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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade smacked her face and quickly teleported to the everfree forest... She quickly grabbed Luna and the foal and teleported...


Shade teleported with Luna and the foal to a place...


A place that discord or any pony would never look for her... It was shades room, in the sewers of manehatten.


She looked around... "So many good memories here... I made a promised that I would never come back here"

Tears formed in shades eyes as she stared to get angry



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Yavolin came forward and looked at Discord and spoke."I am here to stop you once and for all, i regreat that i won't be there for my foal and Luna. I accept what happens now". He didn't have any weapons he just had himself and his hoofs, he ran towards discord with no emotion in his eyes.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna blinked and glanced around.  She held her foal to her, which was crying hysterically.  She looked at Shade.  "Are...do you...can I help in anyway..." she whispers.  If only she had her horn.  She wouldn't be so useless.  She could calm Shade down.  She could do something.



Discord rolled his eyes.  He held up a paw.  "You even so as touch me," he warns.  Solar Flare raises her head and the whole room bursts into flames.

Discord blinks and quickly teleports out of the castle.  He looks at his arms, staring at the burn marks.  "Ow," he sighs.  He looks up at the castle and calls loudly to Yavolin.  "Hey!  You know Solar Flare there is worse then I am!  You might have to destroy her too."

For Luna's sake, some pony just kill her already.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin turned around and went out side but as he did he spoke."I never had a problem with your rule so there is no point in killing me, but Discord on the other hoof". he smiles as he went out side  , he went towards Discord Again this time there was only one way out of this.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord gave Yavolin a look.  "Leave me alone.  Can't you just destroy Celestia so I can watch or something.  Then, you can kill me.  Otherwise, I'll just teleport somewhere you'll never find me," Discord smirked.  "Come on, do us all a favor and rid us of that," Discord insisted, pointing over towards the burning building. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade shook her head, still with tears in her eyes she looks at Luna, "it ok... I just had some really good memories here"


Shade looked at the crying foal... She casted a calm mind spell to make it stop crying...


She looks out the door of her room and sees her old home, it was more empty then when she lived here... Less orphans...


She looks at Luna after closing the door and claps her hooves... Luna's horn appears, "I guess I should give this back to you... And try not to make a sound... If the guild members find out who you are... Bad things can happen... Unless"


Shade gets an idea... She changes into her changeling forum, her hoof is surrounded with green fire..


She touches the foal turning him into his changeling forum... Then touches Luna... Making her look like a changeling...


"I don't even know if the guild members remember me being a changeling... But if they see me... They would probably remember... But the story is if we get seen.... Your my sister and were hidding from the chaos discord caused."



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Yavolin  teleported himself stright towards Discord then he punched him. "No discord this ends now! one way or another one of us is leaving in a body bag and i tell you it ant going to be me"! Yavolin hit Discord Again hoping to draw him into a fight with him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna looks at herself.  She gently places her foal onto the ground.  She brushes its cheek.  "Thank you for my horn, Shade," she said.  She looks up, changing herself to look normal again.  "Sorry.  But I can't just sit here anymore."

Luna teleports to Canterlot castle.



Discord shoves Yavolin away, annoyed after being hit.  "Stop it!  Seriously!" 

Discord looks up as Luna appears behind them.  Discord sighs.  "Your wifes here.  Luna, hey, yeah, what is wrong with you.  I give you the chance to run and all you do is run right back!" Discord growls.  "Like...who the heck does that?!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin got between the two."Luna go, i got this". He looked at Discord he had no idea on how he was going to kill him but then it hit him. Solar flare hated nightmare moon and basically Luna was a part of nightmare moon just as nightmare moon was part of Luna.

Edited by Chaos-Weaver Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna shook her head and stepped to stand beside him.  "No, you don't," she says, and leaves it at that.  Discord glares at her.  "Like...I think you want to be Nightmare Moon.  You want to be Nightmare Moon don't you?"


"Oh and you have a horn again.  You must just be begging for me to take it away again, right?"


"And what's stopping me?"

"The lack of fun in it."

