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private (No longer cancelled)Stranded! Rp

Sunbro 4 Lyfe

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Bright spark woke up to the calm sound of the oceanic waves. At first, he was a little confused, and was not remembering what happened that night too well. But then he remembered the crash on the H.M.M Aqua Dash, and that made him wide awake. he got to his feet, and brushed the sand from his mane. He looked, trying to see if there was anypoony else alive. It appeard he had landed on a beach, the sun was nearly in the center of the sky and the tide was low. along the beach lay 6 other ponies. Bright spark wasnt yet sure who theese ponies were, but nontheless, helped them out of the tide. He then remembered he had his saddle bags on, and opened them up. Inside was an A4 notebook, and a set off colured pencils, which he could use to pass the time.

"good thing i paid extra for water-tight saddle bags" he mumbled under his own breath, as he pulled out one of the pencils, and began to draw.

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Sugar Rush's body was curled up in the sand, she flicked her ear in response to the noise of the waves, and curled into a small white ball, with only the strokes of her mane visible, a small wave came crashing down at the shore, and she awoke as soon as the water gently touched the tips of her hooves, she drowsily opened her eyes "What the hay" she asked herself, her vision still blurry, as she set her hooves on the sandy shore. She looked around "uh, where am I?" she asked yawning and rubbing the back of her head. "Ow" she said putting her hoof aside, "Must of hit my head real hard, can't even remember what happened" she said standing correctly, she stretched her wings, which ached sorely on her back. She took a glance at her surroundings, almost all of the ponies were still knocked out, she spotted another one, already awake. "Umm, Hey! You!" she shouted flying towards the pony "Any idea what happened here?" she asked in a somewhat worried tone.




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Rook was at a fancy bar, drinking his tea and trying to talk to some of the mares. After all, it's not often when he gets opportunities to get out like this.


He started a conversation with one of the musicians after she put down her cello for the intermission. Nothing much, just a friendly chat.


What was it about? I can't even remember


The whole thing happened in a blur. The ship had lurched, throwing some of the on the floor. Rook looked out the window onto the deck. It was difficult to see what was going on: the rain and wind were impossible to see through. Another wave rocked the ship.


A crew member came out and started to speak to the panic stricken crowd. He said something about remaining calm, that the ship was fine, and the storm would soon pass. In the mean time, he advised that everypony get to their cabin. Suddenly, another wave hit the ship.



That's pretty much all Rook could remember when he came to. His face was covered with sand, and the waves were licking at his back hoofs. He attempted to do deep breath, but coughed up some water instead.


"Well that was pleasant...." he sarcastically said to nopony. He pushed himself up and found that he wasn't wearing his nice suit, but rather a windbreaker. Maybe he took it from the ship's store in the mad rush?


Searching though it's pockets, all he found was his magnifying glass.


This should be interesting....


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Bright spark heard the other pony call towards him, and instinctivly turned towards her. he decided that bieng alone was a little boring, and in the current situation, talking couldn't harm no-pony

"Hey glad to see your awake" he said just as she approached " the names Bright spark". upon hearing what she had asked, his ears flopped, and he said in a bit of a worried tone " no sorry, i don't know anything that happed, well other than the ship sinking. storm i think it was. Other than that nothing." he then went back to his drawing. "Oh! Wait a minute, whats your name anyway?" Spark asked.

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Sky awoke with a face full of sand and ears full of sea water. "That's the last time I try a beat a Russian in a drinking game." Sky laughed. The laughing stopped as soon as he realized what had happened. "Crab-apples." He cursed as he looked round and saw two ponies. "Hey." He shouted as he ran up to them.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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This is one bad bucking hangover...


Far Fetched let out a low groan. Last thing he could remember was Trixie telling him that she was heading to bed, and that he was going to get alcohol poisoning. Always a cheerful one, she was. Although, he had to admit she might've been right about his drinking this time around. His head was pounding and he felt like he had a mouthful of sand. Even his bed felt highly scratchy and uncomfortable. He'd have to speak to somepony about that.


It took a moment for Fetched's muddled mind to process the information fed to him by his senses. The fact that the pounding was not just in his head reached him first and caused the first stirring of a decidedly not-fun feeling. Then Fetched realized that his bed had much too much give and felt much too much like sand. Fetched let out another groan. He did not want to deal with something like this right now. What he needed was water, lots and lots of water, and a nice, comfy bed where he could sleep without being troubled by the fact that he was most definitely on a beach somewhere.


