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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Yavolin was in raged."Coward! you talk big but you never live up". Yavolin waited for her to make  a move he understood that he could never touch an her while she is avoiding him if that where to fail he would fly up and do a kamikaze dive on her which he was not to found off.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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one swing from yavolin almost hit shade in the face. she quickly teleported behind him and smacked the back of his head.


"very well, if that's how you want to play, so be it"


shade bucked him in the gut then tackled him, sending them down to the ground...


(we need some epic music to go with this fight!)   



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Yavolin hit the ground he was still hurting from the blow to the gut that shade gave him."I am not finished with you"! Yavolin got up and flew up after shade , he gave her a big blow to the nose or tried to hit her in the nose. Yavolin was thinking of Luna and how he would help her.



Edited by ArcDemon Lithimeal

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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(OOC: i use to love this movie!)


shade was hit in the nose... but almost didnt feel a thing, she shook her head.


"why dont you give up? because you cant hurt me... but this is quite fun! its so entertaining to watch you try and attack me"


shade waited for yavolin's next move



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Yavolin stopped and answer."The reason why i don't stop is simple shade it's something you'll never understand nor comprehend , my love for my home , family and friends keeps me going you may have betrayed us shade but you will never utterly destroy the spirit that lives in each of us , that is far more powerful then any element any chaotic power in this world which took me to understand  this, I may die or even end up discorded but it's better to stand for what you believe in then to submit". Yavolin shot shade his glare to show her he was dead serous and he meant what he said. but then he felt the element of loyalty ring out in his head then it hit him the answer wasn't force but it was understanding.

Edited by ArcDemon Lithimeal

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"hahaha... that was funny... so i see that your very loyal... your still willing to do anything to keep luna safe, hm?"


" just how easily it was to turn her into nightmare moon i could just as easily kill her... maybe i should go kill her right now"


shade turned and slowly started to fly away trying to get yavolin to follow her 



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Discord flew towards the castle.  He rose an eyebrow at Shade but didn't comment.  Behind him, Nightmare Moon was following him closely.  She looked annoyed and bored.

"Why am I following you, again?"

"I want you to show off your new look."



Princess Celestia bounded down the stairs. She had heard loud noises.  She found Shade and Yavolin.  She hurried towards them.

"I command you both to stop!"



Mystical Flow went straight to breakfast.

Angel Feather went downstairs to think.  She wasn't hungry.  She found Shade, Yavolin, and Celestia.  She looked around at them and started to back up.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade quickly turned back looking at Celestia

"Wow princess... Discord was right, your no fun... But still... It's still fun messing with all you ponies"


"But... Why Celestia... Why should I stop if nopony has ever stopped for me?"


Shade saw discord and nightmare moon at the corner of her eye

She just closed her eyes and smiled

Edited by villan97



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"Well, excuse me for not seeing the fun in beating each other up," Celestia growled.  "Shade...maybe this is why no pony can trust you," she said, slamming her hoof against the tiles.

Discord placed her arms over the window sill and watched Celestia.  Nightmare Moon came over and did the same.  Celestia didn't seem to notice.  Angel Feather looked around, unsure.  She swallowed.  Do something!

Angel trotted over to Discord and Nightmare Moon.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin fallowed  after shade he was very angry but he didn't show it on the outside. He saw shade near Nightmare moon, a tear ran down his eye to show that he was sad but he wasn't scared of nightmare moon so he made his way over to her. Yavolin knew nightmare moon was a part of Luna and that she had her memories of him and her  together.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Nightmare Moon lifted an eyebrow and looked back and forth between Yavolin and Angel Feather.  Discord gave her a tiny push towards Yavolin.  She blinked in annoyance.

"I'll say Hi to the white one.  You can deal with the other one," he said.  He smiled brightly at Angel Feather.  Angel stood tall.  "Well, hi there, little filly!"

"Hello.  I'm Angel Feather."

"I'm Discord!"

"Nice to meet you, Discord.  Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you take away Princess Celestia's horn and wings?  Are you afraid you're too weak?" Angel asked innocently.  I'm dead.

Discord grinned and addressed Celestia.  "I love them!  I absolutely love them!  Their wonderful!" he said, excitedly.  He picked up Angel who gasped.  He tossed her up into the air a few times.  "How am I supposed to kill whats so much fun!  How!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Like I said before... Ponies don't trust me because I'm a changeling, they don't trust me for what i am and not who I am... So why should I do nice things for others when there never nice back?"


"And now I can make everypony miserable for making me miserable, with the little love I got from yavolin, with discords powers, and my changeling powers... Nopony can stop me from causing chaos... I'm sorry I betrayed you Celestia, but every pony drove me past my limit, I'm not this kind of pony, but now I must ring chaos all over equestria"





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Princess Celestia stood up straighter and looked Shade right in the eye.  "I would have trusted you completely Shade.  But I couldn't trust you because you hid your identity.  I couldn't trust you because of what you did, not because of what you are.  When this is all over, Shade, if the harmony side was to win, what do you think we would all do to you?  I'd forgive you, but what about the others.  If you do this, how can any pony trust you ever again?  You're just digging yourself a deeper hole."

"Oh, dear, Celestia.  Does she ever shut her trap...?" Discord said in the middle of catching Angel.  Angel tried smacking him for being rude to the Princess but Discord lifted a paw and blocked her without even looking at her.  Angel looked annoyed.  She didn't like being in his arms.