Discord raises an eyebrow and doesn't notice as Solar Flare lands behind him.  But she is staring straight at Luna.  Her expression shows both love and hatred.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at solar flare and spoke."She is your sister ,but it's still her. you wouldn't kill some pony you love would you"? He hoped that Celestia was some were down in there becasue he an't  kissing the sun God just to bring back Celestia and possibly he could die from that.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Solar Flare flickered her flames at Yavolin.  "Of course I wouldn't," she scoffs.  "But Nightmare Moon is a different story..." she says, smirking.  She begins to circle Luna slowly.  Luna stands her ground and stares straight ahead.  Solar Flare steps back from her and smiles.  "You see, when I'm in harmony, I can deal with Luna.  When she's in harmony, I can deal with her.  But..." Solar Flare turns her head to Yavolin and flicks her flames at him.  "But...if we're both in disharmony...well," she laughs.  "Some how, I just can't control myself."

Discord slowly moves a paw towards Luna.  Solar Flare smacks his paw with her hoof, leaving his paw slightly hot.  Solar Flare keeps her eyes on Yavolin though. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade sighed... "To think I waisted all that energy for your mother, it's not easy to change somepony that isn't a changeling or halfling"

A white ball appeared around shade... It started to expand... As it expanded it fixed all of the chaos around manehatten... Soon all of the chaos in manehatten was gone....

She looks at the foal... She changes to her pony forum and changes the foal, she picks him up. "Come on... We shouldn't stay here"

She starts to walk down the hall, looking at all the orphans... They were all looking at her and whispering... She continues to walk and finds her way to the cistern, she looks around at all the guild members. One of them called out to her, shade sighed and stoped walking, she turns around and sees a stallion, he starts "it's been a long time shade! How have you been? Did you find who you really are?"
"Kind of... I'm still looking for answers... And other than that... Iv been terrible"
"Oh that's the same old shade that left us... Hahaha... So, who's the foal?"
"He's mine..."
"So your um?..."
"No I stole him"
"Um... Right... Well I have some work to tend to, do you plan to stay?"
"Ah... Well... It was nice seeing you again, I hope you come back to us soon!"

Shade was annoyed... She started to run for the exit... Once she was out... She made her way to the streets of manehatten... "One more second in there and I probably would have exploded"

She wondered what to do... She had a foal with her and she didn't know what to do... It was probably not a good idea to go to canterlot... So she desided to get some energy from the crystal empire... And feed the foal...

She teleports to the crystal empire with the foal...

Once they were there... She makes her way to the crystal hart that was spinning in the center of the castle... She sits down and put the foal down beside her and starts to absorbe energy from the crystal hart.

Edited by villan97



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Yavolin sighed."Then kill me then celestia. i am the son of your enemy but please don't harm Luna". He came forward he knew what had to be done but it wasn't easy for him. He was going to scerfice himself so that Luna and his foal would live, he knew he wasn't the true element of harmony but he could feel his foal was the true element of loyalty.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Solar Flare walks towards Yavolin, a smile playing on her lips.  She stands in front of him, towering over him in her tall, royalness.  Slowly, a fire begins to surround them.


Discord looks over to see Angel Feather racing towards them.  With a horn.  She jumps and tackles Solar Flare to the ground.  Solar Flare growls and tries to burn her.  But a clear shield is surrounded her body. 

"Come back Celestia!" Angel Feather says, leaning towards her, glaring.

Mystical Flow steps next to Discord.  Discord shoves her away.

"Stop coming near me."

Mystical Flow raises an eyebrow at him and says nothing.

"You're going to let your friend get herself killed."

"She won't get herself killed.  But we're missing some pony to defeat her.

Discord spins towards her.  "What?!"

"Princess Celestia told us before.  She told us if you came and turned her...that the only thing we could do was destroy.  I told her there must have been another way, maybe we could banish her to the sun or something, but she said no."

"What?!  But why?!"

Luna looked over, tears in her eyes as she came towards them.  "What?!  No!"  Discord pushes her away and puts his face in Mystical's.  "Why?!" he repeats.