Resigned to the fact that that wasn't going to happen, Fetched opened his eyes and surveyed the scene in front of him. What he surveyed was mostly sand, since he was muzzle-down in it. Fetched clambered to his feet, quickly bringing a hoof to his head as it the pain pulsed again, and made much more potent by his movement. With a sigh, he turned to gaze out over the beach, brushing his light blue mane out of his dark green eyes. The first thing that caught Fetched's gaze was a small, brown box only a couple feet from him.


"Please let that be what I think it is," Fetched muttered, moving towards the box. He brushed the sand off and gazed down at the water stained surface. It only took a moment for Fetched to see what he wanted to. Two letters carved into the lower right hand corner of the box: FF. Fetched grinned down at his box of paintbrushes. They'd cost a few bits and were his pride and joy. He grabbed the box with his mouth, before focusing once more on the rest of the beach. He caught sight of a few other ponies moving around and started trotting towards them. Hopefully Trixie would be there somewhere. He was beginning to worry about the sarcastic Unicorn.


((OOC: I shall post for Trixie soon!))

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Rook could have sworn he hear something.... yeah, that was somepony talking.


Rook got on all fours and walked toward the talking. Survivors? Well, it's better than going it alone.


After a he walked a bit in the sand, Rook saw a couple of ponies. Talking in the distance.


"HEY!" He yelled from afar.



(OOC, I think those ponies are Sky, Bright Spark, and Sugar Rush)


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spark noticed the blue pony running towards them, and decided to meet him halfway. eventually he stopped to a halt. infront of him was yet another pony he didnt recognise. and decided to introduce himself.

"hi there," spark said. " the names Bright spark. do you remember anything that might've happened last night?" he asked. He was now on the verge of asking and demmanding. This whole idea of no-pony knowing anything about this crash made hime stressed, though he did'nt show it.


((ooc: this is toward sky.))

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Trixie Treats decided that she hated boats. And Fetched for making her go on one of those things. Sailing over stormy seas in easily capsized wooden tubs? That was not her idea of a vacation. As usual, however, Fetched had over ridden her distaste and told her about how much fun it would be, especially when they got to their destination. She was going to give him an earful for this one.


I should've expected something like this. I was perfectly fine staying at home for my birthday, but nooo! We had to go and spend a ton of money to crash, Trixie commented to herself. It was too bad that Fetched hadn't woken up near her so she couldn't snark aloud to the colt. Trixie gazed around at the beach, brushing a few locks of straight pastel purple mane out of her face. Of course, she didn't even have something to tie it back with. After all, Trixie had been in bed when this had all started and she hadn't taken the time to get ready before dashing out of her cabin. As much as the crew member tried to reassure everypony, Trixie wasn't one to trust easily. She had, in fact, been on her way to find Fetched in the bar. That Tarturas-cursed stallion just couldn't go a night without getting drunk and hitting on somepony. Trixie was pretty sure he'd tried to hook up with everypony on the thrice-damned boat already. Stallion or mare, it didn't matter to him.


With a sigh, Trixie pushed thoughts of her best friend away. She would find and scold Fetched later. If he's still alive. Glaring at the sand, Trixie pondered the possibility that he might not have survived and then dismissed it. She'd never been able to rid herself of him before, and she doubted something as trivial as being stranded somewhere would put him off. Trixie looked up at the horizon. She supposed it would be best to start heading for the other survivors she could see. As much as Trixie disliked actively becoming part of a group, this situation didn't fit in with her careful avoidance of socializing. Besides, there wouldn't be much of that. They just had to survive until another boat came to rescue them. That wouldn't entail much small talk. Trixie started down the beach, aiming for the closest pony, which happened to be one in a windbreaker.


"Hey!" Trixie called to the other pony, not bothering to inject any politeness into her tone. She was tired, thirsty, and sore. It had been a thoroughly bad day, and Trixie wasn't very nice on a good day. Her light lemon yellow coat was no longer well groomed and she had sand in her dark violet eyes. As far as Trixie was concerned, manners could go buck themselves. "Got any water?" Trixie inquired of the stallion as she drew nearer.

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"My name?" she asked before collecting her thoughts back again "Uh, Sugar Rush, and what about the ship sinking?" she asked worried "I can't remember anything at all" she said tapping her head with her hoof. "So any idea were we are?" she asked as other ponies approached.




