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private Spring Into Spring (Romance RP)


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Descant looked up, from where he sat composing the musical number for the Spring Celebration. There seemed to be a group of ponies gathering right nearby. He lowered his head, and tried to maintain his focus on his music, still scratching away at the paper, every now and then tooting into his tuba.

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Minath saw Twilight walk by Sugarcube Corner and with Minath's sitting angle, saw Rose hiding behind her. Minath got up from where she was listening and walked to where Twilight and Rose were growing vines.

"Hey mares, need some help?" Minath asked Twilight and Rose.


Rose jumped in shock her magic going out of control sprouting a full grown tree right underneath her hooves sending her into the air and branches. Rose Marry's head hung down from inside the branches, the rest of her tangled in the mess of the tree she had just created. "Oh hi there Minath, sure we could always use an extra hoof. If you want Rose is going to be needing some help getting some of banisters hung, I would help but there are other things I need to check on." Twilight smiled as she headed off towards the Apple Farm. "Hi Minath it's good to see you again." Rose tried to pull herself free but soon realized that the tree she sprouted had twisting branches that held her in place. Using her magic she retracted the branches and fell out of the tree "Ow so Minath how have you been?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath accepted the cupcake and followed Nicksa to his camp, then back to Ponyville to hear Nicksa play. It was wonderful, better then she could do on the violin (and that's saying something, cause she was pretty good). She put 2 bits in his hat and listened to him play.

After Nicksa had played his set a pony came up and laied down two coins in his hat, "Thank you maddam" he greeted the other pony.


Later that day Nicksa walked around Ponyville when he saw a pony stuck in some branches just when he was about to ask "Do you need help?" the pony fell down from the branches.


Nicksa then just went back walking to his camp so he could hit the hay after the long day.

Edited by Sanick20
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"Oh hi there Minath, sure we could always use an extra hoof. If you want Rose is going to be needing some help getting some of banisters hung, I would help but there are other things I need to check on." Twilight smiled as she headed off towards the Apple Farm. "Hi Minath it's good to see you again." Rose tried to pull herself free but soon realized that the tree she sprouted had twisting branches that held her in place. Using her magic she retracted the branches and fell out of the tree "Ow so Minath how have you been?"


"I've been doing good, but I could be doing better. This stallion Nicksa is here and I just can't gather up the courage to talk to him, but on the brightside my old friend Thunder Cleaver is in town. Do you know him?" Minath replied to Rose, grabbing banisters with her magic while talking.

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Minath saw Twilight walk by Sugarcube Corner and with Minath's sitting angle, saw Rose hiding behind her. Minath got up from where she was listening and walked to where Twilight and Rose were growing vines


Thunder saw his friend Minath get up and go walk to Rose and Twilight. CRAP! Hopefully Minath would help him with the pretty mare, and not ruin his chances. Minath certainly would help him if he had told her about his crush on Rose, but he didn't. Thunder watched as Rose and Minath talked

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"I've been doing good, but I could be doing better. This stallion Nicksa is here and I just can't gather up the courage to talk to him, but on the brightside my old friend Thunder Cleaver is in town. Do you know him?" Minath replied to Rose, grabbing banisters with her magic while talking.


Rose used her magic to shrink the tree back into the ground before using her magic to help Minath raise the banister as they hung it in place. Rose suddenly blushed and looked away "Um...yeah I did meet him he's pretty cute but I'm to nervous to talk to him as well so I know what you're going through Minath." Rose made a vine run along the banister with her magic and different color flowers popping up on the vine. "I don't know what we should do I mean I gave Thunder some of my flowers but then hid away quickly. Hey wait a minute why don't we pair up with them and work on making floats for the parade. It would force us to be around them more and get to know them better?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"I don't know what we should do I mean I gave Thunder some of my flowers but then hid away quickly. Hey wait a minute why don't we pair up with them and work on making floats for the parade. It would force us to be around them more and get to know them better?"


"That sounds perfect!" Minath said to Rose with glee. "I've known Thunder for years now, and I could help you with him. I'll talk to him and see if he wants to team up with us. I'll have him ask Nicksa if he wants to join up with us too! It will be perfect!" Minath couldn't wait. She'll help herself with Nicksa, help Rose with Thunder, and make Thunder finally have a special somepony!

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Thunder, still watching Rose and Minath talk, noticed Minath's face light up. Why does it have to be so frustrating not hearing them?! Then, Thunder got an idea. He flew silently above where Rose and Minath were talking, then hid in a tree. He was surely in earshot now!

