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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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(Occ: I am not making him into one but regardless i stopped using him.)  Yavolin nod  his head."We need to change your looks and everything and you do look like an earth pony so we should pull it off".  Yavolins aunt came into the room  mostly becasue she had been asleep but awoken to some noise.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade was walking down the hall... Past cadence and shining armor.

"Hm... I think I should start with manehatten and visit the guild!"



Shining looked at cadence

"There back? Who are they, I guess there our only hope"



Shade over hird the conversation...

"Yes... There back, and your looking at one of them! Hahaha"


"So princess... Do you want your crystal hart back? Because"


Shade made a screen appear showing the crystal empire with the castle upside down and the crystal ponies running about



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Princess Cadence watched her kingdom in horror.  "I...I...yes I want it back, but are you going to give it to me?" she growled.  "And you're not an element," she said, giving her a disgusted look.  "You're anything but."



Luna nodded quickly, and looked up as a pony entered the room. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"I know... It took Celestia some time to figure that out, it was a laugh! Hahaha"


"And here! Take it! I don't need it anymore.. Iv absorbed all the power I need from it already."


Shade was moving the hart towards cadence when it jolted forward as she got another headache..


* no! Not again! Why do I keep... Argh *



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Cadence was moving her hoof towards it when Shade jolted it forward.  Cadence moved her hoof back automatically and looked at Shade oddly.  She quickly snatched the heart away.



Princess Celestia watched from behind the corner in slight interest.



Discord laughed as he watched the crystal ponies running about.  "Dance, puppets, dance!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin noticed his aunt he went over to her and embraced her. She softly smiled at him as he hugged her she soon return the hug and spoke to him."I missed you so much Yavolin , what have you been up to"? Yavolin replied back to his aunt."Well lets see i am going to get married to my mare friend  over there". Yavolins aunt mouth dropped as she looked at her."O, bless my soul you are getting hitched"!

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade fell to the ground with her hooves on her head...


" Argh... Stop showing me this! Why dose it keep happening!?!?"


Shade shook her head riding herself from the pain then turned around and almost bumped into Celestia...


"What do you want!? I brought back your captain... Hm, and destroyed changeling city"



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Luna looked taken aback, her mouth dropping slightly.  Under the blanket, she had hidden her crown, necklace and slippers. 



Celestia stared at Shade.  "I was just watching you.  What's wrong, Shade?  Do you want to see a nurse?" she said, slightly alarmed by Shade's pain. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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" I don't think il ever understand you Celestia... But Luna said that I'm an element of harmony... Like.. That's even posable"


Shade shook her head again and changed into her pony forum...

"Without the crystal hart I can teleport to where ever I want now, without ending up somewhere I don't what to be... I may loose my crystal coat without it.. But I'm not going to run out of power for a long time"


Shades eye twitched as she felt another headache



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Yavolins' aunt went  over to Luna, she began to speak to her."O, you must be tried , her set down and make yourself at home darling". Yavolin didn't want his aunt over reacting to him getting married to Luna but at least Fred was fast asleep at this time or so he hoped.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Shade.  You need to see a nurse.  Let's go see a nurse.  Follow me.  Discord won't take care of you," she said, nodding in the direction of the nurses office.



Discord laid back, his mind wandering away from the chaos below him and to Shade.  Who seemed like an innocent filly, although anything but.  A simple foal.



"Oh," Luna said, changing her voice slightly.  "Thank you ever so much!" Luna smiled delicately, sitting down onto the bed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolins' aunt smiled. "You must be hungry tell me when was the last meal that you had"? Yavolin sat down next to Luna till his step father pointed a hoof over at him to tell yavolin to come to him, yavolin got up and went over to his so called dad, but he wasn't sure why he needed to be talked to.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade sighed and followed Celestia


* why would she want to help me... After everything Iv done... She's taking me to see a nurse? Or maybe she's leading me to that anti magic jail cell yavolin kept talking about... Well, if she is planning something... Il just teleport out of here and see how strong it really is *



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Luna smiled.  "Oh, it was so long ago," she laughed.  "It must have been yesterday since I've eaten," she smiled.  She watched Yavolin from the corner of her eye.



