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private Spring Into Spring (Romance RP)


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Guin, unphazed by the random writing, pulled out her sketchpad and showed multiple photo-realistic, color-sketches of various shaped brass intruments to the brass savvy pony. With his help, she may be able to answer some questions of recreation of ancient griffons. On the side in her elegant handwriting was notes on the size of the instuments. Guin, now partially distracted from carefully watched Descants reations to the instuments, remembered that the Parade was coming up, and she needed to fill out her forn to enter. Maybe her theme could be ancient instuments! She had some of them in her cottage on the outskirts of town...


Descant recognised most of the instruments that Guin showed him. The last one picture was a sort of curvy horn made of wood. "That's called a serpent. It's actually a brass instrument, even though it's historically made of wood, and has holes in it for you to cover, like a penny whistle. I've never played one, though I've always wanted to. It's fascinating." He scribbled again on his parchment, and, finished for the moment, tucked it away in his saddlebag. "Did you draw those yourself? Those were really good depictions of the instruments."

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Descant recognised most of the instruments that Guin showed him. The last one picture was a sort of curvy horn made of wood. "That's called a serpent. It's actually a brass instrument, even though it's historically made of wood, and has holes in it for you to cover, like a penny whistle. I've never played one, though I've always wanted to. It's fascinating." He scribbled again on his parchment, and, finished for the moment, tucked it away in his saddlebag. "Did you draw those yourself? Those were really good depictions of the instruments."


"Huh? Oh, yeah. Part of my early training was how to properly record and depict the findings. I didn't exactly have a normal schooling, considering I didn't, most of the time, know the native language. But it was always fun growing up. So, what was your life like growing up?" Guin was generally curious. Growing up all aroung the world, and even beyond the Everfree forest and past the borders of Equestria, always made her wonder what was 'normal'.

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"Huh? Oh, yeah. Part of my early training was how to properly record and depict the findings. I didn't exactly have a normal schooling, considering I didn't, most of the time, know the native language. But it was always fun growing up. So, what was your life like growing up?" Guin was generally curious. Growing up all aroung the world, and even beyond the Everfree forest and past the borders of Equestria, always made her wonder what was 'normal'.

Descant was about to ask what she meant by 'not knowing the native language most of the time' when she interrupted him, with her own question. He hesitated. He didn't like to recall his childhood memories if he could help it. 


"Well... I grew up in Baltimare... I would just roam free around the streets of the city with my friends... We would do some pretty stupid things sometimes," Descant said, chuckling. "One time, we broke Old Man Lemon Drop's window while playing ball, my brothers and I. He chased us halfway around the city..." He sighed, trying to wrench his mind back into present day. He hadn't been Descant back then.

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Guin read the distress on Descants face before it quickly fled, left by a dreamy expression


"Well... I grew up in Baltimare... I would just roam free around the streets of the city with my friends... We would do some pretty stupid things sometimes," Descant said, chuckling. "One time, we broke Old Man Lemon Drop's window while playing ball, my brothers and I. He chased us halfway around the city..." He sighed


Guin laughed, amazed by the humor regular kids could have. The closed thing she ever had to that experience is when she and a couple Saddle Arabian kids had accedentally knoked down a neighbor's door. They, of course, gotten caught.

"You grew up in Baltimare? Do you still live there?"

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Rose ran further into town she hated the fact that she was so shy around everypony that she met it was her biggest weakness. It wasn't long until she made her way to sugarcube corner and walked in sitting down at a table with a sigh. She ordered a chocolate milkshake and in no time it was placed on her table. "I wish I wasn't so shy around everypony." She said to herself as she started drinking her milkshake. Rose looked over and saw a pair of ponies sitting at a table talking one purple and the other periwinkle. She hid behind her glass a bit and gave a shy wave in there direction.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Guin laughed, amazed by the humor regular kids could have. The closed thing she ever had to that experience is when she and a couple Saddle Arabian kids had accedentally knoked down a neighbor's door. They, of course, gotten caught.

"You grew up in Baltimare? Do you still live there?"

Descant shook his head. "Nope. I may have spent half my life in Baltimare, but it was never home." He hoped she had caught on to the fact that he did NOT want to talk about this. "I actually live down that way," Descant said, pointing down the main road, towards the Everfree Forest. "I'm just before the gigantic garden." 


He wasn't sure that telling this complete stranger where he lived was a good idea at the moment, but it was certainly preferable to talking about Baltimare.


He spotted a shy-looking mare sitting at a nearby table, waving at them. Glad to have an excuse to change the subject, Descant waved back, his lavender coat catching the light.

Edited by Descant

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Rose rubbed the top of her head with her hoof before standing back up "Um...n...no I'm fine just a little bump on the head." Rose muttered to herself. She extended a hoof to help the other pony up "I'm really sorry about that I...I guess I should watch where I'm running." Rose looked the pony over for a momment and realized that this must've been the pony that Minath was interrested in. She wanted to say something but wasn't sure what to do all she could think of was using her magic to pull a flyer for the float contest out and gave it to Nicksa before running off again.



