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private Spring Into Spring (Romance RP)


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Thunder was browsing around Ponyville's market when something ran into him. He looked at it was Rose Marry, but he had to pretend to be inintersted in who ran into him. He pretended to not recognize her.


"Hey... it's Rose... right" Thunder asked the mare, smiling as he did so.


Rose got up rubbing her head this was the second time she had done this today and it was getting annoying but on the other hoof it was the stallion that she had a crush on. Rose heard what Thunder asked her and her heart sank in her chest, she was sure that she had made a good impression on him even though she was completely shy. She backed up a little bit "Y...yeah...I'm sorry for bumping into you.........excuse me." Rose ran off tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe that Thunder had pretty much forgoten about her. Running under the cloud that had Minath lying on it before stopping under a tree, she used her magic to bring a bush out of the ground and hid herself between it and the tree.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath picked her head up from her vloud, hearing Rose run by, and noticing the painic in her step. She didn't just watch and do nothing!


Minath pushed her way into Rose's little hide-away and sat down next to her. Minath guessed it could only be Thunder.


"What'd Thunder do wrong this time? Do I need to whoop his butt?" Minath asked Rose, smiling sadly in empathy as she did so.

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Rose had tears streaming down her cheeks as she slowly wiped the tears from her eyes letting a few sniffles go. "Y...yeah I thought I made a good impression all be it a very shy one but he barely remembered my name or me for hoofs sake. He had to make sure he got it right I mean he asked me if my name was right." Rose felt she was being a little childish about the whole thing but she felt that if she had really gotten to Thunder he wouldn't have asked about her name. She thought about it some more and started to tear up again, she just laid down and put her hoofs over her face totally embarassed by the thought that she belived he liked her.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath, at hearing Rose's tyrade, started bursting out laughing guiltily.


"Thunder's thing is he is the big number one, and everypony else is pointless. Whenever he tries to get a special somepony, keep in mind this rarely ever works, he pretends like they are far below his notice to try to attract their attention more. I'm so sorry! I shouldv'e told you!" Minath couldn't process she forgot to tell Rose about Thunders self-centered-top-of-the-world thing! "And looking on the brightside, at least he didn't really forget your name!"

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@@Guinevere Griffon


Descant watched in amazement as the flower Rose touched with her magic began to come back to life. That amazement quickly fell into disappointment when the spell failed. He had actually wanted to see it work...


"Well..." He paused briefly, then continued, "I do know an old, simple griffon folkloric melody, from a re-interpretation of it by a relatively recent composer. I could help you bring griffon music back to life, too, possibly..." He didn't know why the question made him so nervous. Probably the fact that he'd get to see instruments as ancient as the Griffon Kingdom itself. Yes, that must be it.

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@, @@Thunder Cleaver


Rose suddenly felt the tears in her eyes stop running with the info that Minath had just given her she was right about her feelings for him. The only problem now was that she was angry with him she could understand playing hard to get I mean she pretty much did it all the time with a stallion that liked her since she was so shy. "Thanks Minath you're a good friend to have around now..." The bush that she was hiding in sank back into the ground and she stood up this was one of her serious moments which was very rare. "If you'll excuse me I've gotta go speak my mind to Thunder."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath smiled at her friend. "You go girl!" Minath said as Rose got all serious. Minath had to see this, so she decided to follow Rose, but be in the sky when Rose talked to Thunder. Thunder was in for a shouck (That's meant to be a pun, just sayin').


Minath walked out of theirt hiding place and flew up.

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"You stupid idiot why didn't you say yes... Must looked like an idiot in her mind" Nicksa thought alot to himself as he walked back to his camp, when he arivved to his "home" he saw with despair how his camping site has been destroyed nothing was heal, the tent were shredded and his bigger saddlebag with food and drinks were torn to pieces bita of food lay everywhere. "Great could this  day get any better? " he thought ironic to himself just as the rain starded to poor down while he walked back to town.




When Nicksa arrived in the town he saw the florist pony walking on the road so he hurried to catch up with the mare, when he caught up with her he told about the camp and asked  at the sametime if there was anyplace to stay in this town.


He also told about Minath " I met this mare.. She have this grey coat and her mane is eletric blue with a little black in it.... She asked me if i wanted to team up with her for the parade and i got to nervious to say yes, ....i saw earlier that you know her if you see her next time could say yes for me?" Nicksa asked very excited and little nervious

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Rose stopped in her hooves when Nicksa stopped her and heard his story and she started to giggle "Well if you need a place to stay I do have an extra room in my flower shop that you can use if you need a place to stay." Rose started to walk again but was stopped again when Nicksa stepped in front of her. Rose let out a deep sigh "Look Nicksa I'll tell Minath the next time I see her but you gotta do what I'm doing and put your hoof down and get something off of your chest. Now if you'll excuse me I have a pony to find and give him a piece of my mind." Rose took off again looking for Thunder.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Nicksa listend to the mare's first answer "Well if you need a place to stay I do have an extra room in my flower shop that you can use if you need a place to stay."


"I thank you for the offer but a inn would be just fine" Nicksa said.


