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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade was in the anti magic cell... She tried casting a spell but it was blocked

*wow... So it is anti magic*


Shade sat in the middle of the cell and begun to think about what to do...


* if I continue with discord, il be ruleing equestria with him, and always have a friend to have fun with, And if I help celestia, the elements of harmony would win and il never be trusted again... My changeling part of me will still cause fear with some ponies*

Shade switched between her changeling forum and her pony forum. Then stopped on her pony forum....


* even if I stay like this, il still be known as an element of harmony... That is, if I am an element of harmony... But if I'm known all around equestria, everypony will know that I'm a changeling, I don't whant to be known as a changeling... Why dose this curse stay with me???... I wish celestia would just banish me to the shadows... Or something because I'm no good to equestria... I'm no good to anypony. So I think I'm going to stay with discord, il be a great leader in what ever part of equestria he gives to me... But, why dose this strange feeling say that it's wrong to work for discord? Why?*


Shade went into deep thoughts... Trying to think about what to do, she remembers all the bad things she's done in her life, starting out just as a little thieves guild filly in mane hatten... Always stealing from other ponies... Then how she lead all the other fillys and colts out of a jail break... Then how she was inchange of all the storms in cloudsdale... All the way up to how she was practically leading discord and telling him that its a good move to start with invading the crystal empire...


Then, it clicked in shades head


"what dose that element mean? The one that I keep seeing? Is it posable that there is an element that can be bad and good? Can chaos be a good thing? No... Element of chaos woudnt be in with harmony... But I have been a good Leader with leading discord and all the times in the guild... I guess I'm good with leadership hahaha" * but I still feel I should be working with discord... But another feeling said that it's wrong... Well, without discord I would have never gotten the chance to destroy changeling city........ I think il just wait on choosing till celestia or somepony comes talks to me.


(holy shit... This post is around 1800 characters... Did I really write this much?)



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yavolin decided to go check up on shade , he hoped that she was being treated  will by the guards. Yavolin didn't feel like telling her how bad she treated him and his friends but that wasn't his motive right now, as Yavolin came near to the dungeon he remembered the first time how he meet Luna.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia went to her room to calm down.  She placed her face into her hooves and breathed deeply.  "Pull yourself together, Tia," she said softly to herself.  "You're supposed to be calm.  An example..."



Discord flicked his tail in annoyance as he stared out of the cave.  "Where is that silly filly?  Honestly," he sighed.  "She gets into trouble so very often."

He turned away from the cave's entrance and went downstairs to see Luna.


(Discord thinks of Shade as a daughter xD)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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A glowing light appeared infront of shade...


"what's this? I thought this cell was anti magic"


A bright flash and infront of shade Appeared the crown with a diamond the shape of het cutie mark...


"so this is the element hm? But I still don't know what its element of... Element of chaos? Or element of leadership? I don't know.... Well anyways, my mind is made up! I know what I must do!"



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"Hi, Luna!" Discord said as he hopped down the last steps and went over to her.

Luna just looked at him.  Discord smiled at her.  "Ready?"

Luna didn't reply.  She turned away to stare at the ground.  Discord patted her on the back.  Where he touched her skin changed to black and started to move across the rest of her.  Luna looked up at him, expressionless.

"Don't worry.  Nothing will happen to your foal."

Luna paused as the blackness began to overcome her.  "Okay..." she said simply.

And then Nightmare Moon blinked and glared up at him.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin stopped and started to remember his past and thought about the first time he had ever meet Luna, he was just a simple Pegasus who was  condemned of killing his brother which in turn he tried to stop him from going after some pony.


Flash back


Yavolin was chained to the wall of the jail cell, it had almost been a week after his court hearing, tomorrow he would be stoned. so he stopped eating thinking his life meant nothing.  then he saw her the princess of the night , he sadly looked away from her he didn't know why she came to visit him but he didn't care.


(occ:Yes i pulled a flash back.)

  • Brohoof 1

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Nightmare Moon stood up and brushed the dust from her black coat.  "Oh dear Celestia.  I thought I asked for some better quarters."

"Shut up."

Nightmare Moon looked up.  "Excuse me?!" she growled.

Discord put his face in hers, smiling.  "I told you to shut your trap, little Princess.  You may think you have power, but I have more.  And at the end of the day, I'm the one who is going to rule.  All you're going to do is be my weapon."

Nightmare Moon hissed at him.  "I don't have to do anything you say!"

"Oh, yes you do."

"Oh?  And how so?"

"You have a foal.  You're weak.  You're unstable as well.  You either side with me, and help me, or I simply kill you."

Nightmare Moon stared at him.

"That's what I thought," Discord smiled.

"What made you so upset," she mumbled.

"I wish I knew," he laughed, turning away.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade started smacking her head againced the magic wall that was keeping her in and disabling her magic...


She tried to teleport out of the cell, but the magic pulled her back in and still disabling her magic... Then looked at the crown, she looked at it for a moment, then continued to try and escape



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Discord nodded at Nightmare Moon.  She looked up at the sun and it immediately became night.  She flopped onto the floor and growled at him.  "Now what?"

