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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade sighed, well if you want to be disharmony, then go be disharmony somewhere other than with me and discord, how about you go to celestia and tell her about how you felt in your little cell in canterlot."


Shade looked at the element of loyalty in her hoof, she shot a beem of magic at it and turned the golden cress into black diamond.


"and you can have this" she said as she threw the element at yavolin.


Then she turned to angel feather, "as for you... You have a game with discord" she said as she teleported angel and herself to the maze in canterlot.



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Yavolin smiled wickedly."As you wish". he place a few traps for them when they get back but in the mean time he could visit Celestia and tell her about his plan that's if Luna hasn't told her that he was the son of Discord then again this was the ruler of Equestria.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Angel stumbled over as she got teleported.  I regret everything I ever thought of wanting to be in my stories.  My character's lives s***.  Why would I want to be like them?



Rose Petal heard a sound.  She twitched her ear and looked up.



Discord stared at Bright Spark for a moment.  "Why be kind, when every pony else is being cruel?  Every pony.  Even the so-called elements of harmony.  It's sad really," Discord shook his head.

Bright Spark stared at him.  "Then...I'll be kind to them anyway."


"Because its the right thing to do?"

"When Equestria was plunged into chaos, what will be right and what will be wrong?"

Bright Spark lowered his head.  "It won't be plunged into chaos..."

"But 'what if'?"

Bright Spark was silent.  Then he spoke.  "I'll still be kind."

"Can you take it?  When every pony else if being a jerk?"

Bright Spark looked up at him.  "Yes."

"No pony can take it.  Not even Princess Luna.  Not even Princess Celestia.  Not even Fluttershy."
"But...I'm the element of kindness."

"And so that immediately makes you kind.  And what else are you?  Forever after this, you'll be known as the element of kindness.  Nothing more.  That's all you'll be.  And you can never be anything else.  Never.  Never, never, never, never, never..."

Discord continued on.  Bright Spark stared at the ground for a while.  After a few minutes he growled.  "Shut up."

Bright Spark went gray.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin found his way to canterlot he needed to talm with Princess Celestia."Princess Celestia i need to talk to you about something".  he didn't want to believe that Discord was his father but he wanted to know how long that celestia had knew. He began to think maybe this is way she didn't want him to marry her sister.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia's ear twitched.  She turned around from discussing with Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Babs Seed, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.  "Yavolin!  Where have you been?!" she exclaimed.  "Where...where's Luna?" she said slowly.  Then she saw his face.  "Let's talk outside," she said, exiting the room.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade droped angel in the maze,"now play the game, find the elements..."


Shade went over to the enterance of the maze and sat there, she got the element of honesty and casted a spell at it causing the golden frame to turn into black diamond.



Shades minion laughed at rose petal and flew off somewhere In the maze wanting rose to follow.



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Angel pulled herself up from the ground and growled.  She gave the dirt a kick.  "Stupid life!"



"Hey!" Rose Petal exclaimed, starting to trot after who she thought to be Shade.  "Get back here!  Where are the elements?!  COME ON!" she screamed.



Discord soon found North Arrow.  He smiled to himself and flew over.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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The minion lead rose to a open spot in the maze


Real shade flew over and both shades were infront of rose.


Both said "this trick never gets old... Since I'm lazy to think up a rhyme, I'm just going to discord you right on the spot"


Shade quickly put her horn on roses forehead


(I forget what element rose is :( )



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Yavolin fallowed Celestia outside his heart was all in a up roar,  but he kept hismelf from becoming angery becasue he didn't want to act like dicord and he wouldn't get the answer that he wanted but then something poped in his head he'll discord the princess.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Rose Petal pushed away, her legs staring to become gray but then becoming their usual pale yellow again.  "Get away!" she growled.  She made a digging motion at the ground and hissed.  She turned and began to run.


(shes generosity I think)



Princess Celestia turned to Yavolin.  "Yes?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin spoke to the princess."Did you knew that Discord was my father? if so how long did you know"? Yavolin tried to keep his eyes from watering up, but he tried to  keep no emotion in his voice. He waited for the princess to answer him but he figured that he could tell her something that would discord her.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia bit her lip.  She gave a small nod.  "Ye-yes.  I did.  I knew...since...since you were born," the princess lowered her head, ashamed.  "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Yavolin.  I just thought it would be better if you never knew.  So you wouldn't be hurting.  I'm...really sorry.  But there's no point in being sorry...because I...I can't..." she stopped.  She looked back at Yavolin.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolins eyes showed hurt and betrayal."I knew it, why did he love my mom then"? he wanted to hurt princess celestia so much but that would be his father will that she felt hurt. He looked at the ground and waited for a reply from her, yavolin slowly remembered back to his time in jail and the unknown reason why she wanted him to be turned turned to stone.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia shrugged.  "I...I'm not quite sure, Yavolin.  Discord isn't completely evil.  He often loses his way...but...his heart isn't stone like the rest of him was..." Princess Celestia looked at him.  "And...I'm sure you got more of his better side..." she said cautiously.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade flew and went to the castle window... He looked threw and saw yavolin and Celestia

"Now what are they up to?"