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Nicksa woke up from his nap and ate the last of the stew he made earlier. He then walked back in to the village and saw the flower pony and the... when Nicksa thought of the other pony a mysterious feeling flew through his body. He began feeling nervious.. Usually when he is nervous playing on his harmonica helps so Nicksa took out his instrument and started playing while he slowly walked away

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Rose felt her heart jump with excitement and her eyes light up which was odd since she never got so excited about things let alone the prospect of finding her special somepony. "That sounds like a great idea and plus one of us would end up winning the parade contest. My only question is where do we start?" She looked over hearing the pony playing his harmonica realizing that the pony playing music must be Nicksa and could see the two of them as a cute couple and making beautiful music for all of Equestria.  Rose helped hang a few more banisters with Minath before checking the time. "Oh hayseeds I can't believe it's that late already...I gotta go I promised AJ I'd deliver a bouque of flowers to her special somepony." Rose started trotting off whispering in Minath's ear before she left to check the tree giving a slight giggle before running off.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath saw Nicksa walk by where  she and Rose was working, and Minath stopped her work, a pit forming in her stomach. Was he going to talk to her? Better yet, was he going to ask her to be his special somepony? 'Don't get ahead of yourself Minath,' she thought to herself. 'He doesn't even know your name.' Minath saw Thunder land in a tree from the corner of her eye, then went back to work

Rose started trotting off whispering in Minath's ear before she left to check the tree giving a slight giggle before running off.


Minath giggled aslso, then after seeing Rose was all the way gone, yelled down to Thunder "Come on down, she's gone! But you already knew that, didn't you?'"  Thunder and his ways. it's amazing they became friends, considering they're practically complete opposites!

Edited by Minath Watcher
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"Come on down, she's gone! But you already knew that, didn't you?'"


Thunder, still holding onto the branch, dropped himslf down so that way he was hanging upside down. "Why, hello Minath. Such a surprise." Thunder said, putting on his cockiest smile. "I had no idea you and Rose where here! What a coincidence!" Thunder said, feigning innocence.

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Thunder, still holding onto the branch, dropped himslf down so that way he was hanging upside down. "Why, hello Minath. Such a surprise." Thunder said, putting on his cockiest smile. "I had no idea you and Rose where here! What a coincidence!" Thunder said, feigning innocence.


"So," Minath said chuckling, "You really like this mare, huh? Enough to stalk her?" Thunder's smile was enough answer. "So me and Rose were planning on teaming up, and we decided to let you join us for our parade float. Also, if you so choose to accept, we could use somepony to invite Nicksa to our float planning party, cause, ahem..." Minath trailed off, her face turning as scarlet as her grey coat would allow.

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Rose continued running through the streets of Ponyville until she turned the corner not noticing that there was another pony on the other side. She bumped into the other pony knocking both of them down "Oh ow...I....I...I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." Rose apologized looking up to see a light blue pony with a black and yellow mane on the ground.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Rose continued running through the streets of Ponyville until she turned the corner not noticing that there was another pony on the other side. She bumped into the other pony knocking both of them down "Oh ow...I....I...I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." Rose apologized looking up to see a light blue pony with a black and yellow mane on the ground.

Nicksa had calmed down a little from beeing nervious and was walking round in the village looking at the houses and the ponies living in them. When Nicksa walked around the corner he suddenly fell down to the ground, a little dizzy he looked aound and saw the flower shop pony... "Oh ow...I....I...I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." the mare pony said


"Are you okay, You're not hurt?" Nicksa asked a little shaken.

Edited by Sanick20
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Rose rubbed the top of her head with her hoof before standing back up "Um...n...no I'm fine just a little bump on the head." Rose muttered to herself. She extended a hoof to help the other pony up "I'm really sorry about that I...I guess I should watch where I'm running." Rose looked the pony over for a momment and realized that this must've been the pony that Minath was interrested in. She wanted to say something but wasn't sure what to do all she could think of was using her magic to pull a flyer for the float contest out and gave it to Nicksa before running off again.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"So," Minath said chuckling, "You really like this mare, huh? Enough to stalk her?" Thunder's smile was enough answer. "So me and Rose were planning on teaming up, and we decided to let you join us for our parade float. Also, if you so choose to accept, we could use somepony to invite Nicksa to our float planning party, cause, ahem..." Minath trailed off, her face turning as scarlet as her grey coat would allow.


"I would love to join your little parade pity party but..." The surprise of rejection on Minath's face was really funny. "I'm just kidding. I'll join you're little hookrah. You like this stallion, huh?" Minath pawed at the ground, clearly embarrased. That surely was a yes.

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(@@Descant, )


Guin walked into Sugarcube Corner. There were some rumors circulating around about some interesting characters from different places in Ponyville, and most of the people sightings had been here. She saw a stallion with a purple coat, much like her own. His mane had hints of maroon in it, and it was red also. Their styles in apperance were actually quite similar. She walked up to the pony, only to be blasted by a distracted toot of his tuba.


"Oh, um, hi. I'm Guin." She said queitly

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@@Guinevere Griffon,


Descant's ears twiched, and he looked up, pushing the purple tips ends of his mane out of his eyes. The pretty periwinkle pony, who introduced herself as Guin, looked a little disoriented. He realised he had just blasted a tuba in her ears. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wouldn't have blasted on it so loudly if I'd seen you there." He laughed, his emerald eyes meeting her sapphire ones momentarily before glancing away. "I'm Descant." He sat the tuba on the ground, freeing up the second chair on the table, allowing her a place to sit. 

