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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade was stunned at the crowd it was big... But she could see some of her minions desguised having fun messing with some of the ponies, she had a small laugh.


She got out of discords grip and went to Celestia, "we did it! Harmony and chaos energy has been restored!"


* maybe il get my own window in canterlot tower.. I hope I do!*



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Yavolins mouth opens."What just happen"? he looks at the foal then at Luna , he goes over to her and softly smiles at her hoping she'll won't be sore at him for kissing her sister after all he was just trying to help. Then it hit him he was the son of Discord what if he tries to act fatherly.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Shade..." Celestia said.  "If there anything...anything that you want?  You deserve something certainly."

Discord almost interrupted but decided against it.

Luna looks up and sees Yavolin.  She smiles softly.

Celestia looks over and notices Yavolin.  She goes over and looks down at Yavolin.  "Yavolin.  Your foal there, you must take care of.  Not only does it have Discord's blood, but Nightmare Moon's blood, as well as the blood of a changeling.  Now that the chaos has stopped..."

"Well, I wouldn't say that," Discord mutters so quietly Celestia almost doesn't hear him.  She ignores him and continues:

"...you must devote your time to your foal...and...well your wedding as well."

Then Celestia turns away and goes back to Shade for her answer.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"It's ok princess, the only thing that I would ever want would be a cure... But why would I want to get rid of this? Besides, I have a foal that needs training"


Shade then looks out the window,


"Um... Yah... I know something that I want, a room, a place to rest my hooves, no a cave or a sewer, or a dumpster... But a actual room would be nice"



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Celestia looked at her for a moment.  Then she nodded slowly.  "Yes...yes..." she said.  Then she thought for a moment.  "Or...would you prefer your very own house?  Completely free?" Celestia said.  She smiled softly.  "I could find a very nice place somewhere in Ponyville for you."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"My own house? No... It's too lonely, I think living here would be nice, plus, il be right down the hall if chaos gets out of hand, but that's only if its ok with you, I don't want to be in the way or anything."


"I also need to keep an eye on the foal, there could be some strange 'effects' growing up with changeling blood, mixed with chaos blood.



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Celestia nods.  "Okay Shade.  I'll make sure a room is prepared for you," Celestia said.  She smiled at Shade.

"And I, of course, will just stand here," Discord said.

Celestia looked up at him.  "I'll get you a room next to Shade's," Celestia looks at Shade again.  "You don't mind checking on him every now and again do you?"

"I don't need a foal sitter."

"Discord," Celestia said, looking up at him.  "You do."

"I'm older then you.  And you're...like...at least two thousand years old."

"Then its very sad that you need some pony to check on you."

"Look at us.  Getting along just like old friends."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin picks up his foal and looks at Luna, he smiles softly then he speaks."Luna your welcome to stay with me in trottingham while we prepare for the wedding, as for you celestia will it's been hold on something in my throat". he coughs but he says something."Hon.. honor". he smiles.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna smiles and nuzzles Midnight and then Yavolin as well.  Celestia smiles as well.  "Wherever you hold the wedding, I'll be there.  But...after that I'm afraid it would be best for you to stay in the castle here so that Shade can help with your foal," Celestia says.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Alright, will looks like we're going to have another canterlot wedding soon, but as for Discord. What will become of him? withl do all respect he is still responceable for all of this death and choas he has cused". he looks at his father but it isn't with respect much like a cold look that he shoot celestia meany times.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"This canterlot weading will be changeling less, il make sure of that"

Shade said...


"I'm sure chrysalice will be wanting revenge on me... ha, ha, ha..."


The excitement for shade was gone, it's like she was board and had nothing to do... She never felt that way, it felt good.


But for shades future, she didnt know what to expect, she would just wait for something to happen.



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Celestia looks at Discord who made a face.

"Well...he is also responsible for saving many lives by fixing everything...which he caused.  But..." she looks at Yavolin.  "Every pony deserves another chance.  Because every pony makes mistakes."

Mystical Flow smiles.

Celestia gives Yavolin a pointed look, remembering how he had made her turn into Solar Flare and went to hurt Luna.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"alos, im responsible for... um... maybe the deaths of some crystal ponies... errm..."