The second awnser put Nicksa on the spot and it was true what she said


"Look Nicksa I'll tell Minath the next time I see her but you gotta do what I'm doing and put your hoof down and get something off of your chest."


"You're absolute right" he said to mare and greeted her very much before running of to search for (Minath).


@Minath Watcher


Nicksa had been looking all day for the mare pony he now has a crush on. "well I got my chance and blew it, Nice mister forever alone pony." Nicksa thought to himself as he sat down by a tree and took out his harmonica to play some music so he could calm down, he began writing a new song.

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Minath saw Nicksa sit down at the trunk of her tree and playing and unfimiliar tune. she then realized that he must be composing a new song!


Minath fluttered carefully down to a branch just above Nicksa's head and leaned forward just alittle...




Minath's branch broke, leaving her upside down and face-to-face with Nicksa.

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"If you wouldn't mind walking into a total random ponies house, feel free to follow me!" Guin stood up and trotted to her house on the outskirts of Ponyville "I have more instruments than just the ones depicted in my sketchbook, but all the ones in there are part of my collection. I wasn't allowed to submit them to a museum until the historical society knew what they were." Guin opened her door to the house and trotted inside, then pushed open the door to her music room. All the instruments of ancient griffon society was in that room, and Guin might finally know what they were!  

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Minath saw Nicksa sit down at the trunk of her tree and playing and unfimiliar tune. she then realized that he must be composing a new song!


Minath fluttered carefully down to a branch just above Nicksa's head and leaned forward just alittle...




Minath's branch broke, leaving her upside down and face-to-face with Nicksa.


@Minath Watcher


Nicksa continued to play on his instrument after he had calmed down the melody just seemd to flew out. Half way through the song a high sounded snap came from above and large tree branch fell down infront of Nicksa, he also saw the mare pony he was looking for.


"Are you okay you're not hurt?" He asked quckily after he saw her.


After the mare had answerd he then said "Th..the question you asked earlier... I..i..i iwouldlovetoteamupwithoyou" Nicksa said very quickly with out breathing. "My name is Nicksa and who might you be miss?"

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Minath used her wings to flutter in front of Nicksa, a look of disbelief on her face.


"I'm Minath.... Chief guard of Celestia and good friends with the Wonderbolts, the Royal Gardener, and All the Royals." Minath gave an awkward salute. It was unusual for her to feel the ned to salute a civilian, but her nervousness would not prevent her from following procedure. But then again, she didn't normally actually meet civilians.


"And what did you say? About teaming up?" Minath said, trying to remain her composure even though her nervousness was about to explode out of her.

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"If you wouldn't mind walking into a total random ponies house, feel free to follow me!" Guin stood up and trotted to her house on the outskirts of Ponyville "I have more instruments than just the ones depicted in my sketchbook, but all the ones in there are part of my collection. I wasn't allowed to submit them to a museum until the historical society knew what they were." Guin opened her door to the house and trotted inside, then pushed open the door to her music room. All the instruments of ancient griffon society was in that room, and Guin might finally know what they were!  

Descant grinned. He stood up and followed her to her house, perfectly happy to take a look at the instruments. And she was leading him almost out of Ponyville... And she was leading him into a quaint house... And she opened a door... And Descant's jaw dropped. His emerald eyes scanned the room with a look of wonder. Some of these instruments he had only ever read about before...

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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@@Thunder Cleaver


Rose walked down the road her heart in the pit of her stomach she was incredibly nervous but she had to get what she wanted out to Thunder. It wasn't long before she saw Thunder just sitting on a cloud like nothing had happened she stomped her hoof on the ground and used her magic sending a vine out of the ground and wrapping it around Thunders body pulling him down to the earth. Upon retracting the vine she used just a bit of it to whip him on the cheek before it vanished into the ground "Why...Thunder? Why do you think acting like that would make me like you more? I liked you when you were kind and acting like you didn't even remember me crushed me and I...well...I like you a lot." Rose couldn't hold it back she was mad at him but she was also feeling sadness for what he had done and joy for letting her feelings out tears streamed down her cheeks as she slumped down just sitting there sniffling wondering how he would respond.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath used her wings to flutter in front of Nicksa, a look of disbelief on her face.


"I'm Minath.... Chief guard of Celestia and good friends with the Wonderbolts, the Royal Gardener, and All the Royals." Minath gave an awkward salute. It was unusual for her to feel the ned to salute a civilian, but her nervousness would not prevent her from following procedure. But then again, she didn't normally actually meet civilians.


"And what did you say? About teaming up?" Minath said, trying to remain her composure even though her nervousness was about to explode out of her.




"It's a pleasure to meet you Minath, My name is Nicksa and i'm a traveling Musician that likes to entertain ponies all around equestria" Nicksa said when Minath made a salute, Nicksa didn't have much knowleadge about royalties so he didn't  know what to do so he bowed down to the salute. "Is this the right thing to  do?  Nicksa asked as he bowed down.


