Cloud Puff see past him, he noticed a distinctly bare flank, and tilted his head a little, staring in disbelief.


What could he be capable of?


"Have you ever chased a storm before?"

  • Brohoof 1

OCs : Brushglide, Dr Tinkerspark

Awesome Avatar by Party_Cannon

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"Hey, Red! Do come inside!" Cloud called. She had forgotten that he didn't have his cutiemark yet, but that didn't matter. Anypony was allowed to chase with her and her team, no matter how large the team already was. Sure, it is hard keeping track of everypony in a big storm when you have a large team... But there was only two things Cloud really wanted to get from this experience- Collect weather data and footage, and to get as many ponies as she could the feeling of being right next to a tornado.

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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Red trotted in happy to see Cloud Puff again, his happiness turned into shyness as soon as he noticed the other ponies in the room. His smile faded in to an emotionless expression as he went and sat down on the couch. He hoped that Puff would soon expllain to him what she had planned for the couple weeks she had called him here for.

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" Red, these are Rag, Tag, Dr. Tinkerspark, and N. Guys, this is Red." Cloud Puff said to everypony in the room. She then went and sat next to Red. "You probably don't know why you're here. So, I was wondering if you were interested in Storm Chasing with us- storm chasing is basically following and collecting video footage and data on large storms, mainly tornados. Every pegasus will get out with those video cameras-" she nodded towards the corner where a few cameras lay," once we are close, they will then fly closer and get the best footage they can while staying safe. On the way there, I can have two ponies with me in my tornado interception vehicle, and the rest will go with Tinkerspark in his SAMPHAMLAD 6000. Everypony in SAMPHAMLAD will help collect data. Very rarely I will ask somepony to go put a video pod in the path of the storm- to collect further footage. We will communicate with walkie talkies." Cloud explained to Red. She hoped he understood a least half of what she had just said.

Edited by Octavia's Cellozoid

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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The Dr went over to the door, opened it, and looked at the colt outside, young adult, lanky like him.


"Hello young gentlecolt! have you come to chase a tornado?"


As the Doc stepped aside for Cloudpuff, he noticed the distinct bareness of the red colts' flank, and tilting his head for a better look, staring in disbelief, wondered why he hadn't discovered his talents yet, and what they could be.


He supposed something very wrong had gone with this young colts' life, to be blank flanked at such an age.

  • Brohoof 1

OCs : Brushglide, Dr Tinkerspark

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