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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Angel Feather blushed.  She felt herself getting upset.  First, I have to deal with that jerk, Discord.  Now I have to deal with this?!  "Don't give me that attitude!" she said, losing her shy act, her nice attitude.  Everything.  "You're supposed to be an element of harmony!  We're all supposed to be!  And we have to get a hold of ourselves and become friends, otherwise that jerk is going to win!  Now are you with us or are you with Luna and only Luna?!" she growled.  Oh great.  You shouldn't have said that.  She sighed.  And you're being so ironic as well.  You haven't got a hold of yourself either, Angel, dear.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"I gotta think about the foal  here, Luna is going to need me and o, if ya'll started acting like a team maybe i'll join you on your little quest for the elements but in the mean time stay away from me". Yavolin turned and left Angel there he knew he'll probably here it from Celestia.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade watches as the ponies run away in the maze. She looks at discord with a grin, "they're going to the middle, they probably think the elements are there, when really..." she makes the elements appear, "there not to be found in the maze... They can be found IN the maze"

She said as she stuffed the elements in the poison joke/ poison oak/ brambles/ any other poisonous or sharp plant hedge...


"hahaha! Ok, you may have fun with discording them! And if you want to play with them in another way..." shade screeches, 3 of shades minions appear... "you can make my minions change into some pony and confuse them!... I'm heading back to the cave to learn more types of magic, and mainly rest."


Shade teleported back to the cave...


She appeared in the cave, she looks at her mane and flicks it, she starts to walk by the cave enterance and she saw angel feather. "what?! How did you?.." shade yells, she quickly picks her up with magic, slams her aganced the wall and holds her there with black crystals.

"I should have known that you would have tried funny things, since you are magic. What do you half to say for yourself?"



The three minions go by discord too await his command



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Angel flushed as she was hoved agaisnt the wall.  "I..I just have to...to say...I...I," Angel looked around the room quickly.  Angel whimpered.  "You...you can't touch me!  Discord'll want me won't he?" Angel said, softly.

Angel tries teleporting.  She only gets as far as the cave entrance.  She begins to runs down the mountain, stumbling on the rocks.

Oh Celestia, oh Celestia, oh Celestia!



Discord smirks.  "One of you could change to look like Shade and go find that Rose Petal pony.  And one of you can change into...Princess Celestia let's say and go trick some random pony.  And the other one of you can be me!" Discord smiled to himself.  "And thats a rare honor, you know.  And then you can go trick Magic."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked back at angel and shade , he didn't know what to do except hurt shade mentally. He went over his eyes flush with no emotion what so ever, maybe this is what related him to Discord. Yavolin didn't care except that he wanted to see Shade Discorded a bit.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shades minions changed into, celestia, discord, and shade... They all looked at eachother and went off into the maze.




Shade rolled her eyes as she teleported angel back to her. " you just won't learn, will you?"

Shade clapped her hooves and took away angels horn. She pinned angel onto tge wall again. Shade looked at yavolin, "well if it isn't you. So what, your like my step brother or something?... Don't look at me like that what do you want?"



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(OOC:I am at a laptop, no spell cheeck sorry.)"Just your attention shade,thats all". Yavolin keep his voice with no emotion in it, he speaks again this time trying to hurt shade."You should of stayed in the slums shade mostly before you were even an idea in your mothers head discord was off with my mother". Yavolin smiled at his crulty.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade was cracking up inside,

"Was that suppose to hurt me? Because you forget that I'm part changeling... Changeling are hatched from eggs, and minions are spawned with magic. But since I'm a halfling, I don't know or care how I was born."


"Weather it had something to do with the queen, or discord, weather Celestia had something to do with it... I don't know or care"



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Angel watched them, her eyes wide.  She turned her head slightly.  She looked towards the exit.  As if, I'm getting there.  I'm doomed.  Doomed. 

"When are you going to hoof me over to Discord?" she interrupts.  "Because, that'll be so much fun," Angel smirks.  "For you anyway."

What.  The heck.  Am I doing?

I'm doomed.



Discord smirked and flew into the maze, his eyes searching for the elements.  He spotted one.  Electro Dash.  The element of honestly.  Discord flew down towards her.

"Hey, you.  Honesty."

Electro looked up and immediately went into a defensive position.  "What do you want?!  To discord me?!  No such luck!"

"Nah.  I just want your honesty," Discord smiles, sitting on a hedge. 

"Why should I be honest to you?"

"Because you're Honesty.  Now listen, d'you think I'll win?"


"But that's what you think.  But is it true?" Discord smiled.

