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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Discord nodded and started over.  He leaned his face close to hers.  He smiled.  "Poor Cadence.  All alone.  You'll never know the lonely Luna and I faced though.  So don't feel too bad."

"Shut up you demon!" she screamed in fury and then Cadence tried bucking Shade.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Oh princess... Oh all the times I've been bucked today"


Shade claped her hooves and cadence horn turned to dust... Then she claped her hoves again and her wings fell off...


"Now your just like Celestia and Luna! And now it's time to visit your aunts"


Shade surounded cadence and herself with green fire


"Go ahead and start playing with the crystal ponies discord! Il be back"


Shade teleported cadences and herself to canterlot castle and appeared infront of Celestia


"Hello princess! I brought you a present"


Shade pushes Cadence away from her towards Celestia.



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Discord laughed.  "I gave that silly filly too much powers," Discord smiled, shaking his head and flying out of the castle.  He faced the crystal kingdom.

"Attention to all the crystal ponies!" he laughed, throwing his paw and talon into the air.  "You have a new ruler!"




Princess Cadence falls to her knees in front of Celestia.  Celestia looks down in horror as Cadence looks up in confusion. 

"She...she...took away m-my," then she noticed Celestia's horn and wings are gone as well.

Cadence stands up and tries to hit Shade with her hoof.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade just steps to the right and avoids cadence swing, then casts an absorption spell on her to weaken her...


"I think discord gave me too much power" (XD)


"Anyways Celestia, what are you going to do now? We've lowered equestria's love and hope thanks to us taking over the crystal empire... It's only a matter of time before I figure out how to bring back the unicorn with the heart that's black as night... I think you know who I'm talking about"



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Princess Celestia stared Shade down.  "What I'm going to do is plan quietly to bring Discord down.  And once I bring Discord down, I'll have Yavolin and I bring Luna back.  And then I'll watch you run away," Celestia said quietly as Princess Cadence stumbled to the floor.

Angel Feather stared at them.  Mystical watched interestedly.  Bright Spark watched, upset.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade closed her eyes and smiled


" ha... That's the funest thing you've ever said! Chaos will dominate equestria... And once it dose, il have ehough power to banash you to the sun! And nightmare moon will make sure that the sun will never be seen again... As for the elements... We'll put them with our collection of crystal ponies so somber can Inslave them"


* why do I talk like this? I have no idea how to bring back somber and I bet discord would want to rule the crystal empire *



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Celestia just smiled.  "Do you think Discord will like how easily you seem to take over?  I'm sure he has his plans as well.  And just how will you work out the lack of the sun?  How will the plants grow?  How will Discord get his food?  And how will you get yours?  You'll no longer have love to feed off of if you take it all away."



Discord laughed as the crystal ponies went crazy.  Screaming for their Princess.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade smiled...


"I don't need to feed on love... It just makes me more powerful... And we can um... Err..."


* I clearly didn't think this threw *


Shade started to walk away... Then stops

"Oh and by the way cadence... Shining armor is still alive, I saw him on my last trip to changeling city"


" but what's the use of getting all exited? Your going to end up like him... I may send you as a gift to chrysalice"



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Celestia lifted an eyebrow.  "Yeah Shade.  I got you there didn't I?  Epic fail," she said, copying what Discord had once said.  (OOC: Trollestia alert)

Princess Cadence's eyes lit up.  If I end up like him, at least I'll know that I'm with him.  Or at least some where near him.  And...he...hes alive!



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade snorted...

" then i guess your sun can be raised every hour or so..."


" and since when do you talk like discord? Its very, unroyal of you"


"Anyways... I'm going back to the crystal empire... And cadence... Even tho youl be serving beside shining armor, you won't even know he's there... But for now, later!"


Shade teleported back to the crystal empire...


"Hey discord.. How about we figure out how to bring back somber?"



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Princess Celestia had to smile.  She looked down at Cadence and her smile faded.  "Oh...come on dear," she said, helping her up.  "I'll lead you to a room.  I don't think they'll hurt you anymore," she whispered.

Discord startled.  He gave her an odd look.  "You mean Sombra?  Ha.  These ponies practically exploded him!" he laughed.  "No mercy.  All that's left is his horn.  Though I'm sure we can get some magic out of that," Discord shrugged.  "Hows Tia?  And wittle woona?" Discord grinned.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Mornki had been watching so he made himself known."Such a petty to see my fun go to waste! You have changed Discord but i on the other hand have not". Mornki remained unseen he hoped to scare his so called master into oblivion.  Yavolin awoke and sat up in the bed he didn't dare leave Luna's side not while she had his foal. 