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" sugar rush eh? well nice name" Spark replied to the pegasus pony, as the others started to wake up. He decided to wait for them, so he could get their names. He counted them as they showed. only one pony was still sleeping, but spark thought that there was no point to wake him. upon the thre ponies arrival he decided to introduce himself. "hey. my names Bright spark," he said "and this here is sugar rush."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Rook looked behind him and saw a yellow mare approaching him.


"Uh, no. Sorry. And you are?" Rook figured he needed to make friends on this island. Their lives depended on it. He extended his hood in greeting, "I'm Rook."


Ok, so maybe that's not the BEST idea for a greeting on an deserted island, but what else can I say?


The ponies from the distance has also come.


Let the awkward greeting begin

Edited by AnonyPoni


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Trixie trotted right up to the other pony before stopping. She cast her critical gaze over his green mane, blue body, and vaguely intriguing cutie mark. Given the occasional ambiguous nature of them, the chess piece could mean anything. Or it could be rather straightforward, such as hers was. However, at the moment it did not matter. The stallion was speaking and letting her know that he did not have water. Trixie's expression went from grumpy to slightly grumpier. Of course, the only one who knew her well enough to catch on subtle changes like that and subsequently cheer her up wasn't here. That thought made her even grumpier and the dry state of her mouth wasn't helping.


"Great. I'm gonna kill him..." Trixie muttered the last part to herself, before shaking her head slightly. This movement caused more hair to fall into her face and Trixie brushed them back impatiently before returning her gaze to the stallion. He was still speaking, this time introducing himself and holding out a hoof. Trixie stared at it for a moment, debating whether it was worth it to let out a bit of her irritation on him or not. Deciding that she couldn't be too unfair to the stranger, Trixie grasped Rook's hoof.


"Trixie Treats. I'd say nice to meet you, but it isn't," Trixie responded bluntly. The fact that she wasn't too thrilled with meeting Rook right now was partly her aversion to ponies, and partly the fact that they were now stranded on an island together.

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(@Dark Lord)


"Well I remember...Getting drunk...With a Russian." Sky replied. "And uhh yea that is all I really remember. My name is Sky by the way" Sky was a bit ashamed that, that was all he could remember. Sky then saw a bottle sticking out of the sand he pulled it out. "Vodka" was printed in red writing on the label. "Well, at least if it all goes to crab-apples, I can still have a final drink." Sky laughed.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Fetched saw a group of three ponies quite close. Two stallions and a mare, all speaking with each other. Still carrying his precious box of paintbrushes in his mouth, Fetched veered towards the group. He looked appraisingly on them as he neared. He towered above all three, though he was used to that. Fetched had been tall ever since he hit his growth spurt as a colt. He didn't mind. In fact, Fetched found that quite a few ponies liked tallness in a stallion. His height hasn't hurt his game at all and that was all he really cared about. Well, that was all he pretended to care about, anyway.


Fetched finally reached the group and bent his head to lay the box on the sand before speaking. "Hello, I am Far Fetched. Do any of you happen to know what happened? I, uh, had a few drinks," Far Fetched admitted with a slightly sheepish grin. He gazed hopefully at the other three, though he did not miss any chance to take a discreet look at a few flanks. If he had to wake up on a mysterious beach, there were a lot uglier ponies he could've encountered afterwards. Though for all Fetched knew, he'd already encountered these ponies. When he was drunk he tended to get even more flirty then usual, and that meant hitting on anything that came within a few feet of him.


Then Fetched saw the bottle of alcohol sticking out of the sand. "Well, looks like we can get this party started," Fetched commented. He winked at the other three, a sly grin working across his muzzle.

Edited by With A Bang
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"Ok then..." Rook didn't think that he was going to get far with Trixie, so he turned to the other ponies. He was about to introduce himself again, but figured that it wouldn't go over well. "Uh..... I take it we were all on that ship?"


Awkward silence. Go figure.


"Alright, we should look for things we could use here. I have a feeling we're going to be here for a while"


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Spark decided that if he was going was going to die, it was not going to be because of booze, he looked at far fetched and simply said " well its nice to meet you but if your drinking that" hes said and pointed to the bottle, " then im not joining in". he examined the small group of ponies, then looked over sky's shoulder toward the one pony still asleep. "think we should wake him up?" he asked, as he pointed to the last pony visable on the beach.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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(OOC Is that Hatman?)