Edited by Descant

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"I would love to join your little parade pity party but..." The surprise of rejection on Minath's face was really funny. "I'm just kidding. I'll join you're little hookrah. You like this stallion, huh?" Minath pawed at the ground, clearly embarrased. That surely was a yes.


"So, you'll ask him, right? Of course you will. Because it's what you do when I'm overly embarrased and stuff. You'll be all like 'Hey Nicksa, you'll do this because I'm so cool. I'm brothers with 'Soaring so I'm the coolest ever'" Minath did a terrible empression of a stallion voice and tried to mimic Thunder smaart-alek smile, with little success. "I've got to go now Thunder, but I'll see you tommara, okay?" Minath said, before running off. She was actually just planning on flying up and following Nicksa for alittle bit.  He'll never notice a small alicorn trailing him. Minath zoomed off, rivaling Thunder with her speed.She felt like she was floating. And in a way, of course, she was.

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"It's okay. Normally it's so quiet here in Ponyville, but I grew up around the sounds of drills and such." Guin meant to ask Descant about the interesting characters that were supposedly here in Ponyville, but she forgot once she started talking to him. "You're name is derived from a melody accompanying  a simple music piece, right. Did you know the first tuba was invented in Medieval times and was made out of wood and leather? I found one of the original ones while traveling ehrn I was younger." Guin knew she was rambling, drawing on past information to make conversation.

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"It's okay. Normally it's so quiet here in Ponyville, but I grew up around the sounds of drills and such." Guin meant to ask Descant about the interesting characters that were supposedly here in Ponyville, but she forgot once she started talking to him. "You're name is derived from a melody accompanying  a simple music piece, right. Did you know the first tuba was invented in Medieval times and was made out of wood and leather? I found one of the original ones while traveling ehrn I was younger." Guin knew she was rambling, drawing on past information to make conversation.

Descant simply looked rather amused at her ramblings. "Yeah, I know what my name means. I only picked it for myself. And yeah, I know about the origins of the tuba. I only studied music at Canterlot University for four years." He knew there was no way she could have known that, but his point remained valid. He didn't need a lesson in music history. 

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Descant simply looked rather amused at her ramblings. "Yeah, I know what my name means. I only picked it for myself. And yeah, I know about the origins of the tuba. I only studied music at Canterlot University for four years." He knew there was no way she could have known that, but his point remained valid. He didn't need a lesson in music history.



"Oh, you're totally right. Heh, I've a tendency to ramble." Guin's face turned scarlet, of course he already knew all this. She had gotten carried away with her history with someone who already knew. At least they might be able to hold an intellegent conversation about the history of music. "I have some sketched of ancient brass instument I hope you can help me understand though. I know all about griffons and how their society and how it's progressed through the ages, but give me a music instument and I'm clueless. Do you think you could help? You don't have to if you don't want to." Guin's magic glowed around the edge of her saddlebag, turning the cyan fabric a dark blue color.

Edited by Guinevere Griffon
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"Oh, you're totally right. Heh, I've a tendency to ramble." Guin's face turned scarlet, of course he already knew all this. She had gotten carried away with her history with someone who already knew. At least they might be able to hold an intellegent conversation about the history of music. "I have some sketched of ancient brass instument I hope you can help me understand though. I know all about griffons and how their society and how it's progressed through the ages, but give me a music instument and I'm clueless. Do you think you could help? You don't have to if you don't want to." Guin's magic glowed around the edge of her saddlebag, turning the cyan fabric a dark blue color.

Descant nodded, his curiosity aroused. "I'd probably recognise any brass instrument you had to show me. In fact, I probably own a modern version of whatever it is." 


Around his quill, a maroon aura appeared, matching the one on Descant's horn, and the quill lifted itself into the air, and scribbled a few musical notes onto the paper Descant held in front of him, which also was glowing with the maroon aura. The quill sat itself back on the table after a few moments, and the maroon glow vanished. Evidently, a brief spurt of inspiration had suddenly struck. 

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Descant nodded, his curiosity aroused. "I'd probably recognise any brass instrument you had to show me. In fact, I probably own a modern version of whatever it is." Around his quill, a maroon aura appeared, matching the one on Descant's horn, and the quill lifted itself into the air, and scribbled a few musical notes onto the paper Descant held in front of him, which also was glowing with the maroon aura. The quill sat itself back on the table after a few moments, and the maroon glow vanished. Evidently, a brief spurt of inspiration had suddenly struck


Guin, unphazed by the random writing, pulled out her sketchpad and showed multiple photo-realistic, color-sketches of various shaped brass intruments to the brass savvy pony. With his help, she may be able to answer some questions of recreation of ancient griffons. On the side in her elegant handwriting was notes on the size of the instuments. Guin, now partially distracted from carefully watched Descants reations to the instuments, remembered that the Parade was coming up, and she needed to fill out her forn to enter. Maybe her theme could be ancient instuments! She had some of them in her cottage on the outskirts of town...

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