Nicksa shook his head to clear his mind better when he heard the Flower Pony answer Um...n...no I'm fine just a little bump on the head."Um...n...no I'm fine just a little bump on the head." "I'm really sorry about that I...I guess I should watch where I'm running." while she extended the her hoof to help Nicksa up.



"Thanks" he said when the mare helped him up he stod "i'm glad to hear no injuries, Oh no it was as much  my fault to i was daydreaming not looking out so much  " he answred the mare.


When they was standing Nicksa saw that the pony was thinking about something "Somethings on your mind?" he asked, quickly a poster of a float contest hit his mule and when he looked back from it the mare was gone.


"whats this a float contest?, well it wouldn't hurt to see the parade" he thought to himself as he walked back to his camp

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He wasn't sure that telling this complete stranger where he lived was a good idea at the moment, but it was certainly preferable to talking about Baltimare. He spotted a shy-looking mare sitting at a nearby table, waving at them. Glad to have an excuse to change the subject, Descant waved back, his lavender coat catching the light.


Guin, picking up on the hint to drop it, did. Then she saw a mare waving in Descant and Guin's general direction, and saw Descant waving back, and saw the light shimmer off Descant's lavender coat. Guin smiled and nodded her greeting to the pony, and motioned with her hooves for her to join them,  asking Descant with her eyes to see if it was ok

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At the camp Nicksa was thinking more about the Float Competition and the parade , "Hmm maybe i should regiser for it and compete myself, yes i do that should be a lot of fun"  Nicksa thought to himself... He then starded to chop down some woods in the forrest and starded building his floor for the float ride, he hammerd and screwed piceses together but he suddenly rememberd he has to have a theme for the parade and he hasn't got what the theme was. He laied down the small tools he got and put the bag with food in his tent, then he rushed urgently back to the village so he could ask the planner what the theme for parade was.



In the village Nicksa saw a blue coated Pegasus with mint green & white mane.


"Excuse me friend do you know where i can find a planner for the parade?  I would like to ask about what theme it is because when i got this flyer it just said Float Competition" Nicksa asked a little breathless

Edited by Sanick20
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Rose saw the motion that the other pony made using her magic she picked up her milkshake and slowly made her way over to the table that the other two ponies were sitting. She took a seat in between both of them and placed her drink down and started sipping some through the straw. Rose kept looking at both of them then back into her milkshake she didn't want to seem like a bother but she also wanted to get to know the new ponies. "H...hi...I'm um...Rose Marry....it's nice to...meet you." Rose stuttered finally getting what she wanted to say out in the open. Using her magic she pulled out a card for her store "I...if you ever need flowers I run a flower shop in town." She let the card sit on the table for both of them to see.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Guinevere Griffon, @,


Descant didn't seem to mind in the presence of yet another pony. Not at all. 


This new pony, Rose Marry, almost seemed afraid that they would bite her. He knew her type. "My name's Descant. It's a pleasure to meet you, Rose." He extended a hoof kindly, hoping she would shake it, as he had learned among the Canterlot Upper Class was the best way to introduce yourself to a pony. His mellow voice, after all, did have a bit of a lilting quality to it that suggested he had spent quite a bit of time among them. 


(Think the Queen's English. The 'Official' English accent. His is rather faint.)

Edited by Descant

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(Guinevere wanted me to post fro her, we're pretty good friends)


"I'm Guin. What do you do Rose?" Guin, being interested in 'normal' also wantd to know about 'regular' jobs also. Guin had never met another acheologist outside of dig sites, another historian either. She heard there was some good ones in The Crystal Empire, but she didn't like cold. Her studies of Griffons never took her that far north

Edited by Minath Watcher
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@@Guinevere Griffon, @,


Descant didn't seem to mind in the presence of yet another pony. Not at all. 


This new pony, Rose Marry, almost seemed afraid that they would bite her. He knew her type. "My name's Descant. It's a pleasure to meet you, Rose." He extended a hoof kindly, hoping she would shake it, as he had learned among the Canterlot Upper Class was the best way to introduce yourself to a pony. His mellow voice, after all, did have a bit of a lilting quality to it that suggested he had spent quite a bit of time among them. 


(Think the Queen's English. The 'Official' English accent. His is rather faint.)


Rose slowly put her hoof out and shook Descant's before lowering in back under the table. "It's nice to meet you Descant and you too Guin." Rose continued taking a drink of her milkshake and before she knew it the drink was gone and she shyly called to one of the Cake's and another chocolate milkshake was delivered. "I'm a florist I own a flower shop here in Ponyville and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be busy with the festival." It just hit her that this was going to be a very busy time but it was nice to get away from work and be around others even though she was too scared to talke to Thunder. She took another drink and raised her head giving a smile, she was starting to get more comfortable around these two. "What do the two of you do?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@@Descant, @,


"I'm an archeologist, as well as a historian. My main focus is learning about ancient griffons, but I also do other things" Guin was talking to a florest. A real florist! There weren't many flowers at where most griffons came from, the deserts of Saddle Arabia. "Descant's a brass musician. I was thinking I would show him some of my griffon instruments, if he was up to it." Guin looked to Descant, raising her eyebrows to tell him that this was a question.

