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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade closed her eyes...


"Not just ponies... But himself... Let him know about himself"


Shade looked at the foal... In other eyes all that could be seen was an ordinary foal... But it was a totally different story in shades eyes... She could see what the foal really was...


"Once he becomes of age... Il teach him how to use his powers... So he dosnt half to suffer like I did."



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Discord raised an eyebrow.  Luna paused and then glanced at Discord.  "And...what does this mean...exactly..." she said slowly, turning back to Shade. 

Princess Celestia watched the foal and then looked at Shade carefully.  Then she looked back at Discord.  She looked at Luna then.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"The spell that I casted to give life to your foal... It was...um, the only way to save him"


Shade paused for a moment... Then she was hit by something in her mind...


*Was this what my parents had to go threw? Was I saved by a changeling?*


Shade had a head ache... Maybe... Shades parents were in a situation like this... That she was saved by a changeling... But when the changeling saw that shade was a halfling... The parents rejected her and put her in the manehatten sewers...


Shade had tears in her eyes... She was struggling to say it... But she broke out crying and saying "I'm so sorry... But it was the only way... Your foal in a halfling.... I didn't know any other spell to save him..."


Shade fell on the floor... She saw images on what happened at her birth... It wasn't a good sight for her.



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Discord was quickly by Shade's side.  He hesitantly put a paw on her shoulder. 

Princess Celestia watched them silently. 

Princess Luna crawled away from Yavolin and the foal and crawled towards them.  "That's alright, Shade.  It's all you could have done.  Thank you so much, Shade," she said, tears slipping down her face.  "I'll be forever grateful.  You...you have no idea..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin  looked at Discord he went up to him and spoke."What did you see in her and no lies Discord". He knew what he meant and hopefully discord understood what he meant after all he didn't attack discord or tried to but he was taking advantage of the cease fire.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord looked up and narrowed his eyes at Yavolin.  "If I were to tell any pony, why in Equestria would I tell you?"

Princess Celestia paused.  "Tell me, then."

Discord gave her a look.  "I'd rather tell, Loyalty," he said, refusing to even speak his name.

"Alright then.  Tell him."

Discord gave her another look.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade calmed down and looked at Luna, "just don't put him threw what I had to go threw... Don't abandon him in the sewers of manehatten... It's a ride if you need to grow up down there... And I think it's best for him to know about 'him' as soon as possible"


Shade looked at foal...

"He has dark blue eyes, and a dark blue mane, I'd imagin his specialty would have something to do with the night and the stars... Like me, I'm with the shadows and the storms... But untill his time, give him love and happiness, and he will be strong. Unlike me"



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Yavolin looked at Discord."Then tell me and only me". he lead discord outside so that they could talk alone father to son. Yavolin had to be strong if he was going to talk to his real father but strangly he didn't see Discord as a father and he was pretty sure Discord didn't see him as his son.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna sniffled.  "Never.  I'd never leave him," she whispered.  She reached forward and hugged Shade.  "I'm so sorry about whats happened to you Shade...I'm so sorry..." she cried.

Discord sighed.  He decided, he might as well follow this pony.  Because if he was honest, he didn't want to leave.  And if he didn't answer, he might be asked to leave.  And also...that sword made him weak.  He could do very little.  So he followed Yavolin outside. 

Discord stared blankly at an upside down tree.  It didn't make him smile.  He answered Yavolin with no emotion in his voice.  "Well, for one thing, Shade didn't turn me to stone.  And she doesn't treat me like I'm a monster.  And she's the only one whose ever cared."

Princess Celestia stared at the door, debating whether or not to go out or not.  She decided Yavolin could take care of himself.  Luna on the other hoof, couldn't.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at Discord."But that still doesn't answers my question what did you see in my mom"? He looked at Discord, but he felt like he was going to punch him in the face but he knew that would give Discord more reason to not talk to him. All Yavolin wanted was some answers.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"More like what didn't I see in her," he scoffed.  Then he looked slightly embarrassed for a moment.  "I'm going back inside...or maybe I'll just go see how the elements are holding up," he said, looking at a non-existant watch.  "They've been waiting for...like ever," he said.  He didn't know why he wanted to suddenly make Yavolin mad.  Maybe he just wanted to get over his embarrassment.  He couldn't really do much to the elements with this low energy.  Perhaps he would just teleport home and hope Shade would be alright.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade felt Luna's hug... She felt warm after it...


She looked at the foal and touched it on the forehead... Green fire surrounded shades hoof then blue fire surrounded the foal, when the fire went away the foal was in its changeling, except he was a dark blue color, like shade was a green....