Discord minion was beside discord...


Shade minion was looking around the maze


Celestia minion was still looking around the maze.




( how about we say the events in keep calm and flutter on never happened.)



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Yavolin looked at her."Don't compare me to that evil snake! he kidnapped Luna and turned her into nightmare moon twice , i am nothing like hm He maybe my father but that won't stop me from using the chaos sword and turning him mortal along with shade. As soon as i am done with him i am coming for you". Yavolin looked her in the eye to show that he meant  that threat will.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Rose Petal ran through the maze, trying to find the middle of the maze. 



Angel hurried through the maze and crashed into Bright Spark.

"Oh no!  I'm sorry!" she cried, falling over.  "Br-bright Spark, right?"

"Yeah!" Bright Spark growled.  "That's my name!  Isn't it obvious?  And next time, look where you're going!"

Angel blinked.  Electro Dash walked over to them.  "Sup."

Angel spun around.  "Oh...you're here.  Where are the rest."

"I saw them a few times," Electro lied.


"There's Mystical over there," she said, pointing over.

Angel looked over and saw no pony.  She raised an eyebrow.



Discord nudged the Discord minion.  "Go find that Mystical Flow pony."



Princess Celestia paused.  She leaned her face in close to his.  "Listen to me, Yavolin.  You love Luna don't you?  Well, if you touch me, how will she ever forgive you, hmm?" she growled.

I'm never letting him touch Luna.  Ever.  Again.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at her this was his chance to Discord her."Thats fine because you know what i did? i turned your little sister stone and smashed her into a million peaces your alone get use to it". He knew what he just done he could of freed something so much more dangerous then nightmare moon and this wad his plan to kill discord and to keep luna safe.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia stumbled back.  "You...you f***ing..." she stuttered.  A bright glow escaped from her.  Her hind legs began to grow black and over come the rest of her coat.  Her hair burst into flames and rose her around her.  A glowing red-gold armor escaped from her and moved itself around her, making a helmet, a necklace and shoes.  She rose up on longer legs.  Wings burst out of her along with a horn.  Solar Flare let out a loud growl and lowered her head to Yavolin.  "I'll burn you to ashes!" she screamed.


(OOC: Da da dam!)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin smiled and spoke."Well come on then, correct your mistake princess turn me to stone do what ever! i am the  son of Discord"! yavolins eyes glowed he figured that he was turning into discord which made him sick but it was for luna and the foal, but was it worth his soul.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade dropped some popcorn she was chowing down on watching what had happened to Celestia

" I can't let this happen... I prefer the night"


She teleported inside


"Ok ok... I cannot cause chaos with a heat wave going around... Look Celestia, Luna isn't dead... She's safe with yavolins step father. Yavolin here has... Um... Discorded himself... In a way... But you can't go around loosening your temper at lies... I'm disappointed in you Celestia."




(I'm haveing writers block right now...)


Minion discord found mystical.



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"Turn you to stone?!" Solar Flare laughed.  "Stone?!  I'm going to burn you!" she laughed again.  Flames rose up around her as she set the whole room on fire.  Solar Flare's horn began to glow and the flames began to surround them.  "The flames won't hurt me," she smirked, stepping back away from him and into the flames.

She then turned to Shade.  "And you!  You can burn with him!" she growled.  "Lies or no lies!  I'm tired of this s***!"



Discord smelt the smoke.  He blinked and turned to the castle where smoke came from the windows.  He flew over and looked inside.  "Oh for Celestia's sake!  I wanted to do that!"



Mystical blinked and turned towards 'Discord'.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin yoned."Take your best Shoot"! he looked over at Discord wondering if he was going to save his son or was he going to just watch him burn, Yavolin never dealt with this side of princess celestia before he only dealt with nightmare moon. He spoke to Discord."Are you just going to let me burn"?

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord laughed.  "Well, yeah.  Pretty much."

Solar Flare turned to Discord, her eyes burning.  Discord gave her a small wave.

"Hi, Tia.  You seem pretty upset.  Mostly the upset part.  Not the pretty part.  Black doesn't suit you.  And nor do the flames," he stared at her for a moment.  "You have issues."

Solar Flare started towards him, through the flames.  "Shut your mouth, Discord!"

Discord raised an eyebrow.  He was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking.  "Actually, do I let you burn Yavolin?  I was hoping that I could turn him to stone.  In fact...where's the revenge in this?  This is your revenge.  Yeah!  Hey, this is my job!" he said in annoyance.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was shocked... Of all the things that could happen, this was the worst posable thing! XD


"So what do you plan to do after you burn us? Do you plan to burn all of equestria?"


*that would be the bad type of chaos*



Minion discord flew away towards discord.




Celestia minion looked at the castle, changed back, and flew over to it.

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