Princess Celestia pushed open a door and a nurse with a light pink mane looked up from a book.  "Good day, Redheart.  This pony here has been having...headaches I believe," she said, glancing at Shade.  "Could you help her, please?"

The nurse looked at Shade uncertainly.  "But, Princess, isn't that---"

"Now, now.  No time for that."

The nurse blushed and opened a door to another room with a bed.  She looked at Shade and waved her inside.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade walked into the room


* why am I doing this again? Why dose princess Celestia want to help me? Why do I keep seeing this element? Why why why??? *


Shade sat on the bed, she looked at Celestia but then her vision was blurred from another headache.





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Yavolins' aunt dropped her mouth and replied to Luna."O, you poor thing you must be starving, FRED GET OFF YOUR LAZY FLANK AND MAKE OUR GUEST SOMETHING TO EAT".  Fred soon called back to the mare who called out to him."DANG IT YOU OLD GOAT I CAN'T HAVE A MOMENTS PEACE WITHOUT YOU CALLING ME  EVERY TO SECONDS"! Yavolin stepped outside with his step father."Yavolin, you must think i am very stupid to not have noticed the cutie mark on your mare friend, your marrying Luna aren't you"? Yavolin nod his head at his father.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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North was confused. The hubbub that had taken place in the window upstairs earlier had silenced. He hesitantly flew up to it, and saw what once must have been royal chambers... It looked deserted. He flew back down, picked up Rose Petal's still unconscious form, and flew her into the room he had stayed in the previous night, tucking her in under the blankets. Exiting the room, he looked around, desperate to find out what was going on...

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The nurse flashed a light into Shade's eyes as Princess Celestia followed them into the room.  The nurse put a (whateverthatthingiscalledIforget) into her ears and placed the other end over Shade's heart.  She listened for a moment and then put it away.  She looked at Shade.  "Would you care to tell me more about your headaches?"



Luna smiled at her.  But in her mind she was thinking 'Oh dear Celestia, where am I?'.  But she stayed silent.



Angel Feather hurried into the castle.  Mystical hurried after her.  Behind them, Electro Dash and Bright Spark inspected the damage.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Nothing to it really... Just a short shock of pain, then my vision goes out and I see this... Crown thing.."


Shades eye twitched as she got another one..

* I don't think this nurse can find the cause... I could be because I'm haveing an overload of power... Or because my coat is still crystaly... But what's with this element I keep seeing? I can't posabley be an element.. What have I ever done that's element worthy? *



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"Ah, yes.  I'm sure I have a pill for something as simple as that," the nurse said as she shuffled through a box and pulled out a packet of pills.  Princess Celestia looked at them.


"Yes, Princess?"


The nurse blushed bright pink.  She hurriedly put the pills away and pulled out different ones.  She popped one out of the packaging and poured a glass of water.  She hoofed them both to Shade.  "After you take that, you can tell me more about this...crown..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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* she was trying to put me to sleep? Or are thees the pills that put me to sleep? What do I have to loose anyways... *


Shade drunk the pill and water and put the glass down


"Well this, crown keeps coming up whenever I have thees headaches... And in my dreams... Luna came into my dream and said that it might be an element of harmony... But, why would I be an element if harmony?"


* why am I telling her this? *



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Princess Celestia and the nurse exchanged a look.  The nurse was still holding the other packet of pills.  Princess Celestia gave her a look.  The nurse put them down quickly.

Princess Celestia looked at Shade.  "Well, then, what if you were?  What would you do about it?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"I... I... Well, it's not even posable... I'm a changeling who works for discord... And... Hm."


* could It really be true? It can't be... It just can't be *


" I don't know, I'm just so lost... I don't know how it's even posable... Besides, there's no element that looks like the one I'm seeing "


" maybe it's something that discord will give me... Maybe it's an element of chaos!... I... I... Hm... I..."



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"Ponies can change.  And new elements can appear.  And Discord could give you something as well," Princess Celestia said.  "Are you feeling any better?" she asked as the nurse went away in search for something.  She came back with the book she had been reading.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Feeling better? What do you mean by that? I feel even more lost now..."


Shade got up from the bed


" I think I need some time to think about this..."


Shade started to walk out of the room... She could feel the pill working away at her head.


* il think about this.. But why would I be an element? Ponies can change? Well I am a changeling *



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