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Fluttershy had felt a slight impact on her back left leg just above her knee. There was no real pain from the impact but there was a red liquid running down her leg. The round had left no wound but the liquid now covered the area of the impact.


"Allright it's time for the unicorns to jump called out Twilight." and with that She jumped out activating her chute. On her way down she started to think what spell would be best for the shield.

Edited by irobern2857
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Rarity followed twilight jumping out and activating her chute...


"At least I have a chute this time" rarity said remembering the time she went to cloudsdale...


Shade was wating on the ground looking at flutershy, youl never learn to fly... Will you" she said looking up at twilight and rarity who were comeing down with their chutes.



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Fluttershy was almost brought to tears. Not because of the fall, or her wound. But simply because she was embarresed. if she had just remembered her flight training, that she missed most of because of all the woodland critters. And to have been helped again just made her feel caught out from the group.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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After their rather unceremonious tumble on tho the ground, Rainbow picked herself up and shook the dirt from her mane. That was too close for comfort. She trotted over to Fluttershy's side, she was clearly injured and needed immediate care so it could be properly examined. "Do you need me to carry you or can you leg it?" Dash put a foreleg over the timid mare to comfort her, but it was clear it wasn't working very well.


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Fluttershy got to her hooves, the back one hut when she tried to walk on it, so instead she leaned on rainbow dash "I'll be fine, really." But she wasn't, and now she thought about it, her wound didnt help her feeling. She had to be more assertive. she had to be more like New fluttershy and less like old fluttershy.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Shade was still looking at rarity and twilight who were still on there way down...

Then over heiring flutershy say she's going to be fine...


"* sigh... Flutershy... Your not going to be ok..."

Shade turned and faced rainbowdash and flutershy...


"Rainbow dash... Get her to the medic tent once were finished here"


Even tho shade has an ego... And a though badassery... She still cairied for a friend...

*but I don't think that will last any longer*



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Twilight landed and set up a sheild to protect the DZ for the earth ponies to drop into. they should becoming any second. she heard the talk from below and rushed over to see if Fluttershy was alright. she inspected the wound and then put a hoof to it. she then smelled the liquid on her hoof and declared "Fluttershy there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, you are fine."

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Fine Beat spotted the purple sheild that had encased the DZ. He put his head back into the basket and checked his parachute.


"Guess that's our que." He muttered. He turned to AppleJack, who hadn't spoken for nearly the entire trip up. He whistled to get her attention.


"Sir, you ready to drop?" Shouted Fine Beat.

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Rarity landed with twilight...


"Twilight dear... I don't know a sheald spell, how am I supost to do it?"

Said rarity


Shade glared at the two unicorns that just landed...

"What took you so long to get down here? And what do you mean flutershy is going to be fine? Isn't she bleeding?... What ever... What's taking the earth ponies so long?"

Shade said with an uncaring tone



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AppleJack nodded at Fine Beat, gritting her teeth as she struggled with the parachute.


"I'll be right behind ya' Beat. Just have to git... this... buckin'... piece a'... "


Fine Beat trotted over, pulled the chute off, reversed the straps, and secured it on the orange mare. AppleJack looked at him incredulously, then coughed out of embarrassment.


"Er, right. Thanks partner." She muttered. AppleJack, wasting no time, leaped off the basket yelling GERONIMO! Fine Beat sighed and followed close behind.


While AppleJack hit the ground unscathed, Fine Beat had been continuosly grazed by stray mock shells and probably would've been Swiss cheese if this was truly a combat situation. Fortunately, he landed without a problem.

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Pinkie saw AJ and Fine Beat jump out. She was, to say the least, thrilled; ever since Dash jumped the pony had been dying to join the fun.


Pinkie Pie exploded into a giant smile. "Gerrrrrrrrrrranimo!" In a single, glorious leap, the pink pony hurdled herself to the Earth, giggling uncontrollably.


She left her parachute behind.


Pinkie Pie hit the ground hard, forming a small crater. Jumping out of the hole, she grinned at those around her. "Can we do that again?"

Edited by Fizzydog-AKA-DuceGiharm


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Shade watched as the earth ponies were comeing down... Then watched as pinky pie was falling down... Then smashed into the ground... She looked at pinky as she poped out of the ground...



"I... Um.... *sigh*.... I guess that's pinky pie..."


And raritys reaction... Was identicle to shades...

"Pinky dear, are you alright?



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Fine Beat simply stared with eyes as big as saucers at the pink party pony who was emerging out of a crater that she caused from her fall, giggling as if she was tickled.


Every nerve in his brain screamed at him with every reason why this pony should've been splattered across the ground, how it was impossible for her to not have a single scratch on her as she smiled brightly as ever. It doesn't follow any form of reality, physics, or-


Fine Beat just punched himself in the stomach to suppress those thoughts from emerging any further. He just continued to stare at the bouncing, pink pony as AJ chuckled from behind him. She removed her parachute and trotted towards the stunned stallion.


"Don't worry 'bout 'er Beat. I 'reckon this won't be the only time 'ya see Pinkie being well... Pinkie." Whispered AJ as she continued to laugh.

Edited by MrBeatnikSoul
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