*why did i bring that up?*


shade backed up into a shadow,


"and i caused some chaos around equestria, but i was given a second chance, why cant discord?"


shade felt that she was now responsible for discord, 



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Discord gave Shade a look.  "Well don't tell them that."

"Well...Shade you were the one who changed Discord and made him fix everything.  So I suppose that makes up for everything," Celestia said.  "Though if Discord made a bit more...nice, I'm sure it would be better for him."

Discord shrugged.  "Can't think of anything!" he said.

"He didn't kill me..." Luna whispered.  "He let me go."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade blinked, 


"yes, he didnt kill luna, and... um... yah.. i cant think of anything more"


shade was getting tired, she used lots of energy when she was cleaning and getting control of celestia, she would teleport to the crystal empire, but she would probably miss some stuff.


"yah, i think we covered everything"



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Yavolin went towards Discord and looked him in the eye."Will this is just a crazy mess then, mostly becasue i found out you are my father , but strangly i am nothing like you with do all respect Discord". he didn't smile but yavolin wasn't sure if Discord would accept him as his son or will he just pretend he never even had a son ether way Yavolin was okay with.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade looked over at yavolin "at least you have a father..."


She smirked, then turns back too the window

"I still need to find the truth... Who were my mother and father? Who were they?"


Shades horn starts glowing, and a small green ball of magic explodes off her horn... She quickly looks out the window again...


"They're out there"



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"Good!" Discord said.  "I don't want any pony to be like me!" he said, waving a paw at him, not saying whether or not he took him as a son or not.  Then he glanced at Shade.  "Well...then you better get out there, right?  Tell them I hate them and their jerks for leaving you."

"Ignore that," Celestia said quickly, shoving Discord backwards to step towards Shade.  "Just...you should go see them."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin sighed and went to  Lunas room to put the foal to sleep. He had a rough day and all he wanted to do is sleep for the rest of the day with his son midnight. Yavolin never knew his father but he made himself a promise that he'll always be there for his son.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"no... as long as i know there out there, i know il find them one day"


shade looked and discord " and dont worry, il have a little talk with them when i see them"

she grinned


then turned and went to her room to rest, it was a long day and shade was tired, she looked at herself and coudent help but be proud



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Luna looked out the window and sighed slightly. 

Discord started to follow Shade so that he could find his own room.  Just as he began forward, Celestia began forward as well.  They stopped, and looked at each other.  Discord started forward again, at the same moment Celestia did.  They stopped again.

Celestia sighed and waved a hoof at him, beginning to walk towards the door.  Discord quickly followed by her side.

"Hey," he said, punching her shoulder in a playful matter, yet too hard.  "What are you going to tell your ponies?"

Celestia gave him a look and then punched his arm the same way he had.  "That I'm too stupid to rule and ended up letting you live."

Discord paused.  "Hm, alright," he said, punching her shoulder again and knocking her over.

He laughed and raced ahead.  Celestia growled.  "Discord!" she called.  Then she laughed and went after him.


(OOC: I'll end my story there

Thanks for the wonderful roleplay!)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(ok... time for shades epiclog)


shade live in canterlot for some years, it took some time but she trained midnight how to use his changeling powers and how to use them wisely. but she coudnt help but think about her parents. one night she snuck out of the castle and went to find them, it took her a month but she did it she found them...


"hello mother" she said


shades mother turned around " excuse me?"


"remember me? you tosed me in the sewers after birth" shade changed into her changeling forum.


"y- you! my... my baby?"


"yes... your baby that you threw in the sewers and left to rot down there!"


"i... i..."


"i just want to let you know that you are not my mother, you left me and now im back"




"and you are going to PAY FOR WHAT I WENT THROUGH"


shade surounded her mother with green fire and left her to burn


shade went grey and her full green eyes turned red, shadows leaked out of her eyes...


shade left and went to the cave that discord and her camped in during the chaos, she looks at a stone dart and stabs herself with it turning herself into stone.


her statue was left there untill chaos in equestria got out of hand.


(awesome RP! im going to miss it)



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