He then stood up when he heard Minath nerviously ask "what did you say? About teaming up?"   "Oh Umm...." Nicksa froze in place very nervious, he starded to  shaking. he took out a paper and quil and wrote "I would like to team up with you" in very shaky style. He handed the paper over to Minath as his hole coat turned purple (red blushing+blue), he also handed over the sheet paper of his new song titled "Dream Pony"


He looked at Minath after she had read the papers,he waited a little before huggging her 

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Minath wasn't used to being randomly hugged, so it took all her willpower not to use her training to fight off Nicksa. So instead of fighting, Minath went stiff and awkwardly hugged Nicksa back. She wondered if Nicksa would be okay if he knew that he would be working with two other ponies, and most of them were highly esteemed in Canterlot.


Minath also thought about the song Nicksa composed, "Dream Pony"... Did that mean that Minath was the "Dream Pony"?

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@@Sanick20, Minath wasn't used to being randomly hugged, so it took all her willpower not to use her training to fight off Nicksa. So instead of fighting, Minath went stiff and awkwardly hugged Nicksa back. She wondered if Nicksa would be okay if he knew that he would be working with two other ponies, and most of them were highly esteemed in Canterlot. Minath also thought about the song Nicksa composed, "Dream Pony"... Did that mean that Minath was the "Dream Pony"?

The hug felt a little akward Nicksa thought... A large growl came from his bell "Hehe seems all this nervousness has made me hungry, would you like to have some food with me we could talk idéas for the float or just get to know each other, It's my treat?" Nicksa asked Minath while he starded to walk to The ginger bread house and he also took out a pan flute to play Dream pony

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Rose walked down the road her heart in the pit of her stomach she was incredibly nervous but she had to get what she wanted out to Thunder. It wasn't long before she saw Thunder just sitting on a cloud like nothing had happened she stomped her hoof on the ground and used her magic sending a vine out of the ground and wrapping it around Thunders body pulling him down to the earth. Upon retracting the vine she used just a bit of it to whip him on the cheek before it vanished into the ground "Why...Thunder? Why do you think acting like that would make me like you more? I liked you when you were kind and acting like you didn't even remember me crushed me and I...well...I like you a lot." Rose couldn't hold it back she was mad at him but she was also feeling sadness for what he had done and joy for letting her feelings out tears streamed down her cheeks as she slumped down just sitting there sniffling wondering how he would respond.



Thunder was surprised by Rose's sudden assertiveness. He liked a pony that would keep him guessing ;) . Though he could go without the gash in his cheek from when the vine striked him, but it wasn't bleeding much.


"I thought it worked like the whole 'forbidden fruit' thing. You always want what you can't have, and if you can't have somepony, in theory, that would make them all the more desirable." Thunder really couldn't see the wrongdoings of his actions, but he knew he was hurting Rose and wanted to not do that again. He realized he cared for this pony, more than anypony else. He sat down and frowned. The only ponies he'd ever cared about were Minath and Soarin', and adding a new pony to this lest felt  unusual. But it was different... He cared about her in a different way...

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The hug felt a little akward Nicksa thought... A large growl came from his bell "Hehe seems all this nervousness has made me hungry, would you like to have some food with me we could talk idéas for the float or just get to know each other, It's my treat?" Nicksa asked Minath while he starded to walk to The ginger bread house and he also took out a pan flute to play Dream pony


"Sure." Minath said, feeling alittle awkward. She wasn't sure how this was all going to play out, she rarely ever used her wings or magic but this pony made her want to use them, for any purpose. It was strange, how was sge supposed to act? Was she supposed to be herself, but more? Was she supposed to do something special? Minath was so focused on her thought, instead of opening the door to SugarCube Corner, she ran into it. Smooth move.

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@@Thunder Cleaver


Rose let the tears slowly stop flowing from her eyes as she looked up seeing the small gash she had left on his face and levitated a bandage out of her saddlebag and set it on his cheek. "I'm sorry Thunder but not everypony you meet is the same and some of us don't take rejection or stuff like that well. But um...I would like to spend more time with you maybe go out soon or if you want we can be partners in the float contest." Rose poked at the ground with her hoof her cheeks turning scarlet. she could feel her heart beating faster and faster especially around Thunder. She wanted to spend as much time with him as she could which was very odd since she was so shy about everything. Hoping to make things better with Thunder she gathered all of her courage and leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek right where she'd hurt him.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Sure." Minath said, feeling alittle awkward. She wasn't sure how this was all going to play out, she rarely ever used her wings or magic but this pony made her want to use them, for any purpose. It was strange, how was sge supposed to act? Was she supposed to be herself, but more? Was she supposed to do something special? Minath was so focused on her thought, instead of opening the door to SugarCube Corner, she ran into it. Smooth move.

Nicksa and Minath was near Sugarcube Corner, he tried to talk to Minath but she seemd in some other thoughts so Nicksa let it pass. He suddenly bump in to Minath "I'm so sorry" Nicksa said while he to a step back.


He opend the door for both of them "Mares first" he said in a polite tone, he then walked to a table draw back a chair for Minath before sitting down himself.


"So... how long you been guard to Celestia, have you always wanted to be that?" Nicksa asked while pouring up water for both of them and also to trying to get some conversation going


OCC: Feel free to ask questions back

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