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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Princess Celestia watched Shade leave the room.  The nurse looked up at her.

"Aren't you going to make her stay?"


"Aren't you going to give her the other pill?"


"But why not, Princess?"

"Because.  She's a pony like every pony else."

"What about Discord..."

"He isn't a pony."

"Well, she---"

"Is a halfling."




Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked back at the nurse and Celestia

"As much as I hate admitting this curse... It's true... But trying to amputate me with thoes pills? Just shows how much more I'm hated by everypony"


Shade continued to walk


* I think il get spike and have him rampage around fillydelphia while I'm at manehatten *



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Princess Celestia gave the nurse a pointed look.  The nurse hung her head in shame as Princess Celestia exited the room to find Princess Cadence and Shining Armor to make sure they were all right.



Discord watched as the gravity decreased and ponies began to rise up into the air. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was outside the castle and at the bush where spike was at last...

"Now where could he have gotten to?"


Shade looked around she saw spike wondering by an apple tree... Shade got an idea


She changed herself to look like rarity

"Spikywiky! Over here darling!"


Shade called out to him...


Spike looked up and ran towards her... Then instantly teleported both of the to fillydelphia...


Shade casted a spell on spike that gave him his greedy nature... Then she teleported to manehatten



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Discord flew over to a pony who looked at him with terror in her eyes.  Discord grinned and gave her a small push, which sent her tumbling through the air.  Discord laughed.

"Isn't any pony going to enjoy this?"

Then he noticed a pony who was swimming through the air and doing twirls and dives.  An earth pony.  The pony looked over and noticed Discord.  The pony immediately stopped.

"Don't let me stop you," Discord laughed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade arrived at manehattene... She flipped every building and... Did other things... The water from the sea was floating everywhere


Shade returned to fillydelphia, spike had completely flattened it... Shade casted a spell on him to turne Hume back to his depressed self...



Then returned to the crystal empire... She appeared by discord

"Oh Ho Ho Ho! That was fun!!!! And I think we should go get Luna now! Since she's not in canterlot... Unguarded... And likely in a small house... With yavolin protecting her... Most likely... You in for that?"



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Discord looked over at Shade.  "Not in Canterlot?  Psh.  Cowards.  Where did they go?" he asked, floating towards her and almost bumping into a flailing pony, who he flicked away in annoyance.  The pony flew into another pony, who flew into another pony, making a chain reaction.  Discord laughed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Trottingham... Small enough for an easy take over... And tell me, are you board with the crystal ponies yet? Because I think I know a pony who might love to take over the crystal empirs... No I'm not talking abou me"


Shades eyes started to glow shadows and stuff... Black magic came from her horn and hit the floor of the castle... Black crystals started to emerge from the ground...


"I might have some of it figured out... But I think we should focaus on Luna first"



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Discord stared at the crystals.  "Cooool," he said softly.  He looked up.  "Trottingham huh?  Let's go!" he sang.  "See you, there," he said, disappearing. 

He appeared in Trottingham.  A few ponies were extremely taken aback and ran away, screaming for help.  Discord rolled his eyes.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at the pile of black crystals...


"Meh... Il figure it out later..."


She teleported to trottingham... Right beside discord

"So... Where should we start looking? Or do we even half to look? Hahaha! Oh look at them scream! So priceless!"


"But really... How are we going to find her?"



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Discord laughed with her at the ponies.  He smiled.  "Oh, some way, some how.  We could ask around maybe.  I'm sure some ponies noticed the Princess.  I'm sure I could also track her down with my powers.  But..." he sighed.  "I need my powers for chaos.  Only if it comes to that.  I have to be patient after all."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Fred began to cook some food for Luna, It wasn't no problem for him mostly. Yavolin came into the room after him and his stepfather had a few words, Yavolin looked at Luna and smiled."Will i see you meet the family". Yavolin  sat down with Luna and began to think about the future.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Hm... Well... Maybe if you cause enough chaos, they will come out of there house"


"Or if they deside to run... Then we'll half to track her"


Shade shot a beem of magic at the ground turning it checkerboard green...