"What...do you mean?"

"Oh silly, Electro.  You can't speak the truth all the time.  You can only speak the truth that you believe."


"You are the other elements...are you friends?"


"Interesting.  Then you won't win.  And so you've lied."

"But...of course we'll win..."

Discord smiled and touched his talon to her forehead.  "Will you?"

Electro Dash was overcome with a light gray tone.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked over at angel.


"One by one and your friends are done, with no horn you have no magic, without magic or friendship, what better way is there to stay an enemy?"


Shade said to angel slowly attempting to discord her.




Shades minions were going around the maze



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"But...but...harmony always succeeds.  Always.  We've all seen it.  What are the odds really...of it happening now?" Angel whispered.

She remembered back to the story she had once written.


"You see, Raven.  This is reality.  And in reality, the bad guys can win too."



Discord moved on to Bright Spark.  He flew down and landed in front of him.  Bright took a leap back and stared at him, afraid.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was still holding angel "dose it? Because harmony failed when it made me an element, the element of chaos!"


"there's no point in trying, the other elements are already discorded, and without magic, you can't save them"




Shade minions saw rose petal, so it flew down to her



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Yavolin hit shade in full force he had a smile on his face as he hit her it felt good to hit not just out of anger but out of curlty , his eyes shown with the same glimer as Discords eyes. Yavolin didn't notice at the time but he just wanted shade to suffer.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade looked at yavolin with full black eyes, "and what was that about? shoudnt you be with discord? spending time with your father? i bet he would really like to see his son..."


shade let go of angel and used shadow magic to turn herself into a shadow. she knew yavolin would try and attack her.



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Yavolin spoke in a cruel voice."Yea i bet he'll love to see me, and who knows he might be glad to have his true son back maybe I'll even talk him into putting you back into the streets were you belong with the rest of the garbage". Yavolin smiled and chuckled a bit.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade raised an eyebrow, "oh really?" 


"you know he prefers ponies who represent chaos, element of chaos, and what are you? loyalty? because i can simply make you accepted by discord, just like me, i turned my element into disharmony, and its simple to change an element"



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Yavolin replied."O,, really? will were do you fit because if Discord really treated you like you say he does then why didn't he tell you about me? simple answer shade he hates you with all of his guts and being , You don't even know that he loves another". Yavolin smiled.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade smiled, " simple answer, he was stone... now answer this. why didnt you know about discord? why did your step father try to hide it from you? why didnt your mother tell you? hm yavo?"


* i wonder where luna is, it would be useful if i had her here, but... hm*


then shade had an awesome idea.



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Yavolin came towards her and looked into her eyes hiseyes shown much of Discord in them."Shade let me tell you something i am going to find Discord and kill him and your going to watch me do it". He smiled and walked off to find Discord he figured if he could get shade to believe him then maybe he could discord her.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade glared back at yavolin "so discord is dead and i have taken over for him, what do i do? what if, say make a new discord? say your discord?"


shade backed away from yavolin.


"im a changeling, the best changeling, i have powers that other changelings dont, i have the power to change others. picture it yavolin, your foal is born, and i take it. the next time you will see him would be years later as a draconequus. but il be sure to change him right in front of you"



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Yavolin looked at her then he had an idea.'Come out of your shadow form so i can talk to you face to face or are you going to be a coward"? Yavolin was testing her to see if he could get her on his side then maybe get close to Discord and betray them both or so he hoped.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"very well then yavolin"


shade returned to normal, but she still was careful around him, he had discords powers she imagined, but didnt know if he knew how to use them. 


"Now yavolin a weighty choice is yours to make, the right decision or a big mistake. if you so happen to make the wrong choice you little foal might be your mistake"


(i rhymed!)

  • Brohoof 1



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Yavolin laughed and spoke."I am not Rainbow dash you twit , I don't like rhymes i don't like them here or there i don't like them anywhere.  but anyway why fight me shade? when you can make an ally". he comes towards her giving her his best Discord smile but at the same time keeping emotion out of his voice.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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" well it worked for rainbow dash"


* yep... He can't be discorded*


" wait, what? You want to be an ally? What made you think about joining chaos?"


"Well, what sort of chaos can you do?"


Shade made the element of loyalty appear in her hoof and charged her horn...

* unless he's already discorded but he's still colorful... I don't know *



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Yasvolin spoke."well lets see i have a long list here, first off Celestia threw  me in the canterlot Dungeons , she got in between me and Luna then finally every pony lied to be about my father and i found out so yea that's my reason why". his eyes showed no truth as well no lies.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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