"This is what he looks like in his changeling forum... He dosnt have the power to change by himself... But... Yah..."


Shade changed him back to a pony then sat down...


"Somepony should tell cadence and shining that the crystal empire is fixed... And I need to rest... Iv had a long day..."


Shade was falling asleep where she was....



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Yavolin looked at Discord."Enough with your forked tong! Discord i want the truth". He looked at Discord but he knew he wouldn't get a stright answer from his so called father. He began to even wonder if he just wanted to have her becasue he fooled her or did he truly loved her?

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna stroked the foal despite what she just saw.  All she knew that this living being was hers and Yavolin's.  They had made it together and it would be forever theirs.  Then she looked up abruptly. 

"Its fixed?!" she said, shocked.  She saw Shade falling asleep.  She touched her shoulder with her hoof for a moment.  "You rest."


Discord felt himself getting upset.  He didn't like to be asked questions, or forced to answer them.  He was an all-powerful being.  He wouldn't stand for this.  He turned to Yavolin and hissed in his face.  "Shut up," he growled.  "This is my voice, and with it, I will speak what I wish to speak and only that."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin punched Discord in the face, he didn't like being insulted by Discord and on top of that he refused to answer his questions. Yavolin knew Discord only understood violence and pain so he gave Discord ."She died when i was about two years old if that means anything to you but why should you care you probably didn't even love her".

Edited by Chaos-Weaver Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord staggered back.  For a moment, he stared at the floor, his eyes burning as he let the words sink in.  He looked up furiously.  "I will never be your dad.  But you have to face the fact that I am your father,"  he said, disgusted by the last word.  And then he tried to hit him.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin ducked and threw a counter punch."I don't want to be related to you! I am nothing like you i have a pony that loves me i have a son who i will be there for unlike you"! he takled Discord and started to pound at  his face each punch landing harder then the last.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade was sleeping, however, it looked like she was suffering.... In her dream...


She watched herself being born, but by the looks of it shade was dead... Then a changeling walked up to the mother and casted a spell, then shade saw herself. Then the changeling said that she was a halfling... Next thing she saw was the changeling on the ground looking dead... The mother got a basket and threw shade into the sewers... " no! Don't do this! Don't leave me mother!" She called out and spoke out of her dream...


Shade felt hart broken, angey, betrade, sad, and had lots of mixed feelings...


Out of her dream she was in a pool of tears, and shivering...



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Discord pushed at Yavolin.  "I don't have to deal with this shit!" he growled.  He burst open the doors to the hospital.  Luna looked up from Shade and watched Discord stomp over to Celestia.  He put his face right in hers and shook a talon at her, growling.  "Control your fu---" then he noticed Shade.  He slid over and pulled Shade into her arms.  "I'm going home," he said moodily.

"If you're going to go Discord, then why announce it to us when there's no way to stop you?" Princess Celesta said as Luna looked towards the doors for Yavolin.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin went to Luna's side and stayed there by her side.he didn't speak about what had happen between him and Discord but clearly the chaos sword can't hardly hurt him but for some reason it had a strange effect on yavolins health. He wouldn't dare use it now his only hope was to use the elements of harmony against him to kill him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade woke up with a short scream... She looked up from discords arms and just looked at him... She leaned her head on him and said nothing... She was too sad and too tired to care about anything.


* who needs love anyways... I have chaos to live with... But... Hm... Il make it the right kind of chaos, even if discord disagrees with me... But... I still see him as my father... Can I really betrade him?*



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Discord stroked her mane gently.  "It's okay.  We'll go home now," he said, trying to keep his voice soothing.  He looked up to see Princess Celestia staring at him.  "Get over it," he growled.  He teleported himself and Shade back to the cave.

Luna cradled the foal in her hooves silently.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at discord and spoke to were he could hear him."I don't care what that paper says discord i am not your son and i'll never will be so go on and vanish like you did with mom". He remembered what his mom told him his father ran out on her and him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade got out of discords arms and sat on the cave floor...


She looked at discord and asked with a depressed tone "discord... Is all this chaos the right thing? I mean we can do a lot of things... But is it really worth it?"


Shade started to get afrade that discord wouldn't understand and would do something bad to her...



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Discord ignored Yavolin.  But then he was taken aback at Shade.  He turned to her, gave her an odd look and said; "What do you mean," he said slowly.



Princess Celestia sighed and turned to Yavolin and Luna.  "We should get back to Canterlot.  And the elements.  We have to find them."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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