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord raised an eyebrow, but didn't turn.  "Oh, hey dude," Discord said, bored.



Luna opened her eyes.  She blinked and then sat up.  She put her head on his shoulder, unsure of what she had just done.  "Yavolin...do we have a foal on our hooves?" she whispered to him in the darkness. 

Outside, the sun rose abruptly.  Discord.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Mornki laughed."O, you remember me how distasteful". Mornki took his true  form and prepared attack Discord.  Yavolin spoke in a claim voice."Yes, but so that you know i what you to be the only one i want to spend all eternity with". Yavolin knew he couldn't live as long as Luna but he could try.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade... Had no reaction to discord saying "hey dude"


"Um... What ever... I'm going to go play around the crystal ponies... Maybe I can absorbe more love and find that horn fragment"


Shade flew out of the castle and watched and saw the crystal ponies gathering at the bace of the castle


"What are they up to?"


She flew down and saw that the crystal ponies were trying to renew the hope and love around equestria, probably an attempt to get rid of discord and her...





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Discord called after Shade.  "D'you wanna get rid of the Crystal Heart thing-a-majig for me?  I've got to deal with this," Discord jutted his head towards Mornki.  He turned towards him.  "You mind?  I'm busy ruling an empire.  And I won't have much time later as I'll be ruling over Equestria as well," he said, making a schedule appear in front of him, scanning it over.



Luna placed her hoof over Yavolin's and smiled at him.  "This is something we cannot keep from my sister though, Yavolin.  We will be needing to tell her."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Mornki's eye's changed in color as he spoke."O, lets see, i don't think i'll let that happen Discord you have one chance to leave this place before i call forth the mother of all natural disasters  and we both know how that will play out". Mornki didn't care if the ponies died because of him. Yavolin nod his head and looked at Luna."I know, I was planing on telling her".

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade flew quickly and snatched the crystal hart.. All the crystal ponies started going super depressed and ran away...


"Hm... I wonder..."


Shade casted a spell on the hart and a small pulse of energy cane from it.. Shades cote was sparkling and her mane was different...


"Wow! This is awesome! I think il send this to changeling city later"




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Discord shrugged.  "Whatev---" and before he finished speaking, he tried zapping Mornki with a polka-dotted lightning bolt



"We will have to tell her together.  I just hopes she understands.  This can't be undone," Luna smiled.  "Maybe now she'll see how much we really love each other."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked around to see if she could find the fragment of Sombras horn.. But she had no luck,


* figures... It's hard to find stuff you want now a days*


Shade flew back to the castle


"Hey discord! It worked! The hart turned me all crystley! And........ What is that, thing?"





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Mornki took the laughting blot."O, really now? my turn how about this"? Mornki blew in and blew out very quickly to call forth an hurricane.  Yavolin got up out of the bed and went to see Celestia , he knew she wouldn't be to happy with him but all he wanted was for Luna to be happy with him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord narrowed his eyes.  "Oh, just a silly thing that we'll have to deal with as we start to take over Equestria," Discord smiled, staring at Mornki.  Whats he doing now?



Luna got out of bed as well.  She followed him.



Princess Celestia came back into the dining room.  She looked around the room.  There were still a few missing ponies.  She snorted through her nose in annoyance.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin saw Princess Celestia in the dinning room and went up to her and spoke."Celestia, i need to tell you something". Yavolin prepared to tell celestia that Luna was with his foal but he was unsure of himself and how Celestia would handle that.


Mornki began to hear the winds howl and the trees were quickly up rooted. Mornki couldn't help but laugh as he saw the unhappiness that he was causing to the  ponies. 

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord looked out the window.  He snickered.  "Uhmpf...poor trees," he snorted.



Princess Celestia looked down at Yavolin from her seat at the dining table.  She looked uncertainly at Luna as Luna followed Yavolin into the dining room to stand beside him.  "Y-yes, Yavolin?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin spoke."Your sister is with my foal". Yavolin prepared to get yelled at by the ruler of Equestria but he could of place Luna in more danger from Discord because not only she was with a foal but it was going to be the next future prince of equestria.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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