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When Nicksa didn't get any answer from the pegasus he tried to find some pony else to ask. He then saw that mare pony that made him nervious last time and like that he was it again but he had to know what theme there is so he slowly walked up to the mare and asked little uncleard in his voice "Ex.. Excuse me maddam do you know the theme for the floats that are going to be in the parade?" as quickly as the question was asked he looked away very shy.

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@, @@Guinevere Griffon,  


Descant grinned. He couldn't help it. "I do more than just brass stuff. That's just my specialty." After pausing for a moment, in consideration, Descant nodded. "I'd love to get to see your griffon instruments. I'll be the envy of the Fillydelphia Philharmonic, I will." He grinned. "There's this guy, Bassline, who keeps going on and on about his antique drum collection. But I bet it pales compared to what you've got."

Edited by Descant

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Rose was facinated by the things that Guin was in to even though flowers were her thing this seemed to be very interresting. "Wow that must be really exciting getting to learn all about the griffons and stuff. I wish my life was more exciting all I do is work at my flower shop and tend to my flowers most of the day." Rose felt a little out of place she didn't have any special job unless you counted being the royal groundskeeper for Princess Celestia. Her mind started to drift off back to that of Thunder wondering when and where the next time she would see him would be. She took a moment to turn and look out the window watching other ponies walk by and go about their daily lives.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Then I guess where completely different! Oh, and I have some things that migth interest you. I have  some fragile 1,000+ years old dead flowers, but I can't seem to figure out what they are. I have a feeling they're loosely realted to babies breath, but I don't know." Guin told Rose. So many people who all had different talents helping out her studies! She was so happy she left her house for once!

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It took a moment to realize Nicksa was talking to her. HLY HOOVES NICKSA WAS TALKING TO HER! "Minath tried to keep her tone smooth and even and no rush her words. "As far as I know *cough cough* the theme for your float can be anything you want ti to be." Minath was about to blurt 'but hey, why think of something when you can be in my group?' "I'm participating also." Minath said quietly.

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Nicksa listend to the answer the beautiful mare gave him he only heard the some words because his thoughts were in an another dimension thinking... He heard the words "anything... We could make a team.......".


"I... I..." Nicksa couldn't say the words he wanted because of his nerviousnes. Insted these words came out.


"I hope to see you at the parde, Oh i forgot i got these flowers earlier but i think you should have them"


he said when he took them out from his saddlebag and laid them down on the ground and slowly walk away whith the head hanging low.

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Minath's whole face turned scarlet, and all Minath sould think of is that she's so red she most likely looks like her coat is red instead of grey. That was her only full thought as the stallion walked away, and Minath was gripping the flowers tightly with her magic. She wanted to go in a whole and die. Instead, she flew up and laid on a cloud, hoping bo one would notice her for awhile.

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@Guinevere Griffon


Rose's eyes lit up at the sight of the flowers that Guin had "T...th....those are Griffon Pinons! Nopony has ever seen them other than in books they're said to be one of the mose beautiful flowers in all of Equestria." Rose's mind went a thousand miles at once as she quickly moved from one angle to the next looking the old flowers over again and again before sitting back down in her seat. She slowly came down and regained her composure "Would you be willing to let me have them I might be able to breath some life back into them and start transplanting seeds to bring new ones since they are extinct."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Uhh sure. We'll make a trade. If you can get them to grow, take notes on the growing process and when you have enough to spare, give me some of the sprouts so I can moniter them on my own before I show them off. But you can only tell Celestia about this project, I don't want anypony else to know, not yet anyway." Guin told Rose. If Rose could really get them to grow...!

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@Thunder Cleaver


Rose looked over the flowers and then thought about the offer and it was a pretty good trade off she would get to bring an extinct plant back into exhistance and get to raise one of her most wanted flowers. "Yeah that's a great idea and to prove that I can bring those flowers back to life..." Rose focused her magic in her horn and used it on one of the flowers straining herself. Suddenly the one flower she started to use her magic on started to rise and the color comming back within her blue aura. The flowers pedels started to span out again but it was cut short when her magic failed and the flower went back to normal. "Sorry it's really advanced magic it'll take me time if I'm going to get those back to normal but when I do Guin you'll be the first to know." Rose took the flowers and placed them in her saddle bag before running out of Sugarcube Corner. She was so excited she wasn't watching where she was going again and before she knew it she ran into another pony this one when she looked up she saw a deep blue coat with a mint and white mane and tail. She then realized that she had run right into the one pegasus that she had a total crush on, Thunder.

Edited by storm-fire

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Thunder was browsing around Ponyville's market when something ran into him. He looked at it was Rose Marry, but he had to pretend to be inintersted in who ran into him. He pretended to not recognize her.


"Hey... it's Rose... right" Thunder asked the mare, smiling as he did so.

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