"So... We going to catch a princess or what? Hahaha"


Shade flew off looking at every house she past looking for Luna or yavolin



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Luna smiled back.  "Of course.  Their so darling," she said with an easy wave of her hoof, acting nothing like the real Luna.



Discord laughed, zapping the ground, covering it with slippery soap.  He flew into the air and started to fly around.  He spotted a random pony and flew down in front of her.  The pony screamed and turned to run, but Discord grabbed her and held her up.  He smiled at her.

"Hi there!"

"He-he-helloo-AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the pony screamed.

"Shush.  I didn't even do anything to you, silly."

"What do you want!?"

"Have you seen the Princess?  Princess Luna, by any chance?"

"L-Luna?  N-no!"



Discord squeezed.  "Have you!?"

"No!  I only heard some pony did!" the pony screamed in terror.


"S-somewhere!  I don't know!  I just heard!"

"Thank you!" Discord smiled, placing her back onto the ground and walking away.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was still flying around when she past a window where she saw a tall dark blue earth pony... She quickly stopped and saw Luna saying stuff... "She will never be an actress. Now for me to have some fun!"


Shade yelled at discord

"Discord... Found her!"


Shade changed into her changeling forum and teleported inside the house right infront of Luna




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Yavolin looked at shade,"O,no! Luna! run now".  Yavolins step father got out his sword and prepared to fight to the death,"Yavolin take your mare and go"! Yavolin quickly nodded and took Luna's hoof and started to run out the back door and hoped that discord wouldn't fallow them.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord looked up.  He grinned at the pony and raced towards Shade.



Luna jumped as Shade appeared in front of her.  She hurried to run with Yavolin.  "I'm sorry!" she called back to Yavolin's step father.

Discord looked over and saw them.  He flew over and landed in front of them.  He grinned at them and said; "Hi, Luna!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Aw isn't that cute! You must be yavolins father! Well now I'm going to teach you that a sword dosnt work"


Shade claped her hooves and turned the sword to rubber...


"See ya! I gotta catch a princess!"


Shade followed yavolin and Luna

"Discord!!! There on the move!"

She yelled at discord!



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Yavolin got Luna behind him."I would rather die then let you have Luna"! Yavolin tried to keep discord away from Luna, but he couldn't let discord find out that she was with a foal and on top of that he was the father, He didn't know what discord would do if he found out.



Yavolin's step father charged at shade hoping to keep shade occupied with him for awhile.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord smirked and cocked his head to the side.  "Oh, really?  Not really the best thing to say..."

Luna looked at Discord from behind Yavolin.  She looked around desperately for help.  Then she swallowed and hurried to stand in front of Yavolin, pushing him back slightly.  "There's no point in running anymore!" she said.  "He's going to get me and we can't do anything about it!" Luna said. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was ontop of discords head...


She looked at Luna's stomach


"Oh ya! I totally forgot to tell you that... Hahahaha! Luna now had a muffin in the oven!"


"She's totally helpless! Hahahaha... So... Discord... How should we tackle this? We must be cairful while holding the princess now!"



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Yavolin pushed Luna back behind him."Luna , no! i will not let him take you, that snake will not have you".  Fred was looking out the window with his spear in hoof, he quickly threw it at discords head hoping to hit him, He wanted his grandson to have his mare.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Looking at the flying spear... Shade claped her hoves and turned the spear into cotton candy...


She looked at yavolin and..

"Wow... I can see where you get your rough nature. So... Your willing to die for her hm? Quite unloyal of you... How about..."


Shade surrounded the house with fire and black crystals...


"How about you give us Luna, and I let your family live?"



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Discord gave Yavolin a disgusted look.  "You knocked Luna up?" he shook his head.  "You filthy scoundrel.

Luna hurried past Yavolin again.  "No, Yavolin!  You're going to get hurt!  He isn't going to hurt me.  Not too much," she said, walking towards Discord.  "I'm tired of running!"


(OOC: Edited)

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at Luna."Please, don't Luna, he'll hurt our  foal".  Yavolin knew discord would and he couldn't bare to lose her much less his family , he didn't care about his step father that much but his dad was their for him , Yavolin looked at Luna pleadingly.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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