"Er, I guess so." Rook walked over to the pony and nudged him with his hoof. No response "Hey guys, anypony here a doctor?" Rook had a limited medical knowledge, but he wasn't sure if this pony was ok or not. "Er.... dude, wake up?" Rook felt the pony's pulse. It was faint, but there....


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"i dont know anything about medicine, i say we get the water out of his lungs and bring him higher above tide" spark goes over to the colt, and starts to press heavily against his chest. eventually, it starts to take effect. as water came from his throat, and he started to breathe.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Far Fetched turned away from the bottle, about to speak when he caught sight of a frowning, lemon yellow pony trotting towards the group. Immediately his already big grin grew even broader at the sight of his best friend. Just then, Trixie looked up and met his gaze. Though she was still frowning, Fetched saw the relief in her eyes. Forgetting to respond to the other ponies, Fetched headed towards the unicorn. He picked up pace until he was only a pace away.


"About time. I told you this trip was a bad idea," Trixie snorted dismissively, not betraying any of the concern she felt. Fetched chuckled, the joy at seeing Trixie alive and well assuaging any worries or tension he might've had. Fetched wasn't really one to worry a lot, and Trixie had been his only source of concern. Now that she was back with him, he was fine.


"Good to see you too, Trix! We've got vodka, if you want a bit of a drink to loosen you up," Fetched responded. He sling a foreleg around Trixie's shoulders and led her towards the group. Trixie rolled her eyes, doing her best not to smile. Fetched was always quite ridiculous. Of course he'd managed to find a way to get drunk.


"Can't you be serious? Ever?" Trixie muttered to him as they neared the other ponies. She looked at the group for a moment, but didn't bother to speak. Introducing herself to Rook hadn't gone over well, and she left it to Fetched to talk to the others. He was much better at socializing and making friends then she was, anyway.


"So," Fetched began, ignoring Trixie's comment, "What're we doing? I'm Far Fetched, for those who didn't hear me first time around. This is Trixie Treats. Be warned, she's got a sharp tongue!" Fetched introduced himself once more, much too lighthearted for the seriousness of the situation at hand. He glanced at the two ponies bent over a third, but he couldn't do much to help. They seemed to be doing fine on their own, besides. His greeting encompassed them and he'd gladly welcome them back to the conversation when they were done with the unconscious ponies.

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The pony coughed up some water and took a deep breath.


"Phew, I nearly thought we lost you there" Rook said. He then looked up and Bright Spark. "We should get a fire going to warm him up and calm everypony down. From there, we can figure what we're going to do."


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after bringing the unconsous pony to dry land, spark came up with the idea to leave him there, before turning to the new mare. he saw the look on her face, but introduced himself anyway.

" hey," spark says to the lemon coloured pony, " Im bright Spark. whats your name?"

before hearing the ponys name, spark decided that helping with a campfir ewould be good. "good idea. Im going to get the wood. you can get some stones and make a circle".



(occ: hatman is now in the rp, hes the unconsious pony.)

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Sugar Rush kicked her hoof on the ground as she walked along the shore "All of my stuff was in that ship" she said with an annoyed sigh, "Eh, I'm fine though, really gon-" she stopped to see something white poking out of the sand, with one hoof she pushed it to see it move. She nearly jumped but continued to dig with her hoof until a small head appeared "Hey, how did you make it out of the ship?" she asked smiling as the small mouse ran towards her. She walked back to the group "Fire? We need to find shelter, night'll be approaching soon, who knows what we might encounter at night"




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(OOC Wooo?)


"Hey, guys, can you help Bright get some sticks or something for the fire?" Rook said. He pulled out his magnifying glass and focused the suns rays on a palm leaf next to him for a proof of concept. The leaf started to smoke, so Rook knew a fire was in their reach.


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"Hello, Bright Spark! This is Trixie. Don't be fooled by her glaring, she's actually quite the softie," Fetched introduced his friend for her, making sure to wink at the other stallion. Trixie sighed and rolled her eyes.


"I can talk for myself," Trixie said to Fetched rather pointedly. The earth pony simply shrugged and smiled down at the other two.


"Just glad to see you weren't horribly drowned, but if you're so insistent then I shall go help with the fire!" Fetched responded breezily. He released Trixie and turned to trot down the beach, looking for sticks. Trixie just shrugged slightly before turning to other stallion. He was helping gather sticks too, so she decided to join in and started levitating a few above her.

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