Mystical Flow stomped into the room in annoyance.  "Isn't any pony coming to breakfast?!"  She looked around, then, confused.  She looked at Angel in Discord's arms.  Angel blushed.  Mystical looked up at Discord.  "Oh, for Celestia's sake!  Discord can't you leave us alone for five seconds?  I'm hungry!"

Princess Celestia shot Mystical a dirty look.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Harmony side won't win... Thees ponies are CRAzY!... Any why I hid my changeling side... Um ok... Let's see... My life as a changeling, hated, unwanted, and all that bad stuff... So I hid it so I just may be liked by someponies... But it wasn't to last...


And why would you think a changeling would be an element? We are nasty creatures who feed on love... Abs I don't know why I..."


Shade was cut off my a head ach... She put her hooves on her head and closed her eyes... She saw a picture of an element in her mind... It was a crown with a gem that looked like her cutie mark...


"No... No... No I... I can't"

She softly said

Edited by villan97



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Princess Celestia watched.  She narrowed her eyes and leaned forward.  "Whats wrong, Shade?" she asked.  It didn't sound mean, it sounded almost concerned.  "There's more ponies on the Harmony side, Shade," she continued.  "Which will win?  And what happens if I and Luna don't make it through this all?  Will the ponies let you go so easily?  Think about this, Shade.  Really think about this..."

Mystical Flow growled under her breathe and stalked out. not bothering to do anything.  Actually, wait.  She looked down and saw a book on the floor.  She picked it up and tossed it straight at Discord.

Discord was too busy with tossing Angel around to notice.  It slammed right into his neck.  He winced.  "Hey!"


Nightmare Moon looked over and snickered.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade shook her head to get rid of the pain..


"Just because there are more ponies dosnt mean..."


Again she got a shock of pain... She didn't know why she was getting head achs... But she could almost heir voices saying stuff... But couldn't understand it..


She walked over to a wall and started smacking her head...

After a few smacks she started changing unintentionally after each smack... Looking like twilight, rainbow, applejack, rarity, flutershy, pinky pie, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, cloud chaser, and plenty of other ponies...



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Princess Celestia blinked.  She hurried over.  "Don't do that, Shade!  You're going to hurt yourself!" she said.  She looked at Discord.  "Do something!"

Discord turned away from glaring at Mystical to looked at Celestia.  "What?"

"Don't let her do that!"

Discord rolled his eyes and pulled Shade away from the wall, still holding Angel like a rag doll.  Angel growled under her breathe.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked up at Nightmare moon and took off the necklace that luna gave him to show that he still had it."The mare that i loved gave this to me when i first came to canterlot , but you and her are one in the same and no matter what you say or do to me I will always love you". Yavolin hoped to get Luna to break free of what ever turned her into Nightmare moon.

Edited by ArcDemon Lithimeal

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Nightmare Moon looked at the necklace.  She felt a sharp pang in her head.  She grabbed her head in her hooves and moaned.  "Get...that...away!  From...me!" she growled.  She looked at him, with light blue eyes.  Luna eyes.  But when she blinked they were gone.  She looked at Discord who was staring straight at him, apparently using his powers to make sure she stayed Nightmare Moon.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin saw that."Luna, fight it Luna you are stronger then this". Yavolin went near to Nightmare moon becasue he knew that she wouldn't hurt him. Yavolin didn't smile he was going to free his Luna his way and without the use of te elements oof harmony. tears  were building up in his eyes but he tried to keep them at bay.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Get away from me!" Nightmare Moon growled, moving away.  But Luna was fighting.  Nightmare heard the voices in my head.  She held her head in her hooves.  It took all she had to keep from falling to the ground as her wings flapped.  Discord tossed Angel threw the window.  Angel yelped.  Discord flew over and grabbed Nightmare.  He shoved her behind him.

"Stop it!" he growled.

Nightmare Moon smacked Discord.  Discord turned to glare at her.  She had Luna's eyes.  She turned to Celestia.  "Help," she whispered as Celestia stared with shook.

Discord grabbed Luna by the shoulders and closed his eyes in concentration.  Luna gasped, her eyes changing back to Nightmare's.  Nightmare grabbed Discord back.

"Get me out of here," she almost begged.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin flew after Nightmare Moon he was close he cloud feel it, he wanted to shatter Discords control over her and this time for good. He flew right towards her and prepared to kiss Nightmare Moon in a one last attempt to break Discords control over her.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade saw that yavolin would break Luna free from nightmare moon... She couldn't let that happen...

She quickly flew up to yavolin and put her hoves on his forehead and casted a confution spell... On him


"Now now yavolin... We can't have you saving the day can we?"


" now look at nightmare moon... It looks like Luna is almost free... Once she's free what are you going to do? Are you going to stick to the fight? Or LEAVE with Luna?"


It was an attempt to discord yavolin...



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Yavolin replied to shade."I chose the answer that a coward did not chose, i rather stay and fight for what is right then submit". Yavolin was still under the hypnotic spell , but he remained vigalnet , he began to think of his home and family , friends. He didn't smile.

Edited by ArcDemon Lithimeal

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade sighed... * well if that dosnt work *


Shade casted an elution spell on yavolin and mixed it with the hypnosis spell...


She then changed into Luna...


"Yavolin we need to get out of here! Somewhere, just far far away from discord!"


If that elution didn't work... Then shade would half to discord him by force



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