"Because she's sorry.  She's sorry about what's she done to you.  And what she did to Nightmare Moon, and Chrysalis, and King Sombra, and Twilight Sparkle, and every pony.  She's sorry she makes mistakes.  I told her every pony makes mistakes.  But she told me that sometimes...there's the problem of not having others forgive you.  But about whether or not you can forgive yourself."

Discord looked at her, horrified.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin nod his head in agreement , he smiled softly to those words but maybe he was wrong the way he treated shade at first but then again there was no right or wrong way how she been treated. Yavolin looked at Luna and went towards her and gave her a kiss.

Edited by Chaos-Weaver Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna grabbed at Yavolin.  "Yavolin!  Stop them!  Their going to kill Tia!" she said.  She let go of him and went trotting towards Angel Feather and Solar Flare.  "Please, stop!  There has to be another way!" she cried, tears flowing like a waterfall from her eyes.

Discord stood there, watching them.

Mystical Flow went towards Yavolin.  "Where is Shade.  We need her to defeat Celestia."

"Solar Flare," Discord muttered.

"Solar Flare," Mystical Flow said, looking at Yavolin. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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After some time with getting energy from the hart she was full... And she imagined that the foal was full to...


"I feel like we're missing a lot at canterlot, what about you?... Wait... Why am I talking to you?"


Shade grabs the foal and teleports to canterlot...



Once she was at canterlot... She sees the action... She surrounds the foal with a blue fire chaos sheald and joins the action...



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He sighed then trooted up to solar flare."No pony is dieing today, no pony but". He sighed sadly then kissed Solar flare in an effort to turn her back to Celestia. He didn't know if he would live or die but he just let it happen. He knew he was going to die but he didn't know how.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna looked at them, taken aback.  "What the hell..."

Discord turned away immediately.  "Ew!" he gasped.  Then he noticed Shade and quickly turned back to the disgusting as if he never saw her.

Mystical Flow noticed Shade and went over to her.

Angel Feather stumbled back and raised her eyebrows.

Solar Flare shoved Yavolin away, her hooves flames so that she would burn him.  "Hey!" she growled.  She hissed at him.


(OOC: The other elements are there, but I just can't be bothered to play as them.  But their there)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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well that didn't work but his face wasn't burnt, he tried not to make a disgusting face becasue he really felt like  vomiting. In fact he was going to vomit right on the spot."Hold on before you kill me".  he gave her a sickly look that was really unpleasent for him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Solar Flare gave him a completely disgusted look.  "You sick little freak.  And in front of your to-be-wife," she said, gesturing towards Luna.  Luna blinked.  She stepped back, her cheeks bright red in embarrassment.  Discord nudged her.

"Nice family you've got here, Luna."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade turned and looked away from yavolin slowly...


"Um... Ok... I think il start with Celestia"


Shade flew up to Celestia... "You can try and use your so called fire... But it won't work"


Shade got surrounded with green fire and changed into her changeling forum..


"We changeling are mostly fireproof"


Shade casted a calm mind spell... "Celestia, what the buck are you doing? Your burning your own kingdom, what happened to the harmony in you?"


Shades hoof surrounded with green fire and jabed it into celestias neck.


(Where are the CMC?)



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He looked at her."Thats the last time i try and help! ugh"! he teleports to the cave with Luna his stomach was turning with much disconfert. He went  towards Luna and looked at her. he couldn't even look her in the eye becasue he felt like he betraryed her while trying to help celestia.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Solar Flare did calm down, but she just smirked.  "I quite think they deserve it, don't you?"  She blocked Shade's burning hoof with fire.  She stepped back and glared slightly, but she kept the smile on her face.

Angel Feather stepped back and whispered to the other elements.  "Come on, ponies.  Let's...where did Yavolin go now?!" she growled, looking around.  She turned to glare at Discord.  Discord lifted his arms slightly in a shrug, but he wasn't feeling too good and he dropped his arms after a moment.



Luna lowered her head.  "I'm...going to...we're going to get Celestia back...right, Yavolin?" she whispered.  All she could think about was Tia, not of Yavolin and what he did...but just about her sister.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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