"I'll go figure out whats holding her."


Discord ignored her question.  "And don't try to run away.  I'll find you," he said, flying up into the sky.



Celestia went to where Shade was being kept.  She stood at the door and stared at her.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin continued to work his way to shade while also going down memory lane.  Yavolin saw his old cell that Celestia kept him in, it stated to hit him all at one time like a hurricane.


Flash back.


Yavolin looked back up at Luna from his cell and spoke to Luna."Why are you here Princess Luna"? his stomach started to growl from the lack of food , he  ignored it and waited for a reply.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade still trying to cast spells, smashing her head, and looking at the element...


Then notesing celestia looking at her, she paused and looked back at her.


"princess, iv found what I'm element of! And I know what is right and what must be done!"


* oh yes... I know exactly what must be done... Hahaha*



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Celestia stared at her.  "You can't discord ponies," she said, blankly.  "It isn't right."  She seemed to have not even processed what Shade had said.



Discord flew towards the castle, making himself invisible.  He increased his hearing ability and heard Celestia.  He flew towards the window it came from and curled himself around the picture frame before looking inside.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade droped her head...

"I figured that out, chaos isn't the right thing, chaos makes all ponies unhappy. But iv found what element I am, and I know that discord must be stopped"


* just let me out of here already, I have an element to play around with, even tho It could mean 2 things, I can still make it one thing!*



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Yavolin stepped into the room that shade was in , it figured him that Celestia didn't believe her and in fact he didn't believe shade ether. Yavolin wanted to make sure that shade couldn't go back to discord so he wanted to know were discord and Luna were."Shade if you have truly changed then tell us were is Discord hiding at"?

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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*hm... Damn, there on to me*


"well, if you haven't noticed, I stole the crystal hart, Which means we went to the crystal empire, where discord is, and he's still there causing chaos and ruling over the crystal ponies"


* seems buyable but discord and I got board of the crystal ponies, he could be anywhere by now*



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Yavolin didn't know if he could trust her word and then again why did she wanted to be captured by Celestia unless, it hit him the elements  were unguarded and Celestia was helpless to defend them, he spoke to shade."Shade you must forgive me but you do understand that all that you did here today you can expect no pony to believe you, and frankly i don't believe that you have truly changed then again i could be wrong. Celestia what should we do"?

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade knocked the crown off her head.


" I know that I'm not trustworthy, and I know that all the things that iv done were wrong. And as soon as all of this is over, il live the rest of my life in this cage, or go back to being a lonely pony..."


* if they keep me in here, I think I'm going to half to call my minions to free me, this cell is anti magic, but is it anti changeling?*



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Yavolin  nod his head no."Shade , you don't have to be alone that's what friends are for. you would never be alone again on that you have my word as a friend". Yavolin let a soft smile come into view, he sighed and started to go into her cage so he could talk to her as an equal.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Tears started to build up in shades eye


"I don't deserve friends, not after what I've done, not after all the chaos I've caused... And I defenitly cannot be anyponys friend, because I'm a changeling"


Shade changed back to her changeling forum


"who would want to be friends with this?"


Shade sent out a signal out of her horn before changing back to her pony forum.



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Yavolin smiled softly at her and spoke."It doesn't matter what you are shade, i don't care even if you are a changeling , that won't stop me from being your friend but what will stop me is this , lies , betrayal and working with Discord. But the last one is my fault but if you have truly changed then  please help us stop Discord".

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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" how is me working with discord your fault? I'm the one who was working with him, but if you want to be my friend, that's your choice"


* what's taking them so long to respond? The sooner I'm out of her the better *


Shade sat down waiting, to be freed, or for the minions to arrive



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Yavolin looked at her and spoke to her much like he would do Luna."And being alone forever is your choice but you don't have to live with that forever, if you allow us then you will find that your welcomed here among friends. But right now Luna is somewhere alone with Discord who is who knows what to her, i don't wish to see her or my son harmed but right now i need your help". It was hard for Yavolin to say that but he meant what he said.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade looked at Celestia, then looked out a little window. Turning back to yavolin


"Um... About that, since its instantly night time, I'd assume that Luna is nightmare moon..."


Shade felt a tingle in her head

* it's about time there here... But il have them wait till the time is right*


" I bet that its going to be easy to change her back with your love for her... But I think I'm going to half to stay here... Because Celestia seams to have lost all hope for me"



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Yavolin nod his head nod."She hasn't lost faith in you shade and you know this not to be true she cares for you shade and so do i". Yavolin gave her a hug to try to convince her to join them on the harmony side but he knew if she escapes  this place Celestia will turn her to stone.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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* uhg... What I put up with when I'm under cover... How many more hugs am I going to get? *


" well, Iv lost hope in myself... There is no way any pony can beat discord now... He's practically invincible"


Shade looked at the crown element lying on the ground...


"Might as well banish me somewhere now"



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