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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade raised an eye brow at discord.


The minions shrug at each other



Scootaloo was looking at babs who she was leaning one, "well don't just stand there, help me walk!" said scootaloo


Babs looks at scootaloo. " uh yah... Right" she said as she started to follow celestia with scootaloo leaning on her.



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Sweetie Belle quickly rushed over to help Babs and Scootaloo.  Apple Bloom followed Princess Celestia closely behind.


Discord looked down at Shade.  "Don't give me that look," he said defensively. 

The nurse quickly backs out of the room, turns around and bumps into Princess Celestia.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade continued to look at discord, her ears twitched again.


The minions mumble "then what do you know about this sword? It took away my chaos power, then that's when I got poisoned"


Babs and switiebelle helped scootaloo, and caught up to princess celestia



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Discord blinked.  "I gave it to some pony for working for me for such a long time.  But that was an extremely long time ago.  I had made it.  But I gave it to the pony because...I don't like blood," he shrugged.


Princess Celestia nodded at the nurse and pushed open the door to where Shade and Discord were at.  Apple Bloom peeked inside from behind Celestia.  Sweetie Belle looked up.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade rolls her eyes, then looks at celestia who entered the room, all shade could do was glair at her.


Scootaloo and babs walk into the room

"what's happening?" babs asks quietly


"I don't know, all I see is a changeling and a chaotic freak who's in the nurses office" Replied scootaloo quietly



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Princess Celestia enters along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Discord's ear twitches as he hears Scootaloo.  He gives her a look.  "Congratulations.  You know what we are," he says in annoyance.

Sweetie Belle looks confused.  Apple Bloom raises and eyebrow.

"What do you want?" Discord growls.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade glairs at the ponies and twitches her ears


Then her minions mumble "celestia! Yavolin is way out of control! He poisoned me twice, we stabbed and turned discord into stone, and turned Luna into stone."


Babs looks closely at shade

"wait! Your shade? From manehatten? Went you one of thos thieves that lived in the sewers?"


Shade hisses and points her fangs at babs



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Princess Celestia blinks.  "I..." she pauses to think.  "Well, two things," she says, addressing Discord and Shade.  "First, I'll have to speak with him.  Second..." she sighs.  "You wanted a war...well you're going to have one."

Discord almost throws her at a table again.  But he keeps by Shade's side.  He growls at Celestia.

Sweetie Belle stares between Discord and Shade.  Apple Bloom glares at them.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was getting dizzy from another attack of the poison...


Shade was getting a communication from minions in trottingham who were by Luna, they told her about the paper that Luna was reading


Shadows started leaking from shades eyes


Shades ears twitch


The minions mumble "discord, you have some explaining to do one I...."

They stop and look at shade who wad shaking with her eyes glowing black.



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Yavolin came down stares to find Luna and his his step father talking about his real father, scents Yavolin never knew him he listen in. Yavolins step father and spoke."Luna Yavolin loves you but he is the son of Discord surely you haven't noticed how violent  and sometimes out of control he can be,but he does loves you". Yavolin  heard everything he knew he was different but now it was confirmed he ran outside and cried he wanted his mom at this time but he she was dead.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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(OOC: Da da dam!)


Luna stared blankly at the birth certificate.  She slowly looks up at Yavolin's step father.  "He...he's..." she says softly.  She stops herself from speaking and slowly sets the birth certificate down.  She gives a small nod at him and walks past him, wanting to think outside.



Discord twitched as he watched Shade.  "F*** this, we're going home," he said, touching her shoulder and teleporting them both back to the cave.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin was thinking about Discord."Why? did no pony ever tell me and why didn't my mother tell me! what did she see in HIM"!  he started crying heavily , he see's Discord in his mind just laughing at him.  Yavolin snorted and screamed,"I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE MY FATHER I AM STILL GOING TO KILL YOU"! Something clicked in side his head he was acting like Discord and maybe it was the reason why he couldn't be discorded fully. 

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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As Princess Luna walked outside, her head hung low.  She saw the figure of a pony.  She slowly rose up her head to look at the pony.


She felt her heart shatter inside of her.  How...how could I have ever thought I needed to think about this?  I love Yavolin.  I...I love him.  The pony I hate...I've never hated a pony before but...I hate...




Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin saw Luna and went towards her , he wasn't like discord he loved Luna they were going to get married and have a foal then they'll die together. But he knew what she saw him as he was a monster, but maybe she'll be different then the other mares but that was his hope.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Luna watched him for a moment.  She watched him come towards her.  She quickly raced the rest of the way towards him and threw her front legs around his neck, hugging him tightly, pressing her face into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.  Because who would want to be related to Discord at all?



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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He cried into her mane."Why did she love Discord"?  he didn't know but he hoped to get some kind of answer from all of this but he knew not to be known as discords son he'll have to spare Discords life but could he do that after all he has done to him and Luna, Yavolin couldn't do that but he knew he had to.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna let him cry.  "L-love is a strange thing, Yavolin," she said gently.  "And...and you and me both know about Discord.  He...he is always tricking ponies and playing with us like puppets..." she said.  "We...we don't have to think about it, Yavolin.  We don't.  We can just pretend we never found out..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin stopped huging her."Pretend! that want change what i am , i am a monster Luna i may not look like it but i am". Yavolin walked way he was going to find Discord and talk to him , he didn't care what he had to say but he was ready or so he thought Yavolin took off ruining.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Luna immediately felt tears running down her cheeks as she watched Yavolin run away.  "Yavolin!" she called.  "Yavolin, please!"  She looked around anxiously.  She ran after him.



Discord and Shade appeared in the cave.  Discord looked outside and waved a paw through the air.  The leaves on the trees turned to wood.  And the bark turned to leaves.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolins eyes glowed without knowing he teleported to discords cave.He looked around not sure were he looked around  for Luna but he felt a strong ping in his head something told him he was at Discords cave, he went to find Discord he wanted to talk to him about his mom.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Luna skidded to a stop and looked around.  "Yavolin..." she whispered.



Discord made a face at the trees.  He looked at the grass.  He waved a talon and made them into hay fries.  He smirked.  Then he looked up.  "I be sensing a disturbance!" he said suddenly.  He blinked.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(Occ: You Darth Vader .)  Yavolin called out to Discord."Discord"!  he wanted to kill him for all he had done but he knew this is what Discord wanted form his son so he resisted the feeling , all he felt was sadness inside of him but he heard his moms voice nearby. Yavolin went into a nerby room and there she was laying down on a bed."Why? they told me you died".  Yavolins mother smiled at her son and spoke to him."I did but he kept me alive".

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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(What.  The heck?  xD  Now, now.  Slow down.  You're controlling Discord a bit)


Discord looked up in confusion.  "Grrreat.  Did that stupid foal get in here," Discord sighed.  "He never rests does he?" he says, pulling himself up, tiredly.  "And I haven't even gotten a chance to visit the elements downstairs yet."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(occ: i am i? i just throwing out ideas here you don't have to fallow with them.)




Yavolin looked around the cave he wasn't sure about were he was ,  something didn't feel right to him. He just waited in the room that he was in then something came to his head. Luna would be looking for him. He had to get out before Discord finds him , but how would he get out he didn't know how he got here in the first place.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Since shade had been teleported back, she had a green shield around her with some minions casting a spell at it... Shades eyes were glowing black and leaking shadows... She was angry with discord, and as soon as the poison left her body, she was going to have a little talk with discord.



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